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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Clash Royale Clan Wars 2 Update: Known Issues Thread

    Clash Royale Clan Wars 2 Update: Known Issues Thread

    Clan Wars 2 Update: Known Issues Thread

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    In an effort to reduce duplicate threads and centralize discussion regarding known issues/bugs from the most recent update, bugs will be posted to this thread. Please add any new or missing issues in the comments, and they can be added here as well.

    Known Bugs

    • Cannot watch replays if deck does not contain 8 cards
    • Decks without all 8 cards showing up on battle decks on player profiles
    • Towers showing up in touchdown mode
    • Game sometimes crashes if attempting to view profiles before acceptance into a clan
    • Cloned Skeleton Barrel not exploding when reaching a tower
    • Cannot claim shop gifts if already maxed out
    • Trader having duplicates
    • Princess Towers showing up instead of turrets in boat battles practice attacks
    • Can't search for clan when already in a clan
    • Chest queue button switched places
    • Various difficulties with deck sharing links
    • Players in 2v2 battles without 8 cards
    • Issues with Duel wins if tiebreaker or multiple crowns taken at the same time
    • Clan button no longer swaps between war and clan chat

    For information regarding the Supercell Creators Clan Wars 2 Tournament, click here.

    submitted by /u/Deep_CR
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    Quick message re: OJ

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Just a quick note. I saw this post earlier today. While it was incredibly flattering to see so many nice comments about me, it was also a bummer to see quite a few negative comments about one of my friends and fellow content creators, OJ. Basically along the lines of "Ash is honest, OJ is just a suckup".

    I hesitated making this post because

    a) I didn't want to make a big deal about such a minor thing in the grand scheme of life
    b) I know 99% of the subreddit could probably care less.

    Nonetheless, I still felt inclined to do so. The point I'd like to make extends beyond just silly Clash Royale YouTubers. I believe it can be applied to many facets of life.

    Over the last 5 years, I've never met anyone like OJ. Not only does he see the game in a very analytical and interesting way, but he's also a very genuine and authentic guy. He has a lot of passion for Clash Royale. In general, he's just the type of guy who always looks for the positive things in life, even when life isn't perfect. I wish I was more like that. Unfortunately, I often look at the world around me with a more cynical and critical eye. I tend to over-examine things. Even things I love (may have cost me a few relationships in my day). I believe both of those different worldviews are illustrated in our content, especially the way we cover news and updates.

    No Supercell creators get any special treatment based on how we talk about the games. I've been extremely critical of Clash of Clans years ago and never received any comments/feedback from Supercell. They still invited me on all the creator trips. They still promoted my content here and there. Same with Clash Royale. I don't think many creators are scared of being truthful or even critical of Supercell if that's how we feel. Hell, I remember with even Chief Pat dropped a F-bomb talking about how messed up a previous Clash Royale update was, years ago.

    I think this is a good example of folks being quick to label creators a shill or sellout just if they happen to agree with a developer or like an update that others don't. How can a person be authentic in life if they're not ALSO authentic about things they actually LIKE. I fear that sometimes in life we're more likely to give the benefit of doubt to people being negative or critical than we are someone being positive and complimentary. And in a way, I feel like that's a bit sad.

    Anyway, sorry for rambling on.....it will happen to you too when you get old.

    (yes, apparently old guys also sign their reddit posts)

    submitted by /u/Clash_With_Ash
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    Only take few UI changes

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Do we get more rewards from the new update, or did we get more before the update. A Full Mathematical Rebuttal.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Do we get more rewards from the new update, or did we get more before the update. A Full Mathematical Rebuttal.

    After Drew's Post I decided to see if the new update gives us better rewards or not. For those that can't be bother reading all the calculation I will give a SPOILER ALERT…..

    We get WORSE rewards now.

    Essentially the things we lost compared to the new system evens out except one major thing. The new clan wars chest gives at best scenario -200 gold per day, and a realistic best case scenario of -1200 gold per day.

    A few things to clarify. I am speaking from the point of view of a level 13 player who has been in an established but casual clan that is in Legendary League. We finished clan wars 1 with just over 24,000 war trophies. As such, we always got at least one and usually multiple first place finishes in clan wars every 2 weeks. This guaranteed the best clan war chest each time.

