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    Saturday, March 20, 2021

    Clash Royale u/deathr3aper633 “Try sells only :D”

    Clash Royale u/deathr3aper633 “Try sells only :D”

    u/deathr3aper633 “Try sells only :D”

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    This is day 1 of using the 8 worst cards in the game. I lost 487 trophies, won a total of 3 games and was emote spammed by 83% of my opponents. Looking forward to day 2! (Please add your requests in the comments)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    It's funny how 1 year old comment is still valid.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:53 AM PDT

    To u/Master_Spartan_CR, here is the first battle I did for your challenge to me (use RG and Golem in the same deck lmao). If anyone else has any challenges, I will happily comply to your suggestions

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    How to absolutely massacre a player without spells (mid-ladder be like)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    Elixir Golem Animation

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    u/Nobody_5433, Training camp deck it is. Thanks for the suggestion :)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    Now That’s A Good Rocket

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    TV royale next week.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    I/YouTube_GamerRay “Use the 4 daily fortune cards and pick the rest from the shop.” It was not a very pretty game, but a victory, nonetheless.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Selling cards

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    Has there ever been the idea of selling cards to your clan mates because I'm literally always short of gold as I get up the arenas? I have 4 cards of my deck which I can't upgrade at max at the moment because I don't have enough gold? I've been saving for ages and it's doing my head in? Surely someone must have suggested this before even if it's like a once a day thing because all I ever seem to get out of my pass royale chests are unwanted cards and stuff I never use as well? Nearly every card I have can be levelled up but I never will because I don't ever use them and it's just a waste? Also what nincompoop in the supercell office decided to make it so that guards die to arrows? They have a shield for a reason🤷🏽‍♂️😤😤

    submitted by /u/IDoManySubstancesToo
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    The Flawed Logic of “No Skill” Decks

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:25 AM PDT

     I am a veteran of Clash Royale. With close to 1200 hours in game and 22000 games played, I've seen my fair share of metas, archetypes, and deck possibilities. This does not mean that I have a biased opinion against any type of deck, because I've played as many competent combinations as possible. Whether it's been on ladder or in tournaments and challenges, I have learned how to play any archetype I have come across and learned the details of how to play each and the interactions necessary for a winning formula. This leads to my point in saying that every deck, regardless of archetype, and regardless of how annoying any card may be to play against takes skill to play. To start, I began my career as a typical giant player, making my way through the ranks as quickly as I could because I saw it as the easiest type of deck to play. I soon approached the brand new Frozen Peak and Jungle arenas, excited to make way up to 3000 and begin earning legendary trophies. I came so close to my goal, right as Supercell got rid of them. I was devastated. On the bright side, new leagues meant new opportunities, and a fresh beginning. This was where I made my first deck change, and becoming a miner poison player was the greatest choice in my career. This helped me learn to not only play amazing defense, but to also understand the value of elixir leading to the damage advantages to win my forever entertaining 1-0 or 0-0 games. I broke 4000 trophies for the first time and quickly propelled myself to new heights. At this point in time, I had led my own clan for a time, and then co-led a few clans to get a feel for how the clash community valued each other and our card requests. I steadily climbed ladder, becoming far more invested in a mobile game than any logical soul ever should. As I began to reach the 5000 trophy range I was also able to start maxing out more and more cards. Zap was of course the first, as any other smart player would know the advantages that come with an over levelled common. I soon maxed my deck, but was unable to reach the heights I longed for. Then came the release of the Night Witch. I loved the card, and abused the unlimited challenge until I had won it at least 8 or so times. The high level on her op everything helped me get to new pbs that season, and I will always remember her for that. As time goes on for at least 3 years I moved into a clan that I would call my permanent residence until this current point in time. I started maxing different cards I found value in for wars, and soon found a love for the Pekka. Bridge spam became my life, and I became a master of the gameplay style, which I still consider myself to be best at after all of this time. I maxed the feared meta deck of Pekka Battle Ram spam and was the most involved I possibly could be in the game. At the prime of Pekka meta I was able to reach my current pb of 6472, which I surprisingly came close to just last season. As it always does, this meta faded, and my deep love for the game took a hit. There was no fun in losing, and I couldn't stand losing with my competitive nature. I had to do something unthinkable, and this meant betrayal. As any sane player would, I was continuing to collect other valuable cards that were useful aside from the main deck I used. This meant that I had opportunities to choose from. The first deck I chose to pick up was mortar, as a fellow clanmate that I regularly beat up on began using it. This player had unbelievable talent that was yet to be released on the pro scene, and I was there to help funnel his growth into the top 500 player he is today. Thanks Rubicks. I enjoyed the mortar life, but something didn't seem quite right, so I became interested in maxing out the xbow as well, just to try it. I had many successful seasons with mortar, but it's use came to an end. It was time to become a user of a deck I loved to hate. I quickly learned that putting a card down does not result in instant damage, as the high skill gap required to play these deck styles became apparent rather early. This was the same as any other deck I had taken up for tourneys, challenges, or any other game mode of clash. You cannot simply play a card and hope for the best. Every move must be calculated at a high level, similarly to chess if you will. I have tried many different decks on ladders since xbow, and currently use an MK miner balloon variant that is rather enjoyable to play while difficult enough in technique to keep me on my toes. Though I have mentioned few decks that I have used on ladder, the number of gems I have wasted to try out random decks I have played against is innumerable. Giant Skelly with Sparky, Pekka with xbow, every single type of bait deck, you name it and I've played it. All decks take knowledge to learn how to play, as the right cycle takes skill to develop and know how to use. For example, a golem player may know that an opponent's balloon is in their hand but choose not to defend it because they know that the push they develop will be unstoppable when the baby dragon they could have used to defend is instead placed on the attack to counter the minion horde that the balloon player has been using consistently to defend. There are many examples of these decisions, interactions, and other split second decisions that I love about the game. I am now the leader of my clan that I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of for so long, which helps keeps the frustrations to a minimum when many fellow players share their issues in the game with me. In conclusion, all decks have their positives, their negatives, and everything in between. You may not favour playing against specific types of decks, but when you get to the point where you have the knowledge to beat any matchup unless it's played perfectly against you, there really isn't anything to complain about. This is a skill-based game, and the reason that the top players succeed is practice, as well as a natural talent to understanding how the game's players play. If you've read through this essay I applaud you, and to anyone who happens to use the Royal Giant, your deck takes no skill and I despise you for the anguish you have caused me during the past 5 years. ✌️ 
    submitted by /u/Zaramon95
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    Anybody else want a rewind/fast forward, slow motion and a scrub bar to your personal replays?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    Sometimes I just wanna rewatch a certain part/parts of the match and that would make it much easier

