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    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    Clash Royale Don’t forget to do them quests that don’t exist everyone..

    Clash Royale Don’t forget to do them quests that don’t exist everyone..

    Don’t forget to do them quests that don’t exist everyone..

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    R.I.P. Glitch, The Best Gamemode! You will be missed. ������

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Basically the philosophy of the Royal Giant

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    This update is mediocre at best, an insult at worst.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Let's stop beating around the bush, and call a spade a spade.

    CR Devs, you worked for years to develop one of the best mobile games ever made.

    And in the span of a year, you've managed to essentially take that top tier game and slowly, gradually, ruin it.

    You've had repeated updates that have had game-breaking bugs. You've released almost no new content outside of your Art team, which is clearly carrying your entire dev team at this point.

    You REPEATEDLY remove good aspects of the game (this time: quests, CW1) and replace it with shoddier, less polished "improvements."

    You have only yourselves to blame for this dismal reception to the new update.

    Shame on you for treating your flagship mobile game like this.

    Shame on you for ruining the legacy of an otherwise perfect game.

    Nothing will make up for this. Nothing. You can take your billions of dollars and put them where they belong, the same place you now relegated this game to.

    submitted by /u/Vexium
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    Over 50 members can participate in CW2

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Not sure if this has been discovered/shared. We were beat by a clan which appears to have more than 50 people participating in the war. Our thoughts is that they booted people already done with attacks and got fresh accounts on to yield more than 50 participants. Here is the RoyaleAPI link to our war. The clan in question is INSANE WARRIORS. Hopefully this issue gets fixed asap. https://royaleapi.com/clan/2PQ8C920/war/race Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Flame_CR
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    [Idea] Aesthetic Season Theme

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    [Effort] Clan Wars II: A Full Review

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    [Effort] Clan Wars II: A Full Review

    To begin let me introduce myself. I am a level 12 player with a maxed deck and a player best of 6471. I downloaded Clash Royale 3 and a half years ago, and have been playing on an off since then. A year ago, I picked up CR again and brought my deck from level 10 cards to level 13 cards. Every Season since then I have bought Pass Royale, and I sometimes buy gems for the upper tier of Global Tournament Rewards. (However, I am not spending money on CR for No Pass September.) I will divide my review into 5 sections to cover the many facets of the update, and give each aspect of the Update a rating out of 10.


    1. Rewards
    2. F2P Friendliness
    3. Content
    4. QOL Changes
    5. Development Time
    6. Overall Rating

    Rewards (5/10)

    While rewards increased slightly for the majority of the player base according to u/Supercell_Drew in his post outlining the math of the new update rewards, the CR development team failed to address the slow progression experienced by most players. Additionally, players in small clans are receiving decreased rewards because they cannot finish the river race. The rewards boot for those who don't finish the river race does not make up for the removal of quests and the slight increase in gold from clan war battles. As a member of a larger more competitive clan, this rewards rework actually benefits me. However, I ask why the development team had to remove quests, rather than keeping them to make everyone happy with their rewards. While the increase in gold rewards is very beneficial, if you can never win a clan duel or 1v1 battle because you are a level 9 or 10, this system will lead to less rewards. Additionally, the lower level your cards are, the less fame rewards you earn to help your clan. Thus, Supercell is rewarding maxed players for beating low leveled players handsomely, while barely rewarding low leveled players who beat maxed players. Therefore, I rate Clan Wars II rewards a 5/10 because rewards increase slightly for most players, while dramatically decreasing for some.

    Lower leveled decks earn your clan less fame.

