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    Thursday, February 11, 2021

    Clash Royale Lets Go! What do you think?

    Clash Royale Lets Go! What do you think?

    Lets Go! What do you think?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:24 AM PST

    Haha, good joke.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:14 PM PST

    "Thoughts on the river race" (credit Pauliina Peteri) what's your thoughts on this?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:03 AM PST

    It's all over..... Players from the #1 clan in war joined during the first week, no one noticed. One of them got promoted to co and he kicked everyone in our clan..... Reported the traitors to supercell but none of them have been banned, I guess this is it then

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:04 AM PST

    aNy SuGgEsTiOnS oN mY dEcK?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:18 AM PST

    mini pekka valentines day card i made my boyfriend

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:23 PM PST

    Had to replay a few times to see what took the tower

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 05:22 AM PST

    3 months per update is too long

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:21 PM PST

    I hope the devs actually read feedback. This is written in hopes they do so. Three mont cycles feels far too stagnant, if this March update is not amazing I truly believe this will be the final nail in the coffin. My advise/suggestion is to return to the once a month changes. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Nef-2020
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    I use my limited understanding of Science to figure out the realistic implications of cards. Part 8: Royal Arena

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:52 PM PST

    Clash Royale is a cartoony, unrealistic fast-paced battle game where jumping armoured maniacs do battle against massive suicide-bombing skeletons. It's not realistic in the slightest, and I aim to remedy that. I'm no scientist, but I'm armed with Bill Nye, Wikipedia, and a Google search which confirms that nobody's done something like this before. All that said, let's get started.

    Before we start, a wild boar averages about 150 centimetres in length at adulthood. The Hog Rider has a length of about 2 tiles in game, meaning each tile is 75 centimetres in length and width.

    Royal Recruits: You can't deploy recruits still undergoing basic training. RR players are war criminals. Actually, Poison players are also war criminals, if you remember that Poison is sulfur mustard gas.

    Royal Giant: A royal cannon weighs 8000 pounds. The Royal Giant would have to be extremely ripped in order to lift such a cannon, let alone its gunpowder and ammunition. The Royal Giant is also not prepared to deal with the massive recoil.

    Three Musketeers: Anything that applies to the Musketeer also applies here.

    Royal Hogs: They move at 5.67 kilometres an hour. That's the pace of speed walking.

    Guards: As with all skeleton-based troops, the Guards cannot move or attack.

    Dark Prince: This man wears a bucket on his head. Now, while this may apply to several cards, the Dark Prince's helmet drew my attention to his face. His nose has an unnatural anatomy. The nose's sides seem to more or less touch the sides of his eyes, something which does not happen in humans, except in cases of severe facial deformity.

    Princess: If you pay attention to the Princess' firing animation, the single arrow somehow splits into three arrows magically. The Princess should actually just be shooting one arrow. The absolute maximum simultaneous arrows at once is three, and that's just for stunts. The Princess shoots five.

    Mega Knight: The Mega Knight's landing pulverizes anything he falls on due to sheer weight. Forget knockback, anything under him dies outright every time he jumps. Fortunately, he cannot jump. Common sense dictates that he is too heavy to jump at all, let alone that high. His regular attack, however, is still quite lethal. He uses two metal spheres to crush skulls. This will smash enemy heads entirely.

    We're done here. Feel free to correct any misinformation that may appear.

    submitted by /u/Town_of_Tacos
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    Increase elixir per second when teammate leaves a 2v2 match

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:24 AM PST

    If a teammate leaves a 2v2 match, which often happens, why not increase elixir so you can still have a chance of winning the match. Right now it doesnt make sense to keep playing because you'll run out of elixir too fast.

    It doesn't work when a teammate stops playing and doesn't leave the match though (those are the worst), but you could increase elixir after some time has passed without your teammate making a move.

    submitted by /u/Katert
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    God tier rocket prediction ��

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:39 AM PST

    CW2 is ruining this game for me

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:53 PM PST

    I feel like i'm the only person who remembers them saying "f2p players will have more fun in cw2" "low level players will actually be able to help the clan" right before dropping cw2. I don't know how they got online and recorded themselves saying that with a straight face. In cw2 EVERYTHING is level based??? in cw1 low level players stuck to the crazy modes and drafts because it was tournament standard!!! I remember wanting to play the rage game mode because it seemed fun, just to get clapped by lvl13 wizard, witch, hog, and valk combo. CW2 was the light at the end of the tunnel, "finally i can compete with my clan and we can truly show off our SKILL because they said CW2 will be different" only good thing about CW2 is it makes CW1 look amazing. Everyday i log onto CR and play my 4 decks to get my gold and be a team player. Everyday i close the game thinking "why do i even play". I have some maxed cards, i even have a near maxed xbow deck that i almost always win with. The rest of my clan? so many just load into cw2 battles then close the game for free 900 gold, others deleted the game. MAKE CLAN WARS TOURNAMENT STANDARD SO WE CAN ENJOY THE GAME.

