Clash Royale The revolution has begun |
- The revolution has begun
- We should not be attacking Drew. Something is very wrong with CR’s management, and here is where we should be sending our criticism.
- The rarest chest in Clash Royale.
- Calling all Clan Leaders! The revolution has started!
- Not only you can stop buying the pass, you can also refund the current one. #buttongate2020
- Let me edit my war decks when their on cooldown
- Ladies and Gentlemen, We got em.
- We had clash time again. Recently hit master so had to go in the training camp. She took a tower with a dirty push though. Not bad for 1 y/o. (She wasn't happy that everyone thought she was a fraud last time so had to prove it to you) Happy Clashing everyone ��
- This tip wasn’t removed from old clan wars
- Petition to be able to add emote thumbnails on that person thing
- Looking back when we all hated Touchdown and Quests Update not even realizing that was better Update then this one
- The power of Hunter.
- It's so funny that a game like tetris listens to the community for a better game. right Supercell team?
- We will never forget you old logo
- Who else won't buy next pass royale?
- Clan wars 2 was a disappointment
- BS > CoC > CR in terms of F2P. Let's change the graphs by being "La Resistance" #NoPassSeptember
- As a f2p I quit the game in protest
- A victim of the spell nerfing
- Pass Royale Boycott
- WTF ��
- Don’t force everyone to participate in clan wars
- Showing the new players what CR is all about!
- BoyCott CR - ! Enough is enough ��
Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:11 PM PDT I'm not here to praise SuperCell or go off about how the CWII update was great. I personally don't believe they deserve much praise for taking a year just to add a gameplay change. However, there's something that has been happening with this sub that's been itching at me for the past week. We are only halfway through the first week of the update, and already Drew is being dogpiled by volatile and disruptive comments and threads, always making the point about how he couldn't care less about the community. This is the post that pushed things over the edge. Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't criticize SuperCell, because we are definitely in the right for letting them know that the update was unacceptable for taking a year to develop, but the near personal attacks on Drew for something that he has little control over is mind numbing. Drew is not the one who we should be criticizing, and I'm here to suggest where the community should focus their attention • The communication I would first like to point out that ever since the update, Drew's responsiveness to the community has been nothing short of outstanding. While he may not always be giving the responses the community wants, he is leaving multiple comments across several threads each day. Compared to what we've had for the past 8 months, this is the best improvement the community could have asked for. When people start criticizing Drew and attack him on a personal level, it becomes a question of whether or not the community wanted communication at all. We have been tirelessly requesting for more communication for months and months, and now when our wish is finally granted, many people just seem to have immediately disregarded how valuable this level of contact is, all because of a lackluster update. Again, criticize the update, not Drew. Additionally, Drew actually has less control than you think on these updates and what is actually going to be added and what will get cut. This brings me to my next point • Drew has no control over gameplay decisions. Here is where the real problem lies Drew is the community manager. Not a developer. While he may be able to influence some decisions, he has little control over what actually gets added to the game. The ones who have near complete control over gameplay additions and other features are Seth, (Game Designer) and a few other higher-up staff members. However since Seth is the one most commonly known to make the shots, we need to direct nearly all our feedback towards him and the upper management, not Drew. Here is how I would envision how feedback is handled by the CR team currently. Drew takes the community criticism to Seth or whoever takes feedback, and then whoever is in charge determines what shots to take and what things will be cut out. Drew is only the messenger in this situation, and it's not up to him whether or not a change makes it into the game. Unfortunately, whoever is leading the shots seems to not care at all about what the community has to say, and there is nothing that Drew can do about it because it's not up to him. It's understandable that Clash Royale has to make money. Subscription services such as pass royale are one of the best ways in doing so. However, the CR team seems to want even more money after this update. Clan Wars II is now the new place for fully maxed players to bully level 10s and lower, and there are plenty of other examples of how each update has progressively made it even harder to progress, even for paying players. Do we even need to talk about star skins and the absolute atrocity of how not a single star skin has been added since its initial release? That would have been an excellent way for SuperCell to get revenue! Players who paid to progress could enjoy card cosmetics, and star skins as a whole provides