• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 10, 2020

    Clash Royale New Subreddit Rule Revision - Please Read!

    Clash Royale New Subreddit Rule Revision - Please Read!

    New Subreddit Rule Revision - Please Read!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Rule Revision

    After some team discussion, we've decided to revise our rule regarding complaints. The new rule reads:

    Complaining without constructively describing the complaint or providing a solution.

    As we discussed in the Hey, let's talk - Part 2 thread, constructive criticism is a crucial aspect of growing as a community. That said, we frequently removed critical posts because they did not offer specific solutions to the complaint posted. While we did that in the spirit of reducing toxicity, we found that many valid complaints were getting caught in the crossfire.

    We feel that it is not fair for us to require you to develop solutions if you want to identify a problem. Creating solutions is Supercell's burden, not yours. We want everyone to voice their concerns, but we also want you to voice them logically and constructively.

    What does that mean?

    If you're going to post a complaint, add some detail, so the right people are more likely to see your thoughts. In other words, instead of writing:

    "This update sucks."

    Try this:

    "This update sucks, and here's why."

    As you can see, we aren't asking you to speak positively, we aren't asking you to keep quiet, but we are asking you to at least give others some background on your complaint to encourage discussion. However, if you do have ideas and solutions, please share them!


    Some of you will ask: why even have this rule at all? Why can't we only say the update sucks?

    Answer: Because our userbase is massive (436,000+ subscribers), we have to set at least some quality standard to ensure people who want to further the discussion get heard. If we don't, the sub drowns in posts and comments offering little to no discussion potential. Due to Reddit's format, it is incredibly easy for even the best posts to get buried, so we want to encourage those posts to have a fighting chance at being seen.


    We are always accepting feedback for the community - user comments in recent threads sparked this rule change. Nothing we do is set in stone, so please continue to provide feedback, and we will continue to listen. Again, thank you for being passionate about the game and the community - I am consistently impressed by how much effort many of you put into improving our little corner of the web.

    submitted by /u/MarauderV8
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    I wanted to take part in #NoPassSeptember but Supercell said Nah.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    When your strict teacher orders "Stand in a straight line" :)

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    [Idea] Additional badges for various achievements in Clash Royale! repost (image created by P1ursh)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    Where is Drew?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:44 PM PDT


    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Hello guys and girls. I need your help. I'm here to deliver an important message to Supercell employees. Please help this post so that supercell can hear me and my friends voice.

    Supercell has decided to boycott its own games from the next updates for Iran (my country). This means that Iranian players can no longer play Supercell games after that. But we all are so sad. We dont want to lose our games.


    Please help me get this message to Supercell dev team and make them to ignore theyre desicion.

    ###Drew. If you hear this message, please send it to the developers.

    Personally, I have 3 Clash royale accounts, one of them is fully maxed, one of them is lvl 13 and almost max and the other one is Lvl 10 . I spent a lot of money on my accounts and I do not want to lose my game progressions and accounts. Especially Clash of Clans, which I play a lot and spend a lot of money on it.

    Reddit Please help me.I really need it.

    submitted by /u/MrdMehrdad14
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    Won the decider match in the clan war which ended 3-3 by a coin flip!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    An account got banned for 10950 days for intentional abusing bugs (playing with incomplete decks). The funniest part is that next time the acc gets permaban.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Brawl Stars costs are 1/12th the $ to max an account, and Brawl Stars is the bigger Supercell game. They need to reduce upgrade costs.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    [Idea] Petition to be able to bookmark a clan to your clan list like Clash of Clans

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    Pls remove the lvl cap for challenges too in the next update in order to keep every mode in the game consistently P2W

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    good PR move supercell, keep it up, proud of u. this will reduce community anger

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Take me back..

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Frank (game lead of BS) is working just as hard as the CR team ��

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    CR Devs see that F2Ps are struggling. Their solution? Make the game MORE LEVEL DEPENDENT by removing the level cap on boat defenses. Are you trying to make people angry?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    They listened. The back and forth is now fixed.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Important Observations/Stats of Boat Battles

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    For anyone wondering how boat battles work or someone who wants to know more advanced stats about them: this is the post for you. I've listed out 10 important observations I have made while playing boat battles so far. I hope this helps you understand them or even find a way to exploit these mechanics. Good luck in your battles!

    1.) How Defensive Troops Spawn - They do not spawn until you damage a defensive tower.

    2.) King Tower Health - Your king tower has varying health based on your real king tower level. But they are all very low (below 1000). EDIT: The defensive tower's health also is depended on the level of the defender.

    3.) Defensive Troop Level Cap - Defensive troops are capped at level 9. EDIT: Starting at week 3, defensive troops will match your card level.