    Now to run all the calculations I have converted everything into gold. This is done as follows:

    Common Cards = 5 gold

    Rares Cards = 50 gold

    Epics Cards = 500 gold

    Legendary Cards = 20,000 gold

    The reason for the above is that whilst cards are all worth twice this amount in the shop, if you have maxed these out, this is the amount of gold you will actually receive for them. Also, if you want to trade out a maxed card for one you need, you will spend your token plus the amount above per card.

    So if I want a legendary card, I ask for one I need, and offer one I have maxed out already. This will then cost me 20,000 gold plus the token. So this is why the above amounts have been used to calculate the gold conversion not what they are worth to buy in the shop.

    These above figures are also used to calculate the minimum gold each chest is worth. In each case, I haven't included the chance you can get a bonus epic or a bonus legendary. The calculated amount only includes 100% guaranteed cards.

    Now I realise people won't agree with me here but this is what I value Gems to be.

    1 Gem = 275 gold.

    This is actually a very high amount. I could make that 1 Gem = 200 gold and that would still be considered very high for some. However, this is the conversion I use when considering if I should spend Gems on continuing challenges or cashing out my prizes in the Global tournaments.

    The best offer Supercel has ever offered in the shop involved spending 1000 gems and getting something like two Mega Lightning chests and some gold and tokens. At the time I calculated the deal to give 192 gold per gem spent.

    For the sake of the calculations used here, I didn't need to convert Tokens gained. However if I did need to do it they would be worth:

    Legendary Token = 2000 gold

    Epic Token = 1000 gold

    Rare Token = 500 gold

    Common Token = 250

    The above amounts are the total gold you receive once you have 10 of each type of token and then receive another one.

    OK so lets get to the nitty gritty. I will use Drew from Supercel's format to see if things are better now or before, and you can decide for yourselves as some of this might be subjective. For those inclined you may wish to check my calculations as I have done these very late into the night/morning and typos or errors may have crept in.


    Daily Gifts X3


    NOTE on average a free chest nets you 233 gold. However there is always a chance for an epic, or even a legendary from this. Chance for a Legendary card from the free chest is currently 0.24%. It's not much but we've all had it happen from time to time.

    So the average not taking into effect chance of epics or legendary cards in the free chest is 3 x 320.75 = 963 (rounded up) / day.

    Also Removed

    Periodic Free Shop Gift


    OK so I've assumed we got one of these prizes offered in the shop weekly. That is certainly the case with the Epic card, the rest I am not sure of. This means the 3,778 becomes 540 gold per day.

    Adding the two removed methods above means we used to gain 963 + 540 = 1,504 gold per day from these.

    So Drew has said the above prizes got replaced by the following.


    This is where it gets tricky. It's hard to know the likelihood of getting any of these (bar the epics that only occur once per week and what Drew said about gems (that we will all get 100gems per 30 days).

    So the 30 day totals above include 4 days getting gems, and 4 and a bit days getting Epic Sunday epics.

    So this means the remaining 22 days in those 30 days will give a random assortment between Common cards (500 gold), Rare (1,250), Gold Chest (1,165) or 1,500 gold. The Average from these is 1,104.

    So in a 30 day cycle this means 1,104 x 22 + 27,500 + 10,714 = 62,502. This gives an average of 2,083 gold per day.

    In summary the new system gains about 500 extra gold per day over the old system. However this is heavily weighted by the fact I use 275 gold per gem as my conversion. Many would lower this, and you'd find the gold gained per day figures of the before and after get much close to each other.

    Removed From Old Clan Wars

    Legendary League

    On average I would have got around 2,000 – 2,500 gold per day doing card collection. Lets say 2,000 gold to be conservative and not taking into account the chances you sometimes get lots of gems.

    As an example, if I won one card collection battle (500 gold) , the final war day (1,000 gold) and the clan came first (1,000 gold). Here is 2,500 gold. When you opened your war day chest the final item was a chance to either double your gold, or get between 10-50 gems or a token. This collection occurred once every 2 days.

    Currently War Day Daily Gold

    To be on par with above the old clan war, you must be able to win 2, 1v1 battles. You can roll your dice and try duels. If you win your duel you will get 3,500 gold however if you lose it you will only get 350 gold. Potentially you can win it and then get 1 or two more attacks and if you win those get yourself another 1,000 or 2,000 gold.

    You could also choose to do the passive attacks that pretty much guarantee a win (ie repair the boat or attack someone else's boat) this will give you a guaranteed 500 gold (as all you need for this 500 gold is to do the simple task of destroying at least one of the towers). So 4 attacks of this = 2,000 gold per day guaranteed.

