• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 12, 2020

    Clash Royale Battle Healer ( Anime Version) made by me😇

    Clash Royale Battle Healer ( Anime Version) made by me��

    Battle Healer ( Anime Version) made by me��

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Petition to get a free reroll on sundays.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    FIXING CLAN WARS ISN’T THE FIX. Yes Clan Wars was Bad But It’s not the real problem.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Clan wars was the nail in the coffin for many. But it wasn't the stand alone issue, just the straw the broke the camels back. There are major fundamental issues to the game that over the years has made it stale and lackluster and caused many good friends and clan mates to quit either due to these below or combination of.

    (I'd like to add that The suggestions are obviously not the one best fix to these, just suggestions off the top of my head).

    Major core issues to the game imo are as follows:

    ❗️BALANCING ISSUE: Unnecessary buff to cards that were balanced (ice wiz, xbow, skel barrel, etc). Extreme changes to cards to break the meta (pekka massive range, freeze damage, exe massive damage etc). Leaving toxic cards untouched (eg this season Barb hut and skel barrel, even heal spirit needed it's heal Ability nerf, radius didn't fix anything)

    ✅FIX: Need a new team imo and a whole month of being stuck in a toxic season is too long imo.

    ❗️P2W FOCUS/ORIENTATION: All recent content: pass royale. New cards. Buying emotes. All Wars, forcing peeps to level /spend to up collection or be at huge disadvantage if they don't/borderline can't participate/ kicked from clans.( not to mention the major p2w ramp up of war2.0 edition brought). Main issue with this focus is not that they provide these things, is that there have not being any additional major updates AS WELL AS it (clan road was an unwanted replacement to end season draft chest, nothing new). They say there's 2 teams and that the Pass team doesn't take away from update team but meanwhile proof shows monthly updates of the pass and no new big content update for years. Plus when the update is due they skimp on the pass side (reusing old arenas last 2 season, reusing loading screen, less emotes- none for f2p for challenges etc) shows they haven't been able to equally work on both.. which brings me to next point with fix:

    ❗️NO NEW FUN CONTENT/ OR REGULAR UPDATES: As the title covers, we wait far too long between updates and new content. Over a year for this wars we got. And more so Especially one that caters to casuals and without money making agenda. Like what exactly original 2v2, achievements, quests and clan chest did. Irony is those "fun" no pressure features is what's held on to a lot of the casual player base. Still a money stream for SC without having to strangle it out of people like what clan wars 1+2 does. These additions were just a another fun Avenue for everyone to play the game with side quests etc. Not to mention having regular QOL additions that could be added (eg more deck+chest slots. In game recruiting. Etc)

    ✅FIX: Hire a bigger Update team. Current one is clearly not keeping up with demand/expectation of player base. Also add fresh new fun content at the Very LEAST once a year if not every 6/8months. *further definition of "fun new content" +possible suggests +QOL points are at the bottom of post * ..Could have easier revamped quests (added better rewards of star points, tokens, challenges tokens etc)

    ❗️COMMUNICATION: Granted Drew has stepped up more since the update, and even more So in the right direction with the latest transparency post. However, it's a matter of consistency and whether or not that will be kept up. Countless times they've said they will communicate more but is short lived. I'm talking general communication Not just surrounding updates but the large silent gaps between & around. Info especially surrounding this update wasn't great imo, seemed rushed, a lot of vids were dropped for a Q+A and in the end left us going in blind to the update. Generally community clearly needs more. Constant updates. Especially since Seth has completely withdrawn from community chat.

    ✅FIX: 1. Hire more. Daria lasted a day, why not find a replacement. Less of a workload for Drew. He has a massive job for one person to manage, and alot of the other SC teams has at least 2 CM. 2. Also just Communicate more- I'd like to see more regular "transparency posts" like one of late that has community feedback/opinions/suggestions Drew has collected and presented to the team. Can also Do regular community in game polls of content /game modes etc community can vote on/have input with. And just post regular info updates more: the good, the bad, and the ugly, just update us! Stop being afraid of the community reactions and just put the info out there. Eg "this is the plan, for (this timeframe) even if it is with Disclosures, " It may not go as planned but will let you know if anything changes if it does"!

