• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 1, 2020




    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    We changed a lot of things in the new Clan Wars update and I wanted to clear up some of the questions regarding rewards.

    What better way to do that than with DATA and TABLES? Well, I can think of a few more fun ways but here we are...

    In this post we will be covering the rewards in Clan Wars 2 and the following sections:


    In each section we will go over::

    • WHAT we removed
    • WHAT we replaced it with
    • WHY we removed it (our thinking behind the process)
    • WHAT this means for you (TL;DR)

    Let's get right into it shall we... apologies in advance for any formatting errors, I tried my best!





    Each Daily Gift contained ONE of the below.

    Rare Card Epic Card Gold Free Chest
    Arena 1 1 1 80 1
    Arena 2 2 1 80 1
    Arena 3 2 1 100 1
    Arena 4 2 1 120 1
    Arena 5 3 1 140 1
    Arena 6 3 1 160 1
    Arena 7 3 1 180 1
    Arena 8 4 1 200 1
    Arena 9 4 1 220 1
    Arena 10 5 1 240 1
    Arena 11 5 1 260 1
    Arena 12 5 1 280 1
    Arena 13 5 1 300 1

    1 of the below was given out periodically in each free Shop gift.

    Gold Gems Silver Chest Epic Card (Epic Sunday)
    Arena 1 20 10 1 1
    Arena 2 20 10 1 1
    Arena 3 40 10 1 1
    Arena 4 60 10 1 1
    Arena 5 80 10 1 1
    Arena 6 100 10 1 1
    Arena 7 120 10 1 1
    Arena 8 140 10 1 1
    Arena 9 160 10 1 1
    Arena 10 180 10 1 1
    Arena 11 200 10 1 1
    Arena 12 200 10 1 1
    Arena 13 200 10 1 1


    Common Card Rare Card Epic Card (Epic Sunday) Gold Gems Gold Chest
    Frequency (in a 5- week season) 5 7 5 10 4 4
    Arena 1 25 6 1 300 10 1
    Arena 2 35 7 1 400 10 1
    Arena 3 45 8 2 500 10 1
    Arena 4 55 9 2 600 15 1
    Arena 5 60 10 2 700 15 1
    Arena 6 65 11 2 800 15 1
    Arena 7 70 13 3 900 20 1
    Arena 8 75 15 3 1000 20 1
    Arena 9 80 17 3 1100 20 1
    Arena 10 85 19 4 1200 20 1
    Arena 11 90 21 4 1300 20 1
    Arena 12 95 23 4 1400 20 1
    Arena 13 100 25 5 1500 25 1

    The 3 Daily Gifts from the Quest screen are now combined with the free gifts that periodically appeared in slot #1 of the Daily Deals in the Shop.

    Players now see a free gift in slot #1 of the Daily Deals in the Shop every single day!

    • The new daily gift will refresh along with the Daily Deals, every 24 hours at midnight
    • Don't worry, we are not getting rid of Epic Sunday. Free Epic cards still appear in the Shop on Sundays, only now you will get more than one Epic card at higher Arena levels!


    • We want to put all the free gifts into one place, rather than forcing players to log in multiple times a day to get the full value of the free gifts, which would not always be possible if you didn't collect all 3 every single day.
    • This also tied nicely into the War Deck refresh that was introduced, so you could log in and have a bunch of new stuff available for you at the same time.


    Most players will receive LESS Common Cards, but MORE Epic Cards and gold than they got before the update!





    Rewards per War (at most, every other day) \ Bonus reward is either gold, Token or Gems*

    Collection Day Victory Gold War Day Victory Gold Rank Bounty Gold Bonus Gold* Bonus Token* Bonus Gems*
    Bronze I, II, III 200 400 100-400 80-1680 Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary 10-50
    Silver I, II, III 300 600 150-600 120-2520 Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary 10-50
    Gold I, II, III 400 800 200-800 160-3360 Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary 10-50
    Legendary 500 1000 250-1000 200-4200 Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary 10-50



    Use 4 War Decks to earn these rewards EVERY DAY whether you win or lose!

    Duel Victory Gold* Duel Loss Gold PvP Victory Gold PvP Loss Gold Boat Battle Victory Gold** Boat Battle Loss Gold** Colosseum Victory Gold*** Colosseum Loss Gold***
    Bronze I 1400 140 400 40 200 100 1800 200
    Bronze II 1600 160 450 45 230 115 2000 230
    Bronze III 1800 180 550 55 280 140 2300 250
    Silver I 2100 210 600 60 300 150 2700 300
    Silver II 2300 230 650 65 330 165 2900 330
    Silver III 2500 250 750 75 380 190 3200 350
    Gold I 2800 280 800 80 400 200 3600 400
    Gold II 3000 300 850 85 430 215 3800 430
    Gold III 3200 320 950 95 480 240 4100 450
    Legendary I 3500 350 1000 100 500 250 4500 500

    \ Duel battles require 2-3 decks*

    \* A Boat Battle victory is destroying at least one Defense Tower. Loss gold is calculate based on damage done, up to 50% of Victory Gold.*

    \** Only available beyond the final War Gate/Finish Line on the Final Week of a Clan War Season*


    • In Clan Wars 2, we wanted to reward gold every day, and for this gold to be rewarded instantly. It sucked to earn gold and then have it held back from you for a while.
    • We wanted to make gold rewards transparent; players know exactly how much gold they can win in each game mode before they play!
    • We want to add more gold rewards to more competitive games modes, such as Duels. It makes sense to us that the more competitive modes would reward you better.
    • We want to reward players for participating in Clan Wars 2 and contributing to their Clan. This way, even if you lose you are still gaining something and helping out your Clan.


    The vast majority of players will get MORE GOLD EVERY DAY than they got before the update. Perfect for upgrading those War Decks.




