• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Clash Royale From someone who works in the software industry: Hey CR team, don't listen to the haters, what you did with this update is actually really impressive!

    Clash Royale From someone who works in the software industry: Hey CR team, don't listen to the haters, what you did with this update is actually really impressive!

    From someone who works in the software industry: Hey CR team, don't listen to the haters, what you did with this update is actually really impressive!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    (Added an addendum to this repost for the mods)

    No, seriously!

    In fact, it's so impressive that I just wouldn't have believed that it was possible. We're in the software industry, so clearly the lock-down situation barely has any impact on us. (At least, for well managed teams...) Yet, it took you guys so long to literally push out a heavy downgrade 'update' to your game.

    So many serious bugs, I've lost track.

    Replaced a hated system with an even worst one. (Quite impressive in itself!)

    Took months and months to release it.

    Haven't added any QoL changes.

    Still haven't fixed old problems (card info screen for example still shows the intro video first instead of the stats AND the stats still haven't been standardized across all cards, for example it's missing the DPS info for a lot of card... which is just really basic as far as stats goes for what brands itself as an e-sport game.)

    The new GUI and the error messages are incredibly un-intuitive.

    In addition, you've pretty much killed casual clans, insulted your players, forced your players into playing the game "your way" if they want to get any account progress, removed any other incentive to play, you've refused to acknowledge the serious foundational flaws in your thinking and design... In fact, several posts from Drew are doubling down on these design flaws.

    But here's the brilliant part, so brilliant I just can't imagine it, you've managed to do all of this as a team without anyone, to my knowledge, getting fired. Honestly, as someone in the industry, I'm literally amazed. Kudos to you all!

    We know how this works: Your A team created the game a few years ago, and the fast fun game-play got millions of players hooked. The A team then moved on to different teams/division/companies and what's left is who wasn't able to get a better position. Usually those people are at least smart enough to run their department in a long tested and proven method of small iterative changes.

    But not you guys, you were brave enough to give up on any improvements and just get rid of anything good and replace it with untested badly designed stuff.


    Addendum: This was first posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/ipelsx/from_someone_who_works_in_the_software_industry/

    The mods removed and locked it with the given reason being:

    Rule 2: Low discussion potential Even though it was the #1 post on the sub, with over 1400 upvotes and over 160 comments in just 4 hours.

    When their excuse was challenged in modmail, they said that the post was removed as no solutions had been provided. So I've agreed to list solutions here and they've said this should be enough to not get the post removed again:

    • Get a real game designer with more experience
    • Actually listen to players' suggestions and implement them
    • How long has CWA been rightly begging for Challenge tokens?!
    • Don't double down on bad design choices when called out
    • Fix the card stats
    • Stop removing stuff people like
    • Add back some of the stuff we liked and that you removed (quests, epic chests in the shop, weekly clan chest, battle log button on the main battle screen (not hidden behind a click), emotes sold the old way)
    • Think of lower level players
    • Think of casual players
    • Think of casual clans
    • Don't force clans and players to play one specific way (Your way)
    • Let everyone progress meaningfully by playing any way they want
    • Actually increase gold significantly for everyone, not just hardcore players
    • Let us rename clans

    The design goals are wrong and the team needs to refocus the effort on the game being fun for everyone, not just hardcore players.

    I will refrain from posting the usual other solutions posted from everyone else. They can be added if the mods feel like this post needs even more solutions listed.

    In conclusion, everything that was listed as wrong in the original post, yeah, don't do that, and do the opposite. Thanks!

    (PS: Please stay on topic, let's not switch this post into a topic about the mods.)

    submitted by /u/ObboQaiuGCD
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    Why isn't the fcking 8 centered?!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    So what happened to the hover mechanic? ��

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    I wish the clan boat would stop telling me to ad a defense when I obviously can't add one

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Update has killed my 4 year old clan

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Before the update we were a medium sized fairly casual clan and we were able to get 30699 (nice) 'veteran' war trophies through clan wars one. We averaged about 20 members each war from a clan of 40 and it meant that we were matched up with similar clans and we came #1 most times which was great.

    Now the system of clan wars 2 is so prejudiced against smaller clans a 20 person clan could win every single game but lose to a clan with 41 players that loses every single one of their games.

    I really thought the update would bring old and new members to the clan due to more excitement in the game but instead the update completely killed it. We came last the first war as we were matched up against clans with 50 members. Have the devs heard the phrase quality not quantity!

    The real kick in the teeth is that we will face those same clans for 5 more weeks now. Long term members have obviously started to leave to join nearly full clans and theres 0 ways for me to attract new players (I've tried posting on r/recruit).

    It's sad to see a great game so poorly managed.

    TLDR: new update killed my clan due to poor matchmaking and no ways to recruit new members.

    submitted by /u/stoicbothan
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    Can we have donate 8 cards button so I don't have to tap donate 8 times?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Unpredictable second week results! ...

