• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    Clash Royale Thanks Supercell. Very balanced.

    Clash Royale Thanks Supercell. Very balanced.

    Thanks Supercell. Very balanced.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    electro spirit isn't broken (creds to @Cy_cr_ on Twitter)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    [HUMOUR] Who said Electro Giant's finger guns aren't real

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Great news ��

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Cr team saw the complaints, hopefully whatever they have in store is good��

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Poison Spirit Drawing By Me(Concept By Me)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Im pretty proud of myself

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    I used to have terrible anxiety whenever it came to battling, but today I decided that I didn't want to sit in arena 9 as a level 11 any longer. so, up the ladder I climbed. I got all the way up to 4k trophies and I'm sitting at 4166 currently. I went from 2619 trophies to 4035. I lost once and that was after I got to 4k :)

    submitted by /u/sageraider190
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    It’s never over until it’s over

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    As I thought this game couldn't get worse my leader of 2 years got banned

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    30 minutes into the challenge and i will never be able to top myself

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    TheRandonOne's Controversial Subreddit Rant III: Butthurt Buttheaders

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 11:37 AM PDT


    Hello, I am a simple redditor who took the time, and effort to check on this subreddit. As a result of this, today I made this very post detailing MY disgruntlement with not the game itself, but this very subreddit.

    In case you wonder, YES, I am writing this post under my original name, TheRandonOne, because that was when I started this series.

    Also, Just a Little Disclaimer

    Smash that downvote button! Those are just internet points anyways, and I got a lot more where that came from.

    Anyway, now with the introductory stuff outta the way, let's see why the subreddit has become one huge circlejerk, and who knows, maybe people will actually get something outta this for once.

    CWII Is The Focal Point

    People have waited for quite a long time in order for the big update to come. Nonetheless, the mood of the subreddit was pretty gloomy, and everyone looked forward to this BIG UPDATE that the CR dev team have announced.

    So, the big update came, aaaand... it was Ladder. Nonetheless, people were pissed off. And it shows.

    A lot of controversy has been generated as a result, along with numerous posts regarding either complaints, solutions, and ideas in order to fix the feature.

    People were going full-steam at the subreddit, and the developers realized that this is not what they really wanted.

    Drew has been more active than ever, and even posted a Quick Update thread in order to calm the masses.

    And this, is the background upon which the foundation of this situation lays.

    I'll just say that the complaints about the update, in fact, were valid... for the first few weeks only, when the mode was brand new, and the players had yet to experience every feature that this mode had to offer.

    However, nowadays it's just a big cesspool, where people's feelings apparently matter more than social conduct, where people keep whining, even after the general consensus that this update was below average was established, and most importantly, and most importantly, where people are agreeing with each other, and everyone else gets put down.

    • People keep coming up with these 'idea' posts, where 90% of the time it's the same requests and ideas as the thousandfuls of posts before them;
    • People keep posting the 'I quit' posts, and while you MAY think that the feedback from these types of posts may be valuable, you may soon find out that they're not. It's literally crying about the same issues as everyone else, despite the fact that the general consensus has been established.
    • People keep whining, and whining, and WHINING about the same issues, the same feelings, and are posting it under the same model.

    First of all, I'm gonna be one of the only people to say that this update is NOT the ultimate scourge of humanity, unlike literally EVERYONE ELSE.

    Sure, the update took a while to arrive, and the devs literally set the hype on steroids, only to be followed by a below-average update, but you've got to keep in mind that this is the first version of CWII: Of course it's gonna be incomplete, because this is a beta version.


    First of all, it took 9 months, at least for the execution: They may have been planning this from before the Overtime Change.

    And within those 9 months, they literally had to scrap the first Clan Wars, and go back to the drawing board, writing thousands upon thousands of lines of code in order for the mode to even be established.

    Yea sure, it LOOKS like it's a fresh coat of paint over CWI to you, but you've gotta look behind the scenes in order to get the full picture.

    And that's what people don't wanna do. They just wanna think that the CR dev team are those evil masterminds who wanna suck all the money out of you through any means possible, and that they have the intelligence of a baboon, when in reality those developers were just trying to do their job, and are probably in a similar position to the players.