    -Fame won is dependent on card level -You need 32 cards to complete with -Your opponents have Maxed everything -Your minions, goblin barrel, princess, and goblin gang die to zap

    These points alone make this game trash. You're giving gold to the rich players (maxed everything can't even spend the gold) and making it so hard to get but dangling it in front of the poor players(low lvl need a tremendous amount of gold to upgrade and be competitive). You sound a whole lot like Wall-street and hedge funds. 😑😑😑

    submitted by /u/KuramasTenthTail
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    Thought ppl might appreciate this wide view on the Fold 2. Good on SC on supporting this extra real estate

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:06 PM PST

    I use my limited understanding of Science to figure out the realistic implications of cards. Part 7: Builder's Workshop

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Clash Royale is a cartoony, unrealistic fast-paced battle game where cell phone towers that have death rays on them do battle against a man riding a jumping pig. It's not realistic in the slightest, and I aim to remedy that. I'm no scientist, but I'm armed with Bill Nye, Wikipedia, and a Google search which confirms that nobody's done something like this before. All that said, let's get started.

    Before we start, a wild boar averages about 150 centimetres in length at adulthood. The Hog Rider has a length of about 2 tiles in game, meaning each tile is 75 centimetres in length and width.

    Mortar: Freeze-framing right before the shell hits the ground reveals that it has a 450 mm caliber, almost 4 times wider than the largest standard mortar round. A 60 mm mortar has a blast radius of up to 25 metres, and an 82 mm shell does damage for up to 40 metres. The arena is only 32 tiles long. In fact, a 120 mm mortar shell has a kill radius of 30 metres. This is not the blast radius, but rather, the radius in which people will die immediately. The Mortar is practically guaranteed to kill everyone in the arena, and most of the audience, in a single attack.

    Skeleton Barrel: The Skeleton Barrel is not going to leave the ground. Three balloons simply isn't enough. Besides, the skeletons have no muscles anyway, so they can't even attack or move after the barrel breaks open.

    Flying Machine: The Flying Machine's small rotors and inefficient power system means that it can't even take off. The space required for the cannon also means that there's no room for a person to sit inside.

    Rocket: It seems to be a firebomb. Even on the off chance that the Rocket contains no explosives, the force of impact would kill most troops right away. It moves even slower than the Goblin Barrel, and it's questionable as to how it stays in the air.

    Balloon: The Balloon is particularly low-altitude and would kill itself using its own bombs when dropping them. Balloons usually cruise at at least 300 metres up.

    X-Bow: The X-Bow is seemingly only equipped with a single arrow. Once it uses up its arrow, that's it. It can't get more. It just shoots a single arrow.

    The Log: The Log should not be able to plow through anything. It would stop after hitting a few objects, and any troop unfortunate enough to be caught in front of it at full speed would have their organs pulverized. There are many news stories about people crushed to death by rolling logs.

    Inferno Dragon: It isn't made clear where the fire beam comes from, but the tanks on its back suggest that the Inferno Dragon is spraying flammable gases. Evidence points to the Inferno Dragon packing chlorine trifluoride, a gas notorious for being the most flammable known gas, able to burn through concrete. This is demonstrated in-game by its ability to make short work of the Golem. Chlorine trifluoride is also colourless, shown in-game by the lack of any visible gas. It's able to set fire to more or less anything, which the Inferno Dragon can and does.

    That is it. I'm slightly unsatisfied by the lack of in-depth explanation here, simply because most of the cards simply don't have much to explain. Make corrections if you want, I'd be happy to learn more.

    submitted by /u/Town_of_Tacos
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    A friend of mine recently had this happen to him on his lvl 1 account

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:02 AM PST

    Can we get a mate left chat bubble? For 2v2 or laged out chat bubble for when I have 2-0 towers down but somehow lagout on a good connection.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:18 PM PST

    Meta Killed My Deck. 2 years of using it down the drain.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:48 PM PST

    My First Card Concept: The Assault Bomber, I know its not the best but here it is

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:35 AM PST

    What’s the point of attacking other boats?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:39 AM PST

    Sorry if this has been posted before, I'm a casual lurker to the sub.

    My team has found that you shouldn't waste decks on attacking boats when you can steamroll through your challenges to hit #1.

    Wouldn't it be better if you attacked a boat and if you destroyed a tower, you keep your deck? Or maybe if you use a certain deck, and attack a boat, you can keep attacking with that deck so long as you destroy a tower? That deck is now only for attacking boats until you lose a battle against an enemy boat?

    Just seems like we were attacking boats constantly only to find that the most efficient way to win is to just go for challenges with your decks.

    submitted by /u/alien005
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    Did anyone else lose their account

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:06 PM PST

    I tried playing today but it logged me out so I tried putting in my super cell id but it didn't work im not sure why

    submitted by /u/lonedog9822
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    What’s the ratio of maxed lvl 13 players to lower level players in the princess deck challenge?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:53 PM PST

    I'm on the last part of the princess deck challenge and holy crap. Everytime I play, I get matched with maxed level 13 players that have all their cards maxed. I know all cards are capped at level 9 but it's still so hard to get a win. I have the battle pass so I'm not worried about losing, but man this is getting frustrating.

    submitted by /u/ChicknStripz
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    DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS, BABY. (2.6 fast cycle Princess defense)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST

    Lightning: snatching victory from the jaws of defeat since 2016

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:23 PM PST

    Just entered Legendary Arenas 4000 Any tips?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:48 PM PST

    I just entered the Legendary Arenas and I realized 2 things. 1. My opponents are soooo strong and 2. Minimal trophies are lost for each loss.I currently have Sparky L9, Magic Archer L10, Lumberjack L9, Inferno Dragon L9 as my legendaries. Any deck suggestions? Should I stop pushing ladder because I have underleveled cards?

    submitted by /u/coolkid346
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