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    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    Clash Royale Hey, let's talk - Part 2.

    Clash Royale Hey, let's talk - Part 2.

    Hey, let's talk - Part 2.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've made several of these posts before, but I'm writing today because of the response I've seen regarding the update. I've been out of the loop for a while due to some IRL things, and I recently returned before the update dropped. First, here are the previous posts:

    Last year

    Two years ago

    Please take a peek at those posts to see my thoughts on our relationship with Supercell, the CR community, and my thoughts about previous updates.

    Today's topic is similar, and I'd like to include a quote from one of the linked posts that still applies today:

    Second, our relationship with you, the Clash Royale community:

    You do not pay us, bribe us, or incentivize us, but we do want you to have a voice in how we run this community. We are an all-volunteer force of regular ole people, so not everything is perfect all the time. Many of us do have extensive moderating experience (Does anyone remember Team Fortress 2? I ran eight servers and a gaming community with almost 100k members in 2007. I miss that game; I stopped playing after it turned into Hat Simulator 2), but we are still learning. Every day is something new! Like you, something we all have in common is our passion for Clash Royale. Our goal is to make sure that everyone has a fair opportunity to be heard and to make sure they are honest to themselves and the community. We do this by having community rules that everyone has agreed to follow by posting here. We want everyone to think about what they are going to say so it can be meaningful and productive. Before posting, ask yourself these questions:

    • What's my motive in posting this?
    • Is this rooted in truth?
    • Is this post helpful?
    • Am I looking for a fight?
    • Could this hurt others? Hurt me?
    • How will I feel about this post in a day, week, year?
    • Would I say this to someone IRL?

    Everyone is guilty of posting something that doesn't follow these ideas. I am guilty of this. Nobody is perfect, but the key is always improving and trying to be better humans.

    Does making helpful posts and comments mean every post needs to be a positive, happy, "Oh, Supercell, you are so great!" rotational yanking? Hell no. It does mean that we want your criticisms backed up with rational thought. If you're going to see change, this is the most important thing you can do. The CMs have said they do not respond to things like "$¢ is greedy, and they hate you" type posts because there are no discussion points, and there is no rationing with rage. We frequently remove these types of comments, not because we don't want your opinions, but because we want your ideas to be heard and not ignored.

    Here's what I'll add to that message:

    I love how so many people here are passionate about this game. However, we must remember not to let our emotions get the best of us - I want you to continue to be just as passionate about this game as you are right now, but I want you to channel that energy constructively. As I said in my previous posts, being constructive does not mean being positive. When you are unhappy with something: SHARE IT! BUT, you need to do so civilly and constructively.

    I'm not going to type all day, so I'll leave you with two more thoughts:

    First, I share most people's sentiments about the update. I am confident there was no malicious intent with the queue button change, but directly swapping the buttons was a poor decision. I haven't wholly formulated an opinion on the new Clan Wars; I'm going to wait a little longer before deciding. I believe the team when they say rewards are better across the board, but I want to see a few more cycles to see how it feels.

    Second, one of the things Supercell does that many companies don't is take significant risks with their games. They consistently try new things, many of which fail (even entire games like Rushwars and Smashland). However, sometimes, the risks pay off, and we get arguably the best mobile games on the market. The fact they take risks is one of the reasons our constructive feedback is so critical - we must keep an open mind and understand that not everything will be perfect. The team continually pores over this sub looking for helpful feedback, so it's up to us to make sure they see it.

    Anyway, please leave a comment; I'd like to know your thoughts!

    EDIT: I'm logging off for the night - I look forward to discussing more with you in the coming days. Again, thank you for being passionate about this game, please keep your ideas and thoughts coming!

    submitted by /u/MarauderV8
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    This guy gave me take the crown before finishing me. Thank you, kind person

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Idk if I can post this but I thought it was funny

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Well written drew����

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    Overconfident player BMs until the last second when I got busy mid-match. But I refused to give up.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Clan Wars 2 - The amount of gold the loser gets should at least be 1/2 the amount not 1/10 the amount the winner gets!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Why You Should Boycott Pass Royale

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    We're all upset about the pathetic update. Way overhyped, and took literally over a year to come out (basically two years, unless you consider adding the insane "party" mode an update or changing small things in battles (tiebreaker, sudden death, etc.)) Free to play is outraged because of the 32 max cards bullshit, and pay to win is disappointed because all they can do is beat up level 9's with max cards.