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Suggestion: lower the upgrading prices or give us ways to get more gold. How am I supposed to get millions of gold? I’ve been playing since release and I spend money on the game occasionally. If they’re gonna keep clan wars the way it is, at least give us the possibility to level up cards easier.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    The best part of the new update

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Reading comments, memes and infinite analysis about the colossal failure is so funny and entertaining.

    I literally can't stop laughing and be amazed about the hilarious situation: Drew's damage control, Supercell's greed, deck's bugs, clans and F2P devastation.

    10/10 from me, you don't even need to play for being part of this amazing gaming moment.

    submitted by /u/Ironforce92
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    CWII Matchmaking. This...

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Where is the optional update?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    2020 will most-likely be the end of the golden age of Clash Royale

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Edit: the rumor about CRL ending is confirmed by Drew to be false. It is now not known why CRL players are unhappy.

    With the failure of the long-awaited Clan Wars 2 update and the rumored ending of CRL, it appears that CR as we know it will be dead soon.

    The update was a complete disaster. It only included one big feature, which was clan wars 2. This was intended to breathe life back into the game for players who were tired of the daily cycle of playing clan wars 1 and grinding in mid-ladder, but it did the opposite. A majority of the playerbase hates the update, and the people who don't hate it still agree that Supercell could have done a lot better.

    There are so many features that the community wanted to be added to the game, and a pay-to-win replacement for clan wars certainly wasn't one of them. Here is a short list of features Supercell could have been working on instead of clan wars 2:

    • 2v2 ladder
    • A revamped TV Royale (possibly with live spectating)
    • Reworks to controversial cards such as elite barbarians, wizard, e-golem, heal spirit, etc.
    • A single-player campaign
    • More deck slots
    • Tickets for classic/grand challenges so that people actually play them
    • Reducing RNG by adding either fixed starting hands or not allowing certain cards to be in your starting hand
    • More ways for skilled players to progress faster so that they're not stuck in mid-ladder
    • A sandbox mode to test interactions
    • Actual troop skins instead of just making everything gold
    • A new feature to spice-up the way the game is played, such as adding heroes or different tower weapons

    Anyways, the second reason why I think Clash Royale is coming to an end is that Clash Royale League most-likely won't continue next year. A lot of CRL pro players are expressing their sadness/frustration on twitter over something, and that thing is rumored to be that this fall season will be the final season of CRL.

    It isn't known why CRL is ending, but it is probably due to the trending down of CR as a game and a lack of profit from CRL. CRL ending will have huge consequences for the pro community and the game in general. CRL pros will lose interest in the game and pros/semi-pros who have been grinding in order to have a chance to get into CRL will lose interest even faster. The effects of CRL ending will slowly ripple down through the community, causing players to lose interest in CR.

    Even though I love the game and I have played it for 4.5 years, I am thinking of quitting soon. Several of my clanmates already have. Unless Supercell somehow manages to revive the game, it is likely that Clash Royale will lose players and become a forgotten mobile game.

    submitted by /u/RedLegend5
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    great update supercell!! you’re killing all the f2p and casual clans! are you happy yet?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    How come this placement doesn't damage the tower?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Remake trading

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Clan war 2 is now quantity over quality

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Let's put cw2 rewards and matchmaking to the side and remember that clan wars core is no more. There is pretty much no competitive aspect to the new cw2. It's all about the most attack done in a day, win or lost who cares you get fame either way.

    I used to care about my war victories and war day %win rates. It was FUN being on a win streak and trying to reach a certain war day win as a personnal achivement.

    It's all gone, now we grind the river race (aka ladder 2.0) against the same clans over and over because in the end what's matter... is quantity over quality.

    submitted by /u/Iceboster2
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    Dear Supercell, I’ve spent four years of my life building a community on your game.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    So I've spent four years of my life building a successful clan and you guys destroy that four years work with one shitty update.

    I'm a loyal customer who has spent money with your company and created a community within your game for your games players to use and this is how you repay all of our loyalty ? By releasing an update with so little thought put in to it that half the clan has quit the game ?

    These people have been playing this game for four years they've waited two years for this update and you do this to us ?

    I honestly believe you've killed the game and your strategy has backfired, you wanted to take every last penny you could while you could and instead, you've done what you did to COC and now the only way you will be able to save your game is by massively reducing your in game costs and speeding up progression.

    Supercell your greed has caused you to ruin a once great game and community.

    Please learn from your mistakes.

    submitted by /u/Tangledtitty
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    Royal Delivery now has a star level effect

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Clan wars 2 has doomed my Clan (and many others). Thanks CR Team

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    We we're a healthy 40/45 people Clan, competing at war, getting #1 chest each season in Legendary Leage.