    • QUESTS

    Individual Quests reward (1 per Quest)

    Reward Amount
    Gold 500
    Gems 10
    Common 50
    Rare 10
    Epic 1

    Quest Chest Cycle = 9850 Quest Points

    Quest Chest Every 41 Chests
    Gold Chest 15.0
    Giant Chest 6.0
    Magical Chest 6.0
    Mega Lightning Chest 3.0
    Epic Chest 3.0
    Legendary Chest 3.0
    Lightning Chest 3.0
    Legendary King's Chest 2.0


    Gems from Quests have been migrated into the Daily Gift in the Shop - all other rewards have been included in Clan Wars 2 rewards below.


    • CLAN WARS LEAGUE SEASON CHEST (awarded every 14 days)
    Total Cards Rare Epic Legendary Gold
    Bronze 4th/5th 90 18 222 0 1260
    Bronze 3rd 150 30 3 0 2100
    Bronze 2nd Silver 4th/5th 210 42 5 0
    Bronze 1st Silver 3rd 270 54 6 0
    Silver 2nd Gold 4th/5th 330 78 8 0
    Silver 1st Gold 3rd 390 78 9 0
    Gold 2nd Legendary 4th/5th 450 90 11 0
    Gold 1st Legendary 3rd 510 102 12 0
    Legendary 2nd 570 114 14 0 7980
    Legendary 1st 630 126 15 1 8820


    • CLAN WARS 2 RIVER RACE REWARD CHEST (awarded every 7 days)
    Total Cards Rare Epic Legendary Gold
    Bronze 4th/5th 90 18 2 One in Four 630
    Bronze 3rd 150 30 3.0 One in Three 1050
    Bronze 2nd 210 42 5.0 One in Two 1470
    Bronze 1st 270 54 6.0 1 1890
    Silver 4th/5th 210 42 5.0 One in Four 1470
    Silver 3rd 270 54 6 One in Three 1890
    Silver 2nd 330 66 8 One in Two 2310
    Silver 1st 390 78 9 1 2730
    Gold 4th/5th 330 66 8 One in Four 2310
    Gold 3rd 390 78 9 One in Three 2730
    Gold 2nd 450 90 11 One in Two 3150
    Gold 1st 510 102 12 1 3570
    Legendary 4th/5th 450 90 11.0 One in Three 3150
    Legendary 3rd 510 102 12 One in Two 3570
    Legendary 2nd 570 114 14 1 3990
    Legendary 1st 630 126 15 1 4410

    More Legendaries:

    Guaranteed Legendaries for first place every week, and a chance of Legendaries that didn't exist in the old chests.

    Less Gold:

    We wanted to reward more gold for playing River Tasks (as playing these also helps your Clan)

    NOTE: Clans that do not finish the River Race get a Reward Boot that contains some rewards.


    • We have removed Quests completely. Quests had started to become stale over time, and we want to reward fun and competitive gameplay rather than forcing players to complete 'grindy' quests.
    • We want to reward Clans more! We want Clans to be a bigger part of the game than they currently are so we have migrated the rewards that you used to earn in quests to Clan Wars 2. Clans have a lot of potential benefits to players (you get more rewards being active in a Clan than a solo player) so ideally we end up with everyone in a Clan.
    • We want to give out even more rewards, especially Legendaries! We have increased total possible rewards and made sure that they are Legendary Cards available to earn every single week!
    • Earning a big chest once a week rather than every 2 weeks is a much more visible goal for players.


    Playing Clan Wars 2 will net you more rewards than you were earning from Quests and Clan Wars before the update.



    Where to get Gems and Trade Tokens in the Clan Wars 2 update:

    • Players will get Gems as their daily free gift ~4 times per Season (number of Gems depends on your Arena level. Level 13 = 25 gems)
    • Rewards in the Global Tournament will now be the same every Season. On the free track, there are 8 trade tokens (2 of each rarity) + 25 gems
    • Free gems in the Crown Chest are unchanged
    • Free gems on Trophy Road are unchanged
    • Free gems found in special challenges (unchanged)
    • Trade Tokens & Gems in special offers in the shop (unchanged)


    Free Rewards Reward Amount
    1 Win Token Common 2
    2 Wins Gems 10
    3 Wins Token Epic 2
    4 Wins Gold 2500
    5 Wins Token Rare 2
    6 Wins Gold 2500
    7 Wins Token Legendary 2
    8 Wins Gems 15
    9 Wins No Reward 0
    10 Wins Lightning Chest 1
    • 8x Trade Tokens
    • 25 Gems
    • 5000 Gold
    • 1 Lightning Chest
    • Up to ~1500 Gem Value


    Bonus Rewards Reward Amount Value
    1 Win Legendary Chest 1 1x
    2 Wins Gold 10000
    3 Wins Token Legendary 1
    4 Wins Epic Chest 1
    5 Wins Gold 10000 5x
    6 Wins Token Epic 1
    7 Wins Giant Chest 1
    8 Wins Gold 10000
    9 Wins Token Rare 1
    10 Wins Legendary King's Chest 1 12x
    11 Wins Gold 10000
    12 Wins Token Common 1
    13 Wins No Reward 0
    14 Wins Gold 10000
    15 Wins Magical Chest 1 15x
    • 4x Trade Tokens
    • 50000 Gold
    • 5x Chests (Legendary, Epic, Giant Chest, Legendary King's, Magical)
    • Up to 15x Value



    For the vast majority of players, Clan Wars 2 is BY FAR the best place in the game to get a constant daily stream of rewards. Clan Wars 2 is a feature that we will be continuing to develop and improve throughout future updates. Think of it as Clan Wars 2 v 1.0.

    Any feedback is welcome and let us know if you have any reward questions in the thread.