an incentive to spend money once fully maxed. They could have expanded on this feature even more by adding unique card skins, but no, they have abandoned this feature entirely, with no clue in sight as to when they will add the second wave of skins. Another practice used by SuperCell is the art of giving while taking something else away. They finally re-added trade tokens to the global tournament, but took away trade tokens in Clan Wars, one of the best places to earn tokens even if you were in a casual clan. Most casual players are lucky to even get 8 wins in the global tournament and will frequently miss the important legendary and epic tokens. They added more gold to clan war river battles, but good luck winning any matches when all of your opponents have golden max wizard hog mega knight rage. They added a daily gift at the expense of quests which gave Legendary King Chests, Mega Lightning Chests, and even the quests themselves gave gems upon completion. The new daily gift has 25 gems in the loot table, but you are more likely to get a useless gold chest for 3 days in a row. Those were only just a few of the many examples of what we have been consistently criticizing SuperCell for, and yet nothing is being done about it. As new cards get added, progression slowly gets worse and worse, but nearly nothing is being done about it. Why are all of our suggestions being cast to the side? The team is clearly capable of making changes with the millions they make per month, yet they refuse to do so. We need to take our criticism directly to the CR team. We need to let the upper management know that the current lead designers are not working in the best interest of the community and are breaking the mission statement of wanting to make games that will be remembered for years. Instead of making Clash Royale an enjoyable and fair experience, they force players to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to even have a chance at being successful and fully enjoying the game modes. If this behavior continues, the game will fall dead flat on top of it's filthy monetization and progression system and lack of variety. That is the community's promise. Let me be clear, I'm not in any way encouraging to personally attack the upper management, and no one there should be fired. However, there are certain employees that need a very serious slap on the wrist for the way they have been managing the game. The dissonance between the community and the dev team is closing in to be by far the worst I have seen, almost on parallel with EA. This all has to stop. There needs to be a change, and it needs to happen now. This game has too much potential to be wasted away as much as it has already. •** What we can do** Clash Royale is in my opinion one of the most outstanding real-time strategy games of the mobile genre, and to see it continually mottled down by the game directors and upper management is disheartening and incredibly frustrating. Submitting feedback knowing it will just get tossed in the trash can in order to make way for the next heavily monetized feature is completely unacceptable, and we cannot let it stand any longer. It is up to the community to make the change. Don't just say something, do something. Contact the upper management of SuperCell. Spread the word that there needs to be a new direction of how the game is being handled. Little has been done to fix progression and other major issues that have been in the game for years. It's finally time to stand up against the current CR team and tell them that we want a change. We can't let the game lose its potential after everything that has been built over all these years. Stop the CR team from snuffing out the flame of Clash Royale, or it may not be relevant in the coming years. Tl;Dr: Drew is just the messenger. He is submitting our feedback to the lead developers and Seth the game designer, but they are the ones choosing to ignore our feedback in order to pave the road for more monetization. As a community we should not let this be the case, and we should contact SuperCell's upper management to request for them to change the direction of what features are being added or cut. The current lead developers are prioritizing to find every possible way to sniff money out of their players over designing enjoyable features, which is completely unacceptable and needs to be changed. [link] [comments] | ||
The rarest chest in Clash Royale. Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT
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Calling all Clan Leaders! The revolution has started! Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:00 AM PDT
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Not only you can stop buying the pass, you can also refund the current one. #buttongate2020 Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT
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Let me edit my war decks when their on cooldown Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:07 AM PDT
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Ladies and Gentlemen, We got em. Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:05 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:42 AM PDT
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This tip wasn’t removed from old clan wars Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:48 PM PDT
