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    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Clash Royale [EFFORT POST] How to Fix Clan Wars 2 and Many Other Aspects of Clash Royale

    Clash Royale [EFFORT POST] How to Fix Clan Wars 2 and Many Other Aspects of Clash Royale

    [EFFORT POST] How to Fix Clan Wars 2 and Many Other Aspects of Clash Royale

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: This post contains ideas from many other posts. I tried my best to cite as many related posts as I could find. Please let me know if I included ideas from your post but didn't cite it.

    In my previous post, I outlined the major issues in Clan Wars 2 and provided some general solutions. Since I received a lot of feedback and suggestions on that post, I decided to make this post as a follow-up post to include these suggestions. I also decided to add some QoL changes and minor improvements to the game in general. Here are my revised solutions:

    1. Make the River Race Weekly and Non-Mandatory

    • Clans will no longer get matched up with other clans by default. Instead, clan leaders get to start wars with a "start war" button similar to Clan Wars 1.
    • Each River Race will last for 6 days. On the last day of the week, clan leaders can use the "start war" button to start another river race for next week if they wish to do so.
      • If the leader does not start a war, the Clan Wars page will simply display "Your clan has decided not to participate in this week's River Race." All other clan functions remain the same, and no war trophies will be gained or lost during that week.
    • Change the objective of the River Race to getting as much fame as possible in 6 days. This way, less active clans have more time to earn fame and more active clans get to compete for 6 days as opposed to only the first 2-3 days. Placement and rewards are determined at the end of the 6 days.

    2. Eliminate Ways to Exploit the War System

    • Fix the deck reset time to be the same as the start times of Global Tournaments.
    • Clan leaders and co-leaders can set and change the war participant cap for their clan, which would be either 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50. This would allow casual players to stay in the clan but not participate in war. For example, a clan with 36 members could have 20 players participate in the River Race while the other 16 members can stay in without hindering the clan's progress in war.
      • If players leave the clan during the River Race, their fame will be remain in the total fame earned by that clan.
      • If a player joins another clan during an ongoing war, that player will not be able to participate in the River Race in that clan for that week. The player can still return to his/her original clan to earn fame for that clan. This prevents clans from exploiting the system in any way.

    3. Make Clan Wars More F2P Friendly and Less Stale

    • Place level caps for each league. Edit: Legendary league will remain uncapped.
    • Revert boat defenses to tournament standard.
    • Fix the amount of fame gained from each battle. Wins should give 200 fame and losses should give 100 fame no matter what card levels you play with.
    • Bring back gems and trade tokens in war rewards!
    • Increase the reward for a loss to at least 1/4 the reward for a win. That way, players with lower leveled cards can still play for a fair amount of rewards even if they lose.
    • Increase the rewards for 3rd, 4th, and 5th place clans and remove the boot. (Let's be honest here, the boot is about the same as a crown chest, except it takes one full week to get.)
    • Add rotating game modes to the River Race, such as double elixir, balloon festival, 2v2 touchdown, etc. Maybe make one of these modes tournament standard to help f2p players. Make sure there are at least 4 available modes so that players don't have to wait 15 minutes just to do their battles.

    4. Other Improvements for Clan Wars

    • Matchmaking should be based on war league, but otherwise it should be completely random. It shouldn't take into account statistics such as current trophies, personal best, and Clan Wars 1 stats.
    • Increase the amount of trophies gained or lost from each River Race. A lot more trophies should be gained or lost each week than in the current system.
    • Make boat repairs give 1.5 times the fame for a loss.
    • Make boat battle wins give more than just the fame for a loss. (Maybe 1.5 times as well?)
    • Fix the following bug: A player starts a match and exits out of the game for whatever reason. The player then cannot rejoin the match after he/she logs back in but can spectate him/herself lose the match. A more complete description of this bug can be found here.
    • Fix the weird duel bug in which a player can take out a tower through golem explosion damage after the match is over. An example of this bug could be found here.
    • Fix the following bug: A clan member adds a boat defense then leaves the clan. The boat defense disappears and nobody can fill that empty defense slot again. Members from other clans can exploit this too. For example, a member from Clan A could join Clan B after Clan B's boat is repaired, add a boat defense, and leave. This would essentially remove a boat defense slot for Clan B.

