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    Friday, May 14, 2021

    Clash Royale So apparently Bandits dash even has invulnerability against OT finish timer

    Clash Royale So apparently Bandits dash even has invulnerability against OT finish timer

    So apparently Bandits dash even has invulnerability against OT finish timer

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    The elexir golem decided that he would rather fight for me

    Posted: 14 May 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    TV Royale soon!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    The dart goblin side step added insult to injury

    Posted: 14 May 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Deck building help/card synergies

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    Repost so I could change title

    Let me preface I am not hating on those that post their decks only trying to help out:) Also those at around 5800 and above will already know these principles so this is mainly to help out those around 5.5k and below who want to improve their game.

    Most of the comments I see on people's deck suggestion posts is that they need to completely change up their deck or change at least 3 cards in them. So I thought i'd make a list of some popular card synergies as well as must-haves in decks in order for people to understand.

    These cards aren't required together but it does show some popular synergies that have proven successful:

    —Goblin barrel/princess: very helpful as the princess can be placed and if she is logged then the goblin barrel can be placed on towers to get massive damage or an elixir advantage

    —Fisherman/hunter: fisherman can pull and hunter can destroy what is pulled towards fisherman taking out most heavy troops besides air troops, but hunter can take them on.

    —Ice wizard/baby dragon/tornado: one of my personal favorite trios. The ice wizard can slow down troops while the baby dragon splash damages, and the tornado can bring them all together. They can work independently but work better with tornado.

    —Golem/night witch: golem in the back supported by night witch behind. Devastating push as bats will constantly be able to spawn as the night witch is defended.

    —Lava hound/ balloon: same concept as golem night witch but the balloon is being tanked for by the lava hound.

    —Lumberjack/balloon: lumberjack is already a threat at the bridge, but his dropped rage makes the balloon even more deadly.

    —Ice golem/ hog rider: ice golem can tank a little for the hog rider and take out skeleton armies and freeze groups like a goblin gang so the hog can wreck. Place the ice golem in front of the hog rider.

    —Goblin giant/ sparky: the sparky is already 6 elixir, so hes expensive, but the goblin giant provides enough tank and is cheap enough that both can be placed before they reach the bridge and the opponent has to focus on multiple large troops.

    —Royal recruits/ royal hogs: Royal recruits already spawn at both sides, so placing royal hogs at the middle of the bridge creates multiple pushes of equal numbers of troops.

    —Elixir golem/battle healer/ electro dragon: overwhelming trio that can be unstoppable when put together if the opponent does not have a big spell to counter them. Dont push in single elixir or the opponent will easily get a free 4 elixir.

    —Elixir pump/3 musketeers: placing one can bait out a large spell which will give the other great value.

    —Xbow/tesla: tesla can support and protect the xbow as it shoots the tower.

    —Electro giant/tornado: the electro giant already zaps those close to him, so using tornado pulls everything close to him so everything gets killed such as a wizards or musketeer.

    —Miner/wallbreakers: miner first then wallbreakers placed they can quickly take out half a tower if undefended and the opponent has to respond quickly.

    -Lava Hound/miner: lava hound tanks for miner and when the lava hound splits into pups the miner tanks for the pups.

    There are many more synergies but these are some very popular ones that can help those struggling to find the right deck. If you use one of the cards mentioned maybe consider using one of its synergies and building cards that work around them. Some mentioned are defensive synergies, so try to use offensive cards that arent too expensive to complete the deck.

    Some must haves in decks are the following:

    A win condition: something that directly attacks the tower

    Spells: either 1 big and 1 small spell or 2 small spells usually but can depend

    Tank killer/cycle to deal with tanks: mini pekka, prince, pekka sparky, or anything that takes out heavy cards like a golem or giant. Also works with a cycle of inferno towers or cannons

    Mini tank: knight, valkarie, or cards that can tank for other cards but dont cost too much elixir mainly for defense.

    Air card: not every deck needs one but it is pretty important to have an air card no matter what it does.

    Building: again not vital but can be extremely helpful for defense

    *let me know if i left out any notable synergies and ask any questions i love answering on reddit!