    submitted by /u/LeafStain
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    Trying to understand the CR team

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    As a player who uninstalled the game a few months ago for the obvious reasons, and who followed what happened to this reddit since before CW2, I have some opinions/theories on what happened to this game that I did not see in other posts. So here I go trying to explain them. I do not claim I am right, this should be considered simply my own opinions.

    I do not believe the current clash royale dev team is necessarily "bad" or "lazy". However, I believe the code they are working on is probably bad, or at least not good enough to easily add features. Of course I have no definitive proof, but a bug I noticed since a long time, reported but never fixed, gives me that impression. Try playing a game, win, then exit the app before going back to the home screen. You will receive your chest when restarting the game with the label "legendary arena" instead of "arena 13" (assuming of course you are 4000+ trophies). Obviously it's a very small bug, with no functional impact, but what if everything else is coded like that ? I think most people who know a bit about programming would get the feeling that it's probably difficult to change things consistently in their code. Of course this is definitely not a proof and it's just one bug I'm mentioning, but in my opinion, it would explain a lot of things.

    People here are often blaming the dev team for the current state of the game, I think it may be unfair since there are other factors that may be overlooked. As a developer myself (not at supercell), I can see some arguments to their defense, or at least deeper reasons than "bad" or "lazy". First, I don't think you can afford to be lazy in a small team like theirs. A single person is expected to contribute too much to the project. As I said above, If the code they have for clash royale is not of good enough quality, then it's difficult to add features to the game, because you have to either do some dirty code, or you have to rewrite existing code better. The first solution takes time and/or worsen the problem for the next features, the second takes even more time. I believe this is what happened for CW2. The concept of CW2 may seem simple and easy to implement, but it may not have been that easy considering their existing code at the time. I think they had to spend most of the time improving the quality of their code, that's invisible work that no user notice, but which has to be done. If they did this well enough, it would explain their goal for more updates this year, since now they hope to have better code allowing faster implementation of features. Of course, they can also set easy goals to just deliver token updates if they do not have good enough code to be ambitious. Since they had to rush the end of CW2, that's certainly a possibility.

    Also, everyone seem to praise the first clash royale team, and blame the current team for the current state of the game (assuming there were only 2 different teams, which probably did not happen like this). I do not know what is true, but consider this other possibility. What if the first clash royale team were more experts at prototyping than writing maintainable code ? It's easy to add features when you start from scratch, but you do not need to write good enough code yet. Actually when prototyping, you are more interested in adding features fast in order to have a working product ASAP. Why take the time to write good code when you do not know for sure that your project will get positive feedback ? At this point you just want to produce something fast to test a project idea. If the product works, then you have to maintain your code now. On the top of that, you are pressured to add features, which you may be tempted to rush. In the long run, this can lead to very difficult code to maintain.

    One critism I also see is that they should have more people working in their team. I tend to agree with that. The only things I see that may dissuade/deny them from doing this is : 1) higher-ups who disagree (citing culture), 2) they get a share of the CR revenue so they don't want to share with new people, 3) they don't want to spend time coaching people to their code (especially if it's bad) because they are busy working on short-term goals. I don't know if one or more of these reasons are the real ones, I would bet on the first and third.

    Finally since I'm here I'll add a few last things I did not like about the communication/choices about this game (no CW2 rant, or just a bit).

