• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Clash Royale Cmon supercell, this *should* be 10,000 star points. 5000 would be great, 2500 would be expected, but 1000 is a joke.

    Clash Royale Cmon supercell, this *should* be 10,000 star points. 5000 would be great, 2500 would be expected, but 1000 is a joke.

    Cmon supercell, this *should* be 10,000 star points. 5000 would be great, 2500 would be expected, but 1000 is a joke.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:59 PM PST

    You should wait till you BM. Just to be sure...

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:04 PM PST


    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:58 AM PST

    Even NyteOwl finds fault with the trophy nerf. Imo this is the single biggest threat to the health of CR.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    If we want real, genuine change we need to rise up as a community and not let Supercell get away with what they are doing

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:14 PM PST

    I recently posted about the promised changes to progression coming, but I now realize that Supercell has stunted non max players growth tremendously with reversal of changes to trophy road, and not being able to get the same amount of rewards as CW1 unless your clan gets first place in the river race.

    We need to rise up as a community just like the hearthstone community did to Blizzard. Blizzard took away most of the F2P currency and the subreddit exploded for weeks. Blizzard eventually fixed everything. This subreddit needs to be more active with their voices if we want the Supercell team to stop driving the game off a cliff.

    submitted by /u/TheFortScientist
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    Havoc takes a break from uploading Clash Royale Content Because he can't force himself to make videos that People Don't watch . I hope Clash Royale must fix their Game before it loses all its Creators and Pro Players.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:55 PM PST

    After close to 4 years playing... I finally got a rank.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Revert ladder because the game isn't fun anymore

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:38 AM PST

    When Supercell add inflation they move ultimate champion from 6400 to 7000 trophies. Suppercell split the gems and move 60 gems at 6150 trophies. The small players are stuck between 4000 and 4200.

    When revert something then revert all changes.

    This is a big nerf for rewards. Every update Supercell lie us with the phrase "More Rewards". But now every player get less rewards from trophy road.

    submitted by /u/alex-cr
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    The game is in such a sorry state

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 12:15 PM PST

    I burned out again a couple months ago and had my account deleted.

    And I must say, it looks like I left just as the ship was about to go under. Looking at the CWA/Drew post...so few comments. People don't even care anymore. I tune in to Oxalate on twitch...he's just going through the motions. Rozay used to score 150+ viewers, he was down in the 70s last night. Tag was playing a charity Free Fire stream. Morten still commands 1.5k viewers...but I mean, I picked chess back up and an old washed GM from Atlanta that is mildly entertaining routinely pulls in 4k+.

    They changed ladder so you lose more trophies now...what the actual fuck are they thinking?

    I check the sub occasionally...ghost town basically. If it weren't for the addiction and people playing because of the time they sunk into it, it really would be on life support. As it is now, I can't imagine how it survives 2021.

    Kind of hoping rather than trying to resurrect CR they just make a CR2.0. Hell, it can be basically the same thing, just fixing all the problems that we've highlighted for years now. Implement all the fantastic ideas the community constantly generates. Is the magic sauce driving the real time engine that hard to replicate?


    submitted by /u/CRDoesSuckThough
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    How to play Icebow 101

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:02 PM PST

    Increasing the number of star points a player receives.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Of course, this is NOT one of the game's main problems, and I'm certain it doesn't affect everyone. It would be nice if they could address this too during the 'progression overhaul' mentioned several times.

    I feel like the number of star points you get in the game is underwhelming. I suppose the goal is for the player not to have every gold skin working as intended. Without the help of Pass Royale and the shop, the number of star points I receive so little, you can barely tell you're getting any. The skins don't make any difference in-game, so I don't understand why they take so long to get.

    If Supercell isn't interested in increasing the amount we receive overall, why not add them as a reward to global tournaments or challenges? Anyone who doesn't have star points unlocked could be given two options; the first being to 'vault' the star point reward they'd claim once they unlock start points or exchange the star point reward(s) for gems, gold or cards... That's just a quick idea I have thought of during the time I have written this post. I'm sure Supercell could easily come up with alternative ideas as that is their job.

    Also, when can we expect to see new star point skins?

