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    Clash Royale 😩😩😩

    Clash Royale ������


    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Instant karma ��

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Cool activations/encounters

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    This Royale Giant Elite Barbs user kept spamming emotes and “thanks” and then lost.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Making beats from Clash Royale sounds...

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Perfect Mega Knight and Pekka Defence!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    [Effort Post] Clash Royale Summer 2021 Balance Change Suggestions

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    [Effort Post] Clash Royale Summer 2021 Balance Change Suggestions

    As someone who has been playing Clash Royale for over 5 years, one of the most exciting things for me to look forward to is balance changes. Of course, now that balance changes are coming less often, it is even more important than ever that they shake up the meta without ruining it. Because of this, I have compiled a list of cards that I believe should be balanced and how I would change them. This list of cards was made based on the statistics on royaleapi.com as well as from my own experience playing the game. Of course, I am not a developer and cannot playtest my ideas, so keep that in mind when weighing the merit of my suggestions.

    With that out of the way, here are my balance ideas:

    Card Changes:

    Goblin Drill: Hitpoints -6% (1197 -> 1125). (Use: 19%; Win: 54%)

    Despite the emergency nerf, Goblin Drill is still a very powerful card. With a respectable hitpoint nerf, the drill can be taken down a little more easily, making it less likely to spawn that second or third Goblin, or tank for the existing Goblins.

    Barbarian Barrel: Barbarian deploy time slowed by ~0.15 seconds. (Use: 21%; Win: 55%)

    The Barbarian Barrel is one of the most widely used spells in the game, and it has an impressive win rate to boot. However, this strong card has been untouched for over a year while other cheap spells have mediocre win rates. This change will make the Barbarian slightly less threatening, allowing only one hit on the Princess Tower if ignored, which is still a lot of damage for a 2 elixir spell.

    Guards: Count increased from 3 to 4; Hit speed slowed from 1s to 1.2s. (Use: 1%; Win: 41%)

    Right now, I would say Guards are the game's more forgettable card. Their main purpose is to take hits, which is something cards like Goblin Gang and even Skeleton Army do better for the same cost. Because of this, I think a fourth guard would help them better deal with cards like Knight and Bandit. The extra 11% damage per second from having 4 (slightly nerfed) Guards will also help them out a lot.

    Mother Witch: Now spawns three different variants of Cursed Hog depending on the unit she defeats. (Use: 22%; Win: 56%)

    Ever since she was buffed, Mother Witch has been a dominant part of the meta. She also happens to be one of the most RPS (rock-paper-scissors) cards out there. I say that she should summon three types of Cursed Hog based on what troop she defeats. Any units Mother Witch kills with health at or lower than Goblins will now convert to Cursed Piglets instead, which are weaker than Cursed Hogs. Inversely, any troop that's immune to knockback will now turn into a stronger Cursed Boar. This will make Mother Witch much easier to deal with while using swarms while giving her a little more of a use in matches without them.

    Cannon: First attack speed sped up from 1s to 0.8s. (Use: 3%; Win: 33%)

    Cannon Cart: First attack speed slowed from 0.6s to 0.8s. (Use: 6%; Win: 58%)

    Cannon and Cannon Cart were reworked a couple years ago to have identical stats, but that leaves Cannon much weaker than Cannon Cart. This may be in part because they did not standardize one stat: First attack speed. Making Cannon's first hit faster and Cannon Cart's slower will bring both cards more in line in terms of each other and their place in the meta.

    Wizard: Range decreased from 5.5 to 5 tiles; Hitpoints increased by 16% (598 -> 696). (Use: 3%; Win: 21%)

    Wizard is a tough card to balance since he is so dominant on midladder, but virtually nonexistent in more competitive play. That is why I game him a rework similar to the one the Royal Giant received to fix his similar issues. A range nerf will make him easier to reach without a spell, while the extra health will make him resistant to Poison and Mini P.E.K.K.A, letting him be a little more consistent for the 5 elixir investment. (Side note: Many people want Wizard to become 4 elixir, but I do not. There are already plenty of 4 elixir ranged cards, so I wanted Wizard to stand out from the crowd more, especially compared to Musketeer.)

