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    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Clash Royale Compilation of Bugs and Inconsistencies

    Clash Royale Compilation of Bugs and Inconsistencies

    Compilation of Bugs and Inconsistencies

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:28 PM PST

    2020 in a nutshell

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:23 AM PST

    Wait that's illegal

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Petition to return to the old trophy system.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:21 PM PST

    To clarify, because the title of this post is potentially unclear. I am proposing going back to the prior system where trophies gained are greater than trophies lost, to reward pushing.

    I will probably update this, but I wanted to get this up quickly, because I think it is an important issue. This post is about a change that was made to ladder trophies. I'm putting this out here because I think it is good to reward activity, but if the community doesn't agree, at least this will put the issue to bed.

    When the trophy road was introduced, Supercell changed the algorithm by which trophies gained or lost were calculated. Prior to the change, trophies gained were approximately 30. After the change, trophies still gained 30, but losses were cut to approximately 20. The result was that players who gained gained trophies and were able to rise further than casual players. In this way, active players could gain more rewards on the trophy road.

    One result of the change was that, in equilibrium, players would lose more than they won. With the prior system, wins and losses were equal, whereas, with the new system, a player would lose 3 matches for every 2 losses. Another result was that active players would eventually start playing casual players with higher card levels. Another change was that was implemented was gates between arenas, which won't let players drop to a lower arena once they entered the arena higher. This last change affected arenas up to 4000 trophies.

    Apparently, players complained to Supercell about the fact that they were facing higher level cards and losing more often, even though that was a natural outcome of the new algorithm. As a result, Supercell reverted to the old system.

    This wreaked havoc on the game for several reasons: 1) because the new system allowed active players to rise higher, their PBs were increased, and they are no longer able to improve them; 2) players were no longer able to earn more rewards by pushing more on the trophy road; 3) I just learned about this: players who were just above an arena gate prior to the change can not drop to the appropriate trophy level because of the gate. So they are caught in some kind of purgatory, like Sisyphus rolling a stone up a hill again and again.

    For these reasons, I am proposing that Supercell revert the trophy algorithm to the prior system as soon as possible to make the game more enjoyable for everyone and to reward activity and effort.

    submitted by /u/TheRealDemonSlayer
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    I made a princess tower any thoughts?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:36 AM PST

    This Saison sucks. Thanks CR for the new trophies system. I have no further motivation to play this game as CW2 is a mess as well.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:17 AM PST

    Is Trophy Deflation the right way to go?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:08 PM PST

    Quick post here. Of course we all know that Trophies have been changed so you lose as much as you win. Some people argue that this keeps the game fair with your losses being as important as your wins. Others argue that this change makes it very hard to push ladder and doesn't allow them to reach their previous PB's.

    I think Trophy Deflation is not a good thing. Here's why. (First, please keep discussion clean and civil. thx)

    First of all, we can take a quick look at our friends at Brawl Stars. 1-2 years ago, Brawl Stars inflated their trophy system, meaning that you would earn way more trophies when you won compared with when you lost (+8 for Win, -2-4 for Loss). Instead of 500 Trophies being a major milestone, 600-700 and higher were major milestones. This also increased Trophy Road with players who were around 10,000 Trophies now going up to 20,000 and beyond, even hitting 50k this week.

    Now, was Trophy Inflation a good thing? In my opinion, it was.

    1. It provided much more room for players to progress. Instead of battling and getting stuck after a few battles, you could continue battling with a decent win rate since everyone is going up at a similar rate. Instead of being stuck at an even win rate, you could still have room to advance forward.
    2. It gives a sense of progression for the game and the player. I know it is kind of a "fake" sense of progression, but inflated trophies gives the sense of improving which makes the game a lot more enjoyable. If you lost and only lost 20-23 trophies, it wouldn't be a big deal and you would just press Battle again. But if you lost 30 trophies, you would reconsider whether you should battle again in order to preserve your trophies. It's kind of like Chess. Would you rather play a version where you would win more rating points than you lost, or would you play a version where you would have a completely even win/loss ratio? I think most people would choose the version where you earned more per win. Good games are all about making your consumer feel happy and satisfied with their performance so that they will likely pick the game up tomorrow.
    3. It also makes the game feel like it is improving and progressing itself. If I told you the highest ranked player in 2019 had 7000 Trophies, and then in 2022 I told you that the highest ranked player had 7000 Trophies, wouldn't it feel like the game isn't really improving? But if I told you that the highest ranked player in 2022 had 10,000 Trophies, it would feel like the game has progressed a lot as people are climbing.