    5. QoL changes / UI Improvements

    • Clan / Clan Wars
      • Display the number of donations next to a player's name.
      • Display the league badge next to a player's name.
      • Display the number of war battles a player has played next to a player's name.
      • Only display the amount of fame each member contributed before the boat reached the finish line.
      • Allow players to search for other clans while being in a clan.
      • Display an "i" icon above the goblin hut in Clan Wars. Some players don't know that the league rules and rewards can only be found by clicking on the goblin hut.
      • Move the spectator icon in boat battles so the attacker can see the health of the top right defense tower
      • Remove the possibility of the same card appearing twice when trading with the trader.

    • Decks
      • Ensure that all decks copy and paste correctly.
      • Allow players to edit their war decks when their cards are on cooldown.
      • Allow players to copy decks from battle logs and TV Royale.
      • Fix the bug where the deck builder (the "magic wand") generates a card used in another deck.
      • Implement the deck builder in the normal deck editor and in special challenges.
      • Make more deck slots.
      • Allow players to customize the first page of their emotes.

    • Other Improvements
      • Bring back Quests or implement a good alternative so players are less compelled to participate in clan wars for rewards.
      • Make sure that spawner challenges don't have a true red / true blue issue. Many challenges have had this issue, such as this one and this one. Many players dislike the repetitive nature of these challenges already! Edit: the upcoming sparky challenge may also have this issue.
      • Allow players to accumulate gold faster
        • Increase the daily limit for gold or remove it altogether.
        • Increase the amount of gold won from a battle.
        • Increase the amount of gold received from opening a chest.
        • Increase the season bank limit for Pass Royale.
      • Make rare trade tokens easier to obtain and rare cards easier to upgrade.
      • Remove 250 gems for 5 epics deals.
      • Add a fifth chest slot or reduce the time it takes to open each chest.
      • Put the daily gift in a separate slot in shop so players get 6 full slots of card deals.
      • Make Grand Challenges more accessible to normal players through challenge entry tickets, reduced entry fees, etc.
      • Add more rotating friendly battle modes.
      • 2v2 ladder?
      • Add a forfeit button, which would appear during the last minute of regulation. Players who are certain that they can't win could use that button to save time and put themselves out of their misery.
      • Give an option to turn off the tier unlock animation.
      • Put trade tokens in the free pass.
      • Slightly alter party mode matchmaking
        • Keep it dependent on only card levels, but match players with decks containing many low level cards and a few high level cards against each other. For example, the new matchmaking system would not match player A (levels 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6) against player B (levels 1, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 13, 12) but against player C (levels 1, 3, 11, 1, 13, 12, 1, 1). I'm not sure how this would be implemented, but it could be a great way to prevent high level players from exploiting the system. Edit: This could be done by taking into account both the average card levels and the variance numbers.


    [OFFICIAL] Quick Update From The Dev Team

    Clan Wars 2 Update: Known Issues Thread

    Clan War 2 is the worst UPDATE in Clash Royale history and here is WHY & some of my proposed solution:

    [EFFORT POST] The problem of the new update and how to fix the clan wars 2 that was overhyped by the team to be 'an entirely new war to play Clash Royale'.

    [EFFORT] Everything the CR Community needs now.

    Clash Royale - The Current State of Clan Wars II and the Game (v.5)

    How To Fix Clan Wars 2 [EFFORT POST]

    What the community wishes for

    The REAL Clan Wars II: Fair, Fun, and More Rewards

    Everything wrong with Clash Royale

    [EFFORT POST] Low-Cost, High-Impact Suggestions That Can Fix Clan Wars 2.0

    [IDEA] Faster progression

    Clan wars 2 suggestion: Remove the Clan Wars finish line

    Clan Wars 2 UI/Design complaints.

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to state your opinions or suggestions in the comments.

    submitted by /u/noobskillsCR
    [link] [comments]

    • Mustache gang deck •

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    This is the best play I've ever made on accident

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    My boyfriend painted me characters from our 2v2 decks for my birthday!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    im bored so i put every star level together in a video (sorry for no in game audio)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I drew this for today’s Inktober prompt “rocket” obviously inspired by the max level rocket skin :)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I didn't know the bandit was a ranged unit

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    I calculated the sheer power of a mustache via the Mega Knight:

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    According to the card description:

    "He lands with the force of 1,000 mustaches,"

    Time for some M a f s :

    Which means that: Spawn Damage = 1, 000 mustaches.