    ❗️MATCHMAKING/ELO: This 50:50 is infuriating. Never feel like progress. Can easy play ladder for an hour and earn no extra trophies or worse be 300trophies lower than began. It's predictable clockwork, if you win you face always your same ole ultimate counter deck. People are over this. They see it. And hope in the game is lost. Before it was "if I just upgrade my cards I'll be able to climb". Now it's no matter what cards I upgrade or how many times you change a deck you'll be always stumped by MM. so what's the point. It's not a skill based game, it's a rigged rock paper scissor roulette.

    ✅FIX: 1. why can't match per trophy level and card levels. Less of screw you over game to just play and whoever deserves to win without algorithms screwing you. 2. Even having duels as an option for ladder.

    ❗️NO CONTENT FOR FULLY MAXED PLAYERS/NOTHING TO DO WITH MAX GOLD: As title suggests. I won't go too much into this as it is the minority of players plus a lot of Players have given great suggestions here in reddit, one being: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/if5ilj/true_silver_true_gold_skins_for_card_collection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    ❗️WAR: - I'll keep this short since it's being talked to Death the last 2 week. Aside all the main obvious flaws. For me biggest issue is it isn't fun, more chore ish. Like the old war it feels grindy and tedious but worse. There isn't much clan interaction or strategy it's mostly an individual ladder lacking less creativity and variety than the last (war1.0 had alternating collections+ daily unique war deck construction). - Not too sure on the fix tbh. The whole core mechanic they've made and already said they won't change - Perhaps having it as a shorter event and alternating with Clan Chest ..?

    ❇️For QOL additions. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/hzmv8f/much_needed_qol_changes_that_need_to_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    ❇️POTENTIAL FUNNEW FUTURE CONTENT: - weekend 2v2 global tourney. - Waves. Like BRawl stars. Each round gives more loot. - King of the hill. - Adding back prizes to private tourneys. So clans can have a way to bond /have fun. A simple rewarded fun way to play/grind the game whenever you like that doesn't cost you but only reward you for your time you put in. - Despite its controversy even 2v2 ladder a lot of the community being asking for it as an option would be fun to experiment with just to Mix it up with something different.

    Hopefully SC actually pays attention to these. So many players have quit, and understandably, from one of the many frustrating reasons above and more so loss of hope that those things will ever be fixed. This game was no.1 at one stage and the last glimmer of hope the remaining players hang on to is maybe one day they'll fix the current issues and change. Yes war update was terrible and needs fixing, the games issues Doesn't hinge entirely all on Clan wars, although it's been all the talk (for good reason) it's now just the newest additions to one of the many major flaws to the game in its day to day use that are all over due for being addressed. And for a large part a lot of these pain points don't seem to even be in their radar let alone priority at all. Hope for the game sake they do. It has such potential. Irony is If they move such intent of forcing players to "play the game their way" and constantly spend but rather just release regular fun updates the community asks for it would actually increase their revenue by players wanting to spend to play the game, not only retaining players but generating new ones just as Coc and BS has done.

    submitted by /u/Crispycase
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    After 2 years of staying committed to this 2.6 deck, I’ve finally maxed it out!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    My little sister made me this!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    Dart Goblin (made by me)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    i made a mini pekka cake!!!! it was really fun, and would love feedback! no special flavours, but still very good! YUMMMMMMY

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Make each week clickable, it looks like it should be clickable to go back to past weeks but it's not.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    [LEAK] 100th card confirmed by Brice! (Creative Lead for Supercell, card name/info/description in the comments)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    My 1st Classic Challenge 12 wins... And it was a beauty!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    New card idea: BATTLE MAN (open to suggestions and/or questions), inspired by CWA's battle ram mistake lol

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Inspired by Yugi oh, Change of heart ! Switch opponents cards to your deck.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Biggest emote spam ever??

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Nice Deck

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Because that's what heroes do

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Suggestion for New Game Mode: Hold'em Royale

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Recently, my son and I have enjoyed playing a friendly battle game mode, which we call "Hold'em". It's loosely based on the poker game "Texas Hold'em". The basic rules are as follows:

    1) Use a Clash Royale deck randomizer and select the first 4 cards. These will be the 4 shared cards.

    2) Each player creates a new deck starting with the 4 shared cards from step 1.

    3) Each player has 1 minute to choose 4 other cards to complete their deck.

    4) Battle!

    You can use clashroyale.news to as your deck randomizer or whatever other site you find.

