• Breaking News

    Friday, September 18, 2020

    Clash Royale Played this game religiously since day 1. Never seen lava pups killed instantly like this.

    Clash Royale Played this game religiously since day 1. Never seen lava pups killed instantly like this.

    Played this game religiously since day 1. Never seen lava pups killed instantly like this.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Who thinks this should be a emote???

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    That moment when your clanmate’s replay opponent joins your clan...

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    He might be coming back soon.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Found a way to have all year badges next to each other. Don’t play Clash royale for four years

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Congrats dev team, you're officially killing this game.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    I hate this war 2.0. It's like ladder, but the try-hards are trying even harder. I play against all the same meta decks. There's no variety. No interesting game play. I enter a match and just use the clash royale #1 finger emote because my opponents clearly take this game far too seriously. So yea, congrats supercell team. I officially quit playing the game.

    submitted by /u/wasabb
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    SC: We Want All Cards To Be Relevant!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Week 3 of torture

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Is this how it’s meant to be played

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Haven’t spoken with a friend since quarantine, this is the first thing we did upon seeing each other in-game.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    IOS players know the feeling of how relieving this is!!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Drew, please tell the community how long before the fixes will come

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    I see people leaving daily, and if they had a timeline, maybe they'd stay.

    A timeline is also like telling your friends your diet goal. It makes it public and more likely that you'll work to hit it.

    I personally feel end of this month is fine (and your data scientist gets the data).

    But beyond that, your player base is REALLY hurting right now. I don't think people care about updating the game multiple times like you think they do. They care about the best game experience.

    Your last official post addresses many fixes. Now please give us a ray of light on when they'll be implemented. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Royalelvl1challenge
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    Ouch indeed

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    New to Reddit just to make this post.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Personally, I feel with all the glaring issues and unfair matchups/timezone debacles, it's obvious they (the devs) play tested this update for about 10 mins, all in the same timezone, and really didn't give 2 flying hoots about the average player.

    I'm NOT F2P, but I'm also not a hardcore tryhard, pushing up to the 6,600+ trophy counts in ladder, either. I've spent a solid $500ish on this game over the last 4 years, and I justify it by not wasting money on console games or upgrading the consoles themselves, during that duration, as they just sit there collecting dust. I'm a level 13 with every card EXCEPT for skele drags, and most legendaries maxed out. I used to play Clash Royale EVERY day, MULTIPLE times a day, to endless fun. Bought every single pass (except for this one).

    During CW1, I used to have fun doing the collection battles, and getting rewards every few days, having to make a deck from what we collected. Even if we only had 10-15 people partaking in the war. I was as "happy" as can be.

    Then, this update hit.

    I had never really gone days without playing this game until this update hit. The monotony of having to play 4 "Ladder/CWII" battles is literally mind numbing. I log on, and have no desire to push ladder, as I just played the same style of game for my 4 War attacks. I don't want to keep smashing level 10/11 players. I don't want to keep finishing the week in first place, but short of the 50,000 fame it takes, just to get the same prize as the clan in last place. What's the effing point?

    If they don't revert this back, I'll have to cut my losses with this game, and enjoy the memories. I mean what the flying heck, guys. Do the developers secretly abhor this game, and are literally trying their best to ruin it?

    Anyway, rant over.

    submitted by /u/kezinchara
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    When's the video coming to explain how the colosseum works? Here's hoping for a 15 member KOH style battle to save Clan Wars

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    funniest defence i’ve seen since i started a lvl 1

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Enemy used his tornado on his own troops lol!!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:55 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    The reason for why it would be hard for the esports scene to grow in Clash Royale

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Essentially to have a popular esports scene for any game you have to create an accessible game. What this means is that a player should be able to have a cheaper/easier way to obtain the games characters so they can practice the mechanics and learn to play.

    Now in Clash Royale the characters would basically be the cards and the problem with it is that they aren't as accessible as other games. Think of the time it would take to collect all cards for a causal player (not max them but have at least 1 copy). For example I can't think of many successful esports games that have chest timers that go up to 24 hours to obtain a single card that may even be a duplicate.

    Now some people might say that technically you just need cards to be level 9 to be able to compete. This is going to be complicated but I'll try explain my view on this. Firstly the skill in ladder goes up as you go higher (obviously) so one can also assume that as you climb the ladder you will learn the skills an opponent may use against you. So now let's say in an ideal world that you are at 4400 trophies and stuck there with lv 9 cards, naturally you would adapt to the arena you were in and get better to go to the next arena right? However the reality is that after a certain point in this game you can't do that and skill becomes less a factor as levels of your card is more important because someone with lv12 cards would just stomp you. So because of this you would be trapped in an arena not because of your skill but because of your card levels (that are seriously hard to level up). This means that it would become hard to get better at the game because there isn't an equal chance to fight.