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Petition to be able to add emote thumbnails on that person thing Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:46 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:07 PM PDT
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Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:33 AM PDT
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We will never forget you old logo Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:34 AM PDT
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Who else won't buy next pass royale? Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:20 AM PDT I bought every pass since release. Even considering the value it gives, I won't buy it/support a lazy development. I read many post's about the same topic and I'm just curious how we get this "movement" growing further. I'm afraid the Reddit CR-Community won't be enough to let SC feel our frustration. And after reading that CR is still Top 5 in app (or play?) Store, it's feeding my fear this could possibly be a waste of engagement by a minority... (PLEASE: Who never bought it and don't give a sh!t.. avoid posting here. Nobody cares) [link] [comments] | ||
Clan wars 2 was a disappointment Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:17 AM PDT Clan wars 2 had so much hype surrounding the update for months to come. The sheer volume of teasers had me looking forward to this update and counting down the days till it dropped as if I were a kid around Christmas time. I don't want to hate on the devs or their work, but this update has been more than a let down. First of all, there is now an incredible lack of variance within clan wars due to being able to use your own collection and due to only having typical 1 on 1 game modes that feel like the ladder but on hard mode. Being forced to use the cards you've collected sponsored creativity within war day. I never knew which decks to expect and hardly ever ran into a meta ladder deck during my war day battle. Now it's annoying as hell to just be playing an extention of the ladder. Also, the collection day gameplay was incredibly fun, being able to play different modes and all while still contributing to the clan war. My next qualm comes from the removal of quests. I hover in master 3 with lvl 11/12 cards and found my fun in this game through the quests. I'd make new decks almost daily for the sole purpose of completing the quests for the 500 gold or card equivalent reward. I don't want to hate on the devs or their work but it really seems like this update wasn't thought through. Instead of the update being rejuvenating for the game and my interest in it, it's made it incredibly stale. I really hope they make some drastic changes to the current game. Maybe allow river races to be started immediately after they're finished. Maybe there is more coming that they haven't mentioned yet, who knows. All I know is that I won't be playing this game for much longer if it's just ladder and the extended ladder as far as my options of game play go, which absolutely sucks. I made a Canadian iTunes account to be able to play this game as soon as I heard about it, before the US release. /endrant [link] [comments] | ||
BS > CoC > CR in terms of F2P. Let's change the graphs by being "La Resistance" #NoPassSeptember Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:25 AM PDT
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As a f2p I quit the game in protest Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:37 AM PDT TLDR at the bottom. I've been kinda depressed/irritate for the past few days and now i know why. I feel like sharing it with reddit cuz people talking about it might accidentally make me feel better. The one game that gives me joy and sense of belonging is dying. I'm one of the first batch of people to play CR, and I remember, back in January 2016, registering for a new Apple ID in the Canadian store to take advantage of the soft launch. In fact I have a deck that I've been using ever since. It is my first (and only) max deck, and despite never being meta, survived so many balance changes without being "reworked" (we all know what that does to your favourite card). It's mini pekka, valkyrie, hog rider, archer, minion, zap, arrows, fireball. Strictly saying I'm not a f2p. I don't spend money for the sake of progression either. Once I did purchase 500 gems for some extra entires to grand challenge and emotes. I've never purchase the Pass, so I can't protest by not buying it. Instead I choose to quit the game in protest. The process of the so-called death is gradual. I used to get excited before every balance change. But then all they did is nerfing some most used cards, while the cards far down the list (by frequency) never see the light of day. I recalled Drew or someone else saying because the tower have fixed hp and dmg, you can't keep buffing everything. Okay I see that. Then what happened? Fisherman's hook was (once) too slow to actually hook anything, Zappies dies to fireball, witch was (once) single-target.... countless examples. I wasn't actually using those card but it still made me feel uncomfortable. They could've make every card is strong in a unique way, but instead they make every card weak in a unique way. Then CW2 drops. Just a bit of information here my account is level 13 with 9 cards maxed (I upped every card to at least lvl 11 to be able to play