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    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    Clash Royale This game

    Clash Royale This game

    This game

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Return the bags with tokens and gems, please

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I've disbanded my clan due to CW2

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I've disbanded my clan due to CW2


    CW2 has killed my clan. We were at 8K trophies and had a 80% winning rate in CW1. Small but competitive. Now we have no way of competing with clans with 50 members. I got so discouraged and even if SuperCell updates the rule by matching clans with similar number of members, I just don't like playing with the same 4 decks every day. After two weeks, it's so boring. Then realizing, wow, three more weeks to go with the same clans. The whole CW2 just doesn't make any sense.

    I might join another clan later, but frankly, I am closer than ever before to quit the game for good.

    submitted by /u/franky_1017
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    5 weeks is way to long to play against the same teams in war.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    As the third week is about to end there was not a single position change in my war again. The same clan placed first in all weeks so far. The same for second and third.

    There's no way this is ok. Just 5 weeks of the same thing over and over is pretty boring. I have no interest in war anymore because i cant change anything. I would much rather do anything else in the game.

    Edit: I think a big improvement would happen if they just shortened it to one week or two weeks long. Idk why a war cycle has to be almost 2 months long.

    submitted by /u/Fugitive-Wizard
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    This guy started to BM once he got my tower down to 2 hp and ended up choking lol

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    "No, you do not need 32 max level cards...."

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    Bandit fully countering megaknight interaction (+4)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Petition to make all card requests on Sunday epic, and not just the first one. Supercell has made this game too hard to progress and we need something like this in the game. Comment if u would like this.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Didnt even know this was possible...

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Boatyard is useless

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    New Card Idea: Royal Watchtower! Here to guard your side of the arena as a defensive spawner!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Back when we had better Clan Wars, Quests, No stupid Pass Royale

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Mission failed, we'll get them next time, also PoSiTiVe ElIxIr TrAdE

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    If you have all the epic cards maxed out in your account you can open the epic chest in the shop for free and get free star points with it :)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Just bring back the original designer of the game.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:04 AM PDT


    Just bring back the original designer of the game.

    You have no ability and you don't read our novels.

    You have now started to change the style of the UI

    and made it so ineffective, inefficient and inedible.

    submitted by /u/supershell7
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    CW2 feels like ladder to me. There are too many similarities.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Here are just a few similarities I've seen over the last couple weeks. It's fucking stupid to have two aspects of the game be so similar:

    Only metta decks are used.

    You play people in the same trophy range as you.

    The win rate (for me) is around the same as ladder, and I do not know how I would improve it.

    The only game mode is classic 1v1.

    No reason to play unless you grind every day.

    It's just as infuriating when underleveled, and lower level players stand no chance.

    Do not get any conciliatory prize for losing and wasting your time.

    People that play more have a huge advantage.

    Leaves casual players in the dust.

    It is okay for EITHER CW2 or ladder to have these aspects, but it is a waste of space In the game for both sections to emulate the same exact gameplay.

    Supercell needs to make differentiation between the two game modes so that it's actually fun to play both.

    submitted by /u/Beastly_Mc_Daddy
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    A legendary part of competitive CR history

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    What card(s), if any, do you consider to be the mark of a bad player?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    No extra details. Just no post-loss saltiness (please take a second if fresh off a loss).

    submitted by /u/PJrama18
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    The devs should reinstate CW1 until a feasible solution to the failure that has been CW2 has been resolved.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    u/supercell-Seth and u/supercell_drew, this update, as I'm sure you're both fully aware, is literally killing the game. Obviously this immediate and possibly even premature reception of the update wasn't what was expected from the SC team and it's very understandable that COVID-19 may have played its part in the lackluster that is CW2 due to the team having to "complete" this update from home. I speak only for myself and not the community that a compromise must be met at the conclusion of this first CW2 season. While the players wait for its inevitable change to this abhorrent update, I believe the dev team should temporarily revert back to the former CW format for a few good reasons.

    1) Players are leaving clans they have been part of FOR YEARS because they are not finding the success they experienced in CW1.

    2) CW2 completely lacks the interpersonal experiences players had when they could practice between one another. This not only made the clan extremely active within itself (without rewards even), but the ability to practice several times with each other created a sort of bonding competition that was celebrated when the player went to war and pulled a W for the clan, or empathy and continued encouragement if they didn't. A victory in CW2 May be celebrated, but its bland and doesn't feel as though you really "earned" it the way you would have in CW1.

    3) Everyone here understands the best way to win in CW2 is to have four completely maxed decks. But due to the randomization of how cards are awarded through chests, challenges, or achievements, it's a roll of the dice on whether or not you'll be able to max out a BALANCED deck that can be used to win in war. It's also worth noting that due to monthly balance changes, a player's recently maxed out deck may not be utilized as efficiently as they had anticipated before shelling out the gold to max those cards. I, and several others I'm sure, can personally testify that it's extremely frustrating to spend 100,000 gold on a card only to see it nerfed the following balance change.

    And finally, 4) It's no doubt that the dev team plans weeks, if not months beforehand that a card is going to receive a buff/nerf. The Supercell team has an excellent record of reacting to community feedback. Unfortunately, your strategy in this approach is completely wrong. P2P players keep you employed, so If you really gave a damn about community feedback, you'd take community polls and find out from your best source on what changes should be implemented BEFORE developing those changes.

    There are several other topics that need to be addressed, I'm sure, but this post is long enough and those within this amazing community have their say as well.

    Good luck to the Supercell team and let's hope the next change is one in the right step.

    submitted by /u/barrettUSMC
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    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Is it me, or that max level wall breakers are scary?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    I use max level wall breakers myself. At max level, they have sufficient health to survive tower damage. Split the wall breakers, and the opponent is pressured to allocate resources to deal with both sides quickly. Most of the time they have to overspend elixir to defend since wall breakers cost only a measly 2 elixir. So they either have to suck it, take the damage or waste elixir to counter.

    The only way to effectively deal with split wall breakers is to use buildings. Or tornadoes/arrows idk.

    Otherwise they're easy to kill if the enemy side already have troops.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Dorkdogdonki
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