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    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    Clash Royale Dart Goblin sketch by me. just got into digital art, tell me what you think :)

    Clash Royale Dart Goblin sketch by me. just got into digital art, tell me what you think :)

    Dart Goblin sketch by me. just got into digital art, tell me what you think :)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:24 AM PST

    Nothing New In Season 19, Same Old Challenges, No Balance Changes, Very disappointed supercell there is no new content coming in season 19

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:19 AM PST

    What the hell did I do????

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Horrible Ladder - No normal player can progress anymore

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:37 PM PST

    I have never complained about anything, i belong to the persons who like CW2. But what did SC to the ladder progression? Normally i enjoy the last weekend to push on ladder and try to beat my PB. This isnt possible right now. So why should i ever play ladder again?

    submitted by /u/Etaningen
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    Clan Leader & finding the game very stressful

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:13 PM PST

    What the hell has Supercell done to the game? Clan wars is an unmitigated disaster. It's so stressful to keep on top of who has and hasn't warred, you can't nudge anyone, you can't track progress in a meaningful way. There are no tools to monitor progress and API data is crap. After Day 1 you basically can't track anything and I'm spending all my time chasing players to complete battles when I have no idea if they've done 0/1/2/3/4 battles.

    Throw into the mix that it's a stupid "race" that takes all skill out of the equation - it's just whichever clan can mobilise the most players for most days - using their own means, messages / messages / messages. I have better things to do with my time than needing to be chained to the game 24/7 to try to win...and for what?

    And then when this "race week" war is finally done tomorrow (thank goodness) we're straight into another 2 day race of chasing people again etc. Yippee...I can't wait!!!

    It all adds up to being really no fun whatsoever anymore. This is meant to be an enjoyable game and I'm the clan leader of a top 5 war / top 15 ladder clan so I know what I'm doing and talking about. I built this clan from scratch 2 years ago but I'm getting to the end of my tether with the new format - it's frankly all adding up to be a pile of shit - that's how 'passionate' I feel about it all now, it's totally stressed me out. The game shouldn't be as stressful as this, it's needing far too much time and effort for something which should be straight forward. CW1 was easy, you could start war to suit the clan and you had tools to manage the war. Plus final battle meant something...now it's just homogenised Groundhog Day. It's a total and utter mess and nothing is being done about it. We couldn't even start war this week due to CR bugs so started 2 days late. Thanks for costing our clan 10k gold each from lost battles!

    And now ladder is horrible too - adds even more stress on top of wars because you can't progress. It's like banging your head against a brick wall.

    This means players (and leaders!) are becoming more and more disillusioned which is turn makes it harder to get them to stay active and hence why chasing players for war is more stressful because more and more people are starting to not give a shit.

    Where is this all going...I'm running a top clan and people have had enough!!! u/supercell_drew, something has to give here - the game isn't fun anymore. It's becoming too complex with much pressure, with too little tools to manage the clan and track stats/activity. I'm burning out and used to love the game but since CW2 was launched it's been a steady decline - have seen so many players give up or become very casual. How can the changes be defended as a step in the right direction? Why isn't the community listened to more for what it wants and what will work?

    Yours despairingly, A stressed out top Clan Leader

    submitted by /u/Blessedwylde
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    Clan Wars 2 AFK Strat

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:17 PM PST

    I've found that you still get rewarded clan XP if you leave right after starting a match. So, throughout the day I'll hop on, queue a match, and go back to whatever I was doing to get clan XP.

    Maybe if enough people do this SC will realize how dead their game is when more and more Clan Wars matching are just free wins.

    submitted by /u/bigthrow82
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    [Effort Post] Goals Clash Royale Should Have in 2021

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:15 AM PST

    #Adjusting Or Reverting The Ladder System

    (Problem) It's no secret that the majority of the community despises the new trophy system. Not only are many players frustrated about being stuck in a certain trophy range, but they also are missing out on rewards in trophy road they used to obtain with ease. Additionally, players will likely never be able to beat their old PB because of the deflation. This has caused much irritation in myself and others in the community.

    (Possible Solutions)

    1. Return to the trophy system we have had in the game for the past 2 years.
    2. Modify trophy road rewards to appear more frequently.
    3. Making a section in the player profile section that shows what a player's PB was before the trophy deflation.
    4. Extend seasons longer so that players will have a better shot at beating their PB.

    #Fixing Clan Wars 2

    (Problem) Instead of making Clan Wars 2 a mode that revolves around a clan's skill, Supercell has instead designed it so that clans with higher card levels and participation will have greater success in their wars.

