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    Wednesday, July 7, 2021

    Clash Royale Should I max Baby Dragon or Fireball first? What do you guys think?

    Clash Royale Should I max Baby Dragon or Fireball first? What do you guys think?

    Should I max Baby Dragon or Fireball first? What do you guys think?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Love when they emote too early

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Well, I take it

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Another thing to add to the list of things going wrong in 2v2. ��

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    The Sad Tale of Daniel

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    [Discussion] Thank you all for the support on v1 and v2 of the level-dependent tier list. I have again compiled the suggestions from them and made changes to the list. If you have any last-minute changes to fix please tell me, as this is probably the last post I'll do for this tier list this month.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    I just let 30 people win in Infinite Elixir Challenge, gifting 108,000 gold and 3 Legendary Trade Tokens

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    Most of these people were non-Pass Royale users. They paid 50 gems after progressing a lot to get into the challenge, so I made sure their gems didn't go to waste! Towards the end, one very nice person let me win, and 3 wins after, another nice person let me win! I'll let lots more people win so the non-Pass Royale players won't have their hard work and gems go to waste. I hope other players with Pass Royale can join and make it fair for the free to play users once again!

    submitted by /u/Keaton427Theories
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    the most midladder deck of all time

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Are you serious?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    Nerfing Tesla is a Bad Idea

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    When it comes to balancing, there is one thing more important than any other:

    The consequences.

    As it stands, the consequences to a Tesla nerf is nothing but disastrous.

    Reason 1: It is the only viable ranged anti-air.

    After the triple nerfs to Musketeer, Electro Wizard, and Hunter, Tesla is now the only reliable option for hitting air units from afar.

    Meanwhile, every alternative is either subpar or downright unusable.

    To nerf Tesla is to nerf the only viable ranged anti air left in the game.

    So, unless you wish for a meta full of LavaLoon, consider a Tesla nerf unviable.

    Reason 2: It is the only viable defense building.

    Goblin Cage is good and all, but it does not serve the same role.

    There is no viable alternative.

    Inferno Tower, Bomb Tower, Cannon, none of them are consistent enough to be relied upon.

    To nerf Tesla is to nerf the only viable defense building left in the game.

    So, unless you wish for a meta full of Heavy Beatdown, consider an alternative.


    The story is simple, nerf Tesla, and you break the meta.

    As the only viable option for not one, but two niches, it should not be surprising why so many are using it.

    Nerfing Tesla will only force two niches into obscurity, and make players resort to subpar options.

    As far as I know, this is not a result I would like to see.


    That is all.

    submitted by /u/Jake_Rowley
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    Ramp Up Princess Army

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:43 PM PDT

    That fire spirit had the time of its life

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Fun Fact: Supercell still has 28 of these artworks to do

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    Clash royale balance changes ideas

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    Hey guys as you all know already clash Royale does balance updates every so often. Here are some cards that I think are busted or need rework.


    Lifetime 49s -> 46s

    Spawn speed 7s -> 7.1s

    Reasoning: this makes furnace spawn 1 less wave of fire spirits. Currently there's no direct counter to furnace for a positive elixir trade besides EQ. This change makes it so furnace will still spawn 2 waves of fire spirit when fireballed, assuming one of them isn't fireballed along with it. Even so, 1 fire spirit will still deal more crown tower damage if left ignored. Poison will now be able to completely counter furnace, but the timing is hard and need to partially damage the first and last spirit

    Mother witch:

    Hit speed: 1.1s -> 1.48 sec

    Hit points: 560 -> 580

    Damage: 110 -> 160

    Effect duration: 5s -> 2s

    Reasoning: Mother witch is so matchup dependent that she is broken against certain matchups and utter trash against others. The nerf to hit speed is meant to decrease her hogs spawning speed, while the massive damage increase is meant to make her more balanced against troops like flying machine, but still low enough that she can't one shot goblins, like miner, bandit, and fisherman. In response to her not being able to spawn as many pigs as before, she can now survive fireball but still barely dies to poison if all ticks hit like musky and wiz.

    Goblin barrel:

    Goblin weight decreased.


    Fire spirit currently can one shot a goblin barrel with 0 skill involved, which is an illegal interaction. If goblins have lighter weight, maybe they will spread just slightly further apart so fire spirit can't counter whenever? Idk I am not sure how clash Royale physics work. So a super early fire spirit can completely wipe out goblin barrel (like mk and bowler), or a slightly late fire spirit when goblins turn toward the tower will still kill them, but not when the goblins are more spread out and still posing?