    4.) Defensive Tower Elixir Refill Speed - It may seem like the defensive tower spawns troops infinitely but this is not the case. It actually fills up at a certain speed until it has enough elixir to spawn a defensive troop and it will do so whenever it gets damaged when full. I did some rough testing and found out defensive towers are at about x4 elixir refill speed. It takes about 0.7 seconds for the tower to spawn an Ice Spirit and about 5.4 seconds for the 3 Musketeers. (you get 1 elixir every 2.8 seconds in x1 elixir so the math works out to x4-4.5 elixir fill speed for the defensive towers.)

    5.) Defensive Troop Spawn Pattern - They will spawn the first troop that is in the boat defense deck whenever they get damaged, second is spawned second when the tower is full, third is third, fourth is last, and then it repeats throughout the whole match.

    6.) Downed Tower Troop Spawning - Downed towers spawn troops whenever they can. When they do get downed, they restart at 0 elixir and fill up at 1/3 speed.

    7.) Defensive Tower Downed Explosion - When a defensive tower gets downed, it will destroy all offensive troops in a 9.5(ish) radius. Death spawning, death damage, and giant skeleton/balloon bombs will still happen.

    8.) Defensive Troop Spawn Locations - Different defensive cards spawn at different places in the arena. I can't list out every single card spawn location, just know that they spawn in different places and to test out different decks. I have listed a few examples off the top of my head below. Also, Elixir Pump, Clone, and Mirror can not be used in defensive decks currently (idk who would want to use those cards anyway lol). Mega Knight, Skarmy, PEKKA, Barbarians, and pretty much any spell will spawn in front of the tower. Royal Ghost, Ram Rider, Prince, Dark Prince, and Elite Barbarians will spawn on the opposite side. Most ranged troops spawn behind the tower. Buildings spawn in different locations based on whether they are a spawner or not.

    9.) Defensive Troop Spawn Lag - It does matter where defensive cards spawn. The defensive tower throws an elixir blob to the spawn location of the card before it can be placed. So the cards that are thrown to the opposite side, take longer to place down than ones thrown right in front or behind the tower.

    10.) Downed Tower Elixir Bonus - You get a full bar of elixir when you down a tower (so spend as much of your elixir to create the next push on the other tower right before the first one goes down.)

    Again, I hope this helps! If you have any questions, lemme know! ;)

    If you want to actually see examples of these points, I have made a video covering all the above topics here: https://youtu.be/OCRA8AUGORo.

    submitted by /u/Lapis_Lettuce
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    The Boat Defense Update on 9/10/20

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    This is ridiculous. Why would they change what was meant to be well balanced for players of all players and non-paying players a now heavily benefiting pay-to-win mechanic with defense being card levels? That absurd. The attacking king tower is not going to be able to attack and stop a guaranteed level 13 mega knight. That is insane. This update overall had good intentions but the entire update favors paying-to-win. I'm blown away. I know the game has favored it in the past but now it is so beyond that.

    submitted by /u/ActuallyMclovin
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    The “open now” on chests has been moved!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    This update is all a prelude to the real update. It’s a 5 week mini update before the coliseum. Hence why all the glitches, it was a rushed update to stall for time..

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    I think here should be an icon

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Dear CR team, the hardest thing to do may be the best thing to do

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    I'm in the customer service industry(in a way most people are). Though my job is very different from dealing with software like the dev team, I do deal with fixing problems and making people happy. These are things that this team needs badly right now. That being said, the simplest thing to do in this situation is sometimes the hardest. To admit you're wrong and apologize.

    It let's people know you care about what you did and you're going to put in an effort to change it. It's not hard to see that people are not happy. I'm on the side of the disgruntled as I'm not happy about the update or time it took, but that's not the point. The point is even if the update was great it's obviously not what was wanted. They could've apologized and put in an effort to change, or at least say next time they'll try to do better. Instead they've tried to do something that had no chance of success, try to convince us we're all wrong and it is good. They've done nothing but defend it. You aren't going to convince us, we know what we want and what we don't. Even if you feel the update is right, you are dealing with the public wrong.

    I've yet to see Drew(no, it's not all his fault, but he's who we deal with) admit they messed up, admit that they foresaw the update differently, admit it's not what many wanted, admit anything. Until he does that, he'll never be able to apologize. It's a hard thing to do, especially in his position. But looking at the state this community is in, I don't see much positive progress until this step is taken.

    Now there's gonna be a couple people with the argument that this update didn't fail, we only think it did because this subreddit is a "bubble" and "echo chamber". Let me briefly explain the problem with that. An echo chamber is where the majority is reinforcing eachother by saying the same thing(and in here upvoting eachother) so you aren't seeing the posts of those that disagree because they're drowned out by the majority. Let me repeat that part though, the "MAJORITY"..... that means that in order to have that here, the majority must be upset. If a majority of your customers are upset, you failed.