    As I said at the start, this isn't to divert Supercell/people away from the main problems. It would be nice to see a slight change to the system with the progression revamp update.

    submitted by /u/SuperiorRoyale
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    I can say I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this 6 minute battle. Thanks for the new mode Supercell!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:14 PM PST

    Let’s give Supercell the benefit of the doubt regarding the trophy changes until next week when we see what they meant about this “progression buff”

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:58 AM PST

    Unique Players Per Arena In 2.4M Matches I Pulled For Dec 30 From CR API

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:11 PM PST

    The goal of new ladder is not what most think and there is a way to fix it.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:56 AM PST

    First of all I'll start this by stating the dev team is fully aware people are "stuck" in ladder. This system was implemented by design not to prevent the 13 player with 13 cards from drawing the 12 player with an 11 card but instead to encourage it.

    Supercell is well aware of their metrics, who is spending on which game, where, and why. And for clash royal by nature it's a feast or famine setup. Either a lot spend or next to nobody does. They tend to get spending when a new card is introduced but beyond that it's very sparse, so they devised a new plan.

    Leave players who are 13 stuck fighting sometimes better players who are 11/12 and thus not allowing them to advance either. Their logic is that those 11/12 players will spend more money in hopes of moving up, while the 13 players are already maxed and wouldn't be spending much anyways. What they don't care about is how players feel or the impact from it. As long as the target group is spending what's needed by their metrics their happy.

    The solution is something I have little faith in the community to actually do but I'll suggest it at risk of ridicule... we as a community across all places should boycott spending in all forms until they fix or alter the system. No I'm not just some angry player who's stuck, everyone is. I don't even dream or hope a post like this will cause much change but it's a start where hopefully more pick up the banner and join in doing this. If everyone supported this concept we could let our voices be heard, and perhaps move onto things like cw2.. which incidentally, this is a distraction of as well.

    submitted by /u/Nef-2020
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    Why do almost all players have the same set of decks?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:26 PM PST

    Like every game I play, after the opponent places the first card, I would be able to figure out the rest of his deck.

    I find it absurd.

    Do most players just copy decks from youtube videos? can't they be creative and add their own touch?

    submitted by /u/sai656
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    I got the Global Tournament Emote!! ;D

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 12:29 PM PST

    Level 1 to 4000 trophies in 190 wins (F2P)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:08 AM PST

    How Could This Monstrosity be Improved to Better Deal with Bait Decks?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:26 PM PST

    A possible way to reduce the effects of starting hand RNG in Clash Royale

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST

    Starting hand RNG (randomness) is a major roadblock for having fair matches in CR. The two main random factors that influence the results of games are difficult matchups and starting hand RNG. The problem of one-sided matchups is hard to solve, but I believe that the effect of starting hand RNG could be diminished rather easily.

    The most common way that starting hand RNG ruins games is when one player pulls their win condition and uses it, while the other player does not have the right responses in hand.

    For example, imagine your opponent plays a golem in the back as their first play. Ideally, you would want to take advantage of your opponent's elixir deficit by attacking the other lane (probably with your win condition), but that cannot happen if you don't pull the cards you need to attack.

    Imagine your opponent immediately plays a balloon at the bridge. If you don't have the right air counters in hand, you simply lose the game.

    Here is my solution: All cards that cost 5+ elixir will no longer appear in your starting hand. In the case that you have more than four 5+ elixir cards, they will be prioritized to not be in your starting hand (if you have exactly five 5+ elixir cards, you would get one of them in your starting hand).

    I think this change would help to reduce the effect of starting hands and it would promote more skilled gameplay. Obviously it would not completely solve the issue, but it would be a nice hidden mechanic to reduce the problem. What do you guys think about it?

    submitted by /u/RedLegend5
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    What's with the coloured name?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:04 PM PST

    What happened to the trophy system?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Hello. I am pretty new to this community and just wondering why so many people are complaining about the new tropy system.

    submitted by /u/Mamiya39
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    [DATAISBEAUTIFUL] Usage Rates of Win Conditions the Past 10 Seasons (Top Players versus All Players)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:34 AM PST

    Had played all the way to CWA’s challenge and it reset in the middle of a game. Happen to anyone else?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:41 PM PST

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