    Mirror: Cost decreased by 1; Mirrored card level reduced by 1; Added a 1s deploy time in addition to the Mirrored card's deploy time; Mirror animation will now show on your King Tower for certain cards. (Use: 1%; Win: 29%)

    Mirror is a cool card that is unfortunately very weak thanks to its +1 mechanic. For this reason (and consistency purposes), I think this mechanic should be removed. However, to give the Mirror some handicap, it will now have its own deploy time. For example, if you place a Musketeer, the Mirror animation will show for 1 second, then the Musketeer will appear with its own deploy timer of 1 second (where it can now be interacted with) before attacking or moving. (Note: If this proves to be too long, it can easily be adjusted.) Finally, I address the issue of the Mirror animation revealing the arrival location of cards like Miner and Goblin Barrel by having the Mirror animation for any card originating from the King Tower (like Fireball or Goblin Drill) appear there instead of where the card ends up. All of this should make the Mirror a more consistent and fair card.

    Ice Wizard: Hitpoints increased by 3% (569 -> 590). (Use: 3%; Win; 34%)

    Tornado: Radius decreased from 5.5 to 5. (Use: 21%; Win: 52%)

    I feel bad for the Ice Wizard. He got hit with the nerf hammer when he was performing well, but his success was not his own doing, but the Tornado's. Ice Wizard is not the first victim, either, with troops like Executioner and Giant Skeleton left for dead thanks to their overwhelming power with Tornado when otherwise balanced. By bringing the Ice Wizard back to his old stats he can once again be viable, but to keep him from becoming oppressive again, the Tornado will have its radius decreased, making the dreaded IceNado combo (among other irritating Tornado-based strategies) a bit easier to deal with. (Note: Ideally, the buff to Ice Wizard should be enough to keep the win rate of Tornado balanced after it is nerfed.)

    Archers: Damage increased by 5% (89 -> 93). (Use: 3%; Win: 37%)

    Despite having a small niche in the meta, Archers have been a chronically weak card. I view Archers as a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none card, and while most of their stats fit that role, their damage output is lacking. With a little more oomph in their attacks, they can more quickly deal with cards like Giant and Barbarians and hopefully fill a more prevalent role in the game for such an iconic troop.

    Dark Prince: Hit speed slowed from 1.3s to 1.4s. (Use: 30%; Win: 56%)

    The Dark Prince is a strong card that has slipped into many meta decks. By making him hit a little more slowly, he should get a bit less value before being defeated, and his presence in the game should be toned down to more normal levels.

    Knight: Hitpoints increased by 2% (1380 -> 1408). (Use: 7%; Win: 34%)

    The Knight doesn't seem quite strong enough for his noble stature, so making him a little tougher should help him find a place in the game worthy of his role.

    Other Changes:

    Princess Tower: Projectile speed increased.

    While changing the stats on the Arena Towers would usually be a bad idea, I believe one exception should be made. Whenever the Princess Tower fires an arrow, it flies so slowly that it can take well over half of a second for the arrow to reach its target, often causing nearby troops to walk away and allowing the enemy unit to get an extra attack off before dying. Increasing the speed of these arrows makes these interactions more intuitive while also reducing the sharp contrast in speed between the Princess Tower's arrows and the King Tower's cannonballs.

    Troops placed on the opponent's side of the Arena after their Princess Tower is destroyed are now repelled by the red off-limits zone.

    This one may be a bit more confusing, so I will include images to explain. When a swarm troop, such as Skeleton Army, is placed at the river, the off-limits area will actually force the troops to spawn outside of it, distorting their spawning shape to react, as shown below:

    Skeletons placed on your side of the Arena are repelled by the red area

    However, when being placed on the opponent's side of the Arena, this does not happen. Instead, the troops will actually spawn inside of the normally off-limits spawning area, as shown here:

    Troops placed on your opponent's side of the Arena can spawn in the red area

    Skeleton Army is an extreme example, but it also applies to any card with more than 1 troop, including Goblin Gang and Barbarians. This consistency fix will make using this area more logical while slightly nerfing certain pocket-spam strategies.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Witch (Use: 2%; Win: 23%): Witch is another Wizard situation, being very annoying on midladder but ultimately weak. She needs a rework, but I couldn't say what it should be. Maybe a toned-down version of her old rework?