    Drew & The Clash Royale Team

    submitted by /u/Supercell_Drew
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    What is the point of having this icons if we can't change them?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    [REPOST] A Detailed Post On The Problems of CW2 - And Ideas For Solutions on How To Fix Them

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Let him in the clan by mistake but was too good of a person to let go.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Could you please tell me how the heck I lost?? pls watch

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Well.. this is actually true

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    This logo definitely explains the matchmaking in CW2!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Something is very, very wrong with the Clash Royale team

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Red flag after red flag tells me that there's some kind of critical issue with how the Clash Royale team is operating on a day-to-day basis. I know there's a lot of frustration right now, particularly with Drew, but I strongly doubt that Drew is the direct source of any of our woes at the moment. Here's what we know:

    The recent update's release date

    Month after month they kept pushing back release date expectations. Then finally, in August, they starting saying that the update was "coming THIS MONTH!" All the memes predicted that the update would land on the 31st of August, which the team refused to admit until, what, a week prior?

    This is not how a normal dev team works. They don't wait around for months without giving definitive updates, then say that the update is "coming this month" without a specific date, then putz around until the very last second. This indicates some level of dysfunction to me - either a lack of leadership, or a lack of accountability, or something else.

    The lack of content in the update

    As many people have noticed, there's almost nothing of note in the update aside from Clan Wars 2. And Clan Wars 2 does not bring a revolutionary amount of content to the table, although the boat battles are certainly the most unique thing we've seen since Touchdown mode. This took... over a year?

    It's clear that this game is incredibly popular, and is making an incredible amount of money. But at this rate of development, it would seem that Supercell may have actually scaled down their investment in the game. That, or it's related to the aforementioned dysfunction - lack of leadership, lack of accountability, etc... Again, this is not how normal dev teams work.

    Bugs and testing issues

    This post outlines a pretty severe bug where a player appears to have won the 1v1 duel, but is then awarded a loss for no apparent reason. The top comment hits the nail on the head and explains the programmatic issues that led to this bug.

    Bugs are hardly an indictment of a dev team. But this particular one is egregious because it indicates poor programming practice, and it's not the first of its kind with this game either. Fundamentally, a 1v1 duel functions identically to a normal 1v1 battle. But this bug shows us that duels have been implemented in some strange different fashion "for some ungodly reason" (quote by u/DragTheChains). This runs counter to how every other game mode in the game has been implemented, and for no good technical reason. Put simply, this displays a lack of code reuse and/or general incompetence, which supports the dysfunctional dev team narrative.

    Apparent lack of communication between Drew and the dev team

    This, right here, is the single biggest red flag to me. Drew is the target of many complaints for his lack of communication with the community, but if the dev team is not willing to communicate with him, then how is he supposed to carry out his job?

    We've seen a lot of evidence lately indicating that this may be the case, but I think this is the biggest smoking gun. If you haven't seen that post yet, basically Drew promised a new feature nearly half a year ago. When the update came around and the new feature was absent, even Drew was surprised - saying that "it was in the build until very recently".

    This is very, very revealing, and here's why. Normally, in a healthy work environment, this is how a community manager would operate and communicate new features:

    • Dev Team tells Community Manager what new features the community can expect.
    • Community Manager relays that to the community.
    • If something goes wrong with a new feature and the Dev Team has to remove it, they tell that to the Community Manager, who again relays that info to the community.
    • Update is released and everyone remains on the same page.

    Based on this latest debacle, here's what actually seems to be happening:

    • Community Manager (Drew) sifts through the latest commits by the Dev Team.
    • Community Manager finds a cool new feature in a commit, and relays that feature to the community - without ever talking to the Dev Team.
    • If something goes wrong with the feature, Dev Team removes it from the release - without ever talking to the Community Manager.
    • Update is released and no one is on the same page.

    This is not how a normal, healthy team works! Somewhere, the line of communication is breaking down, and we can't know where exactly. Either Drew is refusing to talk to the dev team, or the dev team is refusing to talk to Drew - or the dev team lacks the leadership to commit to a feature set for the upcoming update and prevents anyone from being in the loop. This, once again, supports the dysfunctional dev team narrative. Plus, this sort of unsupportive working environment would help to explain some of the strange turnover that we've seen at the Community Manager position.

    This is not a Supercell-wide issue. This is a Clash Royale issue. Something about their team is very, very wrong.

    submitted by /u/Epicular
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    So.... now what?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Easy way to win in boat attacks with only lvl 9/10 cards������

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Can’t even see the tower HP.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I found a solution for the Queue chest scam. Don’t buy Pass Royale and you’ll never have to go and missclick

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Can we once and for all remove this limit. I mean we need 32 maxed cards to compete in CW2 right? So why this barrier?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    How to actually improve Clan Member management.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    [Serious] Stop financially supporting Supercell

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Regarding the recent Clan Wars 2 update, an article i read on Forbes a while ago came to mind as the perfect description of this example of predatory behaviour on the gaming industry.

    Being a gamer person, i am actually reminded of it from time to time by some abusive practices that should never go overlooked.

    Quoting the most relevant excerpts of the article:

    "Gamers, on the whole, are a very volatile group. (...) It's been a complex relationship we've had with the corporate titans of the industry over the past few years. Though we love many of their titles, and play them religiously, we hate a lot of things these companies have done to pull the industry in a direction we believe it shouldn't go.

    The battlefronts are often subjects like DRM and used copies of games, but lately DLC has been a primary target for gamers to complain about. On the surface, DLC seems to be a serious affront to the traditionally held notions of video games we've held dear for years now. With preorder bonuses, level packs and carved out campaign extras, we feel like we're getting ripped off to some degree as our games are not "complete" at launch due to a lack of this content. This illustration jokingly shows what it might look like had all these new revenue avenues existed during the "golden era" of gaming we all revere.