    We enjoy this mode for several reasons. Every battle gives you a new combination of cards to deal with. The 4 shared cards makes it a little like a mirror match. Being able to select the 4 remaining cards lets you test your deck building skills. Plus, there's some mind games involved since you can try to predict which cards your opponent will use and counter them.

    I think this would be a fun game mode for Supercell to officially add to the game. If this sounds interesting to you please try it out and provide some feedback.


    submitted by /u/leetokuda
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    I feel depressed everyday, interactions doesn't matter anymore, just the levels and money you spend in the game. I'm a casual and thought duels were fun, but they are stressing with all of the dissadvantages.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Best free tower skin ever ��? - one thing which seems to have gone unnoticed among the chaos is that we get a free tower skin this season and it seems to be the best free one ever - especially from skin user's vantage point , Thanks supercell

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    We finished 2nd so I leave to help 4th place cross the finish line before war ends. I get this message after giving them 4 attacks and only had 8 more mins of cooldown before I could give them 4 more attacks. Okay, buddy. Enjoy not getting a chest.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    [Mini Discussion Post] Weekly Discussion Post 1: Revised thoughts on the Clan Wars 2 Update

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:49 PM PDT


    Hey everyone, J.Corby17 here. This is my first ever post as a Discussion Mod, so the format of might not be up to par as you expect from me. The format I'm trying to get is "Discussion Topic" followers by a post that connects to the Discussion Topic. We are going to start of simple for this weeks Mini Discussion Post:


    After a bit of time getting used to to the new Update, what are your revised thoughts on the Clan Wars 2 Update? What went wrong/right in your opinion? What would you add/change to Clan Wars 2 to make the game better overall? Please try be objective when giving ideas.

    • This post by u/eadcda over here tackles this topic very well and using objective reasoning in his changes.


    I hope you all like this format for my Weekly Discussion Post. How would you like me to format them. Let me know down below. Take care everyone, Clash on!

    submitted by /u/JCorby17
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    How To Honestly Fix Clan Wars

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit. I have some ideas I would like to share. All I ask is you give it an honest read. Thanks in advance :)

    Drew did a great job of explaining the issues in his post yesterday, so I will not repeat them in detail. Rather I will touch on each issue and provide what I believe to be realistic solutions that tackle ALL of the design flaws that currently exist.

    Here are all the issues I will be addressing:

    1. River Race is Not a Race

    2. Time Zone Advantage

    3. Small vs Large Clans

    4. Lack of Incentive to Attack Boats

    5. No Strategy Required

    6. Max Level Advantage

    NOTE: After addressing each issue, I will propose a solution. Once each issue is addressed, I will take all the solutions and incorporate them into the new war system I will be proposing.

    1. River Race is Not a Race

    50 man clans can finish the race in a single day before their defenses go down. The current system favors quantity (number of attacks) over quality (how a clan uses their attacks). War should require some degree of strategy and last for a full week.

    SOLUTION: Remove fame threshold.

    2. Time Zone Advantage

    Currently, Eastern clans have an advantage as they have access to war battles sooner than Western clans. Clash Royale is a global sensation and it should stay that way, therefore we need to change how war is executed.

    SOLUTION: This is already solved by removing the fame threshold (I will explain why below).

    3. Small vs Large Clans

    Currently, Large clans have a clear advantage as the system favors quantity. CW1 was not perfect by any means, but one thing it nailed was leveling the playing field for all clans no matter their size.

    SOLUTION: Match clans based on size. All clans should be within 5 members of each other (e.g. 45-50 player clans will be paired). All clans will have an EQUAL number of attacks/decks based on the highest member count of competing clans (I will explain how this is possible below).

    4. Lack of Incentive to Attack Boats

    Currently attacking boats does not provide as much value as battling. They give fewer rewards and provide less fame. The advantage of taking out another clan's boat is outweighed by simply battling. With this system, if you have the opportunity to battle for fame, you should battle for fame. There needs to be a bigger tradeoff when deciding to attack a boat or battle for fame.

    SOLUTION: With the fame threshold removed, boats can no longer power through to the finish line. This means all boats will be vulnerable and taking out boats will have a bigger impact (I will explain how below).

    5. No Strategy Required

    As mentioned already, war is a matter of just attacking as many times as possible. It requires no planning or communication between clan members.

    SOLUTION: By shifting power back into boat battles, clans will have to better strategize around how they use their attacks. This also includes an interesting update to boat battle defenses (more on that below).