    Free to Play Friendliness (1/10)

    Clan Wars 2 is not free to play friendly at all. With no level capping system, a maxed leveled player has a clear advantage over everyone else. Those who do not have four maxed decks are forced to play with level 11 and 12 cards against fully maxed opponents. On my level 9 mini account in the lowest clan league, I fought tons of level 12s and had no chance of winning against their maxed cards. For anyone below level 11 or 12, Clan Wars II it nearly impossible to win. Drew's response to this is that as clans find their league, lower level clans will separate from higher level clans. However, with the current system, you can progress a maximum of 180 clan trophies per every 5 weeks, meaning a Gold league clan will take 9-10 months to reach Legendary League if they win every war. Thus, it will take years for most clans to find their correct league placement. Even when clans do find their correct league placement, many mid tier clans have a large diversity of players generally ranging from level 9 to level 13. Thus if you are a level 9-10 player in Silver or Gold League, there is still a large chance you will face a maxed opponent. Since it is nearly impossible for a level 9 or 10 to compete in Clan Wars II, and Clan Wars II is a major step down from the level capped Clan Wars I system, I give it a 1/10 in free to play friendliness.

    Facing a level 12 on my Bronze league level 9.

    Content (3/10)

    Clan Wars 2 introduced a bunch of new content including a best of 3 game mode, a player vs. environment game mode, and uh... nothing else. For an update that takes more than a year to develop, changing the format of clan wars to a river race, while adding a few different game modes is not a sufficient amount of new content. While Boat Battles are technically "a new way to play the game," playing one boat battle a day against the same AI, doesn't seem like new fresh content. Although the concept of a river race is much better than the concepts of collection and war day, Supercell implemented a much more boring system of river tasks, only including normal 1v1 battles. No interesting game modes are even available to those who like them. If Supercell added many different challenges or game modes to Clan Wars II, players could pick and choose their favorites, rather than having to play 1v1 battles against over-leveled opponents every time. Last big update, Trophy Road introduced a whole new way to play ladder, tons of progression rewards, a new league, new gamemodes, new star levels, exclusive emotes and a new events tab. Knowing this update took less than a year to develop, Clan Wars II had barely any content in comparison. Since the content in this Clan Wars II update pales in comparison to the content in the last major update, Trophy Road, I will give the content of the Update a 3/10.

    Quality of Life Changes (3/10)

    Clan Wars II introduced a few "Quality of Life" changes including a new clan chat, new markers for online clan members, trophies for clan members update in real time, new free shop offers, a new friends list location, and finally a new location for the queue chest button so players gem chests by muscle memory. Many of these changes turned out for the worse. I see players complaining about the new clan chat and inaccessible friends list requiring more taps to get to than before. While it is nice to know who is online and have clan trophies update in real time, Supercell also removed clan league icons, which allowed us to quickly see a player's league. All in all some of the changes are good while others were not. However, Supercell's decision to switch the location of the queue and gem chest buttons is infuriating, especially because I have lost about 50 gems from gemming chests. Whether this is a scummy move to make extra money from players who buy gems, or just a mistake, Supercell screwed up bad here. Finally, I have heard from clan leaders that leadership tools are sub-par. You can no longer nudge people to go into battle. (For clans without a separate messaging platform like Discord, this is a big deal.) Also donations do not display in the clan member screen, making clan management much more difficult. For a game as popular as Clash Royale, UI changes and QOL changes shouldn't backfire and harm the player base. Therefore, I will give the quality of life changes in Clan Wars II a 3/10.

    The highly controversial queue/gem chest button changes.

    Development Time (2/10)

    According to Drew the last update was in November 2019, which changed tie rules. However, there hasn't been a major update since trophy road in April 2019. Clan Wars II seems to have taken nearly a year and a half to develop. However, the features of the update don't look like they are well thought out or took much time to develop. For example, top clans finish the river race within a day or two while bottom clans don't even finish. With a year and a half of development time the CR development team should have a solution for this. Should it really take over a year to simply implement a river race, a PVE mode, and a Bo3 mods? One possible theory is that the development team was busy adding bots to low ladder, but bots were discovered about a year ago, so they still would have had a year to develop Clan Wars II. Regardless of whether the development team is just incompetent, or whether they had other work, Clan Wars II shouldn't have taken so long to develop. Therefore, I will give Clan Wars II a 2/10 in development time.

