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    Thursday, March 11, 2021

    Clash Royale Princess Army

    Clash Royale Princess Army

    Princess Army

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:11 PM PST

    All card Star Levels!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:46 PM PST

    submitted by /u/3C_Coleslaw
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    [RANT] I have never been more frustrated about game development that with Clash royale

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:45 AM PST

    I will ignore all the minor problems (of which there are many) and go straight to the point:

    They introduce a new war that forces me to play regularly or my clan dies.

    They enforce a new matchmaking that makes war unplayable for me. (I'm lvl 13 with only 1 maxed deck, the rest being lvl 10-12, all my opponents are fully maxed, no exceptions)

    Drew announces a revert to the change for ladder past 5k. Not because of all the problems it causes to people who upgrade more than 1 deck, but because lvl 1s are getting top ladder ranks, meaning it will most likely stay for war.

    With war broken both in concept and matchmaking I'm getting burned out playing a game that has become more frustrating to play than ever. I loved this game for the longest time but I may have to quit as it's nothing but depression and toxicity.

    Worst part is that I have no hope for the game to improve, seeing how badly it is being treated by the dev team who have stopped listening.

    you can attack me in the comments now, just needed to vent.

    submitted by /u/Vendrinski
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    A game for casuals

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:28 PM PST

    Here's the thing, I don't know the demographic of Clash Royal, but I know that I have been playing now for a while. Long enough that I now have 2 kids, a real job, and I am no longer broke – or at least not as broke as I was when I started lol.

    I would love to give Clash royal more money than 5 bucks a month. But there isn't anything worth it. So here are some adjustments that I think would make the experience overall better, especially for us filthy casuals in the mid-ladder range.


    • Move the Trader from the Clan Wars page over to Purchase Page.

    The location is prime because of the daily free cards. This option will move more eyes over to the Trader.

    • Allow for the user to choose which card to give up and which card to ask for.

    There is no reason that the Trader should be hidden away and only proving limited options, as I understand it the trade tokens are there to prevent abuse. So why are more limitation added to it?

    Now, even if you don't agree to allow users to chose which option to pick at least move the thing.

    There's an old saying that applies here. Out of sight out of mind.

    Deck Slots

    Not going to spend a lot of time here

    Instead of having 10 slots or 30 or 50 here's what you do:

    • Add a plus (+) option that will allow users to add as needed.
    • Cap it where you see fit.
    • Add a clear all button.

    Card level boost

    Allow the user to chose which card to boost at a cost of gems.

    At this point what are gems even for? This gives gems value.

    50 gems and 48 hours any card.


    Scale it.

    Commons = 20 Gems, Rare = 30, Epic 40, legendary = 50


    Here something fun. Customizable avatars so that when someone clicks on your profile, they see the bad ass avatar you created.

    I am not a developer by trade or habit so I am not going to pretend that these ideas are easy but Lets say for example,

    A user hits 4k and as a reward they are given a base avatar: The King or Queen. Don't limit it to Red or Blue either, go full ROY G BIV here.

    Doing this you have done two things.

    1) Given someone a reason to play the game

    2) opened up a new avenue of monetizing.

    I may never hit 6k or 7k or 8k but My King is Baller AF.

    Monetize it

    Gems, Tournaments, chest, rewards.

    Now that your user has unlocked their avatar they can begin to unlock add-ons.

    crowns, clothes, movements, sectors, etc.


    Another avatar. Follow me here.

    Lets say you are a doctor. Not just any doctor, A surgeon, Not just any surgeonA Surgical Goblin! How much are you looking forward to unlocking that avatar and making the most bad ass Surgical Goblin avatar ever for people to click on as you hit #1 in the world.

    . How cool would it be to have an actual Surgeon Goblin? Or an Ice Wizard with an inferno tower tattoo. Come on that's an easy money maker.

    Battle screen.

    • Allow for a confirm button, the same way it is for CW. Easy enough, you get it I get it. Lets continue.
    • Buff the chest. With every new card being added the lack of changes to the chest, the chest is effectively being a nerfed.
      • Change the time or add more cards, my vote is to change the time. People like rewards. I don't want to wait 3 hours for my goody bag… I mean chest, unless theres a goody bag. I'll take a goody bag. Dang it Supercell! Where is my goody bag?!

    Party mode:

    • Pick a staple of Game modes that are always available.

    Don't swap them out, just keep them there and ready to play. For example:

    2v2, Draft, Classic, Rage, and 3x elixir with one Highlighted match type

    Every week change the highlighted match type.

    Also allow users to change the MAX level for our cards in an exhibition match.

    Here's the thing about that:

    I don't want to level up Lava Hound (for example)

    I haven't played her because she is level 10 and I am level 13.

    I haven't level her up because I don't know if she is any good.

    Idk if she is any good because I haven't played her.

    Get my point? I am not invested in this card at all so I don't go out of my way to upgrade her


    Remember when I said that I thought it would be better to shorten the time for unlocking chest, its for farming.

    Every day have an optional item to unlock like a personalization add on, token, 50 cards, or a free boost after (lets just say) 10 wins. Every day or week, whatever. It keeps eyes on your product.