    (Possible Solutions)

    1. Add level caps for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Legendary leagues (9,10,11,12).
    2. Add classic deck or mirror battle in the rotating game modes to give players the chance to battle on equal ground with someone with level 9 cards.
    3. Make boat battles more strategic and meaningful.
    4. Revamp the Colosseum week so the battles players do for the duration of that week are more significant (similar to the final battle in the original Clan Wars)
    5. Allow clans to be able to reduce their membership size to 25 players. Many clans are struggling with participation and having all their members earning fame. This would permit these clans to trim down their roster so the members who are committed to playing clan war's everyday will be the only ones remaining. Clans with a cap of 25 members will be matched with other 25 member clans during war.
    6. Have clans play different sets of clans every week instead of changing it each month.

    #Reworking Classic and Grand Challenges

    (Problem) Gems have become increasingly difficult to obtain as a result of the removal of quests, trophy deflation (It's harder to acquire the gem rewards from trophy road), and no longer having a possibility of getting gems from clan wars. This has caused fewer players to enter challenges and resulted in the greater part of participants in them being highly skilled players.

    (Possible Solutions)

    1. Creating challenge tokens that give you a free entry to a classic or grand challenge. These would be earned from special challenges or trophy road.
    2. Making gems more attainable by implementing quests and gem rush back into the game.

    #Adding New Star Level Skins, Exclusive Emotes That Can Be Earned Through Special Challenges, And Badges

    (Problem) There haven't been any of the above-mentioned things added into the game essentially for over two years (excluding yearly badges and the GT emote).

    (Possible Solutions)

    1. Completing the star level skins for all cards in the game. Also, allow players to earn star points more easily. Right now it is laughable at how long it takes to earn enough star points just to upgrade a single card.
    2. Producing star skins that can be purchased in the shop for gems or money. If done properly, this could be a tremendous addition to the game and a good source of money for Supercell.
    3. Hosting special challenges each month that include exclusive emotes that players can earn. You could potentially earn these in 20 or 15 win challenges.
    4. Introducing new badges or stats in the player profile. Some ideas: Highest wins in GT, a donation badge, close battles won, elixir used, etc.

    #QOL and Other Changes

    1. Ability to name decks and have an increased number of deck slots.
    2. Allow players to organize emotes
    3. Add 2v2 ladder and a 2v2 Global Tournament
    4. Implement a Profile Banner
    5. Add more texts you can use in battle.
    6. Spectate top 1k ladder
    7. Make an add friend and play again buttons after 1v1 matches.
    8. Create an emote chest in the shop.
    9. Add Lobbies to trade and chat with friends
    10. Allow for us to search for clans again without having to leave the one we're in.
    submitted by /u/Goldilocks04
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    (Translated by Google translator, sorry for possible mistakes) I play since its global launch (almost 5 years), cw2 discouraged me a lot, besides my clan was created more than 3 years ago (I am the leader) and it fell apart because of this unfair and repetitive war.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:26 PM PST

    3 of my colliders stopped playing because of the game with p2w updates. Thanks for everything, it was good to play for almost 4 years with almost the same clan

    submitted by /u/To_na_Area
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    [CR 2020 Year-In-Review PART I] - Cards, Game Modes, Arenas

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:23 AM PST

    Perfect Timing For That Extra Crown

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:52 PM PST

    [GOAL] 5 years F2P, 84 cards down & 18 to go.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    TL;DR -- this game is brutal.

    Just got 5 years badge today. Looking back, I have spent 0 dimes in this game and kept chests in work 24/7/365 (almost) for 5 continuous years. Where does this take me at? I just maxed my e-spirit and e-giant and that concluded my quest to max all common, rare, and epic cards (84 cards) and that leaves me 18 legendary cards to go, all are level 12 midway to max with exception of mama witch (level 11 midway) and I have 300k gold. Will I ever be maxed? doubtful, this game is so tedious especially with Clan Wars 2 smfh I always wonder why the fk am I still playing.

    submitted by /u/Bossini
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    Well we got the 5 year badge a lot quicker than the 4 year badge!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:53 AM PST

    This game actually has no quality control. Typos are frequently slipping through into the game. Is this indicative of a much larger issue?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:58 AM PST

    Got my first max deck! ��

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:29 AM PST

    Protecting the Magic Archer AT ALL COSTS! 1,620 damage from him alone + 297 EQ damage.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:19 PM PST

    SuperCell broke Clan Wars and Ladder

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:48 PM PST

    First Clan Wars. Supposedly the "Time Zone Issue" was fixed. Most of my clan is Pacific Standard Time. 9am Monday morning 2 boats had already finish the Race in the final week. We managed to get 3rd by the end of the day. How is this "fixed"? It's making great players look bad because they haven't recorded a war attack by 8am

    Ladder...Not enough has been said about how terrible match making has become. My max trophy count is just under 6200. I'm facing guys with max trophy counts if 7000+. I can't even reach 5800 this season. I'll even purposely not play for a day and a half then finally log in and lose 5 in a row. How is that good for the community?

    submitted by /u/Emdubb88
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    Am I taking crazy pills?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST

    Like many of you, I have found it completely impossible to climb. I typically top out around 6k trophies sometimes a bit higher, this month I cannot break 5100. My clan in which the core group of 15 guys had been together for 5years is now dead. Half our 5 year guys have quit the game this month. Our clan which always completed the wars successfully (mid gold) now failed to finish the last 2 river races and will never finish one again.