    So you can take the risk, or you do the guarantee. Either way, I think the average is around 2000 gold per day and this is on par with the old clan war daily gold.

    Now for QUESTS! I enjoyed these and never found it hard or a task to actually have to complete them. They simply got completed from normal play.


    Quests 1 Per Day


    This is tricky to calculate because each person had a chance to re-roll one quest each day. Most would try and re-roll until they got gems, or got one of those double rewards (ie 1,000 gold, 20 rares, 2 epics and occasionally you even got a 20 gems one).

    I for example never collected common quest so I'll take the 250 gold this represents out of the equation.

    So lets say a typical week, I am able to re-roll the quests and I would get Gems only 1 time, the 1,000 gold quests 2 times, and 4 times I get the 500 gold quest. This will equal 6,750 gold. So this is close to 1,000 gold per day. I think this is being conservative since I know I got the Gems quest more than once per week simply by always re rolling quests to try and get it.

    Verdict = 1,000 gold per day gained from daily quests.

    Now this is the fun part. We also used to have the 41 day chest cycle attached to doing the quests.

    Quest Chest Cycle = 9,850 Quest Points

    Quest points per day = 35

    Total quest cycle completed in 281.4 days


    This means that the 41 chest cycle yields a minimum of 448,127 gold (not taking into account that you can gain extra epics or legendaries in the above chests). For example the odds of getting a legendary card from a magical chest is nearly 20%.

    That 448,127 gold used to be earnt over 281.4 days. So this is an average of 1592 gold per day.

    Verdict = Add this 1,592 gold with the 1,000 gold above gives around 2,600 gold per day that we used to get for quests and the quest chest cycle.

    Drew also lumped the following in that we lost:

    Also Removed

    Old Clan Wars Chest

    In Legendary League the old clan war chest for first place chest was worth 45,060 gold.

    So the old war day chest was given once per 14 days. We got to battle for it 7 times. This guaranteed that our clan and many others got at least one first place finish during this time. From the moment we got to Legendary league, we never missed out on getting a first place legendary chest (I even kept all the screenshots of the collections).

    So the old clan wars guaranteed an average of 3,219 gold per day from this chest.

    Added with the 2,600 gold this makes 5,819 gold per day.

    Verdict from all these things removed, we used to get a guaranteed 5,819 gold per day.

    So the question is, what replaced all this?

    Drew has said that the new clan wars chest that is given to us every 7 days (instead of every 14 days) replaces all this. However is this actually better?

    Prizes in Legendary League are as follows:


    So if the clan comes first or second every week the prizes are about the same. Averaging out a first or second place finish will equate to about 39,773 gold per week or 5,681 gold per day.

    However if you throw in some third place finishes (I won't even throw in fourth/fifth place ones) this drastically drops this amount.

    Lets assume your clan is good and in three weeks you finish First once, Second once and Third Once. You get unlucky and you don't get the legendary card from the third place chest (remember in all those quest chests above, I never included chances of getting extra epics or Legendary cards).

    From this first, second and third clan placing you have earnt a total of 96,195 gold over 3 weeks or an average of 4,581 gold per day. This is a lot lower than the old guaranteed 5,819 gold per day.

    So the unrealistic best case scenario is that your clan never finishes lower than second place or when it does finish third you get lucky and win the legendary card anyway….. At best this will get you around 5681 gold per day. This amount is far from guaranteed.

    Even this best case scenario is actually worse than the old clan wars calculation that gave me a guaranteed 5819 gold per day.

    So overall this system is WORSE. I think assuming a 3 week cycle of getting one first place, one second place and one third place is actually a best case scenario and even that means we get around 1,238 gold per day less from this scenario. In a normal scenario when your clan gets put in the river race in a "Group of death" match up, your clan could finish really low. It only takes one or two bad bad results per month to skew things to a much worse scenario than just losing 1,238 gold per day on average.

    If you have read this far well done. What do you think of all this analysis? The rest of Drews' post highlighted the monthly tournament and I didn't see much difference from before, besides it always costs us Gems to get these rewards,

    I did one of these a long time ago when the original clan wars replaced the clan chest. Back then Supercell was telling us the new rewards were better and myself and some others posted showing them how it actually wasn't. They ended up revising things and giving us more. Hopefully they look at this post and do the same.

