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    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    Clash Royale This makes me sad

    Clash Royale This makes me sad

    This makes me sad

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I can neither confirm nor deny if we accepted the offer ��

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    "Data Scientist" -- one guy?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    "Data Scientist" -- one guy?

    I've refrained from posting for two main reasons:

    1. My clan is hyper-organized and taking advantage of the screw ups
    2. I wanted to give the update some time

    I'm deciding to post now because:

    1. Clan wars is boring, and we don't need this edge
    2. The latest response from Drew didn't even touch on several of our main points.

    Firstly, Drew's response https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/iqrib8/official_quick_update_from_the_dev_team/ didn't address a number of items I hope they take into consideration:

    1. More of your decisions in this update should have been data driven and either weren't or weren't made well. You referenced "our Data Scientist" not "our Data Scientists/Data Science team" -- you're note investing enough in data science if you've got one guy.
    2. For the love of god -- play test this stuff w/ your creators; I assume you didn't because you were building up to the deadline -- you set yourselves up for failure. You need your dev teams and marketing departments aligned so you're not creating unnecessary fire drills for your dev team. You could've rolled out these different game modes, play styles, UI updates in smaller updates and gotten feedback along the way...
    3. Clan management, API updates/metrics -- my clan uses the dev API to make a ton of recruiting decisions as well as identifying upgrade paths and other key metrics; the latest update has made a lot of our criteria less critical, but hasn't offered any new metrics

    Suggestions/Thoughts (in no particular order):

    • League resets, my clan was at ~28k we've been matched with a clan that was at ~36k and several clans that were barely over 3k. I really appreciate that you took this opportunity to reset rankings -- I just hate the way you did it, and that you've done it in a way that is going to result in the exact same problems as the original ranking. My grip with the original ranking is that two clans w/ the same rank could have gotten there in very different ways by being good or just by being around for a really long time. A better metric for a clan's skill (still not perfect) would've been trophies/# wars -- this would better indicate the skill of the clan. You should have (and it may not be too late) stratified the clans based on their trophies and skill -- effectively demoting (and potentially promoting) clans into new leagues. Instead you guys tried to not piss off the 3k clans who were in legendary so they're just going to get destroyed be better clans -- forever.
    • This is arguably more game theory than data science, but you created the boat yard -- and made it useless. Boat yard is useless because it burns a deck and gives 1x fame; the same as losing. So even if you're a garbage player, you're better off doing a 1v1 or Bo3 and hoping the other player disconnects because the loss gives you the same amount as the boat yard and a win gives you 2x. Boatyard should be ~1.5x -- that'd make it at least a consideration for weaker players as of right now boatyard is NEVER a good decision.
    • You also created boat attacks and made them *arguably* useless. This is a harder concept from a game theory perspective, but I'll try to simplify it. Attacking someone's boat could be considered a negative fame for the target and gives your some fame. The negative fame is 1/4th as valuable as positive fame because holding someone back only effects your clan's relative position vs that one clan whereas pushing yourself forward effects your relative position compared to all 4 of the clans. The only scenario where a boat attack may be worth while is when the target immediately in front of you is about to cross the finish line AND their boat is substantially damaged - which is semi-rare. This sucks; the boat attacks are a cool part of the game, but my clan doesn't attack boats -- it isn't a winning strategy. This is a river race -- let's make this a more important part of the game. Make it fewer defenses to take down a boat (maybe 3-5) so that there's a legitimate reason to attack a boat (lower opportunity cost) or change the mechanic all together -- it'd be cool if you could only pass a boat if it was destroyed (like pirate ships shooting cannons at each other) -- once your catch up in fame other game modes are disabled until their boat is destroyed -- along those lines, maybe make it so you can only attack boats one ahead or one behind you.
    • The 4 unique decks is my favorite addition to the game - I really like the idea of an underdog system. That said, the fame being tied to trophies (even inversely) is not scaled appropriately. One level difference should not be a one fame point difference -- that doesn't respect the added cost (gold and cards) of upgrading the card; something like the following would be better:


    • Boat Defenses: This was supposed to be the equalizer for lower level clan members, but then you made the towers based on the card levels too. My clan is organizing to only have 15 players, with the right maxed cards, create defenses even with that, the mechanic is broken. Any tank played in the back will take a tower or two. I think it'd be interesting if you allowed us to set the spawn points for each card -- to make it a little more customized. Also, the tank slow push is too strong; maybe consider having the turrets spawn every 5-10 seconds when they're not dealt damage -- this would force the attacker to defend more instead of just building waves.
    • Dev API/Clan Metrics -- I don't like that members can continue to collect fame after the race is won -- I don't care if a member finished the race with 2.5k fame, I care that we finished the race when they had 1.2k I hope the api reflects those metrics. Also, when you start adding a member's fame to their profile PLEASE don't just add total fame-- when we're evaluating players to join the clan I'd rather take a new player whose good over a old player who isn't - we historically used CW1 win % and miss rates to decision requesting members, but we'll need to replace that with an equally meaningful metric -- I'd like to see a win metric that ignores boat attacks (as long as Bo3 and 1v1 have the same fame schedule, but if that changes we'd ideally have win% for each)
    • Bo3 (Best of Three) is a great concept but a lack luster execution. It has some pros and cons vs 1v1, but isn't well differentiated. I've been telling my members to do 1v1 in case they hit a lag spike -- it's better to lose one match than 2. Bo3 is better for higher skill players as they can select a second deck that is hard countered by the cards in their opponent's first deck but other than that doesn't seem to offer anything new -- I'd love to see the fame rewards be related to the play. If you win in a blowout you should get more fame than simply winning two 1v1s and if you lose in a blowout you should get less fame than simply losing two 1v1s.
    • I'm really worried about matchmaking -- especially with the same clans playing for 5 weeks at a time. I can already tell you, if it makes sense -- my clan will drop down to 10 players when matchmaking kicks off then bring the other 40 back in after we're matched. We will game the system -- make a system that isn't game-able or we will. This is where talking to the community is important -- post your ideas, and I'll (As well as others) will tell you how we'd abuse them. I think the correct answer will likely involve new clans each week and rewards capped based on the number of players during clan matchmaking.
    • QoL-- create a link capability that copies 4 war decks at once. Players need to be able to share deck sets in addition to individual decks

    I'm sure I forgot some of my points, I'll add them later as I remember them -- but I wanted to put these out there as the team is thinking about improvements.

    Generally speaking -- you guys need more analysts and data scientists; a lot of the quant was half-baked

    submitted by /u/ESchalton
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    2v2 teammate left the match. While waiting for my opponents to win, they took 2 towers and then left.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Looks like the royal ghost became an actual ghost

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    If you're not max it should give you xp, otherwise it's just a wasted slot in the store

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    When you now have to wait for tiers to open up cuz it’s nopassseptember

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    [IDEA] Let us move Emotes!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Gems need to have more value in leveling up cards, 400 gems for an upgrade that I only need 8k coins to complete.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I wish you could watch a replay of how your defense was destroyed. I guess it would be difficult because it happens over a course of a few battles.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    [HIGH EFFORT POST] "Make Clans Great Again!" - More than 60 (!) useful ideas to improve clans in Clash Royale! - by concept_royale

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Hey guys, it's concept_royale from Twitter & Instagram!

    Clans are in my opinion the best feature in Clash Royale. You can chat with your friends, get to know other players, earn huge rewards by dominating in Clan Wars 2, trade & request cards for faster upgrades in your card collection, build up a little "family" with the clan members, get glory for the performance against other clans in War AND SO MUCH MORE ...

    Since it´s THE area of the game that I like the MOST, I spend a lot of time on using this part in CR.

    In this thread, I'll post ALL of my ideas (bigger features & quality of life changes) for clans that could really improve them and would make them better.

    So with this being said, here's the list of these great update ideas:

    - clan quests

    - clan games as seen from CoC

    - clan levels as seen from CoC

    - ability to request one legendary card from clans per season

    - pinned message in clan chats

    - ability to see when a member has joined a clan

    - ability to see how long a player has already been owning his/her current clan role

    - friendly Clan Wars

    - clan leaders could get banned because of creating clans with an inappropriate name

    - message for the leader and co-leaders in clan chats, which player changed the clan settings

    - message for the leader and co-leaders in clan chats, which player invited another person

    - seperat tab with card requests and trades in clans so that messages in clan chats are clearer

    - card request notifications and trade notifications in clan chats are seperated from each other