    6. Max Level Advantage

    This one is pretty straight forward. Card levels matter, so max clans have a clear advantage.

    SOLUTION: The solution is also straight forward. Cap card levels by league. There is no reason why this should not already be implemented. War should thrive on competitive spirit, and you simply can't accomplish that when players are objectively held at a disadvantage.

    Now that I have addressed all the major issues, I will propose the new war system.


    Clan Wars will last a full 7 days before deciding a winner. The clan with the most fame at the end wins. This ensures ALL clans receive a chest.

    1v1 battles (not duels) will be replaced with 2v2 duels. Max deck slots will be reduced from 4 to 3. The reason for this change is to help ease the burden of required max cards (24 instead of 32), while also supporting the new system. With only 3 slots, you now have to choose between dueling (higher risk as losing will result in minimal fame gains) or dedicating all 3 decks to boat battles (lower risk and nets ZERO fame, but all 3 attacks will have guaranteed impact).

    In order to level the playing field completely, all clans have an equal number of decks per day (e.g. a 49 member clan competing in a 50 member clan war will always have a member with 2x decks to get them to 50). If you are a player with 2x decks, you can't use the same deck twice in a single duel. That means nothing fundamentally changes, except the player will be able to duel twice if they wish (very similar to how CW1 functioned).

    As we all know, members come and go. In this new system, war decks are assigned at the start of each day so all clans will always have the same number of decks. If a player joins a clan, they can't attack until the next day when war decks are re-assigned. This also addresses the current exploit of clans bringing in new members temporarily to boost fame. If a player leaves without using all their decks, another clan member can claim those unused decks to reset timers on their own.

    Now let's talk about boat battles and why your clan will want to do them. Destroying a boat will require 30 decks to repair. If a player chooses to repair, they sacrifice all 3 of their decks for that day. That means you will need 10 players to sacrifice their decks for a given day. While your boat is down, your clan CANNOT battle for fame (but you can still attack other boats). This greatly increases the impact of boat battles as you take a direct hit to your potential fame gain for a given day when your boat is compromised.

    However, that is not all! Boat battles were supposed to be the "completely new way to play the game" so they could use some improvements. The problem with the current system is the boat defenses are the same for every defense (xbow towers). Adding troops definitely adds a level of diversity, but I don't think that is enough to revitalize a player's interest. We need a variety of boat defenses that each has pros and cons that require players to put more thought into what deck they use to attack.

    Here are some examples of potential boat defenses:

    • Xbow tower - High single-target damage output

    • Flame tower - Medium area damage with burn effect

    • Lightning tower - Medium chain lightning damage with stun effect

    • Turbine tower - Low area damage with push back effect

    • Frost tower - Low area damage with slow effect

    Now let's address what you all are thinking: if you have to choose between duel or boat battle, isn't unfair to players that choose boat battles as they will net less gold?

    To simply put it: NO.

    This war system no longer rewards gold at an individual level. Each day, you will have an empty boot (long live the boot) and every Duel win or Enemy Boat Defense destroyed will add a rock into the boot. The goal is to fill the boot with as many rocks as possible. Each boot will have a threshold (based on clan size) that if you meet, your clan will receive maximum gold. If your clan falls short, you will receive the prorated amount (e.g. 5 rocks in a 10-threshold boot will net 50% gold).

    The biggest and most important change: ALL clan members will receive the same amount of gold (e.g. if the max reward is 5k gold, then every clan member will receive 5k gold on days threshold is reached). Clan Wars should reward a clan based on their ability to work together and strategize, not solely on an individual's ability. Of course, any member that does not use any decks that day will NOT receive the reward.


    Clan Wars 2 has so much potential, but the current system has too many shortcomings that ultimately lead to unfulfilling player experiences. Clash Royale has always been an individual-oriented game and Clan Wars 1 failed to shift it towards a clan-oriented game. With the proposed changes, Clan Wars 2 can help bring the game into a new age. An age of teamwork, competition, and glory.

    And with that, I thank you for reading and making this far. I know things have been rough lately, but I ask you all of one thing: put aside your anger and frustration, and help me and all the other clashers who have supported this game over the years to rebuild it on a foundation of joy, memes, and, of course, wars!

    submitted by /u/iKhron
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    New meme template? (dont think it's been posted already)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:18 AM PDT

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