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    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    Clash Royale My only joy in the game remains 2v2

    Clash Royale My only joy in the game remains 2v2

    My only joy in the game remains 2v2

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:56 AM PST

    [Effort Post ] #NoPass2021 - The community has spoken, developers!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:27 PM PST

    Supercell has made so MANY mistakes in the past months that affect literally everyone.

    • CW 2 update was a fail and invested so much resources into it for nothing. 1) The game is very stale and its current state is the worst that it has ever had. 2) The goal was to improve Clan Wars 1. In the end, it got even worse and more and more people are turning their backs on the game because they have made Clash Royale worse. 3) Originally planning the release of the update was in March (KFC Clash Interview), in the end it came out almost in September. How can something like that happen?!

    • Trophy Deflation is a joke. 1) Nobody can come close to achieving their personal best. 2) You lose more trophies than you would if you won. 3) You don't really get ahead with collecting trophies because all the players are so close together.

    • Seasons are not creative and boring. 1) No new game modes - tomorow: iCe WiZaRd DrAfT cHalLeNge 2) Not even a new arena ... Arena 8 will exist in the game twice. 3) Extremely badly animated ice mage emotes. 4) The content creators never got access to the developer account. How should the pllayerbase be informed when exactly this happens?!

    • Lack of communication & information. 1) Drew's last detailed post was about Clan Wars in September - 4 months ago! Compare something like that to Brawl Stars Community Managers Ryan and Dani ... they would be almost ashamed at such a length of time. 2) The developer team hardly listens to update ideas of the community, but publishes functions that nobody wanted and that nobody asked for. 3) The announced ban wave of accounts was not officially announced anywhere, but Ash, a Youtuber, had to do so. This would not be the case in any other game with such a big audience. 4) The changes to the trophies in Ladder were suddenly communicated only marginally and nowhere in more detail and in such a way that one could have prepared for them. The news came very suddenly. 5) There used to be AMAs with the developers, today you are happy to receive 1 client update a year (CW2 in 2020). This is a situation that is unacceptable to Supercell.

    ... I can go on like this. There is more going wrong in this game than anyone can imagine. Incomprehensible. But actually just sad. Dealing with the community and the loyal players being active for almost 5 years is terrible.

    Let us therefore act against it together and send a clear signal. Don't buy the next Pass Royales. #NoPass2021 - the community has spoken, developers!

    submitted by /u/anonymer_unbekannter
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    Instead of an Opt in/out just boot all the remaining players from the entire clan, understood.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:41 PM PST

    Hey I’ve been trying to do this for years if you have a second I’d love for you guys to check it out:) (sorry for the music I screen recorded this on my phone)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:49 PM PST

    Can Clash Royale get any worse?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:02 AM PST

    Guys lets be frankly honest, lets go to every aspect of the game, this post wont be too long I promise.

    Ladder: With the "recent" change nobody really pushed this season, after the season reset everybody has stayed in the same range of trophies. So ladder is more ruined than before.

    High ladder: Rock paper scissors, rewards underwhelming.

    CW2: Same boring stuff, they changed something but the interview proved that the devs think CW2 is good as it is so we have to embrace it. Matchmaking flawed and rewards decent but hard to obtain.

    Tournaments: Only played by really good players, rewards underwhelming compared to the skill needed to obtain them.

    Quests: Gone.

    Party mode: Nothing really bad about this rather than the same old challenges and nothing new. Fun and rewarding tho.

    submitted by /u/AndrewSenpai78
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    I played as much as previous season, since the beginning of this season im stuck at 5400, my pr is 6900 yeah this seems right to me this game is totally not ruined by last update!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:32 AM PST

    Change my mind: Infinite elixir should be a permanent mode in party

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:11 PM PST

    This is by far the most fun mode in Clash Royale, losing isn't triggering at all. Whenever it's in party tab, i play it for hours.

    submitted by /u/NearbyDate2
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    I was playing Giant double princes recently, so i thought why not post my first shitty drawing of the Prince today.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    I went into full panic mode. Wish I didn't have chat muted though.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    I feel like this game today is more heavily invested in luck than it ever was

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:01 PM PST


    This is my personal opinion and based on my experiences but back then, when I lost a battle, I acknowledged that my opponent had more skill in his deck. There were times when the opponent blatantly had the better deck, but overall that often wasn't the case.