    Now what I mean about the problem of lv 9 caps in tournament is that someone may have higher card levels in their actual deck meaning they have the ability to actually climb ladder (as explained above) and improve their game vs someone who has lv 9 as their actual card levels in deck and stuck in an arena due to being unable to improve at the game because they are just waiting for the cards to level up.

    In my opinion the game is trying to be a mobile game with timers and make money whilst also trying to have an esports scene that aims to be strategic in creating decks which is completely contradictory as many players are stuck with one deck (due to the grinding nature of level up cards) meaning they can't even add new cards because they will probably be underleveled.

    If the game did want to have an esports scene they should focus initially getting money from skins because by making taking away timers it would add way more players who would be enticed to them. Then they can transfer their main source of revenue from skins to esports sponsors etc when the game really gets big.

    Anyways I somewhat wrote this as a rant so my ideas may not be explained properly but I'd love to see the community's opinion on this.

    Tl:dr - The game can't be esports because esports games are actually free to play and this game is grindy.

    submitted by /u/Terxd4
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    We need more arenas - and here’s why

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Recently, my friend and I made second accounts to see how long it would take to get to legendary. Today I made it, and it was cool. I just turned level 8 and was having fun. But then I started playing in the majestic middladder, and it was terrible (and it's not just the decks).

    What was different was the player levels. I instantly fought a level 11, then 13, then 10. Remember that I just got to 8. In arena 12, the highest level I saw was 9, and that was rare. Most were 7 or 8. I know why this is happening, and how to fix it.

    So one of the reasons I'm facing high level players is because of season reset. As we all know, every season we lose half of our trophies. And we also know that some players haven't played in so long but are joining again (or leaving haha). So the players that used to be so high in ladder with max cards are now at the bottom. So of course they want to push back up again. It's not their fault that they're destroying me, it's just how it works.

    So why is this a problem? Well, it means that I can't play ladder much anymore without facing high levels or rarely finding someone like me. So now instead of playing the game, I can only do party modes for chests and grind cards for months. How is that fun.

    Obviously my solution is more arenas. Raise legendary arena trophies up higher so you have to earn being there. This gives players more time to upgrade cards and progress through the game without this long boring pause. It would make legendary feel legendary again.

    TLDR, once you get to legendary arena you have to stop playing ladder and grind for card levels and it's boring.

    Thanks for reading,


    submitted by /u/Chuckles9838
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    Is there some kind of bug where a player is able to play before the opponent has loaded the match?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    This keeps happening to me and it's causing me to lose games. I load in to a match and while the names are still loading on my screen, my opponent has played a card already that I can't do anything about. It just happened in Ram Rage where they played the rider and my princess tower was half destroyed before I could play.

    Why does this keep happening? My connection is fine (it's gigabit). This happens at least 50% of the time I play Party modes as well...

    submitted by /u/BrandoSoft
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    [Effort Post] Clan Wars 2.1

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Quick Introduction (tl;dr at bottom):

    Clan Wars 2 has been out for almost 3 weeks now and has received a significant amount of negative responses. I want to make this post to address some of the biggest problems that Clan Wars 2 faces and offer in-depth solutions to these problems. So far, the colosseum is much of a mystery to me. I will make edits to this post as needed. But for now, let's hop into it!

    The Problems:

    I don't think Clan Wars 2 was a bad addition to the game and I believe it has a lot of potential that it hasn't quite unlocked yet. It has its flaws for sure but I think that when reworked to make the playing field more fair for all players, it could result in the best system that Clash Royale has ever seen for progression and overall enjoyment. First, I'll begin by stating the underlying problems I have with Clan Wars 2.

    Problem 1:

    The main problem I have with Clan Wars 2 is the inability to distinguish the difference from league to league. My clan started Clan Wars 2 in Gold I and we've gotten 4th place for the first two weeks now. Now we are in silver 3 and there is not much difference from when we were in gold. We still get paired up against all level 13 players very often and we still can't finish the race. Our clan just simply doesn't have enough active players to get the 50,000 fame requirement.

    This wasn't a problem in Clan Wars 1. We could usually get 11 or 12 people out of 45 in the clan when we lined our war up correctly with everyone's schedules. We would war up to 3 times per war chest rotation to try and get 1st place and we usually could at least once (that's how we ended up in the gold league). Now, we get 17 or 18 people out of 36 current members who get fame in a week. There is only about 6 of us who attack 4 times a day. I want to see the clan succeed and we simply can not do that with the current structure of clan wars. We've had active members leave for other clans because they want in on the rewards. Meanwhile, the loyal ones who want to play in the clan we made together get the boot week after week after week.