    Heck, Drew himself tried to reply to your concerns, and even made a post admitting that they dropped the ball, along with detailing the roadmap;

    But the community, as always, keep slinging dog feces at his face, and no matter what he says, people will just play down his comments as 'defensive' or 'dodging'.

    And before you call me 'CaShCeL sIiIiImP', no, I ain't taking SC's side. The people behind the game have a somewhat flawed decision-making, and them hyping a beta version so much was a bad idea, but you're not helping the situation by being as toxic, and as aggressive as possible.

    By shunning down people that even DARE try to look at it from a more neutral perspective, or even a positive one, and by continuing to spearhead the devs to death, even after they tried to be more open to you, the people of this subreddit are literally homogenizing it bit by bit.

    This is NOT Discussion, this is a CIRCLEJERK. Yeah, that's right: people sitting in a circle, and rubbing their willies at how much they agree with each other, all the while enabling their ego to burst through the sky.

    Oh yeah, and speaking of the circlejerk...

    The Circlejerk

    Back when I joined the subreddit, it used to be much more diverse: people were coming up with diverse discussion threads, and there were more memes and posts relating to the game itself rather than just one specific mode which everyone hated.

    But nowadays it's just a huge circlejerk where people are constantly whining about the game, and people agreeing with them, encouraging them to make even more posts, where, again, people agree with them, and it goes on and on and on, until it makes up the majority of the posts on the subreddit.

    Oh yeah, and don't even DARE have a different opinion on this sub, that's a big nono! If you do that, people are gonna scream at you as loudly as possible about how you don't see the REAL problem (whatev...), and shun you with downvotes.

    That's where we're at.

    You either join the circlejerk, and you get the 'I agree with you' badge, whilst barely gaining any discussion;

    Or go against the circlejerk, and people will make sure that your post/comment will NEVER reach anyone's ears again. Going against the circlejerk is like attempting to kick a cactus: people will be sure to reataliate if you choose that option.

    The vote system is supposed to be a tool for the community to filter the juicy content from the low-effort spam, not as a censoring tool. Whenever someone has an unpopular opinion, they downplay it as a naive perceptive, and suppress it, all the while pushing the post with the same agenda to the front page. Now isn't THAT convenient?

    And now, to the final stage of this rant:

    Low-Quality Subreddit

    All of the issues combined: the constant whining, the repetitive posts, and the homogenizing of the subreddit, all contribute towards a subreddit that's low-quality, and toxic.

    Of course, there's gonna be some of those bold revolutionaries who will try to come up with excuses for the continuous whining such as:

    'Toxicity comes out of anger and frustration'

    So, just because you guys are angry and frustrated about this update, that TOTALLY means you should not hold your horses, and just spew toxic waste whenever you go. Feels over reals.

    'The feelings are genuine, people wanna get heard'

    Oh, right, so people can't feel heard enough on one of the thousandful of threads DEDICATED to this update, to the point where they want to make a post off of it, and writing either an angry commentary on how tHe GaMe iS dYiNg, or a very sappy message about how the devs sucked all the fun out of them?

    Admittedly, the moderators of the sub should've maybe created a few megathreads for people to unhinge their rage and sorrow at the update, instead of people doing individual posts to clutter the sub. At least then, the mods would have a reason to remove repetitive posts, since they had those threads, and MAYBE, the subreddit would feel a lot cleaner as a result.

    Yeah sure, people will complain about not feeling heard because the comments will be looked on like every other comment, but guess what? The post they make are just like any other post these days.

    I get that people wanna express their feelings, but tell me how different are the 'I quit' posts, or the CWII complaint posts from one another? Are individual people expressing feelings, or is a hivemind just spouting the same message?

    'This subreddit is for people to express their feelings about the game! You're suppressing free speech!'

    The No. 1 excuse that people will try to use in case everything else fails.

    I get that the constitutional, fundamental right at free speech is an important one in order for the society to evolve, but you can't just wave it around as an excuse to say whatever you want, you should have a moral compass regarding this stuff.

    Also, you yourselves have stifled free speech in the form of more positive comments, just because it didn't agree with your agenda. And then YOU are complaining about how I am suppressing it. Hypocrites.

    I get that people wanna express their opinion about the game, but when literally every post is almost the same, with barely any difference, it makes you wonder if people just want to voice their opinions, or get free karma.

