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    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    Clash Royale [News] November Update Release Notes

    Clash Royale [News] November Update Release Notes

    [News] November Update Release Notes

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:37 AM PST

    The new update did not address a single fundamental issue with CW2

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:29 AM PST

    First of all, the changes were good. They nudged themselves in the right direction. However, there are several major issues that were not dealt with in any capacity and this is a serious problem. Here are the issues:

    1.) The nature of the race makes it so that clans who are able to have members playing at ~midnight EST are inherently going to have an advantage over those who do not. One of the great things about CW1 was that I could do my attack whenever. This time obligation has completely destroyed the motivation of many players to play, and this division has created guild drama as the hardcore players are no longer able to align their playstyle with the skilled casuals.

    2.) Involuntary participation means that instead of letting the ultra-casual friends of ours stick around we are encouraged to purge inactive members, even if they are going inactive for a week or two. If we want to be competitive we need to have a robust roster, and if we want a robust roster we need to put mobile gaming ahead of friendship. This works fine in World of Warcraft, but it is completely counter to the ethos of Clash Royale.

    3.) The way decks are constructed creates a situation where you are playing on ladder with a disadvantage. Most players do not have 4 archetypes maxed. Even if they do, there are a lot of shared cards between archetypes (re: spells). As such, most players have 1 good deck, maybe 2, and then 3 and 4 are both heavily restricted. The restricted card aspect of CW1 was excellent since it promoted creativity, however in CW2 it has the opposite effect. Why? Because you can be playing your 4th string deck and go up against someone who is using their 1st string meta deck. They are essentially playing unrestricted while you are playing restricted. Combine this with the propensity for hard counters and you end up with frustrating, unwinnable games all too often. This is true even for players with maxed everything, so it's absolutely miserable for the rest of the community.

    4.) Waiting for another clanmate to finish all 4 battles is just annoying. In CW1 it was kinda cool to support your clanmates as they fought their one war battle, and waiting wasn't a big deal. Now I have to wait 12 minutes (or more) for them to finish. If I could just log off and do my battles in the morning that would be chill, but the time-sensitive aspect of CW2 means I am stuck watching my buddy stomp the opposition in his first two battles, then get frustrated and mauled in his second two, all the while knowing that I have the same frustration coming my way when he's done.

    Sure, you can win all 4 battles. The best players will find a way to do it. The problem is that most players just get irritated by the system, and feel that they are facing unfair battles. With CW1 you'd occasionally roll a meta setup, however it wasn't always a meta setup you were used to. The end result was you had Golem specialists playing Bait decks, Bait specialists playing xbow, etc. Everyone was equally disadvantaged, and so most players could win most of the time if they played skillfully and built their deck well. Furthermore, the top players in a clan could create good decks for those who were less accomplished. Now most players just seem to set up their 4 decks and change them never because it's an arduous process that ultimately ends up being pointless more often than not.

    Bottom line: CW2 is just not fun. The design is fundamentally flawed and it needs a massive rework. Honestly, I'd rather just go back to CW1. I don't know if this is representative of the entire playerbase, but my clan and our associated clans have lost most of our active members. Instead of having 20-30 people buying passes at the start of each season we're down to maybe 4-5.

    Supercell: It's okay to admit when you've made a mistake. No rational person would be angry at you for saying "we made a mistake, and we're going to roll things back to CW1 with a few changes." I understand you worked hard on CW2. I get it. I have worked really hard on things in my life only to throw them out afterwards. It is not a good feeling, but it's better to move on than attempt to fix something that simply does not work.

    I love this game, and I hate to see it in such a state.

    submitted by /u/Hydrocoded
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    They finally added this button!!!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:02 AM PST

    Elixir Golem and Healer. Fan Art. Download link for the original in the comments. Sorry the delay I was doing some comissions.. XD

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:24 AM PST


    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:58 PM PST

    Magic archer, bats, skel drags, musk, electro...guarantee hunter comes soon.