    On the flip side, I have heard the opinions of really active clans say that the river race is too boring and that they can reach 50,000 in the first 2 days. There needs to be a balance so that active clans have enough of a challenge getting to the end to make it interesting while also letting the smaller clans in on the "big rewards" that were talked so much about.

    Problem 2:

    I go against so many level 13 players every day. I do not know why we use our own levels all the way down to bronze because it leaves the lower leveled players at a double disadvantage. Not only are they already less likely to win a game because they have lower levels, but on top of that, the battles they do win are worth less fame because their cards are still low on levels!

    Problem 3:

    The last major problem is that strategy in Clan Wars 2 is limited as of right now and there are game mechanics in the game that are simply useless (namely the boatyard). Also while 4 unique decks are good, there are limits to the number of things you can do in a single day right now.

    Clearly, there are improvements to be made to Clan Wars 2. Drew said in a post that we should think of it as Clan Wars 2.0. I have taken that to heart and I have come up with better systems that would give all players the opportunity to compete for the large rewards while keeping the game interesting regardless of level and clan size/activity. So, without further ado, I present to you Clan Wars 2.1!

    The Solutions:

    The goal of Clan Wars 2.1 is to fix the unfair advantage high leveled players get especially in the lowest leagues while simultaneously making the river race more exciting for really active clans. It also further unlocks Clan Wars potential by offering a few more strategic choices for players to make (the numbered solutions pair with the numbered problems above).

    Problem 1:

    All leagues are the same. Small clans don't stand a chance to finish while big clans finish too easily to make it interesting for them.

    Solution 1:

    There needs to be a complete rework of clan war, clan war rewards, and clan trophies and how they work. In Clan Wars 2 there was a reset in clan trophies to the bottom of the league you were in at the time of the update. The highest arena is currently Legendary Arena which requires +3000 clan trophies. However, there were many clans that were in the tens of thousands of trophies before the reset. It will not be long before Clans get that high in trophies again so why wait to add new leagues? I believe that this is a really good time in Clash Royale to add new clan leagues into the game. These new leagues ought to be introduced: Wooden, Challenger, Masters, Champion, and Ultimate. The major rework stats are down below.

    Clan Trophies

    Requirements for Leagues

    - New leagues would introduce more fair clan matchmaking. In Clan Wars 1, it was possible for clans with 50,000 trophies to be paired up with clans with 5,000 trophies. In Clan Wars 2.1, clans will be paired up much better with more leagues separating the +3000 category.

    League Clan Trophy Requirement Interleague Difference
    Ultimate +50,000
    Legendary 40,000-50,000 +5000 each legendary league
    Champion 25,000-40,000 +5000 each champion league
    Masters 16,000-25,000 +3000 each masters league
    Challenger 10,000-16,000 +2000 each challenger league
    Gold 5400-10,000 +1600 each gold league
    Silver 3000-5400 +800 each silver league
    Bronze 1200-3000 +600 each bronze league
    Wooden 0-1200 +400 each wooden league

    Clan Trophies Earned/Lost in War

    - Right now, I believe that clan trophy progression is much too slow. I mean, if you win all 5 river races, you only go up 100 trophies and another 100 for the colosseum if you win that too. That is about a month and a half worth of wars to go up 200 trophies which was achievable in 4 days in Clan Wars 1. Also with Clan Wars 2.1 having such a high requirement of trophies to even get into the Bronze league, I think it is also time to rework clan trophies in war (this explanation is continued below the chart).

    River Race
    League 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
    Ultimate +200 +100 -50 -100 -200
    Legendary +200 +100 -50 -100 -200
    Champion +200 +100 -50 -100 -200
    Masters +200 +100 -25 -100 -200
    Challenger +200 +100 -25 -100 -200
    Gold +200 +100 -25 -100 -200
    Silver +200 +100 0 -100 -200
    Bronze +200 +100 0 -100 -200
    Wooden +200 +100 0 -100 -200

    *200 bonus fame = +1 clan trophy

    League 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
    Ultimate +1000 +500 -250 -500 -1000
    Legendary +1000 +500 -250 -500 -1000
    Champion +1000 +500 -250 -500 -1000
    Masters +1000 +500 -125 -500 -1000
    Challenger +1000 +500 -125 -500 -1000
    Gold +1000 +500 -125 -500 -1000
    Silver +1000 +500 0 -500 -1000
    Bronze +1000 +500 0 -500 -1000
    Wooden +1000 +500 0 -500 -1000

    - This is a decaying amount of net trophies overall in the system. To counteract that for every 200 fame your clan gets after you finish the race, you get 1 bonus clan trophy. I chose a 200:1 ratio because an all level 13 deck win is worth 208 fame so 1 deck would be worth about 1 bonus trophy. This would provide the incentive to continue attacking after the race is finished as well. This would also mean that newly created active clans could spend a shorter amount of time in the lower leagues.

