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    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Clash Royale This is just sad :(

    Clash Royale This is just sad :(

    This is just sad :(

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Lol, yeah. It surely is...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    [Bug] I didn't receive the 42 trophies from the game that I won.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    I have been leading a clan since 2016. With the new clan wars, this will be my last season.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Please forgive the negativity in this post. I'd like readers to first to understand that I have been dedicated to this game for many years. It was the first mobile game I discovered I liked, and the only one I have played since. I am hoping to learn what may have already been discussed, or other long-term player's opinions on this change.

    My good friends and I have been very disappointed with the new war format. I do not know if this has been discussed. But if something isn't tweaked by next season, I will no longer be a customer.

    I understand you want us to HAVE to use cards we don't normally use, in hopes it encourages us to spend our gold or buy more gold to level these cards. However it's a bit too obvious now for my liking and not many in my clan are having fun anymore.


    What was once fun has now become an obligation. I cannot expect my clanmates to dedicate 4 rounds to clan wars each day, on top of the regular trophy battles, 2v2, and tournaments that are ongoing. It used to be 3 for collection day, 1 for war day. That one war match felt special, and fun. As if we earned the right to play by participating in collection day.

    1/5 clans actually made it to the finish each week in the first month. This month, no one has. And you make us face the same group for a month!?

    We made it to the finish on the last week, only to be disappointed by the chest rewards. After that, most in my clan don't care to even participate anymore. It's not. worth. the. effort.

    I and a few others already have all the cards, and the new card is boosted. We have no incentive to participate in clan wars... However, the newer players in my clan don't understand this. Now they are disappointed, too.

    I'd suggest offering a RARE EMOTE as a reward for first place. That would boost interest by a lot, imo.

    Please share your opinions on the new format. We are casual players who all spend to get the pass each month. I'd appreciate opinions that could give me hope to relay to my team, or that this issue has been recognized.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/earfull
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    Fire go brrrr

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I’m not really a big drawer but I just finished drawing the princess tower on procreate. (And wow I never knew how much shading can do for art)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    An Image is worth a thousand words. This is how I feel CW2 could be more interesting. (First post)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    I finally maxed Star Levels in my main deck

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    My favorite Clash Royale youtuber is quitting youtube because Clan Wars II has killed the game

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Wait... he might be onto something ��

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    And the CR support, like CW2, is disappointing to say the least.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    The Colosseum should be an elimination tournament.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    The Colosseum should be an elimination tournament.

    (Similar to the World Tournament each month, but by clans)

    Your clan can play as many battles as there are players.

    They would be Duels (best of 3) but you can only lose one duel.

    There is NO limit of decks per day.

    In gem rush mode.

    The rewards are common to the clan.

    Easy. Epic.



    El Coliseo debería ser un torneo de eliminación.

    (Similar al Torneo Mundial de cada mes, pero por clanes)

    Tu clan puede jugar tantas batallas como jugadores.

    Serían duelos (al mejor de 3) pero solo puedes perder un duelo.

    NO hay límite de mazos por día.

    En modo fiebre de gemas.

    Las recompensas son comunes al clan.

    Fácil. Épico.

    submitted by /u/Annna_MiCasa
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    2 Crowns in sudden death!?!?! Straight disrespect at this point lmao

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    How do you still play this game?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    I wrote this as a rant/criticism of the game as a whole and then tried to divide it as best I could, so take the titles with a grain of salt.

    My History with the Game

    I started playing Clash Royale a few months after beta because a guy I liked was super into it and I wanted to play it with him. It was only the second mobile game I had ever played, and it had to somehow follow up Temple Run, a game I played non-stop since I first got a smartphone. Thankfully, CR was up to the challenge, far surpassing the game that I had played for so long and it's still one of my favorite games. The fast paced interactions, the interesting cards, and unique gameplay all drew me in and eventually I surpassed that cute boy from sophomore English, decimating him with a Balloon deck the I must've played with for hours during school every day. Fast forward a year or so and we're graduating high school with a clan of 50 friends from my classes and the guy, now my boyfriend, helped me lead that clan of both Royale-devotees and casual players for another whole year of good times.

    But all good things come to an end. We broke up, I lost touch with my classmates, and was left as the only person still playing the game. I held on as long as I could, but those hours that I used to play with enthusiasm dwindled into minutes of convincing myself that the game was somehow still worth it to play. I watched with envy as other games got refreshing updates and improved mechanics, many with promises of even more to come in the near future. Meanwhile I played Clash Royale.


    Every new card was a big deal, every time one released I rushed to cram it into any deck that I could think of, but nothing felt interesting. Victory Road was nice, it made it easier to collect cards but didn't change much overall. Seasons were cool, it was nice to finally see a different arena every month at least, though the battle pass was a little underwhelming for f2p players like myself. Overall there just didn't seem to be much to do; new cards were underwhelming and the game badly needed a significant gameplay update. Then we got the Witch rework and Elixir Golem. Let me tell you, THAT got me back into the game. There was always a new discussion to participate in, there was a new archetype to explore, and it gave me hope for the future. I thought that Clash might try experimenting with reworks and new cards more often, take bigger risks and change things up, but no. People were mad, the pros were mad, and they nerfed Elixir Golem (which was needed) and reverted the witch back to her previous state with a few minor tweaks (something that I still heavily disagree with).