    If you set the matchmaker to give people hard counters to keep them at a 50 percent win rate. And then you set the trophies to lose more for a loss than you gain for a win. You effectively ensure that the vast majority of your community is unable to climb. Because no matter how well you play, the game will search for a good player playing a hard counter and will feed you that matchup until it pushes you back to 50 percent.

    So now we have a situation where the entire playerbase is being pushed down toward 4k. Sure there may be some truly good players who are able to beat a competent player playing their hard counter, and cheers to them, but the vast majority of us will not be able to out perform the matchmaker, therefore our trophy totals will continue to be pressed toward 4k. Ensuring you have a frustrated player base, who cannot climb ladder and is punished for trying.

    How did the devs not see this would be the inevitable result of the changes they made? Why do they want to frustrate their player base and drive away long time players. In my own clan, many of the people who quit were the spenders. So they are literally driving away paying customers with these changes. Why on earth did they do this?

    submitted by /u/3nnui
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    I'm lost

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:53 PM PST

    I've been playing this game for about 2 years and i don't acomplish anything. I'm no pro player, i can't win challanges, i get anxious playing ladder and are tired of losing and losing. I don't know how people get good at this game. I watch OJ's channel to try lerning something or two but nothing never changes. The only thing im good at is the war coliseum but that's bc my clan is a low tier. I don't want to stop playing the game but i think that's simply not for me. I love watching CRL League and wish i could to 1/2 of what they do.

    submitted by /u/gomes__e
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    Coming back after 3 years

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:47 PM PST

    It's been 3 years since I played this game the last card I remember getting added was the bandit and I was in royal arena, I mainly played hog rider plus graveyard, any tips on how is the meta right now and what has changed

    submitted by /u/Alex_1_7
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    RPS is the Worst Form of Balance

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:13 AM PST

    As more and more cards are added into the game, balancing will become much harder.

    However, just because balancing is harder does not mean you should choose the laziest way possible.

    Looking at the stats, the Royal Hogs Recruits deck has <60% win rates against multiple decks, and >40% win rates against others.

    Not like Royal Hog Recruits is the only one either, Royal Giant and LavaLoon both have matchups with >60% win rates.

    What this shows is that matches are highly dependent on what decks you have, and players often lose just because they brought the wrong cards.

    This is not good.

    When people win/lose matches just for the cards they use, it makes skill much less important than it should be.

    Even worse, it alienates players as they have little control over the results of a match, not just for when they lose, but also when they win.

    It has not been this way until recent years, as older decks like Pekka BridgeSpam and Giant Double Prince all have matchups within 40%-60% win rates. The problem mainly exists in newer decks created in recent months.

    This is not a coincident either, just look at how they balance new cards giving them glaring weaknesses.

    Electro Giant hard counters swarms but is useless against tank units.

    Royal Delivery kills everything but is useless against the opposite arena.

    Heal Spirit hard counters Poison but is useless against instant damage.

    Battle Healer hard counters Poison but is useless against instant damage.

    Elixir Golem deals massive damage but is useless against splash units.

    The game is becoming more centered around spell counters too.

    Archers, Wallbreakers and Firecracker die to Arrows.

    Mother Witch, Skeleton Dragons and Flying Machine die to Fireball.

    All Buildings die to Earthquake.

    Gone are the days where skill actually mattered, where tactics like Tank-and-Spank, Kiting and Outcycling actually worked.

    As skill becomes less significant in card interactions, we start seeing plays like Golem first play.

    After all, no matter what you do, your Swarms will still get killed by Electro Giant, your Buildings will still get killed by Earthquake and your pushes will still get killed by Royal Delivery.

    If playing with skill changes nothing, why bother?

    There is a difference between

    50/50 matchup against every deck


    70/30 matchup against some but 30/70 against others

    As more and more players complain about cards being broken, we can no longer just point at the stats and tell them everything is fine because the cards have a 50% win rate.

    The game has now arrived to a false balance where everything seems balanced, but is broken on the inside.

    This is a problem that must be fixed, as soon as possible. We must not let this game turn into a matchup hell where every match is predetermined by RPS.


    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Jake_Rowley
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    LEAK: Clash Royale Season 19 Tower Skin! (Source: Twitter - @CRLeaks)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:34 AM PST

    Epic close game, I won 1-0 but I could have lost 0-2 or 1-2

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:32 AM PST

    [CR 2020 Year-In-Review Part 2] Clan Wars 2 & Trophy Deflation

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:06 AM PST

    First time 3 crown tie, it's never happened to me before lol it was sick

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:48 PM PST

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