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    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Clash Royale [COMING SOON] Four New Tokens!

    Clash Royale [COMING SOON] Four New Tokens!

    [COMING SOON] Four New Tokens!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:11 AM PST

    What does the Clash Royale sub-Reddit think of my troop drawings?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:38 AM PST

    So is it just me or has anyone else made 0 progress since season reset despite making a massive effort? This has never happened before.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:56 PM PST

    I'm not just coming here to complain, something legitimately doesn't add up. In all past resets, I've had no issue climbing to at least halfway back to my previous trophy count, then hustling back to my max by end of season.

    But at this point, I'm struggling to even stay at my reset trophy level, despite using the same deck as always. I ended last season as master 1 and am cemented at my current mid-challenger 2. I'm up against an insane number of overlevelled players, I can't be the only one.

    submitted by /u/attentionallshoppers
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    Tried to make this sparky cake topper! How's it?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:22 AM PST

    Festive Elf Princess. ������ [Art]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:23 AM PST

    Incredible Timing

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:45 AM PST

    Simping for content: B-Rad taking user requests and playing a match with his feet. ��

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:46 AM PST

    [Effort Post] Fixing the trophy inflation/deflation problem once and for all !

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Short story : Relying on a global placement system instead of trophies and adjusting the leaderboard, some of the upper leagues and the trophy road to said system would permanently fix the inflation/deflation problem (talking about issues such as season length, declining number of ladder battles thus less trophies being generated and the new trophy changes that SC has implemented in their latest update).

    Long story: we'll look more into why this is needed and how it could be implemented.

    One of the most important parts of the game is the chase for a better PB. SC knows this and a big part of their monetization strategy relies of making people want to push ladder as much as possible.

    The problem is that after a certain threshold incresing your skill level/play time/card levels aren't the only factors for achieving a better PB.

    Some things such as season length and the fact that the playerbase has shrunk in the last year (thus there are way less total ladder games and less trophies generated) actually play a huge role.

    Let's take my example . My PB was set around 6 months ago at 7025 trophies with a #8100 Global Finish. In the past months at the end of a season even if I was constantly breaking the top 6k in the world, (basically setting PBs from that perspective) my trophies barely thouched the 6800 range.

    When we can't progress because of card levels we are incentivised to upgrade our cards but when we can't progress for months and months because the season is too short or because less players means less trophies are being generated, we are incentivised to quit.

    I just can't image (and if you can please leave a comment) how this system could possibly benefit SC's monetization strategy since this kind of frustration can't be fixed with a credit card and most players experiencing this are already maxed.

    To our surprise SC took a step in the other direction and decided to slow down the throphy generation even more and this will only exacerbate the problem.

    To be fair to them, I can understand some of their reasoning. Nowadays a new account can make it to 4k+ trophies in less than 24 hours. This makes it problematic when all level 7-8-9-10-11 players are clumped together in a very narrow trophy range and it quickly becomes a frustrating experience for new players.

    I agree that something needs to change but this change shouldn't come at the expense of the 5k+ trophies players that will have a very hard time to even come close to their previous PB's under the new trophy changes brought by the new update.

    I propose a fix that will solve trophy inflation/deflation and that could even work together with the new changes.

    Just as in games such as Hearthstone , after a certain threshold (could be for the top 10k, 25k, 50k etc.), they should show us only our global ranking.

    Basically I'm proposing that they keep the throphies as hidden mmr. The trophy road would be adjusted after the certain threshold and it would award the players based on achieving a better global rank. Same thing with the leagues , maybe the top 10k players get to be ultimate champions.

    This new system could be implemented to kick in starting at the middle or last 2 weeks of a season if SC has concerns of people pushing ladder very early in order to get globally ranked and the trophy road rewards (a feat that may be harder to achieve at the middle/end of a season). On the other hand, incentivising people to push ladder early could partially fix the most frustrating part about season resets : a lot of people being clumped together in a narrow range for a long time, making it a bad experience for the majority of players.

    Besides the global rank they could also add the percent of people that achieved a certain league etc. if they desire.

    Just as in HS, a small problem arises for the top 5-10 players in the world where they aren't certain how far ahead or behind they are from their competition. HS doesnt adress this and let's it be a guessing game (in some cases it actually makes things more interesting from a spectator's POV). We could revert back to public throphy mmr for the top 10 players, or not, either way works.

    Some of you may think that this doesn't affect you but the truth is that with the new changes to throphy generation it may affect you soon enough and with less ladder games every season, such a system would benefit everyone in the game (trophy inflation/deflation issues exist everywhere to some extent) , I just doubt it they would implement it for more than the top 50k-100k players.

    On a side note, what's up with 3rd place in war awarding negative war trophies ? In CW 1 you were also awarded trophies based on the # of wins you had in war so it made sense that 3rd place lost some trophies and it resulted somewhere close to a zero-sum game. Now the entirety of legendary league is a NEGATIVE sum game, it is not sustainable long term.

    Not a native english speaker. Please upvote for visibility!