    Night witch: oh man how do I start

    Bats spawned upon death: 4->3

    First bats spawned: 7->2s

    Bats spawn speed: 7->8

    Melee damage: 260 ->320

    Reasoning: currently she's useless without golem, and her purpose behind golem is because of her bats spawning abilities, not because of her melee attack. By increasing her melee attack and decreasing her bats spawning abilities, I hope it can make her more viable.


    Sight range increased 7%

    Same reasoning as ebarbs. Those 2 bats not kited deal too much damage on crown towers. It also makes it easier to kite night witch and her bats.

    Witch and wiz: no clue man :/ on one hand in top ladders they are trash on the other hand buffing them will make them even more overused than now in midladder


    Hitpoints: 3591->4100

    Reflected damage: reduced damage on king tower

    Reflect range: 3->2.5

    Reasoning: egiant isn't that hard to stop. What's bad is that he kills wayyy too many troops with tornado and does insane damage on tower. This can negate that and allow the defensive side more time to defend


    Hitpoints: 954->935

    Reasoning: just a slight nerf to hitpoints. As a post before mentioned with Tesla right now the meta can be more control based. Without Tesla everyone will go full on Golem/lava hound beat down and I don't want that.


    Remove spawn damage on crown towers only

    Reasoning: Drill currently is still slightly too strong.


    Troops count: 3->4

    Reasoning: don't know if this will make them too op or not but currently they are trash and very underused. This allows them to split on both lands.


    Hitpoints: 888->750

    Lifetime: 70->60s

    Elixir cost: 6->5

    Reasoning: Humanity is devolving.


    Crown tower damage: 48 ->heals 48

    Reasoning: if you want to nerf miner, you need to nerf him all the way

    If you have any suggestions or complaints on some of the cards balances I made comment down below!!

    submitted by /u/vk2028
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    Anybody else wanting separate clan chats for leader and co-leaders?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    I feel like discussing clan management can get quite awkward, especially when talking about who should be kicked. I feel like it would be easy to introduce and would help players out.

    submitted by /u/xl-Destinyyy-lx
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    does anyone know what this means, it’s been happening since april

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Don't post things like this here

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:31 AM PDT


    This person stated that people should stop watching Youtube decks and to use 'original decks'. Whilst this by itself is a completely fine opinion to have, the person who posted this is the issue.

    Firstly, if you want to make your own original deck and use it on ladder, fine. If you want to follow youtube decks, fine. If you want to base your deck off the meta, fine. Noone should care about what deck you use as long as it works. You should only care about whether your deck actually works and gets trophies because you're playing in a competitive mode.

    Secondly, this op effectively only posted this because he was losing to a bunch of meta decks on ladder. His deck is straight up awful and has no synergies. If you're going to act so superior and push this idea that 'originality' is good, then at least make a deck that makes sense. This post was fueled by someone whose ego does not let him watch youtube because he does not want to admit that maybe these decks he keep losing to are better than his deck.

    Do not waste our time with posts like that which doesn't offer any intelligent discussion. If you're going to spend your time insulting people who disagree with your opinion, telling them to 'stfu', rather than trying to prove yourself, then maybe your opinion isn't good or maybe you don't have a reason to post your opinion. Don't let your ego get ahold of yourself and be a nicer person.

    submitted by /u/GreenFriday13
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    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    How can a fat dude with a shovel dig faster than a whole drill operated by 6 men

    submitted by /u/willh0069
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    I leave for 4 months... Wtf happened to this emote??

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:35 AM PDT

    They celebrated early and everything

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Real brothers always take towers together!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    wizard: a good card in theory, but it's just... too expensive

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    the wizard is one of the least used cards, and it has a pretty low win percentage as well, but what could be the cause of this?

    the wizard is a good card in theory, good range, damage, and it has a large splash radius, though it does die to fireball, which is a bit unfortunate

    but unfortunately, the downsides of the wizard really start to show when you put it in the context of the current meta, and other, better cards with more functions, it's just... heavily overshadowed, and for 5 elixir, it's just not worth it over something else

    the most obvious way to buff the wizard is to lower its cost to 4 elixir, but there has to be more ways to buff it, perhaps just more damage, more hp, perhaps even a new mechanic? who knows, all I know is that the wizard was one of my favorite cards a few years ago, but now there's just no reason to use it over something else

    how would you buff the wizard besides just lowering it's elixir cost?

    submitted by /u/JJPikaPikaJJ
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    Is worth spend a book of cards to max a spell?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:05 AM PDT

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