    **just realized i forgot inferno dragon/mega knight. One supports the other great duo!

    submitted by /u/Sociopathic_Squirrel
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    i was sweating when i saw i had 2 hp

    Posted: 14 May 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Can I get some tips on how to play this deck?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    Sorry for the blurryness but I just realized is the Goblin Flipping you off?!?!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    If they use a Mega Knight then make your own skeleton army

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    The True Problem with Spell Bait

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    More specifically, why hard counters are such a bad thing to have.


    In reality, there are no Spell Bait cards.

    "Bait" implies you want it to happen, but no one ever deploys a unit hoping for it to die as quickly as possible.

    "Spell Bait" only makes sense if there is something to gain, something you can exploit from the death of your units.

    This being, of course, your opponent's lack of Spells.

    So how do you exploit it?

    By playing another card that is weak to the same Spell.

    Therefore, it is only possible to exploit the death of a unit if you have another one with the same weakness.

    Therefore, "Spell Bait" only exists when you have multiple cards sharing the same weakness.

    Therefore, there are no Spell Bait cards, only Spell Bait decks.

    But why do Spell Bait decks work?

    Why is it so beneficial when the opponent lacks the right Spells?

    Because of how cards are balanced.

    As we all know, the cards in Spell Bait are hard countered by Spells, they are meant to lose against it.

    However, since most Spells can be cast everywhere, there is no chance for "Spell Bait cards" to avoid them. They are going to die, every single time.

    Spells vs Spell Bait is the closest the game has gotten to a hard counter, a 0/100 matchup, and this creates a problem.

    What problem is that?

    For the dev team, nothing is more balanced than a card around 50% win rate.

    However, as long as it still dies to Spells, a "Spell Bait card" will always have a 0/100 matchup hiding in its overall win rates.

    No matter what, you will have to deal with the 0/100 matchup lurking within.

    So how did the devs do that?

    By giving the card a 100/0 matchup.

    Obviously, this is not the only answer, as you can spread the advantage across the 100+ cards in the game. Still, there has to be an advantage.

    To negate the hard counter, a "Spell Bait cards" must have a strong advantage in many other matchups, sometimes being a hard counter itself.

    So, you can have multiple matchups where the "Spell Bait card" can win without even trying.

    This when applied to multiple cards can create decks with very polarizing matchups.

    When something has a hard counter, the only path to balance is for it to be a hard counter against others.

    This is why you have people complaining about Spell Bait being too strong, while others pointing to its 50% win rate saying it is not.

    Neither are wrong.

    Spell Bait is too strong, when it faces those without the right Spells.

    Spell Bait is not strong, when it faces those with the right Spells.

    This is the problem with Spell Bait, the false balance that hides within, where the game you play is determined by the Spells you have.

    Good matchup? Bad matchup? None of it matters.

    After all, it is just 50% win rate, no more, no less.


    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Jake_Rowley
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    The closest shave I will ever have (we won)

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Extremely tired of facing lvl 13 cards when all of mine are 10-11...

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    For context I'm level 11 at 4800 trophies, it is so frustrating to play people at same king or one higher but just get the shit kicked out of me because I can't log their dart goblin or their wizard 3 shots my lumberjack. Does the game not account for average card level when matchmaking? I feel like it should, I would wait longer than 2 seconds to find a match if the card levels were even. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/EventfulLol
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    The other side of clan chats, bless this guy ♥️

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    Vegeance Spirit(Card Idea)

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Vegeance Spirit Elixir5
    Hp2300 AreaDamage150-250 AttackSpeed1.7s-0.7s SpeedVerySlow-VeryFast DeathDamage100-2000 RangeMeleeMedium Target:Ground

    For every kill vegeance spirit increases it's damage by 10, increases it's death damage by 50, decreases it's attack cooldown by 0.1s, every 2 kills increase it's speed to the next tier(Very Slow-->Slow-->Medium-->Fast-->Very Fast)

    Desc:This spirit is tired of his fellow little brothers sacrificing themselves, it let his rage took over and is now trying to ravage the whole field in hopes to end the sacrifice of his younger bros, the more elixir it consumes the angrier it gets, when it dies it releases all it's inner anger

    submitted by /u/AbbyLemonStealingOre
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    Hey i don’t have either of these cards and j don’t know anything about either what shall I pick?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    Lucky win on flying Fishboy and lucky Lightning

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    No better feeling

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Watch how many times this executioner (mortally wounded first second) beats death to shoot the game winner

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    These two emotes have the same sound. Intresting ��

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:23 PM PDT

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