    As for the "bubble", it is true that this subreddit does not represent all communities in CR. However, it is a sample of them. Considering the size of the game, it isn't the biggest sample size but it is sample. So if what we see is everyone is unhappy here it may not mean they are all unhappy everywhere, but it does show that probability is there for it unless shown otherwise. So unless you have a sample(another community, not your personal little 30 man clan that still buys pass royale lol)showing otherwise, the "bubble" argument is unfounded.

    I know these posts are hard to read and frustrating for the people they are meant for. However, it's important to realize, that none of us would be going through writing these if we didn't care about this game, if we didn't ever love playing it, or if we felt all hope was lost for it. I'm hoping that you see this.

    submitted by /u/legacy702-
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    Boot defence will be actual cardlevel after optional update. 'Everybody can participate in CW II' claim is even worse after this update

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Really? How can a level 12 deck or below win from my maxed cards? Even with the AI flaws.

    submitted by /u/ghh-NL
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    [Quick post]: Stop asking stupid questions

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Hey guys, just dropping in with a friendly reminder: Don't ask stupid questions.

    I am aware that people have been organizing boycotts against supercell and not buying the pass. I agree that this is a good way to get Supercell's attention. However, these boycotts have indirectly led to people asking some very silly questions about the crown chest tiers:

    "Why can't I open the next tiers?"

    "Why are the next tiers locked?"

    "Do I have to wait before opening chests?"

    "Is this some sort of bug?"

    No offense intended, but you guys sound like rich, spoiled kids experiencing poverty for the first time. No, it is not a bug. Yes, we F2P players have dealt with this so called "inconvenience" for quite some time. No, it is not the end of the world. We still manage to collect all 35 tiers of rewards, albeit having to be a bit more patient.

    I understand that some of you have never gone a season without the pass royale. It makes sense that you wouldn't be used to F2P things.

    But for the love of god, please stop it with these questions 😂. While I find these silly questions amusing, it's time to stop. Enough is enough 😅. Just ask one of your personal F2P player friends, instead of making the entire F2P section of this subreddit cringe.

    Thanks again,


    submitted by /u/TheMagycian
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    [Effort Post] Clan Wars 2: Where Did It Go Wrong?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:57 AM PDT


    Hello everyone, CharityFair here and welcome to my post! This time around we won't be suggesting the same stuff the community has done a thousandful, but we're going to talk about where it has gone wrong.

    Now with the introductory stuff outta the way, let's get into it!

    Clan Wars II Overall Feedback

    Ever since the update that would ''save Clash Royale'' dropped (about a week and a half ago), people have made numerous complaints, and identified every single issue that made CWII less enjoyable, especially for the casual clans, who have been hit by this the most, and make up for the vast majority of the current playerbase.

    People are disgruntled about this update. People are angry about it. People have suggested numerous ideas in order to improve CWII.

    It suffices to say that people hate this update, and that it was the final nail in the coffin for many people.

    We all know why this update has been looked down upon. System favoring higher leveled players, the rewards have been lumped into one place, the feature enforcing Ladder experience upon everyone, and most importantly, the rich get richer, while the poor are forced to scrape for rewards.

    But where did it truly go wrong? Let's find out!

    Clan Wars II: The Major Development Flaws

    The current game mode is faulty for a number of reasons, as I said. People even said that the CWI was better in some of the aspects.

    Clan Wars I had a two day period which was split into 2 main events: Collection Day, and War Day.

    In Collection Day, you had to play different gamemodes, in order to receive Collection Day Chests, which gave you cards that added to your War Day Collection, from which you had to build a deck in order to fight with it on War Day. The more battles your clan did, the more cards added to your collection.

    In War Day, you had to fight with a deck made from the card collection you accumulated in the previous day, as you now compete . One win on War Day gave you a War 'Badge', and the more War Badges, the higher you place in the War. At the end of the War, depending on your clan's placement in the war, you got a secured chest, which you'll receive at the end of the War Season.

    CWI was notorious for the randomized card collection, which resulted in loosely built decks, and situations where one card collection was more convenient than the other.

    On top of that, you didn't really get to interact with your opposing clans very much, as you fought against random opponents in order to rank better that the other clans, while they did the same, which made Clan Wars less of a War, and more of a boring, repetitive grind in order to get a single chest.

    That being said, it did improve upon making a clan-specific event more interactive, with actual competition, and various gamemodes to choose from, instead of constantly playing Ladder in order to finish Tier 10 of the Clan Chest.

    CWII has a 5-week period, which is split between River Races, along with a Final Race to the Colosseum.