    But what gamers fail to realize is that back then, these companies didn't understand just how much people love video games. Yes, they sold well, and the industry grew, but as it has, it's become clear to these companies just how much blood can be truly squeezed out of these rock hard fanbases of long-established titles. And we're letting them do it. (...) What EA Supercell, and many of the other companies are doing, is a simple economic experiment. They know gamers are a loyal group, and they want to see just how far they can push you to shell out money for the "complete" experience of a game you love. (...) The truth is, if items like map packs, DLC missions and pre-order bonuses didn't sell, they wouldn't exist. Plain and simple. With each new bold 'affront' to gamers, these companies are testing the waters to see just how far they can go with an a-la-carte model. This entire DLC 'Pay to Win' debate that's taken place over the years has just been a test. And if we want to pay less for our games, we sure as hell haven't demonstrated that to these companies. (...) All this said, there is a limit. Eventually companies will find a breaking point where they are simply taking too much away from games and charging too much on top of the original price so that it drives consumers away. As soon as the numbers stop adding up, the practice will reach a plateau. The problem is that we're not there yet, and though each new step forward takes us a little closer to that cutoff line, we simply haven't shown these companies that what they've done is truly that hurtful to us. If it was, these products and games simply would not sell, and the practice would be scaled back. And that isn't what's happening.

    But there is an edge to the cliff somewhere, and as gamers feel more and more trampled on by their corporate overlords pulling the strings of the games they love, it's entirely possible they can drift away from the industry as a whole as it becomes ALL about the money, and the cash grabbing becomes too much to stomach. "

    Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2012/02/24/why-the-exploitation-of-gamers-is-our-own-damn-fault-2/#25a350a521b4

    TL DR: Stop giving Supercell money or they will keep abusing its players with predatory tactics. They do it because, unfortunately, they are getting money from it.

    submitted by /u/advancedgamer6969
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    Golem max star level has disappeared. Ever since the new update came out, I've realized that the golem has lost its crown. I've provided some screenshots to show this and was wondering if anyone has experienced this with other max star leveled cards.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    This China clan has their decks reset almost 12 hours before my U.S.A. clan. There is absolutely no way to win, even after other clans destroyed their ship.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Hey CR Devs, I've a much better idea to replace the PvE boat battles, have something like 5v5 or more PvP live battles, where leaders choose/negotiate the time slot and players for war and it's heads on against the other clan(s). We'd actually get the real feel of war!!!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Petition to get best skele boy some card art

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    I hope supercell dev team is poised to start tweaking CW2 since wars appear to be ending far sooner than 1 week

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    SC: let players alter their 4 battle decks when they are all on cooldown

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I hate having an improvement idea and having to wait 15 hours to implement.

    submitted by /u/highchaos
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    I like this game. I enjoy progressing. I keep becoming more skillful. I'm not quitting anytime soon. But holy hell a little bit of truth about the value of what's coming in an update would be great.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    I am rather prepared for CW2 compared to (what it sounds like) most other players. I have a little under 20 maxed cards, and enough level 12s to complete the 32 cards needed for war. Needless to say I'm also king level 13. I was absolutely looking forward to this update.

    First day, first look: looks fine. 5 free chests, 4 free tokens, over 10k gold in the shop? Yes please!!

    Then to the clan screen. Yes it looks weird, it even looks a bit ugly, but I think we'll get used to it...eventually.

    Then to Reddit. I'm not P2W, I think I've spent $10 on this game about 2 years ago, but that's it. So when I saw all of these posts about them moving the queue chest and gem to open, I got upset. Still not upset enough to make a post, quit the game, or eat celery without peanut butter. But I got upset.

    But hey. They seem to be acknowledging their mistake (sort of), and will (possibly) change it soon.

    The part I was most looking forward to, especially as a F2P player and as I expect most people were: rewards. First look: yes, they improved it. But not by a whole lot. We do get extra gold for atacking now, sweet. Instead of the ~3k to ~7k gold every other day, you can now get up to 5.5k gold daily in clan wars. Awesome.

    The end of the week rewards? Well, let's just assume you get 1st place. My clan was very successful in CW1 in legendary league and placed #1 more often than not, so while I never wrote down the numbers you receive from the chest, I have them almost engrained into my head.

    The first thing I noticed which absolutely set me off was that they reduced the amount of gold you get by exactly 50%. Instead of 8820 every 2 weeks, you 4410 weekly. Again, this is just for legendary league, but I'm sure this happened in all leagues.

    The cards in this weekly reward stayed the same as the every other week reward, perfect! But the gold, the thing every player is deprived of, was not changed one bit.

    Even with ALL of this, I still was a bit pleased with the new content, until this morning. The "free daily gift."

    Instead of waking up to a free wooden chest, a new quest, and watching the bar rise in my mega lightning chest, I was greeted in the shop by.....100 royal deliveries.

    Is this a joke? I'm genuinely curious if Supercell pulled some kind of strange joke. Because this is terrible. 100 commons, a handful of rares, or even an epic or 2. Whatever it is, it's nowhere near the value of quests.

    Supercell hyped this "free daily gift" up WAY too much to give less than 0.0005% of what you need to max all common cards.

    My expectation: A new style chest with the value of 3 wooden chests combined, and then some (quite a bit). It may also occasionally contain gems or tokens.

    CR's Reality: A joke..I hope

    In the end, Supercell has told us more untrue information then we believed possible. And there is even things they didn't mention which they tried to sneak by. I love this game, I find it fun and very strategy based, I'm not quitting. But by all means let there be even the slightest bit of honesty and transparency in your updates.

    submitted by /u/Frankfertt
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    Clash Royale - The Current State of Clan Wars II and the Game (v.5)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:43 PM PDT


    Clan Wars II Was A Disappointment.