    Now, due to countless balances and card diversity, I feel like battles have gone from skill-based to luck-based. For example, who has the better starting hand? golem/lava hound first play, and your starting cards can't go against it. Or, who has the harder counter: 2.6 vs splashyard, or royal hogs vs mortar, or electro giant vs balloon, etc. Along with the many issues present in this game, for me, this one has really impacted me and like others, I no longer feel much enjoyment for the game.

    even though I have nothing else to do, I always come back, but this game isn't the same as before and it's quite disappointing

    What do you guys think? Do other people feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/SPEKTAKL
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    [Strategy] Archetypes: Cycle decks

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:35 PM PST

    Hi, everyone! Today, I'm going to be starting a new series called the archetype series. This series will mostly be about archetypes and will be a basic rundown of everything you would need to know when playing that archetype. Good for a quick read before playing a match with a specific deck. We will be looking at cycle first.

    The cycle sub archetype is a control archetype that more specifically narrows down into using one central win condition to apply repeated pressure and cause repeated chip damage while light and very cheap utility cards defend. Some may say that this is the most skillful archetype in the game, and while I respectfully disagree with that opinion, it by no means is mindless spamming. I hope you guys enjoy!

    What cards are in cycle decks that make it work?

    The win condition in most cycle decks often are fast and will often allow the player to get about 400-500 damage every so often. This is because they are able to use so many cards in their deck over a short period of time, they can get back to their win condition before the opponent can re obtain their best counters, doing this in the possibility that they would have to let it go or use not so effective counters, allowing them to chip away at their tower. A few examples of cycle win conditions would be Miner, Hog Rider, and Royal Giant.

    These decks want to use their offense repeatedly, so they don't want to waste elixir on the offense. Because of this, most "supporting" cards are more defense cards. They still synergize with the win condition, but can also synergize with other support cards for a repetitive strong defense so that they don't loose a tower while they get back to another win condition.

    All cycle decks have 2 spells. Generally you would see the Log and Fireball combination for the cheapness and the proper killing of cards like goblins from a goblin barrel or Musketeer so they don't chip away at the tower and become too much of a threat.

    How do cycle decks operate? Looking at Macro

    The main point of a cycle deck is to be able to play cards at a faster tempo than the opponent's and force their opponent into having a bad hand when their win condition comes in. Because they focus on the card cycle so much, it makes the macro play of card counting required. Card counting is memorizing the order of the cards played so that you know what cards would be in hand when a card is played.

    For example, let's say your playing 2.6. You finish a defense and they play a knight on your Musketeer. You decided to go in now with a Hog. They play a bomb tower. Your goal and main function of the deck is to play a hog before you see a knight, so that the opponent doesn't have a bomb tower in hand to catch the Hog.

    Because you are playing cards more often, you are making more plays. Because of this, elixir counting is also important because if you make negative elixir trades every play, your going to run out of elixir quick. So be sure that your defense costs less elixir than their offense so that your plays are able to give you elixir, not waste it.

    Apart from that, your macro is actually very simple when you play cycle decks. Your elixir flows "faster" since your cards are cheaper and your offense is repetitive and a very quick burst of damage. Now, let's look at some cycle deck examples that maybe you should try out yourself!

    Looking at various cycle decks, meta and off meta

    While this deck is one of the most common cycle decks in the meta and overall a good deck, Miner Wallbreakers is one of the most evolving decks in all of clash Royale, changing rapidly in the current meta and having many variants. Because of this, it's lack to remain a static deck and is always having new variants come and go make it one of the least free to play friendly cycle decks in the game. Of course, it doesn't help that Miner and Wall breakers are Legendary and Epic cards. I recommend this deck only if you have plenty of cards maxed or at a high enough level to use, since you never know what people would throw in it the next seasons.

    Unlike other cycle decks, Miner Wallbreakers utilize cheaper troops to synergize with the repeated cycling of the Miner to catch the opponent with a high DPS troop on tower with no responses. You really want to be aggressive with Miner Wallbreakers, since you don't have many sturdy cards to help you out on defense. But you can take a tower in single and your defense will be a lot easier since you only have to keep them back for a minute in double elixir.

    X-bow cycle is one of the most reliable decks in the game. It has stood the test of time with very little need to adapt, only changing one card over the course of its life. This variant uses the knight instead of the Ice Golem. Wether it may or may not be negatively affected by balance changes, this deck will always find some way to remain a viable and strong meta deck. You can put your resources into maxing it and it won't let you down, also making it a very popular deck.

