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    Saturday, October 31, 2020

    Clash Royale [Discussion Post] Season 17 Analysis: Season Changes and Balance Changes! (Take my opinions with a grain of salt!)

    Clash Royale [Discussion Post] Season 17 Analysis: Season Changes and Balance Changes! (Take my opinions with a grain of salt!)

    [Discussion Post] Season 17 Analysis: Season Changes and Balance Changes! (Take my opinions with a grain of salt!)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone! J.Corby here with you all with another Season Analysis. Sorry that I missed last Season, I was busy and stuff. Anyways, with a new Seasons comes new Tower Skins, Emotes, and Balance Changes. This time, it's based of the "big guy" himself: The Royal Ghost. Let's see what we got this time for the Halloween season.


    ~Arena, Tower Skin, and Emotes~:

    ~For the Arena~, it's honestly really cool. It's just like the underground castle back in the original Royal Ghost reveal Trailer: filled with riches and a spooky atmosphere from the past. Definitely better than Electro Valley 2.0 like last Season by a long shot.

    ~As for the Tower Skin~, it might be my new Favorite, I'm "dead" serious (I'll see myself out now). The fact that it's semi-see through alone is really cool. And the designs on both the King and Princess Towers are just pretty solid. It's going to be hard not to become a "investor" to the King of Old this time.

    ~Lastly, the Emotes.~ All of these emotes are based of the Mega Knight, which the community has asked for a while. Props to the Clash Royal Team there. The Jumping Emote makes perfect sense and looks good (though the animation of it, being a newer emote, is still unfamiliar to me and I prefer the older animation style). The Thumbs up Emote is simple, but effective. And the Pass Royale Exclusive Emote: the Fist Bump, looks pretty good to me.

    ~Balance Changes~:

    ~Elite Barbarians~: Movement Speed Nerfed to Fast from Very Fast, Damage Buffed to 318 from 301, HP Buffed to 1110 from 970, and Hitspeed Buffed to 1.5 Seconds from 1.7 Seconds

    • Supercell did it, they FINALLY fixed Elite Barbarians! These changes fix the key issues that this Card has: They surprise players too much and are bad on defense. The buffed HP and DPS makes them much better on Defense, while the Movement Speed Nerf makes them easier to handle on defense. I was worried that they weren't going to change the Movement Speed because they said "people liked that about the Card", but I'm glad they did. It might be a little to strong, but we have to wait and see.

    ~Tombstone~: HP Buffed to 440 from 422.

    • This is mainly just a consistency change to match Magic Archer, Skeleton Dragons, and other Cards with this amount of HP. It does not change much, but it's a nice little buff. Maybe it will get more usage?

    ~Graveyard~: Skeletons now always Spawn at the Edge of the Radius.

    • Another Small change that does not change much. Skeltons have to walk to the Tower a little bit more, thus leading to a little less damage. It still has random Spawn locations though, and until that is fixed, this Card will still have the ability to deal massive amounts of damage and won't be consistent like other Cards. Maybe in the future it will be changed.

    ~Electro Wizard~: Damage Nerf to 93 per Bolt from 96 per Bolt

    • This change honestly does not do much. Just makes him unable to "1 Shot" (2 Bolts) a Minion (and Ice/Heal/Electro Spirit). Makes him more Consistent with his floofy haired counterpart: the Musketeer. While it Makes sense, I don't think he necessarily needed the nerf. But he will still be good.

    ~Mini Pekka~: Hitspeed Buffed to 1.7 Seconds from 1.8 Seconds

    • I was not expecting this change. The Mini Pekka is a solid Card that did not necessarily need the Buff. Yes, Knight has been overshadowing it for a while now, but Mini Pekka is a Tank Killer, not a Mini Tank. He should not be as versatile as the Knight. This will possibly make him a little too strong in my opinion, but we have to wait and see.

    ~Sparky~: First Hitspeed Nerfed to 1.0 Seconds from 0.5 Seconds

    • ... Why? This change literally has no reason to have happened. Yes, sparky is scary, but she is still overall easy to counter. While I personally like the change (since my Trifecta Lightning deck is kinda weak to Sparky), she does not deserve the change at all. At the very least, buff a Card like Goblin Giant (in HP or Damage) to make up for it. I do not understand this change at all.


