• Breaking News

    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Clash Royale So this explains why I’ve been losing...

    Clash Royale So this explains why I’ve been losing...

    So this explains why I’ve been losing...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    [Humour] Guys, I don’t know what you’re complaining about. This was a “Major Update”!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    King activation for 1/3 of an elixir

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I thought skeleton dragons were going to be the boosted card?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    Thank you for a good chest this time supercell ��

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Idea : Fixing the Legendary Chest to make it more valuable - Offering to pick TWO legendaries out of six! (Concept image below, badly edited, I'm sorry)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    At this point I just want to give away my fisherman cards for gold since no one wants them.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Disappointed with Supercell, frustrated with the game

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I have played this game since the very beginning, and I've had some great times with it. However, the game has been in a state of decline, and honestly I don't get the same excitement with playing it anymore. keep in mind I have played over 2000 hours of this game, have hit top 1000 in my country, and genuinely make CR part of my life. that said, the game is in a very poor state right now, and I wanted to voice my concern, anger, and disappointment with it from my perspective who takes the game more seriously than most.

    1. Lack of content

    There are now multiple posts that have thousands of up votes expressing frustration with the lack of transparency towards the player base regarding the update. since there is already plenty of conversation around this, I won't say too much. generally, I feel it is better to wait so we can have a better update, although the dev's lack of transparency has made it very frustrating, as the current system of clan wars is incredibly dry and unfun, and is by far the worst part of the game. (ok, and touchdown too)

    2. Competitive play

    While CRL has been a great success, for much of the playerbase, it is a false reality, and does not at all reflect their own experience in the game. There is very little incentive for players to get better at the game, and for higher level players, there is very little for us to show off our talent and compete. The only thing players like me have are community run tournaments, which simply aren't enough to foster the competitive scene. The current competitive scene feels very exclusive and elitist, and there needs to be more ways to get involved in game, with more official support from Supercell. There needs to be more incentive for players to want to compete and improve and learn about the game, and there has to be a more accessible system for tournaments and a better pipeline for people to start competing.

    3. Ladder and challenges

    I am primarily a ladder player. While Gc's are not terrible, I find that they are not very fun. Having to pay to play in the closest thing to a competitive, leveled out meta is incredibly frustrating for people who do not spend money on this game. Ladder for higher level players is a boring grind, with very little incentive to push. On low ladder, there is virtually no skill and is honestly so frustrating to play. Most of my friends who have quit did so because ladder from about 3000 trophies all the way to to mid legendary arena is a swamp of over leveled players using completely brain dead decks that do not feel fun or fair to play with. While higher level players feel frustrated that there is very little besides ladder and gc's, lower level players are trapped in a hell of overleveled garbage that they cannot escape from. There is no meaningful content for them, the challenges Supercell puts out do not lead to anything, and there is very little reason to keep playing when they get screwed over by overleveled commons and other mid-ladder woes that people constantly complain about, and that Supercell, for some reason, refuses to fix.

    4. Balance and skill in the game

    I play cycle decks. I love to play this game with fast paced, high skill cap decks like balloon, wall breakers, mortar, and 2.9 xbow. One of the most infuriating things in this game has been the prominence of over-defensive and annoying decks like golem, elixir golem, sparky, ice bow, and graveyard. Don't get me wrong, these decks do require you to play strategy, the problem is that their strategy relies on stacking your decks with so many defensive cards that it is almost impossible to break through or punish, and just counter push with no way to stop the push due in large part to the ability of tornado to function both as a way to completely counter pushes on defense with very little thought or consequence, while also completely countering any defending troops by tornado-ing them together. Supercell has completely botched this tornado rework, and the result is a meta where most of the meta decks revolve around having an unreasonably stacked defense, and simply defending the opponent's every push and draining them with counterpushes, or just building an enormous push thanks to a massive elixir advantage that came from the opponent being forced to overspend to try to attack, often for a measly amount of damage. The problem is that currently, the meta sucks for players who wish to play fast paced, high skill cycle decks that require precise placement and a very in depth knowledge of the game mechanics. These decks are constantly overshadowed by the over defensive nature of the current meta. While a fast cycle deck like balloon, (which is one of my main decks) has to play with very precise mechanics and focus throughout their matches in order to win, a deck like graveyard can just defend perpetually with a plethora of defenses that are impossible to break through. This type of gameplay is extremely boring and repetitive, and is very frustrating to play against. Considering the success of CRL is built on turning the game into a spectator sport (since it is very difficult to actually get involved in competitive clash as a normal player), it is baffling that Supercell would continue to allow such a boring and defensive meta to persist. Honestly, no one wants to play against an opponent who just spams troops behind a tank and wins not because they outplayed you, but because they can just start a push in the back knowing that is you dare to counter attack, they will just nado it all away or tower trade for a 3 crown. No one wants to watch a crl match where the opponents slug hordes of troops against each other, and the win condition comes down to
    who can nado the other players pushed together and just make an unstoppable push that is impossible to stop or outplay. It is boring and uninteresting, and Supercell needs to make a meaningful change to the meta. The current balances focus far too much on introducing new cards into the meta, often times completely overdoing the changes. Every new card they introduce just becomes another option to spam behind a golem or giant, or another card that can be added to make defense even harder to break through. Getting damage should not be as simple as playing one card behind another and just using spells to delete anything the opponents defend with. It should not be as simple as using earthquake to completely delete defenses and guarantee damage. This game is already hemorrhaging players, and the meta keeps pushing more to quit.