    The release of Clan Wars II was confusing. It's flawed. It's weird. And it was disappointing. I would like to criticize (as an engaged Beta Player) about my thoughts regarding this update, and how we progress in the game.

    TL;DR - The Update in a Nutshell

    • This update will definitely not keep players engaged for a few more years.
    • Gameplay wasn't changed in CW2. This update is a confusing swap-up of daily tasks. Minimal content in terms of gameplay
    • Fame is unbalanced, limited selection of game modes, the "unique 32 card decks" restricts your deck-making freedom, wait times gives you a reason to NOT play. Update is flawed.
    • Indirect instructions or tips on how CW2 works
    • We shouldn't be pushed/forced to play CW2 for the sake of more rewards. We need a new incentive instead of working for "increased rewards"
    • Removal of quests and level-dependent modes nailed the final coffin for the free-to-play.
    • The game should provide you a wide variety of things to do. There needs to be a new incentive, not just streams of rewards.
    • The level-dependent system for CW2 didn't help users build and master different decks. Basically, user with the higher level wins. The Dev team lied. Adding level-caps can fix this problem.
    • Improve progression, it shouldn't take you months/years to max out a single deck. In CW2, we need to max out 4? Now that's ridiculous.


    Covered Topics:

    1. Clan Wars II (At First Glance)
    2. Feedback on Clan Wars II
    3. How We can fix Clan Wars II
    4. A Player's Progression
    5. A Different Incentive?
    6. Conclusion


    1. Clan Wars II - At First Glance

    Imagine you were extremely hyped for a massive update with high expectations. You download the client update on the App/Google-Play Store, and open the game. You play for a few hours, and eventually find out that hardly anything changed. What a bummer.

    This huge update wasn't too bad, but shouldn't be something to be proud about either. I've seen lots of toxicity posts on Reddit about CWII, and I want to point out that we shouldn't judge CW II from what we see now, there's more to come!

    Just saying that our first hands-on experience with CW II wasn't as good as we expected. We definitely started on the wrong foot. Something feels wrong with CW II and it's not delivering the best player experience that the Clash Royale Team hoped for.

    Let's have a refresher on what we received during Clan Wars 2:

    • A River Race with 5 clans / Clan Boat
    • New Game Modes: Boat Battles, Duels
    • Rewards, including Weekly Reward Chests after each race and gold
    • Fame - Helps you move faster up the river
    • Boat Repair after "Boat Battles" - Prevents you from going up the river
    • Trader - Limited Offers
    • Colosseum - Top Clans Battle each other (more info later)
    • Some QOL changes and new UI
    • Lots of Supercell Dev artwork (a ton!)
    • Quests Removed
    • There should be more, check https://clashroyale.com/blog/release-notes/clan-wars-2-is-here.html for more info

    Out of all the content we received, let's count game-changing content. Game changing content is one of the key ingredients that changes how we play the game:

    • Boat Battles (new PvE mode!), which is something new (CWII)
    • Duels (Best of 3) - Traditional 1v1 + Ladder Levels + Battling the same player 2-3 times (CWII)
    • Getting more rewards in Clan Wars II
    • New Clan Chat UI
    • Loading screen

    Conclusion: For a one-year update, an update that has been planned, polished and finalized, I cannot tell you how disappointed I am since Clan Wars II doesn't really change how we play. Probably one of the least-favourable updates we ever received when it comes to actual game changes.

    However, I'm quite impressed on the background art. It's really eye-catching and deserves some type of recognition. Shoutout to the CR Artists!


    2. Feedback on Clan Wars II

    Personally, I think Clan Wars II was hardly any different to Clan Wars I, perhaps a downgrade to what we used to have.

    It doesn't really change how we play Clash Royale, just a switch-up of what the player's daily tasks are, and a 1v1 ladder/traditional battle experience almost every single day.

    There are several flaws I would like to point out for this update:

    1. Player Confusion: Most things in the CW2 update was confusing for players. This includes the UI and the functionalities of CW2. This includes fame.
    2. Lack of Variety: The only three introduced modes are Boat Battles, Repair and Duels, which they all function as normal battles. The only difference with Boat Battles is the x3 Machine guns as defenses and PvE dropping troops.
    3. Too Many Restrictions: Duels and the "deck building feature" restricts the number of cards you can use. In addition, you are forced to use your ladder levels, which can be frustrating during matchmaking. This somehow feels like Rush War's path into a restricted game.
    4. Matchmaking is Terrible: Currently in a terrible state since everyone is encouraged to use their own levels.
    5. Too Many Rewards in CWII: Clan Wars II is the best place to get rewards, but what if you're a casual player? This change will be devastating to casual clans/players.
    6. Confusing UI: There has been a ton of new QOL changes, and some removed as well. The UI should be both easy to use, and convenient for the player. As observed, most of the UI caused major confusion to the playerbase since many things have been moved around.
    7. Implemented Wait Times: Adding wait times gives a player a reason to not play the game, which is terrible for revenue/sales and player traffic. In this case, you need to wait 15h after playing your two battles.
    8. Gets Boring Quickly: It'll get boring real quickly since the daily tasks for Clan Wars 2 are repetitive. It won't keep players engaged.
    9. Quests Removed and Added into Clan Wars II: Quests are a major contribution to a FTP. Now it feels like we are being "pushed" to play CW II for the sake of having more rewards.