    So: Spawn Damage (444 at Tournament Standard) / 1, 000 = 1 mustache.

    Which means the power of a mustache is 0.444 damage.

    Why the hell did I waste my time writing this? To make you feel good.

    submitted by /u/Nindroid_99
    [link] [comments]

    I’ve included my season pass purchase proof, previous names and devices that I’ve played on, yet supercell still thinks I’m trying to steal an account. wtf??

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    And the winner of Olympic long jump is....

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    What’s Milo up to now? Lmao

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    What value do you get from Global Tournament 500 gems bonus rewards?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Hey guys, a couple months ago I posted Best use of gems (Updated 2020) were we compared the value of the different ways to spend gems. Later we updated the global tournament (GT) bonus rewards for S12.

    With season's 16 global tournament approaching, in this post we are going to see the new bonus rewards, as from now onwards they will remain the same. We will also compare them to the equivalent in Grand Challenge (GC) wins, as well as to previous GT rewards.

    In the table below we can see:

    • Bonus rewards per win
    • Conversion to their Gold Value (GV)
    • Cumulative GV/ gem, knowing that they will always cost 500 gems no matter how many wins you did
    • Cumulative net value, which is a proxy of the value you see in shop offers
    • The equivalent value you get from Grand Challenge (GC) wins

    For further explanation of these concepts (specially how is the Gold Value computed) please refer to the first post mentioned previously.

    GT wins Bonus reward Gold Value Cumulative GV Cumulative GV/ gem Cumulative net value Equivalent GC value
    1 Legendary chest 20,000 20,000 40 x2.0 3 wins
    2 10,000 Gold 10,000 30,000 60 x3.0 4 wins
    3 Legendary token 20,000 50,000 100 x5.0 6 wins
    4 Epic chest 10,000 60,000 120 x6.0 6-7 wins
    5 10,000 Gold 10,000 70,000 140 x7.0 7-8 wins
    6 Epic token 1,000 71,000 142 x7.1 7-8 wins
    7 Giant chest 7,740 78,740 157 x7.9 8 wins
    8 10,000 Gold 10,000 88,740 177 x8.9 8-9 wins
    9 Rare token 500 89,240 178 x8.9 8-9 wins
    10 Legendary King's chest 40,480 129,720 259 x13.0 10 wins
    11 10,000 Gold 10,000 139,720 279 x14.0 10-11 wins
    12 Common token 250 139,970 280 x14.0 10-11 wins
    14 10,000 Gold 10,000 149,970 300 x15.0 11wins
    15 Magical chest 10,573 160,544 321 x16.1 11-12 wins

    We can see a big step from 9 to 10 wins due to the Legendary King's chest, which is the reward with highest value. Also, if you get all bonus rewards, you get roughly the value of completing a GC.

    Compared to previous Global tournament rewards, in the posts mentioned earlier you can see we are getting a bit less. For season 11 we got x18 value at 15 wins, while during season 12 we got x17 value at 15 wins and x19 value at 20 wins.

    Looking further at the comparison with GC wins you can better decide if the bonus rewards are worth it depending on your expected performance in challenges. For example, after 10 wins the bonus rewards will be worth it for players who can't consistently do more than 10 wins in GC.

    Hope this post is helpful and helps you make better decisions!

    submitted by /u/Heisenchad
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    Biggest Mistake made by Clash Royale for removing this.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Pure adrenaline

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Where is the hunter emote? (came out in april)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    How do I use magic archer? I just got it

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    This happened on my mini account. I'll have you know that I am -not- in a clan. I can request cards, but i am still waiting on it to be filled up.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    And that's how you hide your barrel

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Battle healer gets stuck

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    First time ever having a match end like this...

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Shouldn't the Legendary Chest drop rate be 1 every 240 chests on average?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Can we have a quick chat/emote for saying sorry?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Can we have a quick chat/emote for saying sorry?

    I rarely play 1vs1, but sometimes I just want to test a deck or farm some chests. But I'm a level 13 player at 4500 trophies, getting matched with level 9 players. I just want to say sorry to them because they really have no chance of winning, but I don't play on low trophies to win easily intentionally. So that's why I'm suggesting a 'Sorry!' quick chat or an emote.


    EDIT: Added an image

    submitted by /u/iandb17
    [link] [comments]

    I didn't know that was possible

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Royale ghost bug

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT

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