    5. What needs to be done

    What I just outlined is a very high level, overarching problem in the game. There is no cut and clear way to address the balance issues in the game, but the devs could certainly do a better job working with the community. There have been many questionable balances in the past that have resulting in horrible, unhealthy metas, such as the october and april balance changes. A public test environment where the community could help vet the balance changes would be very beneficial, and help connect the community to the devs. Mid and lower ladder has to be changed, or their main player base will fade away. More opportunities for competitive play have to be introduced, and more players need to be involved in the competitive scene. Balances in general need to be geared towards creating a more interesting, less defensive meta that fosters skill in the game and is fun for all players. Frustrating play styles like xbow, beatdown, and graveyard need to changed. I do not claim to be a balance guru, but it is clear that these decks are detrimental to the health of the game. Supercell needs to be much more open with the community. It will be hard. They will get a ton of undeserved hate. But it is the right thing to do, and I hope they will be responsible and make strides to connect with the community and work with, and not against or in spite of us.

    6. A call to action

    It is clear to me that the game needs a change in direction. Whether you are a high level player like me, or a newer player trying to make it to your next arena, we all need to come together and speak out with our voices. It is our responsibility to voice our concerns for the game and make sure we are heard. It is Supercell's responsibility to listen to their community. If you are frustrated with the game, please do not be silent. Voice your concerns through mediums like Reddit. Upvote posts that advocate for positive changes to the game, and hold Supercell accountable for their actions (or lack thereof).

    In conclusion, make your voice heard, and be safe during these crazy times. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.

    Edit: since this post gained a lot of traction, I wanted to add some things.

    First, shoutout to my clan, veridical ™. They are a great bunch of lads and they are truly great friends.

    Edit: Second, in regards to the people saying I am a hypocrite for saying the game is too defensive while playing xbow: I never said xbow wasn't part of the problem, and in fact, I think it is. I feel that xbow should be changed to be stronger on offense but weaker on defense. However, it is currently in a bad place since there are currently so many hard counters that it is forced to play annoyingly defensive. If they changed the way decks like beatdown and splash yard worked to be more than just stacking troops behind a tank, they could justify making xbow less of a nuisance, and knock out out 2 birds with one stone.

    Third, u/deshthewraith, and (edit): u/question_mark45 made very good comments with a solid counter arguments. I encourage you guys to check them out, as I think it is important to evaluate opposing viewpoints so we don't get trapped in a ideological bubble. Please try to keep discussion civilized, it is okay to disagree, it is not okay to be a prick.

    Forth, the community is currently very upset at the devs for their course of action. While again, it is okay to be upset, I have to stress that being a toxic asshole does nothing to help your cause. Please, voice your opinions, voice them loudly, strongly, and with conviction. But do not be toxic, do not act like a disgrace, and understand that screaming incoherently at people will do nothing to change their mind.

    Thank you.

    Should the devs see this, know that while the community is currently upset with you guys, it does not mean that it is unfixable. Please do a better job communicating with us, we are just as passionate about the game as you are and only want better for the game. I hope that in the future there is better communication with the player base, and hopefully you can take more ideas from the community regarding balance and card ideas.

    submitted by /u/Kyle_1s_Tall
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    Doodled some Bone Buddies. [Art]

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Somewhere over the Rainbow— Is a Rocket.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Legend says they still battling

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    [HUMOR] United Legends came up with the Skeleton Dragon idea first ��

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Hmmmmm... ��

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    [Humour] me when

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    What troop is hiding under the cloud?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    I give you a year's worth of tower skins! This will be my last one (unless another cool one comes up)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    The new arena is aesthetically different from the overall philosophy of the game. It looks like a kindergarten playground instead of a battle arena. It's too bright and colorful, not easy on the eyes at all unlike the dragon's lair. Overall 3/10 arena. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Prince's Dream Arena - Floating Clouds Issue - Opponent Troops cannot be seen - Baby D under clouds

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Supercell if your not going to at least try to make these cards viable you might as well swap them for another card that is like with heal

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Well, these seem very pleasant.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    This is just ridiculous

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Was clan chest better than clan wars?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    I see some people saying they miss clan chests but In my opinion, Clan wars is far superior in funness and rewards.

    Sure its flawed rn but its getting changed soon so..

    submitted by /u/Donghoon
    [link] [comments]

    6 out of the 12 cards my clan had for War were spells. Wow

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Skeletons tank lighting FTW

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:14 PM PDT

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