    Even though the deck was annoying and toxic and easy it was at least a new deck. The Witch, a card that only saw play by scummy level 13s in the early ranks of Legendary Arena, was competitively viable and strong, and I fully believe that she could have been balanced in that state without killing her back to her old self. Cards like her, ones that are never used, need to be reworked and expanded upon. Fire Spirits, Zappies, Ebarbs, all of them need fixes beyond just shifting numbers by .05%, they need inspiration. Make Fire Spirits leave a small patch of fire everywhere they bounce, make Zappies start as a weak Tesla-like tower that breaks into mobile Zappies when it's destroyed. Make Ebarbs start weak and get stronger the longer they're on board like some kind of berserker rage. Just make something actually happen!

    Card Criticism

    I think this is when Clash Royale died, at least to me. I knew they would never mess around like that again and risk a negative response, especially from the pro scene. They didn't want to make the community mad, I understand, but with that fear they also chose to never make the community happy. When was the last time you got hyped for a new card? I haven't played this game for a while but I still follow its news, and from what I've heard things are almost the same way I left them. Cards have been mediocre at best and bugged out trash at worst, and there's only like 4 of them! Where are the ideas? The inspiration? Where are the new mechanics? There's plenty of existing concepts to build on like shields, electricity/inferno interactions, unit targeting, swarms, etc. Yet the team can't even seem to build on those right, a la Electro Giant whose use of electricity is practically pointless.

    Now in defense of the team I'm sure that the game's professional play probably influenced the amount of risk that they could take but in the end, this game will have a thousand casual players for every pro. If you can't even make a card that's both balanced and fun, then at least try to make some fun ones and then ban them or something. The pros should not have any more say in the game than the average player, and if they can't deal with radical changes and innovative gameplay then they can feel free to continue playing the game that we've been stuck with for so many years.

    Clan Wars 2 and Gamemodes

    This problem goes beyond the cards though, let's talk about Clan Wars 2: a great example of them trying to switch things up but missing the mark. I was hyped for Clan Wars 2, I even downloaded the game again just in case I wanted to try it for myself, but instead I was left disappointed in this game for what will be the last time. They failed to refresh the gameplay despite that seemingly being a major goal of this update. They absolutely shafted f2p players, though this was hardly a surprise. You might be tired of hearing lower level players complain about level differences but this game is almost entirely pay to win. I've been playing forever and I had maybe three max decks as a free player, most of which used overlapping cards. And how long did you guys wait for this update again? How many months in a row did Ash say "It's better that they take a longer time and get this done right instead of releasing a poor update"?

    The team refuses to mess with the game in any significant way despite many obvious ways to improve gameplay, ways that have been pointed out on this sub a hundred times. They refuse to add new card mechanics that can apply to multiple cards. They refuse to make new gamemodes that are more interesting than "oh no a unit spawned there". Literally the most interesting gameplay concept of the last two years didn't even come from the team, it came from a YouTuber: Ray's infinite elixir. Infinite Elixir! It's a no-brainer, and it took the team asking for help from Youtubers in order for us to get it.

    My Question to You

    What else is there to say at this point? This game is practically the same as it was two years ago with some nice cosmetic tweaks and a tiny handful of frankly uninspired cards (except Firecracker, she's a great example of a card done well). I have nothing left to rant about. The team doesn't take risks and that leads to a stagnant game, simple as that. Just based on the current state of the game, they have no interest besides making money. Grand Challenges are expensive, the season pass costs five dollars to be in any way interesting, Clan Wars 2 speaks for itself. So then, I have to ask because I need to know, how are you still playing this game? What's the draw? I'm legitimately curious how other people have managed to stick with this game after getting burned over and over again.

    tl;dr I don't understand how you play such a stale game

    submitted by /u/fatestanding
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    Just want to say...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    To the two people who let me win in the challenge because they had a pass royale and I didn't, people like you have helped restore my faith in the clash royale community. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/creedz286
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    Why can't we select which arena to play in if we are above 4k trophies?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    In addition.... Why are only two arenas used in clan wars 2?! Such a waste of beautiful arenas.

    submitted by /u/NJToski
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    Just joined to say I hate clan wars 2.0

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    I have played this game for over three years and never have I ever seen anything so bad. Just a way to get people to spend more money to level out different decks. They took it a bit too far this time and killed their game.I'm sure this has been posted many times because it is hard to believe anyone likes it.


    submitted by /u/Speedy_Harry
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    Elite Barbarians has a higher use rate & win rate than Electro Giant ����

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Lumberjack changes from right handed to left handed ��

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Well, now our boat's defenses will be incomplete.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Bring Back Old Clan War and Let Clans Choose Which One To Start (Nice Data Analysis Also!)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

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