    Final Thoughts

    Before you do another one of these posts, ask yourself this:

    Has this post already been made before?

    Is this post generating meaningful discussion?

    Is this post gonna stand out?

    If you still wanna spout out toxic waste, then you're better of commenting on one of those already existing threads.

    And if you still wanna keep doing it your way, then fine.

    Keep yelling at them. Keep screaming at them as if they killed your child. Keep your pitchforks and acid bottles up. SCREAM LOUDER! In fact, scream SO LOUD that the dev team will eventually lose motivation towards the game, because they are working for an audience that doesn't even care about them, and that would rather keep spouting acid because 'I'm just expressing my feelings!'

    Anyway, can't wait for you people to downvote this to death! Oh, and I will prepare myself for the dosage of butthurt that will come as a result of pissed off redditors.

    submitted by /u/CharityFair960
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    This just feels so wrong going against a level 8

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Tikis-Updated Legendary Concept for Jungle Arena

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Emergency buff for Electro Giant - 12% more health. This is going live now and zap counter attack damage will scale with level next season. Tournament standard games should show immediate effect of the buff!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Well done supercell, you have killed the game for me!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Finally after playing the game for 3 years I am sick of the matchmaking. Clan wars 2 has been an unfunny joke of an update, I have level 10 cards and all I get in wars 2 is max lvl 13 players... What is the point in me playing!!??.

    Our clan used to have 50 active players, now after wars 2 we have 29 and every day all of them are saying the same thing... Too much matching against lvl 13 players. We have level 9 players who get matched against lvl 13... It is a joke and no fun!

    I used to love the game but now I'm sick of it. I literally just enter a battle in clan wars 2 and don't play a single card just to get some fame for my clan, what's the point in me trying because they are max level against my lvl 10 cards!...

    I am so angry right now because I used to really enjoy this game! I love watching all the content creators and am really active player, but supercell your greed is starting to finish me off... I'm really close to jacking this game in. Where is this update @drew promised us??

    How supercell need to fix it:

    1. Make matchmaking for wars 2 based on deck power! Just literally add up the total levels of the deck people are playing and match them against someone with +5 -5 of their deck rating.

    2. Make it easier for small clans to complete the race. Now we are down to 29 members, it's nearly impossible for us to complete without everyone playing each day.

    3. Increase the rewards. Now that people have to max 32 cards to have a chance in wars, there needs to be better better rewards. Giving a handful of trade tokens and 200k gold a season just won't cut it if even just getting one card from level 12 to 13 is 100k, let alone 32 of them!

    4. Add some more interesting cards to the game, the E giant impressed nobody, but at least we can see you are trying.

    5. Add some reward system to the "friendly tournaments" people can create. How about allowing the person that created the tournament to put up a 'prize fund' out of their own purse, like 100k coins or 50 gems for the winner, etc... There are countless players with more gold than they can do with it, why not let them create tournament for others to win some gold.

    6. How about listening to the community, there are loads of good ideas on here.

    End of rant!

    I really hope supercell can sort these issues, as I'm really not having fun playing the game anymore, and I can see people walking away for good if it isn't fixed soon.

    submitted by /u/SkorchaOnFire
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    Kraken, a legendary spell card that deals immense damage to lower health units. This card could get insane value against support units, but is weak to swarmies. Lmk what you think!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    remember when skeletons came in packs of 4?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    those were the days. for a while, everyone was suddenly looking at skellies like "holy shit they actually good". everyone was using them to counter miners and they even made a good hogrider defence.

    also, remember when pekka took 3 seconds to spawn and arrows would do 1 large instead of 3 small waves of damage?

    memories, amirite?

    submitted by /u/Flexxyfluxx
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    my opponent win the match but they got only one crown and we get 3 crown

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Can we get this feature in Clash Royale?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    What the funk I have like 300 trophies

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Electro Spirit Value ⚡️

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Poison Spirit-New Card Concept

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Very cool 3M prediction! Always know their card cycle!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    9-0 in the challenge. Spirit cycle is real!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    1 comment:

    1. Clash Royale is a new game that just came out in 2016 and it is already gaining popularity with over 10 million players. It has almost identical gameplay to Clash of Clans.