    Why boycott Pass Royale?

    • Here are the extra rewards you get from buying Pass Royale:
      • 50000 gold (if you complete the bonus bank), 1 legendary, 72 epics, 153 rares, 672 commons, 4 trade tokens (1 of each rarity)
      • Retries for challenges, queuing chests, strikes for the crown chests, golden names, and 500 gold for clanmates
      • Tower skin and emote

    The extra cards/gold from Pass Royale are almost worthless. Since you need around 18 million gold to max out your account, the 50,000 gold is gonna get you 50,000/18,000,000 = 1/360 = 0.3% = nowhere. You will get half the gold needed to upgrade 1 card from level 12 to level 13. That gold is basically useless, and you're paying five dollars for it.

    Similarly, the 1 legendary gives you 0.16% of the legendaries you need to max out your account, the 72 epics give you 0.7% of the epics you need, the 153 rares give you 0.2% of the rares you need, and the 672 commons give you 0.26% of the commons you need.

    Basically, you're getting around 0.3% progress on the game (and that's being generous).

    Now, let's move on to the second bullet point: retries for challenges, etc.

    Retries for challenges are useless. All the challenges are unoriginal (double elixir, triple elixir, random shit spawns from the back, etc.), and the rewards are completely useless. Also, having retries for challenges completely defeats the purpose of them.

    The queuing chests feature doesn't help much (unless you like to accidentally waste gems ;) ). Sure, you're more efficient with unlocking chests, but literally 75% of the chests are silver chests (not like the other 24.9% of the chests, which are gold chests, are any better). Saving 1 hour from the queuing feature literally gives you one third of a silver chest.

    The strikes are only mediocre. Think of them like a lightning chest. How often do you get a card you want from a lightning chest? Maybe like a third of the time.

    The 500 gold for clanmates is useless. This doesn't take much explanation. Keep in mind you need 18 million gold to max out.

    Nobody cares about the golden names, tower skins, and emotes anymore. There's already like 200 emotes and 20 tower skins. They're not even "limited" since a third of the players have them.

    But what will boycotting Pass Royale do?

    • Encourage Supercell to stop using a recycled Pass Royale as an update.
    • Stops supporting Supercell for doing nothing
    • Saves all of us money

    TLDR, boycott Pass Royale to make Supercell give us an actual update. All the rewards are useless.

    EDIT: I'm not trying to say that the Pass isn't good value compared to everything else. I'm saying that everything else is terrible value, and the Pass is bad value. Something needs to be done about (a) the lack of updates, and (b) the slow progression in the game.

    Also, you might not want a fully maxed account, but if you at least want 32 cards close to max or max for CW2, you're still gonna need all of my numbers divided by 3.

    submitted by /u/just_jwang
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    I stole a clanmate's replay, and added some Pokemon music and several hours of editing to make it look slightly more intense.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    My level 10 Giant being put into my 4th war deck

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Do you like the Night Witch? Here my personal fanart of her, in an epic version

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    I am proud of this community

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    I can't believe this subreddit has turned into revolution boycotting Pass Royale.

    The top post already has 8k+ upvotes. Even if half of them boycott this season's Pass Royale we are single handedly saving $20000 going to their hands.

    I understand it's just drop in the ocean for a million earning game but collectively we came to the same conclusion for once and I am proud of it.

    This subreddit may not be the target market for earning but we are closest voice to the developers and our voice will be the LOUDEST & significantly IMPACTFUL.

    Once again thank you fellow clash royale players I am so proud of you all!

    submitted by /u/Purfetch
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    CWII Stole my Clan’s Identity

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    As some background, I'm the leader of a four clan family called Ohio Legends. In CW1 I had 388 War day wins and an 88% final battle win rate. Our top clan, Ohio Legends 1, ended with 38,694 war trophies, good for top 600 global. The clan's average final battle win rate across all members was 71%. We started each new war right after the previous one and our final battles usually had 4-10 spectators. We generally had between 1-4 players rank in the top 10k at the end of each season. We were not focused on ladder, and moved members between clans or accepted new members based on their war participation and win rates. The atmosphere of the clan was pretty casual, and people were able to opt in our out of each war without consequence. We were slowly climbing the global clan war ranks and that was a good enough cause to rally behind.