    In this new and 'improved' Clan Wars, people now get to interact with other clans, and essentially having those clan members as opponents in the new gamemodes.

    The various gamemodes have been replaced by a few 1v1-centric gamemodes, which now give you 'Fame', a currency used to advance through the race, and get to the finish line, which awards you with a War Chest right off the bat.

    If you fail to finish the race, you get a reward boot, a consolation prize, which doesn't hold a lot of rewards.

    CWII did improve on some of the aspects from the previous CW, as now you essentially get to interact with your opponents, and now you can build your own decks to go to Battle with, as opposed to loosely built decks.

    That being said, it exchanged one problem for another. Now, clan activity is more important than ever in order to get the highest chest possible, or even get a chest. The more clan members, the better. The higher the levels, the better. The more activity, the better.

    This essentially sets a power class, in which only the biggest and most powerful clans win, while the casual clans get the boot.

    On top of that, in CWII, you only have a few gamemodes, which are just 1v1 modes with extra steps, mirroring the Ladder experience which people tried to get away from.

    People have suggested a number of solutions, including adding level caps, and making fame independent of levels.

    But do the developers want that? Will they accept these ideas, considering this is how they released the feature like?

    This can be attributed to two main causes for the update's failure:

    • The devs didn't spend more time in the update.

    Now, hear me out. I think that one of the major flaws behind the update, was the fact that there was barely any content in it to begin with. And considering the amount of time that took to make this update, it is certainly underwhelming.

    People argue that there should've been more content in the update than a revamp of the feature, plus some QoL changes. But here's the thing.

    Judging by the fact that they took so long, it is possible that they may have used all this time in order to work on all the code to even put CWII in place: The fame currency, Duels and PvE, the way Clans advance based on fame, the matchmaking, and more.

    That being said, it's still unreasonable to think that the coding to put CWII in place took 9 months in order to be finished, considering the CWI update only took 4 months. And even now, people still find a plethora of bugs, and issues with the update itself, which pretty much says that the feature wasn't even finished.

    All that talk from Drew, saying that the update takes a long time to make, and that they want to make a polished, and fun feature that the dev team can be proud of pales in comparison to the fact that there's barely any content to go around. Drew even said that we should consider this update as Clan Wars 2 1.0.

    They should've worked more on the update. Even if they lost a few players along the way, it's better to bring in an actual final product, instead of just releasing it, and then claiming that the feature isn't finished.

    Because of this, now all the attention will be focused on fixing CWII, time which could be used to bring an actual fun feature to the table.

    It doesn't matter that they're gonna add more modes in CWII in the future, considering those modes should've been present in the final product, after you set all the coding in place.

    The update could've been much better, but now we're getting dick teases, hinting at the new improvements being added, basically the dev team saying "Oh, but there's more to come in CW2, and it will actually make the feature fun!".

    • They decided to release it like it is.

    Even as an incomplete feature, CWII could've been released any other way. However, the dev team decided to release it as another competitive mode, where all the rewards have been lumped in order to force people to join Clans for better progression, all the while CWII forces the Mid-Ladder experience down everyone's throats, and casuals get wrecked.

    There's a reason why they didn't add a level cap. There's a reason why they won't change it so that fame isn't dependent on levels anytime soon.

    There's a reason they released the update the way they did.

    It's to incentivize players to level up their cards, just like in Ladder. There is evidence within the feature itself, that this is made to serve as - and I could not stress this enough - yet another Ladder for people.

    They gave people the ability to make their own decks, at the price of having the same meta in CWII through balance changes, and based on the fact that battling people from different clans isn't that far off from battling random people, it makes the feature itself stink of Ladder.

    There is evidence pointing to the fact that the mode is similar to Ladder, and chances are, they're probably even going to monetize it.

    This is a very destructive way to bring a new feature in the game. People wanted to get rid of the Ladder experience, NOT jump into another one.

    Clash Royale: Is It The End?

    There's no doubt that the update will improve over time. But the feature's first impression left a sour taste in many people's tongues. And considering that they wanted this update to be amazing, this didn't meet the people's dying expectations.

    Judging by the many issues this update has, it will take a long time for the devs to rectify the feature. And by the time they fixed all the issues, people would've already lost interest. And the numbers are going to start dropping again. Then, we're gonna start seeing the beginning of the the end for the game Clash Royale.

    No doubt there will always be people who will play this game. It's one of a kind. But it won't be very long before the playerbase number reaches critical mass.


    So, what do you think? Do you think this update will pull through? Do you think Clash Royale will continue to live for another day? Tell me your opinions in the comments below!

    See ya in the best post!

    TL;DR: The update could've been better if they added all the features off the start, and even if they fix all the issues, people will eventually lose interest.

    submitted by /u/CharityFair960
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