    Overall Score: 2.8/10

    The community has the right to be angry about the release of Clan Wars II. It was too little for an update that took nearly a year and a half to develop. Despite offering some increased rewards, it proved to be unsuitable for F2P players, while offering little content or QOL changes.

    submitted by /u/jwmarino
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    All possible mortar king tower activations!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Crazy Thought! What if Clan Wars 2 came first and the original Clan Wars was the new release? We'd actually be thrilled right now with all the improvements w'd be betting!!!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Imagine a parallel universe where Clan Wars 1.0 didn't exist and the original version of Clan Wars was the Boat release we just got. And due to all complaints, Supercell gave us the original Clan Wars (1.0) as the new and improved release. We'd probably be thrilled!!

    Imagine the improvements that Drew could tout:

    1. Less P2W! Card levels capped by league: Bronze at 10, Gold at 11, Legendary at 12.
    2. Clans of all sizes can now compete fairly! Smaller clans will be matched up against similarly sized clans so that all clans have a roughly equal chance of winning the war and getting a 1st place chest!
    3. Don't need four decks of maxed cards anymore! Can just play one final war deck battle instead.
    4. Tournament standard modes! New collection day feature that will have tournament standard modes for underleveled players!
    5. Increased variety of game modes! Collection day battles will also include the option to play different modes such as Draft, Triple Draft, 2v2, etc so that you can get more variety than stale ladder type matchups!
    6. Eliminate war fatigue! War will no longer be 24x7 all the time. Players can now choose how often they want to war. Anywhere from 7 wars per 2 weeks (ie. 24x7) or opt out and only do one war per two weeks and still get a clan war chest!
    7. New war matchup every third day! Got an unfair matchup where you get smashed an entire month by overleveled clans? No problem, with new and improved war, you get a new matchup every 3 days and don't have to live a month of boring hell!

    If only Clan Wars 2.0 came first, and 1.0 was the new and improved version, we'd be so happy right now =P

    submitted by /u/shinyodds
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    I feel like I’ve been had

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Fix for one card 2v2 glitch is OPTIONAL update, right?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    What if CW2 is actually just this part of the river and we could do more stuff than just river race? Idk what but the idea is there.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Got my first perfect princess timing on skeleton barrel :)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    New piece: "The Giant" by -Inkastle01

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    [Idea] Petition to bring back these two leagues in trophies environment, for example ladder or player profile trophies at the end of each season similar to old legendary trophies.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I know this isn’t exactly a big deal or anything, but I just wanted to share that after 2 years of clash Royale I finally made it to 5k last season! Completely F2P as well

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Only optimal plays here

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    CWII matchmaking is horrendous

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Hiya. Level 12 f2p player here. One level 12-13 deck, one level 11-12. Rest mostly level 10 and some more 11.

    Second week of war, not only are we having to deal with being heavily punished in war because we are a smaller clan. But both days this week I have been up against level 13s with pass royale and maxed cards.

    I literally can't do anything. I have my mainly level 10 war decks. I got fucked every battle other than one I managed to outplay.

    You've essentially made mid-ladder 2.0

    How can this happen? This was supposed to be the biggest update we were going to have had for a long time and the only reason I really played the game anymore is becoming impossible (got bored of ladder a while back). I love my clan and did wars to help them out. But I literally can't even help them anymore.

    What happened to all the old clan war modes ( ie the level 9 capped ones where it was purely skill based, I loved those and could often win).

    Supercell you guys are killing your casual player base. I've got a month tops in me until I'm gone if it stays like this, I love my clan to death but I really can't be bothered with this cowpoop

    I don't mean offense to anyone personally but this update is going to kill the game if it stays like this

    (There mods i watched my language and behavior let this post now plz?)

    submitted by /u/4sfish4
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    Question: where is daria?��

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Maybe if clans switched each week, things would become adjusted faster...

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    So they want to eventually rework Fire Spirits to be a single solo Spirit. Thoughts?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Request to revert to the old clan search UI or improve the current one.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I’m loving the new UI for tournament rewards!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:05 AM PDT

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