    The main trick here is to pay attention to what cards they have for the X-bow. Depending on what counters they can use, you can then decide wether or not it is a proper idea to just out cycle the counters and put them in an awkward position when the next X-bow comes down, or defend the X-bow and try to waste away their elixir for the next X-bow to whittle down the tower. Regardless, a tight defense with precise timing is required to win with this, and there are a lot of amazing plays that can be made with a such deck.

    This deck, although once looking as reliable as X-bow cycle, has fallen significantly since the beginning of the year when it was a top 3 deck of all time. That being said, with fisherman and tornado being central cards in the meta, and a lot of popular decks being near hard counters, it's a little amazing this deck still has life in it. Using one of the least popular and weakest win conditions according to Royale API's stats, if it's still a usable deck in the current meta, then it can stand the test of time. Want a deck that can reliably show your skill and withstand any test time can give it? Well, here you are.

    The name of the game is all chip damage. Chip damage with the Hog, good defense, small counter attacks lead to possible Musketeer chip damage, and the process repeats, again and again and again. The defense of a cannon can be magical when used properly and the Musketeer only makes it even better. While you can play Ice Golem and Skeletons in the back, you will ultimately need them in your defense and they should remain in your hand until then.


    Cycle is a prominent meta archetype which revolves around playing more troops to get back to a main win condition before the opponent can get their counters back in hand, putting them in a bad defense position and chipping their tower away.

    I hope you guys enjoyed!


    submitted by /u/Huffelpuff__rainbow
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    Are you looking forward to season reset ?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:33 PM PST

    I'm particularly looking forward to easy wins vs lvl 10,11 and 12, then getting smashed myself by pros , then getting knocked back down the ladder so I can smash those lvl 10,11 and 12s again.

    And all this fun for free , because I'll not be buying the season pass- for the first time.

    What about you ?


    submitted by /u/Someschmo
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    Only 15 left in the worst season of all the history of CR. SC has not enough issued a single word about the train wreck they created this season. Pleas please please...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:40 AM PST


    submitted by /u/Jr1262
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    Supercell is voluntary killing this game.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:36 AM PST

    Everybody is leaving. I am sad because CR is my fav game since 4 years but now I am asking myself some questions about the reality behind all the last changes.

    Look at Brawl Stars, i play this game once a week, i really prefer CR, but only with the monthly content they keep me to connect! I think they want CR dead to maximise BS !

    I am really thinking that they want everybody leave the game. Every thing they do is bad since cw2. They kill the war, they kill the ladder and now look at the first season of 2021, it's a joke?

    My clan stopped winning war because we can connect all in the Monday and Tuesday morning. We work, we study, we have a life. So ladder was the last option and now? We will never reach again the personal best because of the trophy changes??? No enjoyment to play this game anymore, but I play every day!!!

    I think I will stay since the first update of the year, hopefully in March but I think they will delay to probably June and for me it will be to late. I am sad, this will be my fav game forever.

    submitted by /u/waughandy
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    this (credit to og creator)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST

    I give up! :(

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:33 AM PST

    I've been playing CR religiously for the last 11 months, supercell have ruined their game for me 1) Removal of quests. 2) Slow Progression (sticking to a particular deck doesn't helps in this dynamic meta). 3) Bad clan war system (higher level opponents in 1v1 and duels). 4) Broken ladder ( trust me, it's a nightmare facing only max decks in 5.1k range).

    I have been using the 3.0 deck and supercell have nerfed the X-Bow to the ground. This deck is bad against the most meta decks after the nerf.

    I tried to enjoy the game through party modes, special challenges, tournaments and GC, CC. Tournaments is the home of meta decks, for GC/CC I'm always out of gems, special challenges are okayish.

    Lately, I have been experiencing more frustration rather than enjoying the game. (No offense please, I'm just writing down my opinions). I have no motivation to play the game.

    submitted by /u/xXSanskariXx
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    The #1 problem with Clan Wars

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:38 AM PST

    I haven't seen this so I thought it was time to post. I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

    Lots has been discussed (rightly) about the issues with Clan Wars 2. I think I could forgive most except for one.

    Winning doesn't really matter.

    With Max Cards you get roughly 400 fame for wins and 200 for losses. With clans averaging usually between 40-75 percent win % and anywhere from 10-90 % participation (usually between 40-80 %) there is simply not enough differentiation between wins and losses.

    Thus it becomes more of a race to participate. That is not good game design and is not fun.