    Our clan was excited about the update and looking forward to a fresh new take on clan wars. We didn't mind being reset back to 3k war trophies because we knew we could work together to figure out the best way to attack the new system. However, there are several problems with CWII that has changed it from a competitive mode back to a more casual mode like the original clan chest.

    1. War decks unlock based on regional time. We finished the war in 1.5 days and still came in second because an equally active clan from Spain was almost done when we woke up on day two.

    2. Weeklong wars. Between our four clans we are seeing problems on both ends of the spectrum. In the top two clans we finished the race in under two days, leaving us 5 days without an actual war. Interest will wane over those five days. In the bottom clan we will not even finish the race. The system unintentionally was a poor fit for both hardcore and casual clans.

    3. Matchmaking ELO (Skill-based matchmaking). At minimum the ELO is equal to the final battle ELO, which I have determined based on the trophy levels and/or #of war day wins of my CWII opponents. As someone with a high win total it easy to see the effect of the ELO. However, as far as I can tell, the current matchmaking is more similar to collection day matchmaking which pushed everyone toward a 50% win rate. This is an absolutely terrible idea for a competitive mode like clan wars because it makes it impossible to assess war performance if everybody is destined to end up at the same win rate. Before the update people were asking to remove the ELO from final battles. Instead we now have collection day ELO for all battles.

    4. Removal of Nudges. We now have to rely on third party apps to remind people to use war battles. A strict downgrade.

    5. Inadequate statistics. Under CW1 there was a clear distinction between the battles that didn't really matter (Collection day) and the battles that were important (Final Battles) We could assess people on win rates and how many wars they participated in. We ignored collection day because of the ELO. Now we have a "fame" number that is dependent upon when each person does their attacks. Fame only increases until the end of the boat race, so some members will accumulate two days worth of fame while other members only get one days worth, which makes it difficult to even understand participation levels. As I said above win rates are going to be useless as a metric if everyone is pushed toward 50%.

    6. Removal of tournament standard modes. Everything is now dependent on card levels. Members that previously had 75% final battle win rates may now struggle simply because they focused on getting all cards to 12 rather than maxing fewer cards.

    As the leader I've spent considerable effort trying to explain the new system to the clan, but it's obvious that the overall sentiment is negative. We no longer have a goal to work towards. We will likely continue finishing the race in two days then sitting for five days without a real purpose for playing the new mode. (Yes, getting gold for those battles is nice but that turns it into grinding versus having fun) We enjoyed the ever changing game modes but now are restricted to just normal battles. (Although I do like the strategy in deck selection for duels).

    Many of the changes proposed here do not address the fundamental issue that CWII is no longer a competitive game mode for the clan as a whole. Without changes, war focused clans will no longer be viable. We have no system to assess performance and the mode has been stripped of the core things that made it fun.

    submitted by /u/patmicmac
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    [UPDATE] just noticed now when you sort cards by level, same level cards are sorted by % progress to next level (before the update they were sorted by rarity)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Idea of ​​a new ranked mode

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    SUPERCELL income to incompetence ratio and small team philosophy.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Once again we have a highly underwhelming, buggy, poorly thought out update with cringe UI changes from the CR dev team and Drew's latest post gives the but we are a small team (who all really love the game) excuse again.

    SUPERCELL is a $10 billion company (valued 2016 in Tencent acquisition) with around 323 employees and a 2019 revenue of $1.56 billion. It is different from other companies in that the dev teams don't have a boss and this is exactly what Drew points to in his recent reply:


    "from our live ops person to our player support lead to our artists we all have a say on what does (or does not) go into the update."

    "We don't have bosses as such and we are all on equal footing on the team. we have a 'default to trust' policy where we have to assume everyone on the team is also looking out for the best interests of the game and the players."

    "[Updates] requires a team consensus, but we do not have a 'boss' telling us what to do."

    This reinforces what was written by Supercell co-founder and CEO Paananen

    "A major component of our mission – i.e. to be the best place for the best teams to develop games – involves keeping the company as small as possible," Paananen wrote. "This is because we believe smaller size minimizes the amount of bureaucracy and processes while maximizing room for innovation. And, we all simply like to work in a smaller company! Anyway, last year some of our game developers actually got concerned that the company might be getting too big too fast as we grew to just over 300 in size. We had a big discussion about this and, as a result, decided to slow down our growth significantly until we feel confident that we can keep our culture intact despite the growth."