    3. Possible Solutions To Fix Clan Wars II

    Fixing Clan Wars II at its current state:

    1. Balance Fame: Fame is just unequally distributed amongst the limited selections in CWII. Why play Boat Battles where we can just gamble with Duels and get more fame? Fame is unbalanced.
    2. Add Level Caps: Implement them into each clan league so battles can rely on skill, not level. Adding Level Caps can fix a common frustration in this update.
    3. More Tasks: From what we're seeing, we will probably going to be playing the same 2-3 modes for the entirety of Clan Wars II. Whether it's Best-of-3, Traditional, Final Battles at the Colosseum, or Boat Battles, we'll be doing the same thing every day for a few more years. Personally, I would like to see an additional River Task slot or two that houses a rotation of game modes for casual playing and additional fame.
    4. Increased Flexibility with Decks: How can we create unique & successful decks if a certain deck is incomplete or has the wrong cards? This goes for spells especially, since they're mandatory for deck success.
    5. Less Restrictions with War Decks: War Decks clearly reduces a player's freedom. Accompanied by ladder restrictions, wait times, and the flawed matchmaking, it makes the player experience horrendous.
    6. More Things to Do: We need more things to do in Clash Royale to keep the game running and players engaged. We shouldn't be pushed, leveraged, or forced to play something for the sake of increased rewards. We shouldn't be restricted with wait times, or reasons to not play Clash Royale.


    4. A Player's Progression

    It will take years to max out a single deck, and it appears that Clan Wars II encourages 4 maxed leveled decks?

    What's the real reason you're collecting all those rewards from challenges? Why do you open chests? To upgrade your card levels for ladder or level-dependent game modes. Ladder is getting stale and boring as time progresses; but if you're not a ladder player and you're past King Level 9 AND you don't play level-dependent modes, then these "rewards" Clan Wars II offers aren't as important to you than you think.

    This is a major topic that I want to cover since this is a very important factor in Clash Royale.

    How We Progress in the Game

    Here's a general summary of some ways we can get resources (chests, gold, etc):

    • Playing Challenges and Global Tournaments (earning gold and chests)
    • Ladder/Trophy Road (small stream of rewards & chests)
    • Pass Royale Tiers / Crown Chest
    • Playing Clan Wars (CWII today)
    • Shop offers
    • Getting gold from donating/collecting 500 gold from purchased pass
    • Classic/Grand challenges

    The points highlighted are the areas that have the best value in a rewards-earned/time-spent ratio, the best ways to spend time in Clash Royale, assuming you are FTP. If something is missing in the summary, please remind me in the comments, thanks!

    Clan Wars II and the Level Dependent System

    Most King 13 players will have at least 1 maxed out deck, the rest of the 3 would probably be underleveled in Clan Wars II. Each card required to max out from 12 > 13 is 100,000 gold (150,000 gold if 11 > 13), per card! I'm not sure how much gold Clan Wars II offers, but if this level-dependent system remains In-Game, it'll cost approximately 700,000 - 800,000 gold per deck, and I'm talking about if you have all the cards you need to upgrade, which'll probably not be the case.

    The addition of Clan Wars II almost made it mandatory to upgrade your cards to "at least" King Tower level, which is by far the worst toll in the Free-to-Play playerbase experience.

    Clash Royale should offer enjoyment with wide variety of things to do. The game should be fun to play. Brawl Stars is a perfect example. The game should not restrict you, nor force you to play certain modes or events for the sake of additional rewards.

    Chests and Progression

    Chests provide a random set of cards and gold, and there are 99 cards in the game as of September 1st, 2020. It functions as a gacha/RNG and relies on a player's luck. Let's talk about the most valuable and rarest chests in the game, the Mega Lightning Chest and Legendary King's Chest.

    Let's assume your cards are Level 9, and in order to max them out, you need 8800 commons, 2400 rares, 370 epics, and 35 Legendary, per card. Let's assume you'd rely on the two rarest chests for upgrades in Legendary Arena:

    1. A Mega Lightning Chest (ML) gives 846 cards, with 1L, 28E, 169R, and 648C per chest. This chest offers the most cards in a single chest, and allows you to strike up to 8 times. Let's assume you get the same cards per chest. You'll need to open the ML Chest minimum 13 times to max one Common, Rare and Epic, assuming you get the cards you want!
    2. A Legendary Kings Chest (LK) gives 360 cards, with 1L, 24E, 72R, and 263C per chest. This chest allows you to choose between two random sets of cards. Let's assume you get the same cards per chest. You'll need to open the LK Chest up to 33 times to max one Common, Rare and Epic, assuming you get the cards you want!
    3. The Mega Lightning Chest offers the most cards in a single chest in the game. You need to open this chest 13 times to max one single common card, one rare and one epic (Legendaries exception). In the game, there are 20C, 17R, and 17E. Let's assume you will be maxing 17 commons, rares and epics using the ML chest. To max these cards, you'll need to open a whopping 221 Mega Lightning Chests to max out 17 commons, rares and epics, assuming you get the cards you want!

    Trades can help too! Assume you have 10 Common, Rare and Epic Tokens. They are capable of giving you 2500 Common Cards, 500 Rares, 100 Epics, and 10 Legendaries, assuming your clannmates are willing to take your trades. And this only counts for 1 card!

    TL;DR: No matter what chest you get, even opening the rarest chests in Clash Royale won't give you an adequate number of cards to get close to upgrading, especially from Lvl 11- 13. I'm just talking about cards and the chest RNG, not the gold costs or trade tokens.

    Although there's a ton of math involved, you should understand how long it takes to progress in the game. It takes months or years to max out a single deck just by playing everyday.

    How To Improve Progression

    There are many ways to effectively improve progression:

    • Increasing the number of cards by 50-100% in every single chest will significantly make progression easier, while most likely not causing an inflation. This'll reduce the time spend upgrading by 25-50%, maybe cut a few months of reward collection.
    • Decreasing the gold cost to upgrade a single card by 25-50%, or reducing the card number requirement.
    • The Dev Team chose to implement more rewards, majority of them into Clan Wars II. While these rewards are fun to earn, they can also severely decrease the value of each chest, including the more valuable ones such as the Magical or Giant chest.
    • Have an offer in the shop that grants a large sum of cards (enough to upgrade), with the cost of a large sum of gold.
    • Improving the trophy road somehow?