    River Races

    Fame to Finish the Race

    - If there was a different amount of fame required to finish the race from league to league, it would simultaneously make the race more challenging and entertaining while giving the lower clans a chance to actually finish the race.

    League Fame Required to Finish Race
    Ultimate 200,000
    Legendary 175,000
    Champion 150,000
    Masters 125,000
    Challenger 100,000
    Gold 60,000
    Silver 40,000
    Bronze 20,000
    Wooden 10,000

    River Race Rewards

    - People felt like they were promised "huge rewards" with this update and that has been withheld from smaller clans (like my own and 3 out of 4 other clans we've been racing with). I've created this table of rewards for all placements in all leagues. I believe this would allow clans even as small as 3 people at least FINISH the race and not get the boot for not getting a fame requirement that is simply out of their reach.

    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Ultimate Total: 1190 Total: 1130 Total: 1070 Total: 1010 Total: 330
    L - 5 L - 4 L - 3 L - 2 L - 1
    E - 28 E - 27 E - 25 E - 24 E - 6
    R - 234 R - 222 R - 210 R - 198 R - 33
    Gold - 8190 Gold - 7770 Gold - 7350 Gold - 6930 Gold - 1650
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Legendary Total: 1070 Total: 1010 Total: 950 Total: 890 Total: 290
    L - 4 L - 3 L - 2 L - 1 L - 0
    E - 25 E - 24 E - 22 E - 21 E - 5
    R - 210 R - 198 R - 186 R - 174 R - 29
    Gold - 7350 Gold - 6930 Gold - 6510 Gold - 6090 Gold - 1450
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Champion Total: 950 Total: 890 Total: Total: Total: 250
    L - 3 L - 2 L - 1 L - 0.50 L - 0
    E - 22 E - 21 E - 19 E - 18 E - 4
    R - 186 R - 174 R - 162 R - 150 R - 25
    Gold - 6510 Gold - 6090 Gold - 5670 Gold - 5250 Gold - 1250
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Masters Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 210
    L - 2 L - 1 L - 1 in 2 L - 1 in 3 L - 0
    E - 19 E - 18 E - 16 E - 15 E - 3
    R - 162 R - 150 R - 138 R - 126 R - 21
    Gold - 5670 Gold - 5250 Gold - 4830 Gold - 4410 Gold - 1050
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Challenger Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 170
    L - 1 L - 1 in 2 L - 1 in 3 L - 1 in 4 L - 0
    E - 16 E - 15 E - 13 E - 12 E - 2
    R - 138 R - 126 R - 114 R - 102 R - 17
    Gold - 4830 Gold - 4410 Gold - 3990 Gold - 3570 Gold - 850
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Gold Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 130
    L - 1 L - 1 in 3 L -1 in 4 L - 1 in 5 L - 0
    E - 13 E - 12 E - 10 E - 9 E - 1
    R - 114 R - 102 R - 90 R - 78 R - 13
    Gold - 3990 Gold - 3570 Gold - 3150 Gold - 2730 Gold - 650
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Silver Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 90
    L - 1 L - 1 in 4 L - 1 in 5 L - 1 in 6 L - 0
    E - 10 E - 9 E - 7 E - 6 E - 0
    R - 90 R - 78 R - 66 R - 54 R - 9
    Gold - 3150 Gold - 2730 Gold - 2310 Gold - 1890 Gold - 450
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Bronze Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 50
    L - 1 L - 1 in 5 L - 1 in 6 L - 1 in 7 L - 0
    E - 7 E - 6 E - 4 E - 3 E - 0
    R - 66 R - 54 R - 42 R - 30 R - 7
    Gold - 2310 Gold - 1890 Gold - 1470 Gold - 1050 Gold - 250
    1st 2nd 3rd 4+5th Boot
    Wooden Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 10
    L - 1 in 2 L - 1 in 6 L - 1 in 7 L - 1 in 8 L - 0
    E - 4 E - 3 E - 1 E - 0 E - 0
    R - 42 R - 30 R - 18 R - 6 R - 1
    Gold - 1470 Gold - 1050 Gold - 630 Gold - 210 Gold - 50

    Problem 2:

    I get destroyed by level 13 decks too often for me to really enjoy my experience.