    I get that this philosophy is how the SUPERCELL company has been built and that it has contributed in great measure to its initial success, however, at this stage, a tiny stale dev team is clearly just crippling innovation and basic competence (no matter how much they love their game). SUPERCELL choose to have these small teams, but then use this as the excuse for issues. I honestly think members of the CR dev team would not actually survive in the pressure of a normal corporate structure of working for a boss, deadlines, accountability and competence. They would have been all fired ages ago, but due to the freemium business model and them initially creating a decent game that addicts people into spending billions they are essentially unaccountable.

    All this combined with the "equal footing" philosophy has led this dev team appearing to live in a self-congratulatory echo chamber without a proper challenge network. Some of the issues are so glaringly obvious within seconds of release of an update, there must be no one with a strong enough voice to challenge the team group think. A great leader/boss and competent visionary is an asset to any team and the CR team is in desperate desperate need of one. Having a boss is a good thing. It adds a structure of accountability to the rest of the team. It's their job on the line to get things done and right, and so on down the corporate structure. A dev team being unaccountable with no bosses and paying players addicted with sunk cost upgrading is not proving to be enough of a motivation.

    We can ask ourselves if governments made freemium upgrade addiction business model illegal tomorrow how long would SUPERCELL games survive on the strength of their game-play and updates alone? I could be pretty sure if that happened and they couldn't ride on the monthly 'pass tax' for upgrading, actual decent game-play updates would suddenly come a lot quicker and be of much higher quality.

    SUPERCELL you make billions of dollars, and have revenues close to other companies that afford tens of thousands of employees. You can do a lot better than this for a Clash Royale update that took this long to release.

    submitted by /u/MakeTheMostOfLife007
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    It states that you have enough cards to max...how can I max it if I don’t have enough gold coins? So I get nothing for the daily giveaway. Not even gold coins... this upgrade sucks.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    I finally made it to royal champion for the first time ��

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Sparky mirror is the best way to beat boat defenses

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    At this point it’s unacceptable and inexcusable what they have done to the community. This is what we should do!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    I think CR Team should organize these type of events to increase communication. COC was reformed a lot better after a good communication between the players and the Dev Team!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    How do you even earn gems now?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Before the update I got gems through the free chests and completing quests. How do I earn them now? Haven't gotten a single gem ever since the update.

    submitted by /u/HGelato
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    PEKKA & Mega Knight be like just go for the damn tower ....FOCUSED march ahead!!!!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    [IDEA] Faster progression

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    A lot of people have already posted similar ideas in the past to speed up progression. I'll add more as I remember some but these are the ones that come to mind. Feel free to add more and if it lets me edit the original post I'll just put them in a list format.

    1. 44 gold * 20 wins per day is low. Most casual and F2P players will not be playing 40 battles (50% win rate) for 2 hours per day. The issue isn't with the win cap but with the gold issued. That's 26.4k gold per month and a max upgrade is 100k. I think the community would be happier if it was raised to a more reasonable number like 200 gold per win because an active player can end up earning 120k gold per season. Just like active players in COC can grind, there is no real option to grind in the game for progression.
    2. The pass should have the season bank increased from 10k gold to 25k gold without increasing the crown requirement. Other games like COC you get 25 million bonus bank that can take care of any max upgrade. 10k gold is only 10% of the amount needed to max a card.
    3. The pass can be made more attractive by introducing a 10% reduction in cost and number of cards needed to upgrade similar to how COC has a 20% reduction on everything to max out. This option wouldn't be popular among F2P players but that's why they need an option to grind like increasing the gold amount for each win from point number 1.
    4. Increase the amount of gold earned from opening a chest.
    5. Tokens to upgrade from level 12 to 13 are the same (20 tokens) but rare tokens is not balanced upgrading cards from level 11 to 12. 16 rare tokens, 10 legendary/epic tokens, 8 commons. It takes forever to upgrade a rare card.
    6. Adding a 5th slot to queue chests or maybe reducing the time it takes to open existing chests.
    submitted by /u/KrazyDawg
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    We already know they will be 5th place, can we please end this already? it’s been 3 days without war...

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Not having a full deck causes the game to crash when trying to trade!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:07 AM PDT

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