    Removing 2v2 battles on CW1: They claim that noone used them. I don't believe them but of course I can't check the data. They could have just added a 4th collection battle type to the map (or bad code ?). I think the real reason they did this is because they knew CW2 would not have 2v2 included. So in order to remove this point of negativity from CW2, they removed 2v2 war battles earlier so that people would not blame CW2 for removing 2v2. Whatever the reason, I think this was a very bad choice for them. In my opinion, the social aspect is very important to keeping people on this game. I'm more exited about the game when I play against/with someone I know, especially if it's an IRL friend, and they removed the feature that was the most effective for that, considering it was for the war and rewards too. Now the next thing that comes close about the social aspect is actually CW2 itself, with clan members forcing each other to play as much as possible, earlier in the day, consistently, in order to not penalize each other. That's very unhealthy but actually keeps a lot of players in the game (for bad reasons) in my opinion.

    Also, their communication seems rather dishonest in my opinion. I uderstand that they have to show positivity towards the game, show it in a good light, so maybe they don't have a choice about this. But for example when they claimed to have solved the time zone issue "no more waking at xx a.m being late in the race", I did not buy their solution at all. Content creators did not buy it either, but to avoid negativity, they did not explain precisely why it wouldn't solve the issue. Of course it was better than nothing, but they have people working full time on this, they must have known what they were saying was simply not true. Also, I don't buy their argument for removing quests. They just wanted to balance the rewards given in CW2 in my opinion. Reshuffling rewards like that was a terrible idea if you consider "loss aversion". If you only consider the rewards, people generally prefer winning 5000$ than loosing 5000$ then winning 10000$. Even if you end up with the same value. Some studies estimate that losses are twice as powerful psychologically. The sims 3 vs sims 4 is a good example of this in games, where sims 4 adds features but removes some popular ones from sims 3. I'll not try to find every example of things like this, but the pre-release CW2 videos are good example of oversell (to put it nicely).

    Things like these (since a long time, not just videos) always gave me a negative impression about their communications. I believe this why alot of people now view their communications with mistrust even before they start.

    It's also possible to argue that this community is just unhealthy and toxic, but think about what lead to that. Does the game attracts toxic people or does it makes them toxic ? Both ? Of course, maybe that's still the best thing they can do considering other factors/strategy/priorities.

    Anyway, I had all this on my mind since a while and I did not find most of my arguments on similar posts about the game and the CR team. So I wanted to just put it out there, empty my bag and show different points of view. So here it is. Hello to whoever kept reading until the end.

    Edit: TLDR: maybe the dev team is slowed down by shortcuts they took to quickly develop features at the beginning of CR. Maybe now they have to spend most of their their time improving their code because otherwise they can't efficiently add new features. This is usually the result of being push to release features fast, and then having to move one to new features without improving the code quality first. Nobody knows what is true for sure. Also communication are dishonest IMO. And removing features is bad, even if you compensate with others.

    submitted by /u/Peter20a
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    Best predict shot I've ever made in my cr career

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    Spot fixing. It was a fixed match by Lumberjack

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    I have just made it to master 1 and I wanna know how I can improve my deck so keep moving up

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    3.1 Electro Giant Deck. Built it myself a couple months ago and never seen anyone else ever run it. Sitting at a consistent 4900-5100. Thoughts?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    How to use the new earthquake

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    Sadly we lost in sudden death but still a clutch play

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    This one goes out to u/Inspirational_Lizard. Yeah, the worst overall ladder cards together in 1 deck doesn’t work very well either.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:12 AM PDT

    IDEA: New Challenge Series: The Mountain Trials

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    I would like to present an idea for a new CR challenge series (i.e., similar to how the elixir marathon is a series of related challenges)

    Introducing hazards into the arena

    Challenge 1 | You start at the base of the mountain. The ground is unstable with earthquakes (common occurrence; maybe every 5-10 seconds?) and boulders (i.e., what the Bowler throws; rare occurrence; once every 30-40 seconds?) randomly appearing throughout the arena affecting both players.

    Challenge 2 | As you make your way up the mountain, the winds begin to pick up. Tornados randomly appear dragging all troops together and pulling them apart. To aid you in your journey, the king grants you double elixir for the remaining challenges.

    Challenge 3 | Further ahead, as the winds finally calm down, suddenly a nearby volcano erupts, spewing fireballs at random damaging everything they hit.

    Challenge 4 | As you begin to get closer and closer to the summit, the temperature plummets, troops begin to move more slowly and giant snowballs begin to fall across the arena causing chaos.

    Challenge 5 | At the peak everything finally clears. You can feel the air buzzing, alive with energy. Suddenly zaps (common) and lightning (rare) begin to strike at random. The King decides to grant you triple elixir to aid you in your final challenge.

    3 losses and you're out. Resets back to the beginning of whatever challenge you're on. Make it through the entire gauntlet and win a new emote or badge.

    Let me know what y'all think. Happy to discuss questions, comments, other ideas for the challenge, etc.

    submitted by /u/Sznake11
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