    5. A Different Incentive?

    Upgrading cards, earning trophies, and collecting a stream of rewards shouldn't be the only incentive to play Clash Royale. Emotes and new Tower Skins have potential, but aren't even proper incentives since they are purely cosmetic and requires Pass Royale too.

    What Clash Royale needs is a new game mechanic, something that changes how we play Clash Royale. Let's take Brawl Stars for example; the introduction of Gadgets and Star Powers have been amazing additions into the game since they alter a brawler's core mechanic and changes the entire function of the game. These type of content feel new and changes how we play.

    Ultimately, we need something more encouraging to work on.

    We. Need. More Ways. To Play. Clash Royale.


    Conclusion - Final Words

    I'm a former active player of Clash Royale, Beta player, owned a successful clan for 2 years, joined a Nova Esports Clan; nowadays, I'm occasionally hopping on and off to play a few challenges.

    Clan Wars II was a good addition into Clash Royale, but sparked a lot of outrage and disappointment during since the update drop. This is mainly because of the major flaws the update brought, we should know what that is. This isn't something the team will be proud about, not right now.

    Will You Play Clan Wars II Everyday for Years to Come? Personally, I'd definitely play the update for the first week/month to try out the different player experience. However, I highly doubt CWII will keep the playerbase engaged everyday for years because it simply gets boring too quickly due to the limited/repetitive tasks.

    What's the Future of Clash Royale Like? There will always be CR players playing the game. However, we should expect a significant decline in daily Clash Royale players for the next coming years, especially the veteran playerbase.

    Is Clash Royale Dead? People are always stating that "the game is dead" all over the media. This is in-fact not true since there will always be active players around, making this statement is highly opinion-based. The game is probably dead, to you, since you personally lost the last of the Magic of Royale.


    It was an awesome journey with Clash Royale. It shaped a part of my life and introduced me to the world of Supercell and it's wonderful community, and I found lots of friends along the way. Now, I'm an active content creator for Brawl Stars.

    Big thanks to u/Supercell-Seth and u/Supercell_Drew for creating such an amazing game that has been adored by players for years.

    submitted by /u/Chief_Pekka
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    Clan Wars 2 Strategy: Boat Battles

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying the new clan wars and the new update. Here is what I've found out about boat battles. I've separated it into sections. Here are the important edits up top :)

    EDIT 1 - You can still play all the gamemodes even when your clan boat has been damaged. The only difference is instead of gaining fame, your clan will get hammers to repair the boat. Earlier I said it would be worth it for a clan to attack an enemy clan boat if they could fully damage it in less than 39 attacks. However, with this discovery of mine, having your clan plan a Mass Attack on a 15 defense boat is NOT a reasonable idea.

    EDIT 2 - Another point added to Section I about Boat Battles for underleveled players.

    EDIT 3 - Updated the best cards to put in the boat defense and also added an example of a strong boat defense setup.

    SECTION I: Is It Worth Using Up a Deck?

    • Yes! Boat battling with the intention to destroy an enemy clan boat will increase your clan's fame while slowing the enemy clan down if you destroy their boat.
    • In addition, if an enemy clan boat is destroyed, whatever fame they might have gained for the day has to go towards repairing the boat instead. (This is crucial in the final moments when you and another clan are maybe just a couple thousand fame away from finishing the river race.)
    • The boat battles PvE mode caps out at level 9, meaning players with underleveled cards who consistently lose in 1v1 will be able to contribute more to the clan in this mode.

    Here's the math** behind it: - Attacking an enemy's boat defense and taking one tower down gives the same amount of fame as losing a 1v1 battle. - When the enemy clan boat is destroyed, they must use up decks to get 3900 HAMMERS to repair the boat. Repairing will give the boat a maximum of 208 HAMMERS per deck. This means it will take at least * 19* DECKS to fully repair a clan boat. - THEREFORE, if it takes your clan less than 19 boat battles to fully destroy an enemy clan boat, they must spend more decks to REPAIR their boat than your clan used to attack. (Note this is only if all the attacks on that enemy clan boat are from your clan.)

    ** Calculated based on legendary league river race

    SECTION II: How to Destroy 2+ Towers in a Boat Battle

    2A) The best decks for attacking boat defenses are: - Decks with 1 big ground tank (Golem, Giant, Egolem, Giant Skeleton, etc.) - Three Musketeers Decks - Decks with freeze or clone * Decks with lower level cards

    2B) Watching the Clock: - When the boat battle starts, you will have 2 minutes in order to take out 1 tower. When you destroy the first tower, your timer will CHANGE (NOT ADD) to 1 minute. - VERY IMPORTANT! To maximize how much damage you do to the towers, DO NOT take your first tower until the last 10-15 seconds. That way you will get the maximum bonus time in order to build up a bigger push.

    2C) BIG NO-NOs - Do NOT play a building/spawner in your boat battle deck. - Don't play Royal Delivery when attacking

    SECTION III: Setting Up Your Boat Defenses

    My ideal boat defense so far is: - Hunter, Firecracker, Royal Delivery, and Ramrider in the left tower - Pekka, edrag, icewiz, and rage in the center tower - Giant skeleton, magic archer, skeletons, and royal ghost in the right tower

    Each tower should provide a blend of quick and cheap defense while also creating pressure on your opponent. The two best cards at adding pressure from my testing are royal ghost and ramrider. The towers have cycle when spawning cards and gain elixir very rapidly. This means you can sometimes get 2 giant skeletons to defend or 2 ramriders to create pressure opposite lane.