    Tldr : Keeping trophies as hidden mmr and focusing on a global rank number after a certain threshold fixes the issue of season length and declining number of ladder battles generating less trophies. Also Legendary league in CW2 is a negative-sum game, it needs to change.

    submitted by /u/ImpossibleTowerFox
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    Magic Archer MVP survives for a minute, decimating enemy defense.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Took a break from Clash Royale, joined recently, what happened that made everyone so angry?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:47 AM PST

    I stopped playing this game around when the Ram Rider was introduced and redownloaded it last week. What happened? I see everyone in this subreddit hating on Supercell more than I remember. I've seen a lot of hate directed at Clan Wars 2, but I don't really understand how it works at all. I briefly skimmed through the tutorial and didn't look into it anymore. Can someone explain what happened that pissed so many people off while I was gone?

    submitted by /u/ireallyamnotcreative
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    Updating 2v2 chat words.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:22 AM PST

    Hey, it would be great if the words in 2v2 should be change so that we can communicate better with my random partner. Words like "wait", "right tower/left tower" or "settle down a bit" .

    submitted by /u/sinbad199921
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    Ummm... Is this normal?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    this might help against pekka , GS etc.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I want to make a YouTube channel to help players with tile placements, elixir counting, and deck building for Clash Royale, so what should the channel name be?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Tell me in comments please. Your feedback will be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Rent30
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    How long does it take (estimated) to get 2000 gems in Clash Royale (f2p)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:19 AM PST

    I want to buy 8 emotes (8 × 250 = 2000) and I need 2000 gems to do so. Given that I play around 4 hours a day, how long would it take me to get 2000 gems?

    submitted by /u/SPICYSPLATYMELON06
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    Mother Witch: Unusual case where underleveled snowball/zap works better?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:12 PM PST

    With Mother Witch versus Skeleton Army, the non-pigged skellies tend to kill the pigs almost as fast as the Mother Witch makes them.

    If only there were a way to stun the skellies to slow their attack without killing them, the Mother Witch would make more surving piggies...

    Then it occurred me underleveled zap or snowball would do the trick. If the Zap or Snowball is low level it won't kill skellies, but it will stun them and the Mother Witch would have extra time to make piggies.

    But it would have to level 1-3 Snowball against level 13 skellies. :)

    It's not really a viable strategy, but I found it interesting because it's one of the very rare cases when underleveled cards might actually work better than higher leveled card.

    submitted by /u/DoomGoober
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    the new CRL format sucks, and there is something we can do about it [effort post]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:22 AM PST

    The new CRL (clash royale league) format is upon us, and I can safely say that this format is a terrible decision for both the competitors and the spectators. (TLDR at the bottom)

    this is what's wrong:

    1. the favourite modes are gone: since the new format is all ladder base, we won't have the team aspect, and as a result, we will not see 2v2 and KOTH (king of the hill), the most exciting and unique modes. pairs like sam and Morten showed us how the powerful can be synergy between each other, and managed to blow our mind with how they handled the chaos beautifully. KOTH was a fantastic mode, and you knew there was always a chance e to get a reverse sweep. Now, all we got is quite boring, repetitive competition.

    2. players losing there guaranteed income from the teams: this is assencly gambling with extra steps, players will have to play all day to progress in ladder in order to qualify, making this a day to day job, but now, unless they win or finish in a high ranking, they don't earn any money. that's kinda the detention of gambling: you put money, (or in this case, time, which is equal to money, especially for those who have youtube channels like Morten) in hopes of getting this money back.

    3. this competition isn't really open to everyone: only the top players in the 7k range have a chance to succeed and qualify. that means that the normal player will not have a chance to get to worlds (which makes sense) and if you're a 7k player? then you probably had the chance to go Profesional and didn't want to. Do you do really well in GC but don't have a max deck? then too bad, because its ladder! and obviously, we will not see interesting decks in ladder any more, only meta deck because everyone will go try hard!

    4. hard to understand format, especially for casual viewers: this year format was pretty easy to understand. there were east and west competitions in a BO3 format (2v2, KOTH and 1v1), then the there was playoffs in a BO5 where the top 4 from each side will go to worlds finals (also BO5), and the winners in finals are the grand champions. as simple as that. but now this year will include ladder, weekend events on ladder, and then world final. it's very hard to know who will qualify to finals, especially if you didn't watch for one week. and oh yeah, you have to watch every week and sort of make charts in order to understand who will go to finals. and playing ladder in the weekend all day, without getting tilted is very hard and a big price on your body and soul, and that's without being guaranteed any money (which bring me back to point 2). no wonder why so many pros retiring (and it's not only because they get tired of the game).

    there is also a lot of smaller problem that I didn't cover like RPS (rock paper scissors) matchup and time difference which gives some players the chance to play until late and steal the upper hand from other players in different time zones, and the fact that a price of 1.6M dollars is huge, and even a quarter of it can fix cw2 completely.

    what can we do? very simple: just don't watch it! if they found out that a lot fewer people watch this new format, they will revert it back or at least make the change better. also, spam drew on Twitter, and if you know the guy who is in charge of CRL, spam him too! we can do the same thing that we did with CW2!

    TLDR: the new CRL will not include 2v2 and KOTH, will force the players to play all day without guaranteed pay, will not be open for most of us, will force players to play all day which will hurt them both mentally and physically, and the new format is so god damn hard to understand as well as time zones problem. just don't watch it and spam drew and the guy responsible for CRL about those problems, and they will take care of this like they took care of CW2 (sort of)

    submitted by /u/ImplementNational165
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    Look at the Goblin Barrel! "It's magic!"

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:50 AM PST

    the definition of a positive elixir trade (i just used a rocket on a knight and tower)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:48 PM PST

    Fisherman army in triple elixir

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:20 AM PST

    Can you guys pls rate my X-Bow gameplay, I'm still (sort of not really) new to it so any feedback is appreciated! Sorry its so long, X-Bow kinda does that sometimes

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:49 PM PST

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