    Goblin Cage (Use: 16%; Win: 56%): A very popular building sitting at the top of its class right now. A small nerf may be in order, either to the building's hitpoints or the Brawler's damage.

    Executioner (Use: 2%; Win: 36%): Like Ice Wizard, Executioner has been kept down by the Tornado and should be buffed. But this should only happen if his synergy with Tornado is not oppressive like it once was.

    Tesla (Use: 22%; Win: 49%): Also a very strong building that is commonly called top tier, and while it has high use rates, its win rate is average. A small nerf to its damage wouldn't go unappreciated, though.

    And with that, those are my suggestions for the next set of balance changes in Clash Royale. Are my ideas ones that would improve the meta, or might these suggestions ruin everything? Let me know what you think and why with a comment down below. As always, if you read this far I thank you for reading and I wish you good luck in the Arena!

    submitted by /u/V-Man776
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    Card Creator - a new feature that could make CR popular again

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    Card Creator


    Card creator would be a new feature in Clash Royale that would allow you to create new cards based on assets of existing cards. Whether you want to create a troll card, like a pekka-spawning drill that costs 1 elixir, or an actually decent card, like 4 elixir wizard with slightly adjusted stats, card creator would be an amazing feature for you.


    If you open Card Creator you would have 2 options to create a new card

    1. Adjust an existing card
    2. Create a new card from scratch

    Adjust an existing card

    If you select "adjust an existing card" you can choose a card and change its stats, like lower its elixir cost, or make it deal more damage. Now YOU can help CR devs with balancing and reworking cards. For example you can select a wizard and try to make him a more decent card.

    Create a new card from scratch

    Creating a new card from scratch would be a more complicated process that would consist of 3 steps.

    Card overview

    In the first step you would need to establish some basic facts about your card

    • Card Type - whether it is a troop (can move), building (cannot move) or spell (covers a certain area for a certain time)

    • Card Sprite - since uploading your own 3D models would be a very problematic process, you would be limited to choosing one of the existing cards' appearance that can represent your card idea the best. For example if you wanted to recreate heal spell you can choose rage spell's textures to represent it on the arena. It's not perfect but I think it should be enough to bring you fun.

    • Troop Layout (troop exclusive feature) - some troops don't just spawn on the field as singular units. Cards like Rascals, or Royal Recruits spawn in a very specific way. In Card Maker you could make units spawn on the arena the way you want. Would you like troops in your card to spawn in a triangle? - it's YOUR concept and YOUR card

    • Spell Area of Effect (spell exclusive feature) - you could choose whether the area of effect of your spell will be a circle, a square, a rectangle, or a different shape, and how many tiles it will cover

    • Building's Layout (building exclusive feature) - you could choose your building size, whether it is 2x2, 3x3, or something else

    • Card Name - self explanatory

    Card stats

    In the second step you need to fill in all information about how your card would work

    For troops:

    • Health - how much health your troop has, does it heal itself/deals damage to itself over time, if yes then how much

    • Attack - melee/ranged, what is the range of the attack, does it have splash damage (like wizard's attack), does it chain (like electro spirit's attack), does it pierce through several enemies (like bowler's attack), how often can the troop attack etc

    • Movement Speed - how fast your troop travels

    • Spawning - can it spawn another troops, if yes, which (can be also one of your other troop created in Card Creator), how often, how many

    For buildings:

    • Health - how much health your building has, does it heal itself/deals damage to itself over time, if yes then how much

    • Attack - if it can attack enemy troops, if yes, how does the attack look like (similar to what is explained above)

    • Spawning - can it spawn another troops, if yes, which (can be also one of your other troop created in Card Creator), how often, how many