    We were a bunch of casuals enjoying the game and playing ladder, we never we're in the global top but managed to enter the local 1000 Clan both in trophies and war.

    We took some bad decisions time ago: because we were almost full and decided to create a secondary Clan. Some of our members took the opportunity to create their own small kingdom and never wanted back, though there was no bad ill neither. They never managed to play wars consistently but hey, could play some of them and even win sometimes, even with small participation.

    Still, our main Clan stayed quite strong and managed to attract a few more good players.

    Everything was OK and then Clan Wars II happened.Now we had to beg our other Clan for help, or help them. They got to 48K fame and got nothing in return, all really pissed off. We were more lucky and could finish 3rd place. But we can't win any more wars until next month and have to accept being permanently third place because we compete against better and fuller Clans. One of our two Clans will probably die in less than a month, or will be transformed in a graveyard of unactive accounts. Even that will not ensure the other will survive.

    Some members are fleeing, some are not playing anymore. We are losing people each day.By the time the CR team makes any changes, many Clans like ours will wither and slowly bleed people, will almost stop playing wars, and/or die completely.

    Because you can't rename a Clan, you can't offer other people to merge and preserve their Clan name. You either give away your Clan or close it and lose all the trophies in it (one has 2995, the other 1500 at the time).

    Many players prefer to enter a ZERO trophies Clan but feel it it's theirs, than adopting or merging with some other Clan. Which is absurd but hey, we humans are sometimes.

    Without proper tools to manage a Clan now, recruiting made very hard, and not a single way to compete, leaders like me are feeling torn and sad. I don't really know what to do anymore. This was supposed to be fun, not a burden to carry on plus of all the complicated things you have to bear in life.

    I'll probably give leadership to a poor fellow and flee for good from the Clan, or the game even. I wanted to be in a fun, semi-casual place to enjoy the game without the pressure to make people play continuously or having to kick them.

    Now I have to kick non-actives and steal players from other Clans if we want to survive.

    And I don't feel like I want to be a leader anymore. Not with this game, not with this system, wars and tools. I'm tired of all this, of hoping for a future, a better update that does not come, or even worse, just comes and it's a greater nightmare for your Clan.

    Sure, we (I) have made mistakes. Sure, we should have been more ambitious and less indulgent with our members sometimes. Maybe infuse a competitive mind and attract better, more active players while we could. We didn't expect the game to become this, though, and we didn't at accordingly.

    I'm not angry anymore with the game devs. I'm just tired, and sad.

    I'm starting to not care much if we just kill the Clan and we lose all trophies. It's nothing, a stupid game really.

    It was fun while it lasted. But all good things have to come to an end, don't they?

    submitted by /u/wolfynn
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    I honestly think this update is the worst thing to ever happen to this game.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    I'd rather have an meta double spawner deck and OP 6-elixir Royal Recruits back than have this new clan wars update. Every changed has caused the game to be less fun and harder for a casual player to enjoy their experience playing the game.

    Absolutely zero fun is being had at the moment, I'm literally only playing out of habit and hopes they change the game back or make it significantly better soon.

    No fun on mid-ladder against level 13s as usual.

    No fun on mid-ladder 2.0 (clan wars) against level 13s every single game.

    No fun variety of game-modes in clan wars any more like draft and classic deck matches.

    No fun level-capped game-modes in clan wars any more like draft and classic deck matches.

    ZERO insentive for a f2p player to play the game any more due to lack of rewards for losing games, you only earn good rewards if you win which is nearly impossible for under leveled players playing against maxed decks.

    Playing the same clans for 5 week straight coming 4th and not finishing the race every single time because you're in a casual clan and not some hardcore clan that has 50 active players every hour of every day.

    Using the same decks every day because they're the only decent level cards you have instead of being able to experiment and have fun playing randomly created decks on war days and draft matches.

    Playing against meta decks or popular classic decks every single game in wars and on ladder because you can just choose what you want now instead of having the fun of playing drafts or war day with random cards.

    The new free rewards every day suck any element of "reward" out of it. I'd rather have less cards and gold from the chests and earn them rather than just handed a random card every day. What's the fun in that?

    It's an absolute slap in the face to any casual player. I can't possibly see how any new player would ever want to play this game either. Either pay to win or suffer through repeated losses 90% of the games you play.

    I've not put a single penny into the game and that means Clash Royale doesn't care about me at all. Either pay to win or don't have fun. Brilliant business model to keep fans happy.

    If things don't change in the next month, I'm 100% going to be gone and I don't think I'll come back. I've lost all trust in this game and the people behind it.

    submitted by /u/rav1patel
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    Drew wants to add other modes like 2v2 to CW2. Thoughts?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Balloon took a second to decide which tower to damage

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Possibly my greatest ever comeback

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:49 PM PDT

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