    They may say that they will now compensate by giving more away in challenges but I'd rather the daily grind that never costs gems to do a continue, will at least be raised a bit to match or actually be better than the old system.

    Also I actually want to thank Drew for his post. I think it shows that he cares about us and that he cares about the game. Drew's post would have taken a long time to construct and many things were explained well and with details. This made my post easier to research.

    submitted by /u/EatEmAlive123
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    This is how the chat SHOULD look imo. If it's blurred when in chat and darker it just looks better. Let me know what your thoughts are

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    You know that the update is bad When you see a big clash royale Youtuber like ash reacting to memes instead of enjoying the update content himself... btw shout out to cwa for his transparency and honesty!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    A big congrats to JupiterKing on reaching top 30 with his new 3.0 earthquake deck!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    I think I know what my favorite mode is now

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    the hero we don't deserve but we need right now

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Please make trade tokens available in the shop!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    If only the CR team can learn from Brawl Stars

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    With no more war bounty, trade tokens will be even harder to get, slowing progression even more. And no, you can't get tokens in the new cw2 reward chest.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Im not sure if someone posted this already, but you can now play 2v2 with a 2 card deck

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Now that winning wars is based on where you live, I'm starting a new competitive clan for clan wars 2, everyone pack your bags.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    The fastest elite barbarians cycle deck

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Found it on twitter what do you say? The dark chat should be an option in settings where you could turn it on or off if you want to.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Fess up. Which one of you asked for it?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    If this were a thing in clash...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    You earn more fame points if your deck is maxed???? Just revolting...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    I have just been asked by a Clan mate why some of his battles in Legendary league he earns less points than others.

    I've checked and oh suprise!
    If my deck is fully maxed I get more fame points.

    So, if you win with an underleveled deck, you're "punished" for not being maxed out. ?????

    Man, this is the ultimate insult of Pay-to-Win systems. Someone just shoot me

    submitted by /u/wolfynn
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    Can we please convince Supercell to allow emote decks?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    What the hell happened here

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or do the gold names look awful now? Gives me a headache just looking at them.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    River Race is broken. My clan is blowing everyone else out of the water, yet we won’t have enough time to finish. We will only get the boot of rewards, even if we are destroying the other clans. Something has to be fixed.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    This comment literally summarizes CW2

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    This has to be the highest skill cap deck I have ever seen in top ladder! Congratulations for #3 global!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Best part of the new update

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    I can have my life back!

    I uninstalled Clash Royale. I took a break about a year ago for a few months, but decided to hang it up for good this time. After 4 years and a couple hundred dollars, I'm free.

    I am a borderline-OCD completionist. I would log in frequently throughout the day, every day, for the last 4 years to make sure I always had a chest unlocking and to donate cards for extra gold/star points. I finished all the challenges and the global tourney. Toward the end of every season, I would grind to get the most trophy road rewards I could manage (usually finishing around 6.6k). Even with all of this over a four year period, I was only about halfway to max in terms of gold needed (and behind that in terms of legendaries collected).

    Everyone was counting on this update to save the game. I was skeptical. And from what was delivered, it was pretty obvious that the dev team doesn't care about this game nearly as much as I did. I couldn't possibly cover all the reasons here; it should be pretty obvious by now. But I will mention the biggest ones that show the lack of caring:

    • A global race-to-the-finish obviously needs to account for the regional problem of time zones.
    • Any fair system needs to incorporate level caps for lower leagues, or else a strong player in a weak clan will get easy-win matchups. Drew said this was only until the clan eventually moves up in leagues -- but, it never will move up if the majority of players in it are low leveled.
    • The UI is ugly, harder to use than the old UI, and doesn't show as much information as easily.

    This update feels very corporate/profit-driven. Google in their heyday had the motto "Focus on the user and all else will follow." This has always stuck in my mind as a solid philosophy to follow. If Supercell followed this they would be trying to build an amazing game to bring in users, who would then spend money. Instead, all I can see is things getting more and more biased toward sucking money out of players with no genuinely fun content being delivered.

    So, I'm done. What will I do with my new free time? I intend to focus on improving my personal quality of life. Do some creative projects, pick up my guitar again, spend time learning something new. Not wake up and immediately check my phone. I highly recommend everyone here to do the same. It was a fun (though often frustrating!) 4 years, but it's time to move on.

    submitted by /u/therealmeal
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