    3A) Best Cards to Put in Boat Defenses - Giant Skeleton (MVP imo) - Electro Dragon - Royal Delivery - Firecracker - Ice Wizard - Royal Ghost - Ram Rider - CHEAP CYCLE CARDS (skeletons, ice spirit, and rage)

    3B) Buildings - Buildings should always go in the middle tower because the building is always placed in front of the tower.

    3C) Card Levels - All cards in the boat defenses are capped out at level 9 so you want to pick cards that are not as underwhelming when underleveled.

    3D) BIG NO-NOs - DO NOT add cards like Golem, Egolem, or Goblin Giant with the hopes of taking out the 700 hp tower. They will defend and make a bigger counterpush (The exceptions to this are royal ghost and hog rider as royal ghost is a must respond and hog is a fast troop) - DO NOT just put the heaviest cards in the tower defenses. A lvl 9 pekka is not going to just beat a lvl 12/13 golem push.

    Thanks for reading! If you got to this point, comment down below your clan's first river race result and if you boat battled or not.

    submitted by /u/OceaniPlayZ
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    Don't spend money, it is in your best interest not to

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    - Many companies at some point or the other get too greedy and make the system P2W. Either one or two things happen next. Either people quit/refuse to spend money as a protest and the company is forced to turn back to the old system OR few players remain and the game dies.

    So you have a choice to make, the outcome of which determines the future of the game. If you stop spending money be it for 1-2 months, it is guaranteed Supercell will make the game more F2P. I always purchased pass royale, but no more from now on. I want the game to stay alive not barely afloat. I hope you do the same.

    Clash of clans got a bit too much P2W at some point too and bc many people left, the company made the game even more F2P then before the update. The same can happen here if enough people are smart enough to not buy stuff .. at least momentarily.

    submitted by /u/Snoo-65620
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    A List of Everything Wrong in CWII

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    The Supercell Creators Tournament

    The official subreddit and Supercell creators are celebrating the new clan wars with prizes. However, the requirements are usually quite steep and are the same for each creator clan you wish to join.

    People in the comments were not buying it

    to summarize the original post, complaints, and the explanation of some content creators:

    • You have to leave your clan to participate. So if you wanted to play the new clan wars with friends but really want those prizes, then you may as well say goodbye to your friends for 5 weeks.
    • You are also expected to be highly skilled (usually with a trophy requirement above 6k) and/or have higher level cards, otherwise good luck with those prizes! So only content creators, pros, or fully maxed out players actually benefits from this.
    • even if you were to qualify for any of those criteria's, good luck getting any space.

    The New Clan Wars/River Race Itself

    Despite many promises of better rewards, more exciting gameplay, and a supposedly more f2p environment, it's basically quite the opposite. And is even more of a clan management nightmare.

    • Rewards are basically the same, while the clan chest can be earned once a week and there is a legendary guaranteed in first place, you have to grind even more for the chests by forcing your entire clan to participate each day, so more laid back clans have to suffer being at a significant disadvantage.
    • 32 maxed cards are needed, even then you need to try and assemble 4 cohesive decks with them, otherwise you might as well just use your underleveled cards alongside them.
    • The only gamemode available is 1v1, literally just 1v1 and duels (which is just 2-3 1v1 matches against the same person but with a different deck)
    • Matchmaking is still unfair, which was a complaint in old clanwars.
    • The Trader can sometimes have duplicates for cards to give/recieve, which prevents 1 unique card to be traded away/for.
      I probably didn't word that well, so here's an example.
      A more extreme example of this issue.
    • The amount of fame earned by each player depends on how leveled up their deck is. If i were to give an example, 25 people in a clan with each war deck averaging 11-12 cards would be at a bigger disadvantage than 25 people in another clan with average card levels of 12-13 for each wardeck. Even if everyone in each clan were to win with each deck, those with the higher average card levels for each deck would be further ahead in the race for simply having players with higher level cards.
    • The boat defense AI is borked. Especially considering that they use spells even worse than trainers.
    • If you managed to get to the end of the race, you must wait until next week to play another war.
    • Clans in countries with certain timezones are more likely to have an upperhand than other countries.

    New UI Complaints

    • To get one thing out the way, the color scheme/pattern is too bright.
    • League badges no longer show up on profiles for clans/friends lists.
    • For some reason you can no longer search for new clans anymore if you are already in one
    • The button which sends you to the top of unread messages got removed (issue has been acknowledged)
    • You have to manually tap a clan member to see their last online/amount of donations, which is pretty annoying.

    Other Update Issues

    we were promised other things from this update, but we didn't get exactly what we want.

    • For a reason not explained, the option for random tower skins each game got pulled last minute.
    • Quests, which gave an incentive to play everyday and helped with f2p progression got removed for a single daily gift. But the gift just seems to be a few gems or cards for free in the shop (which is kinda worse). quests were removed for low completion rate but the easy solution was to make each individual quest give more rewards or to lower the amount of points needed for some chests.
    • A shop rework was mentioned, but literally nothing has changed except for a daily reward.
    • We simply just got very little in terms of QoL changes.
    • The queue chest button got swapped for no reason, causing lots of accidental spending of gems.


    Because no matter who you are, bugs/oversights in design will always appear after any update.

    A Conclusion, How to Save This Update Before it's too Late

    The Clan Wars 2 update is an unfortunate result of Supercell's greed, overhyping, and a drought for new content (which overtime caused players to quit the game) and this update made things even more sour between the community and the developers. The only thing that could make the community somewhat satisfied is by making the new clan wars tournament standard, or atleast having some form of level cap. Simply put, it just feels like a glorified ladder.

    submitted by /u/HowToWarpTextInPaint
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