    Be a dick about it and make it only available to Season pass members, at least it will give the season pass more value.

    Make the chest open after an hour and 2 hours respectively and load it up with personalization options

    That's it, long story short make the game more appealing for casuals y adding more options to keep eyes on the product. I've been wanting to post this for a while, I hope it was worth the read.


    submitted by /u/Whotfisjake
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    someone else knew about this data?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:04 AM PST

    Best log value of my career

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:28 AM PST

    I listened to y’all. Gimme dem opinions

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:02 PM PST

    [Survey] What Aspect of Clash Royale do you Enjoy the Most?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:31 AM PST

    This is my first survey and it is focused on seeing what players enjoy about the game. I believe it is important to know these statistics so new updates and features can be targeted to what players want. For example, if many players want a rework of Tournaments, a Tournament-based update would be much more well-received and appealing.

    Here's the Link: Clash Royale Survey

    (I promise it's not a rick roll, lol)

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/WakkkaMole
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    Why does 2v2 match preformed teams against quick play?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 02:18 PM PST

    Honestly, it makes no sense. Someone playing with a friend/clanmate shouldn't get matched against people randomly put together. They could be on discord or another chat, instantly putting the quick play players at a massive disadvantage, have decks that synergize with each other incredibly well, or just be really used to playing together, instantly putting the quick play players at a massive disadvantage. It's a pretty big oversight for professional developers. And before you start with "it's just a party mode, chill", that's kinda the point. Party mode is supposed to be for having fun, and that's pretty much the opposite of what is happening in this situation. Enough people play 2v2 modes that it shouldn't be an issue having separate mm pools for quick play and preformed teams.

    submitted by /u/DeathlyHollowInside
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    I'm stuck at 4700. Tips?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:39 PM PST

    The floor is moving again.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:04 AM PST

    SuperCell has brought back the car sick inducing moving background on some party modes. It gives me such a headache. I can't be the only one.

    submitted by /u/MajorMarkBoomRoyale
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    New game mode: Save the flag.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 02:41 PM PST

    We start from a Touch Down style arena. No towers.

    Instead, in the center there is a flag. The troops will all go for the flag and the troop that touches it will carry it until it is eliminated. The side that manages to retain the flag wins the battle.

    When the troop carrying the flag is eliminated, the flag returns to its original position.

    The rest, I leave it to the imagination.

    What is your opinion?



    Nuevo modo de juego: guarda la bandera.

    Partimos de una arena de estilo Touch Down. Sin torres.

    En cambio, en el centro hay una bandera. Todas las tropas irán a por la bandera y la tropa que la toque la llevará hasta que sea eliminada. El bando que consiga retener la bandera gana la batalla.

    Cuando la tropa que porta la bandera es eliminada, la bandera vuelve a su posición original.

    El resto lo dejo a la imaginación.

    ¿Cuál es tu opinión?

    submitted by /u/Annna_MiCasa
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    False Hope

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:21 PM PST

    Opinions please ? How’s this deck looking ? Would there be anything that needs changing ?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:47 PM PST

    [Question] Is there a way for me to tell how many battles my clan members have played in the current River Race?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:35 PM PST

    Hey guys, I need your help here, in case you know.

    Someone in my clan says he's seen somewhere in the game a way to show the number of battles played in the current River Race by other clan members, e.g. 2/4 battles, this way allowing us to tell that member 'hey, you still have 2 more battles, and we're so close to winning', or something.

    He swears it was there, but was a little bit hidden, difficult to find.

    Does anyone know, is there such a thing? Or perhaps it was there, but was removed?

    Or is he making this up?

    submitted by /u/darktower_gunslinger
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    Worth losing trophies?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:30 PM PST

    My cards are all rank 11 and two are rank 12. My king tower is rank 12 and everyone I am going against has cards level 12 or 13 and I have dropped 200 trophies today because I can't beat any of these decks and they're all nothing decks. I have tried every deck on royal api, golem night witch, pekka bridgespam, spell bait, all of the top decks recommended and I get stomped every time by raged e barbs, mega knight with a wizard behind it, lumberloons. I can't beat any of them and I'm frustrated to the point I'm don't even want to play anymore. Is it worth losing trophies to get lower and get better matchups or am I screwed unless I pay money to get my cards leveled up?

    submitted by /u/MrPoopyButtHole44
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    What does reddit think about my deck ��

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:28 PM PST

    Are there any real players in this game?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:07 PM PST

    I decided to try to get back into the game after not playing for a few years and I've noticed that almost everyone I've fought is a bot. Is this normal?

    If so that's super disappointing that the game tries to trick its users into fighting against bots disguised as really people.

    submitted by /u/Rocomet
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    At first i thought it was just a glitch, but now im certain that the new stage is traveling on a coc map in 2v2 games������ traveling cake i guess

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:03 AM PST

    Fighting fish emote deleted

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 06:50 PM PST

    Can anyone confirm this for me? I was looking through the emotes and noticed the fighting fish was gone. Kinda disappointed cause that was the last emote I wanted.

    submitted by /u/Trevlaz
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