    Balloon: #1 usage rate of all win conditions (in GC) Lava hound: #1 win rate of all win conditions (in GC)

    submitted by /u/--Gingersnap--
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    New E-Giant stats melt Xbow+Tesla

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:42 AM PST

    Is this the new clan chat ui? No hate but it feels incomplete

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Assuming my clan wins all our wars. We can make it to Legendary 2 in 11 months and get that extra sweet 50 gold per match.Yaayy

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:20 AM PST

    A mirrored goblin barrel will show where it’s going to land

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:59 PM PST

    Why does the update requires an access to camera ??

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:24 AM PST

    This is why you always rocket the front corner of the tower

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:35 PM PST

    {Bug} if you are about to lose a game and if your opponent has the electro giant just lightning it so the game doesn’t count

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Anyone know what curse duration is?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Do u guys think this guy is mad

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:34 PM PST

    It would be cool for the developers to give us skin avatars instead of just having these for no apparent reason. I think they should implement skin avatars that could cost either gold or gems since the game is pretty much based around skins and cosmetics.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Sneak peek of what I'm working on right now

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:32 PM PST

    I can’t play because the App Store doesn’t have an update

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:50 AM PST

    After the update, Electro Giant no longer one shots Hunter.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:39 AM PST

    (New game mode ideas) Fantasy mode

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:18 PM PST

    Note: This is new game mode so not replace the current one.

    • Add new elixir bar : Dark Elixir (DE) bar Which is slower than red elixir bar, the speed comparation is 1 DE = 2.5 elixir, so now will have both red elixir bar and dark elixir bar when playing the match

    • Add DE cards: now can add more nasty cards now! (but please don't add the D.E. Golem!!)

    • Add 4 card slot for DE cards: so the deck will have 12 card slot, 8 regular cards + 4 DE cards. When playing the match, on hands cards will still 4 cards, but 1 card slot exclusive for DE cards cycle, 3 more card slot for regular cards cycle, and also will show both of next regular cards and next DE cards on left.

    • Add Heroes: hero can be summon using x elixir and x DE elixir, example using 7 elixir + 5 DE elixir for summon barbarian king

    • Add creator arena mode: now we can modify our side of arena (half of the arena). We can put our king tower on the front, and princess tower on the back, or princess tower near the bridge, etc. Maybe can also add some obstacles that enemy need to attack before to the tower, and some accessories for decorate the arena.

    • Add variance tower's type: more strategic use of tower type, like long range tower with lower damage, high damage tower with slower hit speed and lower hp, DoT damage tower, slow effect tower, or maybe 4 princess tower with less HP tower etc

    submitted by /u/yuuscy
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    The things we all liked from the update

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:55 AM PST

    Bandit at Work!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:21 PM PST

    Please, make CW2 weekly cycle starts on Saturday mornings, when the last place on earth steps into Saturday

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:57 PM PST

    IF you reeeeeeeeeally just have to insist on this CW2 design...

    As many others pointed out, WE HAVE A LIFE (school/work, friends/family etc.) OUTSIDE CR. It's okay to enforce participation, but not on such a time-sensitive race.

    It's just morally wrong to force people to play on Mondays and Tuesdays...people can choose to play, but you can't let them queue up and constantly check whether there's a bo3 or bo1 spot open... (Yes I know there are 3 spots now that they added another game mode. It still doesn't solve the problem.)

    submitted by /u/yiji21
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    Both players get a crown at the exact same time in overtime to continue match!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:22 PM PST

    When you don't have enough elixir to defend yourself

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:28 PM PST

    I'm posting this now to get the attention of the mods. PLEASE, if the thread is not stimulating a discussion, delete it!! I do not want another 3 months of children crying about the update and what it did/did not do!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:04 PM PST

    We already went through this once. We all STILL get it. They dropped the ball. We all KNOW this. PLEASE, either highlight what needs fixing, how to fix it, or keep your baseless titty tantrum to yourself. I want actual content when i come to this sub, not 30 posts, all bitching about the same thing with the same low effort post format.

    PLEASE, contain yourselves and and post what needs to be seen ONLY, in regards to the update.

    submitted by /u/kiimo
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