    Trophy Inflation/Deflation is a hard problem to discuss because it primarily has to deal with the players' mind. No matter what system, you are still at the same skill ranking with the only things changing being the numbers. However, I would rather have a feeling that I am progressing and improving so it keeps me motivated and proud to play. Games are meant to make you feel special and proud of what you accomplish which is the reason why most people use games as a way to disconnect from reality.

    If you just confront the player with the reality of "you think you're good, but you're actually pretty bad.", of course the player is going to feel bad and feel like they will never get good at a game. They will lose motivation and pride at a much faster rate which may make them drop the game much earlier than other players, which is the last thing you want to have happen when you want to make a fun and addictive game.

    submitted by /u/WakkkaMole
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    Has anyone else lost the will to push ladder?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:17 AM PST

    Man I quit for 8 months, came back this month, and can't push

    Personal best was 6700 before I quit, usually able to get to 6400 with ease

    I can't even break 5700 now. It's crAzy. Idk what they did but it feels so bad

    I'm losing like 32-35 trophies EVERY loss and only getting 28-30 every win

    It seems impossible to push. It appears this way for everyone. Everyone I'm playing had a personal best of 6600-7000 like me so I'm guessing 5700 is the old 6700 players? Lol

    submitted by /u/Splash-monkeys
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    Jus drew a transformation of a royal hog to a cursed pig and back lol. Sry if the pigs in the 2nd photo are a little brown..i couldnt find my beige colour pencil for some reason

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:23 PM PST

    If you ever feel useless remember that this exists.Smile it could always be worse.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:37 AM PST

    Can someone explain what happened??

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:58 PM PST

    We made it!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:44 AM PST

    Emergency update

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:04 AM PST

    I know there have been tons of posts complaining about the game lately, but I would like to express my own frustrations after ragequitting seconds ago:). My phone was broken for a while, and my oldie can't render clash royale. I didnt play for a few seasons, and was really exited to jump back into the game. But after only days, it lost me a bit already. I don't really mind about not having massive updates every three months, but I think ladder is broken. The balanced trophywin/loss makes it pretty much a waste of time pushing. Wins and even winstreaks feel useless, because the next games you'll lose everything again against players with way higher levels.

    It's simple maths. The average player has a 50/50 w/l ratio, and won't climb up in ladder no matter how hard you try. I really hope for an "emergency update" coming with the season reset next monday. If this nonsense goes on for three more months, I believe thats when the next big update is planned, the game will lose a lot of players I believe, possibly including me.

    Respect if you've read this far

    submitted by /u/GoogleTranslateUser
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    [EFFORT POST] We need to keep in mind and the front page the real issues the game has, not personal drama

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:54 AM PST

    This sub has been a mess since the CW2 update and the reason is very simple: It wasn't a complete update, it was rushed content without feedback from actual players. The same is happening right now with the trophy system.

    We are being used to beta test their ideas for them to get fixed as they go, that's not how games are usually ran. SC has beta testers for sure, they have a dedicated game client for it but they seem to be completely useless when it comes to in game experience for some reason.

    CW2 has gotten better from when it first launched and we can hope that they'll keep changing it to make it better, i assumed that they'll do the same with trophy system but the way things have been managed is still terrible.

    Current issues to focus on:


    It was supposed to be a way for players to get more progression but without maxed cards already you can't progress (i speak as someone with 3 decks maxed that can easily win most games in CW2, it's still stupid how it works), right now i'd argue that CW2 is one of the best places to farm gold and legendaries if you are above 2.5k clan trophies but it's mostly locked for high players, new players can't do anything in it.

    It makes progression as a clan impossible to start from new, if you start a clan now there is no way to get to legendary arena in an acceptable time, which meant that even if clans were at 2.9k, after they were resetted back at 2.5k with CW2, they wasted months just to get back to 2.9k where they were in the first place. (assuming they win all races). This not only killed many clans, it forced people to join existing ones, instead of starting one from zero; be it to compete seriously or to play casually and get something out of it.

    We still haven't received a reply about these issues from SC, all they did was add more leagues that for most people could take YEARS to reach.

    Edit for suggestions from comments:

    • Fame is card level-dependent
    • Defeat Gold is only 10% of Victory Gold
    • No Hard Level Caps by League

    Trophy system:

    It was a way to remove trophy inflation which gave people a fake sense of progression and to remove the trophy gate at 5k that allowed for WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE to stack at 5k because that's where you get stuck with a negative winrate, anyone with 51%+ was higher, anyone between 33-50% was stuck at 5k meaning that we had lots of level 13s and even level 1s facing each other regularly.