    So, what do you think of the Season and Balance Changes of Season 17? Like the new Tower Skin and Emotes? Think Elite Barbs are finally Balanced? Or do think they still need work among other Cards? Let me know down below in the comments. As always, take care, and Clash on people!

    submitted by /u/JCorby17
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    Homemade Witch costume for Halloween (and my skelly boy, of course)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Season 16 Balances in a Nutshell

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Found an old pic of over a year ago before i stopped playing the game, the first time will never be forgotten

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Balance Changes - Clash Royale Season 17 (November 2020)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Blocked Lightning with Archers

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Since we don’t get tokens from clan wars anymore, shouldn’t the trader allow us to trade cards without using tokens? It serves no purpose the way it is.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    PLEASE stop nerfing cards based on usage - the only reason their usage is high is bc you (SC) are killing all their alternatives!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Electro wizard usage has skyrocket to 32% this month. Is he suddenly OP despite not being buffed in ages? No! Obviously not. He's suddenly rampant bc SC semi-killed musketeer! The electro usage rate increase was predictable and obvious. Now that they're nerfing electro, Hunter will VERY PREDICTABLY rise to like 25% usage, and then SC will continue this logic and say "wow so many people are using hunter...he must be OP!" and nerf him. One day after enough cycle of this pattern we will all end up having to settle for wizard and they'll see 30% wizard usage and say he's OP and nerf him 🤣🤦‍♀️

    Bats had the same situation...SC totally kills horde with that stagger and the additions and buffs of tons of horde counters (delivery, firecracker, arrows buff, etc) then acts shocked that everyone opts for bats. Countless other examples recent and soon to come. Watch out for barb barrel...SC randomly nerfs log's range the other month, and now barb barrel is predictably rampant.

    Nerf based on a combination of win and usage rates, but with more emphasis on win, and "nerf" primarily by buffing alternatives. Don't kill a card because it's popular but not OP.

    submitted by /u/--Gingersnap--
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    I predicted the illogical electro wizard nerf based on this horrible pattern:

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    (Sidenote...why? Because ONE season electro became popular thanks to your musk nerf and other nerfs to air and range cards?)

    "Minion horde is too strong" > nerf it

    "Baby dragon is too strong" > nerf it

    Bats take over as a result of those nerfs and are seen as OP; meanwhile, skel drags are nerfed as well

    Then with the killing of bats and nerfing of skel drags, as well as the longtime dead status of exec, wiz, and witch, predictably musk starts dominating > so they claim she's OP and nerf her


    I said a month ago that their illogical rabbit hole pattern here with the nerfs would mean the next thing to be nerfed would be electro, who at the time had perfectly balanced stats. But then electro's usage rates rise bc alternatives are dead, and his win rates misleading rise because he enters some OP decks musk was in, like barb hut graveyard and various dominant Royal hogs decks

    So PREDICTABLY, they illogically claim electro is OP.

    And predictably the next nerf will be hunter...guaranteed nerf to him in the next 3 months, not because he's OP - but because of this continued irrational cycle of SC's obsession with nerfing cards then nerfing their replacements, and so on.

    submitted by /u/--Gingersnap--
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    [LEAK] Season 17 Balance Changes!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Interesting sparky nerf makes it kills bandit. Source CWA: https://youtu.be/_e-tuBTs4LA

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    When the Skeleton comes in clutch

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Happy Halloween folks! Here’s a drawing of the Battle Healer!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    I have worked to hard to Max this deck through significant nerfs to PEKKA, Magic Archer, etc. but this is the final straw, nerfing a completely balanced card like e wiz.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    The Electro Wizard Nerf Is Stupid!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    The Sparky nerf is questionable but the E-Wiz nerf is beyond questionable.

    Why the f*#k would SC nerf a card that's way balanced than many other cards in the game like Wizard, Witch & Executioner,..etc.

    I understand the card currently has a high win/use rate and it might deserve a nerf, but that doesn't mean you nerf the damage aspect of it which is already balanced or even to the weaker side compared to other long-range troops in the game. They should've left the damage stats untouched and nerfed the utility aspect of it instead.

    I find the E Wiz nerf is so questionable & unnecessary tbh.

    submitted by /u/Ali-Bagshi
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    It's ironic that after I saw the balance changes, I found my old sparky fanart from about 2 years ago (and I know it isn't the best compared to all the amazing fanarts on this sub)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 11:13 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    New Card Idea: Pile o’ Logs

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Did sparky need nerf? Her stats are really bad 44% win and 30 rating points... also all electrical cards added in game...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Are these bots?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I live for infinite elixir

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    [EFFORT POST] Card Power Rating from Season 11 to 16 for All Ladder

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    One millisecond difference

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Took this picture from CWA's balance change video. Does this mean that ebarbs can now tank a shot from a same level sparky?!!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    Are the new cards really going to stay here? This is really triggering me :(

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

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