    Solution 2:

    The only mode that should be free from level capping is ladder. There ought to be a place for lower leveled players to be valued members of their clan. To fix this, a level cap is going to be put in place for different leagues. This would also cap the number of fame decks could earn.

    Level Cap

    - Higher leveled players will not be severely punished if a level cap was in place either. Active clans will be able to get out of lower leagues with the addition of bonus trophies and the fact that the race is shorter in lower leagues. For example, if a clan was to get 50,000 fame in wooden league they would get 200 bonus trophies (also, if they got 50,000 fame they probably wouldn't finish 5th anyway).

    League Level Cap Max Fame Per Win
    Ultimate 13 208
    Legendary 13 208
    Champion 13 208
    Masters 13 208
    Challenger 13 208
    Gold 12 192
    Silver 11 176
    Bronze 10 160
    Wooden 9 144

    Problem 3:

    Certain game mechanics *cough* *cough* *boatyard* do not make sense. Also, 4 decks could be improved upon.

    Solution 3:

    Boatyard buff and extra war deck.


    The boatyard should be worth 1.5 times the hammers of a loss (hammers would round-up in case of fractions). This would be a logical risk versus reward mechanic to have in Clan Wars 2.1. A battle win would be worth more, but if you have a weak deck, you could use the boatyard in case you were anticipating a loss. Below is a table to help visualize what this would look like.

    Average Deck Level Win Hammers Boatyard Hammers Loss Hammers
    13 208 156 104
    12 192 144 96
    11 176 132 88
    10 160 120 80
    9 144 108 72

    Number of War Decks

    I really like the idea of having decks with no overlapping cards, but I believe there ought to be 5 war decks that we can build. This would not only begin to truly unlock the creativity of deck building, but it would also give a reason to go 2-0 in a duel. If you did, you could do another duel. There should also be a best of 5 river task I am dubbing "Clash". It would require all 5 war decks and would be worth more gold per win than Duels.

    League Boat Battle Gold Battle Win Gold Duel Win Gold Clash Win Gold
    e.g. ----------------> league 1/ league 2/ league 3
    Ultimate 500 1000 3300 7200
    Legendary 425/450 850/900 3000/3100 6400/6700
    Champion 380/390/400 760/780/800 2740/2820/2900 5760/5930/6100
    Masters 350/360/370 700/720/740 2500/2580/2660 5250/5420/5590
    Challenger 320/330/340 640/660/680 2260/2340/2420 4740/4910/5080
    Gold 290/300/310 580/600/620 2020/2100/2180 4230/4400/4570
    Silver 260/270/280 520/540/560 1780/1860/1940 3720/3890/4060
    Bronze 230/240/250 460/480/500 1540/1620/1700 3210/3380/3550
    Wooden 200/210/220 400/420/440 1300/1380/1460 2700/2870/3040

    Final Thoughts:

    That's the major points for the Clan Wars 2.1 update! This update will give clans the opportunity to climb the rankings and it will definitely help out with progression. Let me know what you think below! Peace! ✌️


    Problem 1:

    All leagues are the same. Small clans don't stand a chance to finish while big clans finish too easily to make it interesting for them.

    Problem 2:

    I get destroyed by level 13 decks too often for me to really enjoy my experience.

    Problem 3:

    Certain game mechanics *cough* *cough* *boatyard* do not make sense. Also, 4 decks could be improved upon.

    Summed up Solutions:

    - Introduce new leagues

    - Rework clan trophies

    - Fame required to finish river race is depended on league

    - Rework rewards accordingly

    - Introduce level cap for lower leagues

    - Buff boatyard

    - 5 war decks

    submitted by /u/Lapis_Lettuce
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    Epic princess save by pushing her out of range

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    We really need to do something about players leaving in the middle of a 2v2

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Hi there.

    So I love Clash Royale. I really do. But c'mon, how am I supposed to defeat two people on my own when my teammate leaves in the middle, or even worse, at the beginning of the fight?! Can't we implement double elixir for the player when his teammate leaves or perhaps a double deck, or AI or at least something? And aside from the players that quit, there are also trolls that just wait around and do nothing. It's extremely frustrating when you genuinely want to win and your teammate decides to quit on you with no other solution but losing the game five times in a row. FIVE TIMES! I get that some players might genuinely get kicked out of the game by inconsistent internet, but that still doesn't solve the problem of players needing to fight two opponents on their own. Does anyone know what we can do about this or if the developers are implementing some sort of solution? Because this is just asinine to go through.

    submitted by /u/TheHolyAlpaca1
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