    Solution: make wins x3 more fame then losses. x4 could work as well, but probably would have to tweak what number we race too.

    Thanks for reading, upvote if you agree. Let me know why in the comments if you disagree.

    submitted by /u/darrella1035
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    Flying Death! New card mechanic idea

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:17 AM PST

    How did i even stop this MASSIVE push?!��

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Stupidly unfair matches

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Unfair match 1 Unfair match 2 Just look at the trophy count. I cant progress because of this.

    submitted by /u/xXNickTheBestXx
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    All these complaints about the current state of the game are valid, and I don't mean to pile on, but can we also address how the emote for Bowler this season was tacky and ugly low-effort?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:42 PM PST

    A week of play after being gone for several months.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:42 AM PST

    Foreword: I don't expect anything on this post, but just to share. What I say doesn't necessarily bash the dev team just my one week re-exploration of this game. After this review I'll probably keep the game downloaded, but will be on the back burner of the games I have for what I say below. I didn't explore challenges, but this encompassing every playable game mode available in the last week Dec. 27th 2020 to Jan. 3 2021.

    Intro: I've always wanted to post my two cents on my take of the game so hear I go. Context: played CR since US release, since then played until two weeks after CW2. Recently downloaded a week ago to see what's changed.

    Body: Joining a clan to see how clan wars works now still seems the same with most "strategies" involve cheesing the game or quitting just get to get through the matches for your boat to go quicker. Really takes out the effort in trying. I'd thought I'd see more variety in battles like in CW1, but still feels like when I left just more competitive ladder when people want to be.

    Speaking on ladder, from a week of play, when I played two things I noticed, at 4500 trophies, most people either are maxed decks lvl 12/13 or are playing with fairly non meta builds (had different people rocket my king tower instantly on 30 or more occasions). If you as a player want to have fun on ladder go for it, I'm not sure if that's just degradation of the game or I was insanely lucky in seeing these players where as since the start of my play that has been very rare in my experience.

    I found myself playing 2v2's more than ladder. I read on here a bit that people are leaving in droves, sure but the queues are still instant when I'm loading into any game mode so I'm not sure how truthful that is versus the actual numbers. Sure I left and so did a bunch of former clan mates in my previous clan, but I don't have issues still playing with people.

    Conclusion: Low and behold the game has changed dramatically in months what would take in years, previously to change. Game doesn't feel like it's dying more so the environment is changing as are the perspectives. I still had my laughs and enjoyed where I could, but didn't feel like people tried as much knowing that in clan wars and on ladder people are either over leveled for their tower rank (I.e. a lvl 10 having 3/4 level 11 cards and maybe one level 12 card; I'm level 13 btw). I feel like the community events where 2 people are working together or the silly events (like lumberjack rush or floor is healing) are the way in which the game will go now to invoke more purchases.

    IMO (duh) Clash Royale dev team isn't making too big of changes in card stats (look at the Dec. 9th, 2020 patch notes). When I say this I mean ultimately huge game changing effects. Sure "-59% damage on healing spirit" is big, but healing spirit doesn't break the game. I like to think this is to make the game more standardized for upcoming competitive changes or as they said "having your favorite card nerfed often has a negative effect....". Either or, the game is still going as season passes keep coming and queue times are still instant when loading into the game modes I encountered.

    submitted by /u/DanRJ
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    A great progress in the first month!!! (i dont use pass royale btw)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:15 AM PST

    Thank you Supercell you finally were able to kill the game (to me at least)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:22 AM PST

    Hi everyone!!

    I am here to spend my 2 cents about the new and improved trophy sistem that Supercell gifts us all on December.

    To be short this was the worst season ever to push on ladder and my whole clan just couldnt agreed more with this statement. The entire clan was unable to push past 6000 trophies (and me of course) like 6k was some sort of hell gates and before you all start shitting on my clan saying that we all are avarege players 2 of the top players usually end between 6700 and 7000 trophies while at least 7 or more player are able to push past 6000 and end at various trophies level below 6500.

    My PB was of almost 6600 (over one year old) and my tipical season reset in the last 10 season or so was around 6200/6300 because with the game getting stale and many people leaving the game there are less and less trophies for non ultra top Players to push at lower level.

    Of course this is just my point of view on the matter looking at my small group of clanmates of 50 or so. Feel free to gave your opinion and share info on the situation of your clans.

    Edit for typos

    submitted by /u/NightmareLarry
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