    - ability to quote a message in clan chats

    - increase of the limit of messages in clan chats from 100 to 200

    - ability to delete your own messages in clan chats

    - more requirements for joining a clan

    - ability to get automatically kicked out of a clan if you don't participate in a Clan war or don't reach the weekly donation/trophy goal

    - in-game translator for sent messages in clan chats

    - fixed location time for CW 2 deck cooldowns

    - "donate all"-button for cards in clan chats

    - @ feature in clan chats

    - leaders can lock parts of clan settings so co-leaders can´t change it

    - online / busy / offline status in the clan members list

    - ability to edit messages in clan chats

    - ability to practise Duels in clans

    - tournament standard card levels in CW 2

    - ability to draft cards in the clan wars chest

    - exclusive clan emotes

    - ability to request cards that are maxed out to earn star points

    - ability to create polls in clan chats

    - ability for the clan leader and the co-leaders to remove messages from other people

    - ability to send voice memos in clan chats

    - more promotable roles in clans (for example 'elder' > 'senior' > 'veteran' > 'co-leader' ...)

    - ability to personalize reject messages (adding a text to it) - like the option when you kick someone out of the clan

    - allow players to collect more than 10 pass royale bounties from clan chats (up to 20)

    - ability to select colours of clan names

    - ability to see the 3 longest members of a clan in its description

    - revamping the description editor because it's really annoying to edit as you have to delete the stuff you've already written to change things

    - copy-post option for the clan description

    - more text space for the clan description

    - custom clan roles like on Discord for greater flexibility and control to reward its members

    - ability to ban someone from a clan forever

    - a sort-by option on the clan leaderboard (sort by trophies, donation count, last active, role etc.)

    - nickname in clan chats

    - bookmarking clans - if you want to save a friend's clan or maybe there's a family clan you'd like to keep tabs on, they would allow help keep things organized

    - ability to post friend links in clan chats

    - ability to share your emote deck with your clan

    - clan perks as seen from CoC

    - ability to nudge clan members for playing their War Battles

    - ability to reroll the Trader's offers for free on Epic Sundays

    - new river task: 2v2 Duel

    - new river task 2v2 Battle

    - ability to watch replays of defended boat battles

    - ability to watch replays of attacked boat battles

    - ability to watch replays of Duels from every clan member

    - the top 5 clan members who earned the most fame in a River Race should get extra rewards as well

    - ability to spectate the matches of the River Race enemy clans

    - ability to switch between a dark and a transparent background of the clan chat

    - security messure for promoting a new clan leader as it seems that leaders are very often promoted by mistake

    - ability to advertise clans in-game

    - ability to write to which clan member in clan chats or not (e.g. useful for tournament brackets)

    - ability to open links that were sent in clan chats

    - ability to send pictures that have to contain a verified item from the Clash universe in clan chats

    - underdog system for the matchmaking in CW 2

    - new clan sizes: 10/25/50

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day! :)

    Clash on!



    submitted by /u/anonymer_unbekannter
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    Clan war 2 be like:

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Leaving game, no reason to keep playing

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I'm a clan leader. Was hanging in the hope that the huge clan wars 2 update was going to bring fun back to the game.

    My clan is half dead, it was hard to bring active people to the clan, I was really hoping that the clan wars to make everything easier, but I was wrong. After the update I woke up to the reset of the clan trophies, making it harder to recruit people. The clan wars are way to long and since the clan is half dead we are stuck in the last places while the other clans rush the race. We don't even finish the race, so the reward we get sucks, then we lose even more trophies because we finished in 4th place. Then I hoped that we were going to get matchmaked again with easier clans because we got demoted to silver league. Wrong again, we just keep racing with the same clans again, so we get the exact same reasult as the last time. As the leader this is really stressful and not fun at all, so I'm really considering leaving the game after playing since launch.

    TL;DR: Clan wars made everything harder as a clan leader, so I'm considering leaving the game

    submitted by /u/MV-564
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    Mini Pekka questions the Triangle Inequality

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Rascals - work in progress

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Fishermen playing their own game

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Best update ever!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    The sweetest of the rockets! Wait for it.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    New tooltip. Just thought it was interesting.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    As a Hog Player I know Every Single HIT COUNTS. I made it interesting ��

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    They actually listened to community ideas, I remember someone mentioning this idea a few months ago... finally some fucking good content...

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Glad they are making changes, though the memes will be miseed

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    So I tought that we were finished

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Don’t you just love it karma bites?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:07 PM PDT

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