    For spells: * Duration - how long will the spell last

    • Spawning - can it spawn another troops, if yes, which (can be also one of your other troop created in Card Creator), how often, how many

    • Damage - can it deal damage to enemy cards and towers? If yes, how

    Magic mechanics

    In the last section you can add some funky mechanics to your cards

    • What happens when you place them on the arena

    • What happens after they die or expire (maybe a bomb, spell, or another troop spawns)

    • Do they have some other mechanics (like invisibility, flying, hovering, etc)

    The card you created can be used in friendly matches to have fun with your friends, but let's be honest, you are browsing reddit, you can't have any. That's why there would also be an option to share your card concept on the internet via a special link (similar to how sharing decks work). There would also be a card submission system, so the whole world would be able to test your card (similar to how brawl stars mapmaker submission system works). But more about that in a future post, since this is already almost 2 pages long lol.

    If you liked it please share your feedback in the comment section and upvote it so other fans (and even CR devs) can see it.

    submitted by /u/m33uosh
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    Clash Royale Youtubers Ranked by Skill

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    1. Morten (10/10): Undisputed best CR youtuber. Can play every deck, and is one of the best pro players as well. And his thumbnails are as good as his gameplay :)
    2. Best NA (10/10): Best X-bow player in the world. If you don't think xbow is one of the most skillful decks, then watch his videos. He's probably more skilled at xbow than Morten is at Miner Wallbreakers, but he doesn't play any other deck, so he needs to be below Morten.
    3. Oyassuu: (10/10): Best 2.6 hog player. 2.6 is very high skill, but not as high skill as 2.9 and 3.0 xbow, so he's below Best NA. He hasn't done too well recently, but that's because 2.6 is trash. In better metas, he's finished near the very top of ladder (best finish is #3 I think).
    4. Boss (9/10): Good pro player, but not great. He's mastered almost all beatdown decks, and has recently started getting better at cycle decks.
    5. B-rad (8/10): Could be really good, but spends too much time memeing around. He won a game on top ladder with a 7.0 elixir deck. IDK which other youtuber can do that
    6. Legendaray (7/10): Good mortar cycle player, but isn't good enough for high ladder
    7. Sirtag (7/10): Good overall player, can play almost every deck at a decent level. He can sometimes even win with meme decks.
    8. Clash With Shane (5.5/10): He plays meta decks decently, but isn't great at them
    9. OJ (5/10): Used to be great, but he hasn't been improving as much as everyone else. However, he's probably still above average as a player.
    10. CWA (5/10): He's actually not that bad at the game, even though he always refers to himself as a noob. He usually just gets pros on his channel, so he thinks that he's worse than he actually is. Though his own gameplay is subpar compared to many other creators, his content is amazing because he just seems like a great person.
    11. Molt (3/10): Just a little bit above average as a player. Whenever an interaction goes his way, he laughs at his opponent, and whenever an interaction goes his opponent's way, or he messes up, the blames the game. Kinda toxic.
    12. Nyte Owl (2/10): Most of his content isn't about his gameplay, its about his son. But when he does play, he's about as good as an average player.
    13. Nickatnyte (2/10): Used to be the biggest content creator, and was pretty good, but he took a break for a couple of years and as a result, his ranking has fallen significantly.

    What do you guys think? Did I miss any content creators?

    Also check out the creators. Their content is all pretty entertaining.

    submitted by /u/SnooChocolates8847
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    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Mini Pekka says no

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    P.E.K.K.A. fanart, I really like this unit!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    I won but I can buy in?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    big brain first play

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    It do be like that tho

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Insane prediction rocket, even I thought I missed.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    Regular balloon vs speedy balloon

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    Thoughts on mono-building deck? I made this deck as a joke years ago but it's consistently gotten me to 5k+ trophies. I'd just like to hear your opinions.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    Yeah I’m not playing ladder again for a week

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    I’m stuck at around 5k and meeting a good amount of people with level 12+ cards, which main deck that I use is better against them? Just asking because I’m getting about equal win rate with both

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    bro what dafuq is this ����

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:01 PM PDT

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