the original clan wars). Before the update I have to avoid all ladder-levelled prep-day game modes, because almost all my matches are against entirely maxed (or even maxed and golden) players. Now I have to strategise and guess what win-con my enemy has, only to win one match before losing two. I don't think CR is as p2w as redditors described since you can't pay while stay constantly at a low trophy to bully free players. But the team has been steadily increasing the value you get for money. Not in the form of special offers, but in progression boosts which f2p deserves to get just as much. The amount of gold rewarded is still based on (my wild guess) when the game has 70 cards instead of 99. With the coming of CW2 I don't play ladder anymore, everyday I just use my 4 CW2 decks, most likely lose it all, or waste them to repair the boat, and that's it. I've had enough from $upercell. Honestly, I'm the kind of person who will give the opponent two free crowns (and a Christmas piggy emote) if I'm winning for sure. I'll even give the game for a level 10 player at my trophy level (5600). I've never used "well played" ironically. So if I say I've had enough, I've had enough. Here's my "Thank you" to those Pass players who has given me free wins in challenges, you might have seen me responding with a Christmas piggy emote. You guys make the game less about money and more about sharing joy. Thank you Mirror, TL, mecca, and everyone else at Wicked Photon. Although I have never (and prob never will) see you guys in real life, you all have been amazing clanmate. Responding when I needed a friendly battle, watching 2v2 replays and share the silliness, trading the cards you still use to help lower level players catch up. These are moments I will remember. Thank you, the kind stranger who's taking the time to read my post. I actually finished it in tears. Wake me up when the balance change comes! TL;DR - Started playing CR since soft-launch and this update pushed me to the edge of quitting. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:07 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:45 AM PDT I really hope this community is fired up enough to cooperate. Community Pass Royale boycott. I hope everyone works together as one. LET THEM HEAR US FOR THEM TO RECEIVE THE MESSAGE THAT THEY'RE A MONEY-CENTRIC LATELY. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:49 PM PDT
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Don’t force everyone to participate in clan wars Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:34 AM PDT Before, you could skip war and not hurt your clan at all. Now, All casual clans will surely get the boot because chances are most people aren't participating and/or aren't maxed. Supercell was very clever in wording their q and a video and post. Also, don't buy pass in September edit: I just realized that casual less active clans will be matched against other casual clans(albeit none of them will finish the race) Having an active clan can give you a huge edge over over leveled clans [link] [comments] | ||
Showing the new players what CR is all about! Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT
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BoyCott CR - ! Enough is enough �� Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT I have been playing this game for 4yrs and I have seen Supercell do all kind of crazy stuff like nerfing cards to death, implementing P2W mechanics to almost everything, taking months/years to do some simple changes and then call them "New content🙄" and most importantly... This last "BiG (Disaster) Update". I always maintained a positive attitude towards the game because I really love playing it but little by little SC always finds a way to kill the fun of this game. For me this last update was the final straw... I just cant sit back anymore trying to ignore their mistakes just cuz I love the game because honestly im tired of all of this. I have seen countless of posts here with amazing ideas for new content and also different ways to make the game better but they ignore it. So, if they just understand the dollar signs $$$ then thats okay we can talk that language too by not giving them one more cent until they fix all of this and starts listening to our ideas. Havent they figured out by now that the more fun a game is the more their customers will be willing to spend money on it... So why ignore us and make these horrible decisions which makes the game boring as hell like having us wait 4-5 on the river race without anything to do 😑. So please even if you are one of those that say " that by not buying a passroyale ($5) it wont contribute much to the boycott". You are wrong. If we all get together by simply not buying the passroyale and the "great value 3x,4x,5x,6x deals🤣🙄" then you will bet that collectively it will all amount to a lot of money that Supercell wont get and maybe that way by hurting their pockets they will understand. -All Clan Leaders/Co-leaders take the boycott message to your clan. -Supercell Drew, I dont blame you bud... I've seen how the rest of the team left you alone to handle all this mess. You can help us just by just telling the rest of the team that players are leaving the game in masses because the game is so boring right now that it makes candy crush look like fun! [link] [comments] |
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