    Why this doesn't work as intended:

    They locked good monthly progression people relied on behind trophy goals nearly impossible to reach. I talked about this in a past post: this game gives more rewards to people that don't need them as much, games should give new players more resources to catch up and endgame FUN content for seasoned players, there is no such system in CR.This happened because they have a plan to change the progression system (i expect them to link it to ladder somehow in the future) but they gave us a half-patch early on, that takes away from us but doesn't give anything back to compensate. Once again we are beta testing their half ideas without anything concrete in mind. This change should've happened with the new progression system in 3 months. Takin rewards away for 3 months without giving anything back is just stupid.

    What i want everyone to do as a community is be reasonable, stop complaining with false or useless arguments that don't directly affect the game or your progression, complain about the game, not your personal views.

    I keep seeing posts about "i lose more than i win" That's not true, you win and lose 30 if your opponent has the same trophies (if you win or lose more is based on the trophy difference, but there are no trophies magically disappearing, if you win 26, opponent loses 26), i don't believe that whoever is making those posts never won more than 30 EVER, stop feeding false information.

    An other argument i'm seeing is about PB, Does it matter for the game? No, it doesn't give you anything, it was inflated anyways by longer seasons that simply generated more trophies. They could be removing it in the next patch for all you know, same way they removed legendary trophies we used to have.

    Last but not least: "i'm lv11- i keep facing 13s", yeah, but i bet you were facing 13s already so why tf complain now? The idea is to slowly split players based on skill, before it didn't happen around 5k, but this doesn't happen if people don't play. If you are facing lvls 13 and can't win then you will slowly go down, be it to face lv11s or terrible lvl13s that went down with you, before this didn't happen. It is something that will fix itself with time, you can't expect this change to be immediate.

    What we should be asking as reasonable players:

    • Revert the trophy system till march and give us a full patch with this trophy system change. If the problem is that people will be too high for the system to work, reset everyone to 3-4k and start over like a new game launch. Matchmaking is fk'd already anyways.
    • Change trophy road rewards ASAP so we can still get the same progression we were getting before and keep them till march when they will change anyways (hopefully)
    • For the future: make a beta test server and allow for more people to join it, give out keys to random followers on twitter or something, allow leaks, let the community be a part of what SC is working on, it keeps the community active, exited for new changes and allows feedback. Keep the currently secret beta test server for your testers to test new cards only if you want them to be secret.
    submitted by /u/Hobbit1996
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    Darkest night at Frozen Peak

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:18 AM PST

    Can we get rid of offers like this? 250 gems for 5 freezes??? That's 25 classic challenges and you can get freeze at like 5 wins

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Anyone else agree clash Royale is the most toxic game created?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:50 AM PST

    I legit can't remember the last time I lost a game and didn't get BM'd.

    I think it has to do something where everyone bm's eachother, so everyone feels like they have to do it to everyone as well

    Legit I've never seen a more toxic game 😂

    submitted by /u/Splash-monkeys
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    SC Player Communication and Transparency

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:26 PM PST

    I would be interested to know, how many days do you think it will take for Drew or SC to respond to the overwhelming feedback that has been provided? Keep in mind it has already been over a week... So no guessing under 10 days......

    submitted by /u/Jr1262
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    Goodbye 2020 clash thread welcome 2021

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:06 PM PST

    Posting here the thing about clash you won't miss that 2020 brought and here's hoping for a better 2021z

    Mine is clan wars 2. Maybe a new year means new stuff that's fixed.

    Also happy New Years to all.

    submitted by /u/Nef-2020
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    Secretly Overpowered Cards to Use Before They Realise

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Flying Machine

    What's more broken than a flying Musketeer?

    With flight and long range, it can stay away from the crossfire, and only way to kill it is with anti air cards or spells.

    With its exceptional survivability, Flying Machine can provide massive value overtime, and force out spell responses.

    The card can often be unstoppable without the right responses, and its 56% win rate proofs that.

    Cannon Cart

    With a 58% win rate, it is a miracle that no one is talking about how strong the card is.

    With its high damage, speed and hitpoints, it provides strong offensive power and immense counterpush potential.

    Its long range allows it to reach its target very quickly, and it's often unstoppable once it locks on as it turn into an immobile building.


    With their permastun, they can stop virtually any slow unit in the game and hard counter charging units.

    That would be it, permastun is quite the overpowered ability to have.

    Royal Recruits

    submitted by /u/Jake_Rowley
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    Every tower skin since S1

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Seconds into 2021 losing to X-bow

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:11 PM PST

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