• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Clash Royale Update for The Clash Royale Subreddit: Meme Mondays, Toxicity and How You Can Help.

    Clash Royale Update for The Clash Royale Subreddit: Meme Mondays, Toxicity and How You Can Help.

    Update for The Clash Royale Subreddit: Meme Mondays, Toxicity and How You Can Help.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    We wanted to share a few new updates to the subreddit as well as our current outlook of the state of r/ClashRoyale.

    First off, we will be creating a "Meme Monday" rule. This rule will restrict memes to only being posted on Mondays, with memes being banned on all other days of the week. Our rationale behind this rule is to allow those community members who want to see and post memes the ability to do so while keeping the quality and integrity of the subreddit high throughout the rest of the week. Now that memes are banned (Tuesday - Sunday), memes will no longer sit on the front page in dubious uncertainty of their existence because now they're all rule-breaking and will be removed.This is not a permanent change, as we plan to "trial run" this idea and keep it, if it seems to be helpful to the community. We are eager to hear your feedback on Meme Mondays, as it's invaluable in our continuation of the project. We have also amended our rules to reflect this change in policy, and if you have any questions about wording or stipulations behind the change, send us a message via Modmail or leave a comment here.

    Rule Update:

    During Meme Monday, Rule 6, which prohibits low-quality/low-effort posts (specifically: Memes/Image Macros), is temporarily suspended. All other subreddit rules are still in effect. In addition, Meme Mondays will have their own set of guidelines that will be enforced.

    Those guidelines are as follows:

    • Memes may only be posted during Meme Mondays
    • Start: Sunday, 10 PM EST/EDT
    • End: Tuesday, 2 AM EST/EDT
    • Any meme posted outside of these times will be removed.
    • Users are limited to two meme posts during Meme Mondays
    • Users must flair their posts with the "Meme" flair
    • Memes should be mostly original. If it is extremely similar to any others, it will be removed.
    • Reposts of any kind are not allowed
    • Memes may never target or attack anyone. Do not be toxic.

    On another note, we'd like to address the recent spike in toxicity as a result of the delay of the latest Clash Royale update. We won't speak about our personal thoughts on the matter, but we do want to remind everyone to remain civil when discussing this topic. We've seen a large spike in personal attacks against Supercell Employees on the subreddit, who come here voluntarily. They are not forced to use Reddit as a communication platform and could very well go elsewhere. Please do not ruin what we as a community have built with an outcry of toxicity and personal attacks against them. Remember, they are human like all of us (I hope), so let's treat them like you would treat others around you. I really want to reduce the amount of bans handed out as a result of this, as no one deserves to be degraded the way Drew and Seth have been over the past few weeks. None of this is in their control and it's not our place to bash them. The best recommendation we can make at this time is to continue to be critical but constructive in your criticism when speaking about Clash Royale, and most importantly, remember the human.

    Before posting, ask yourself these questions:

    • What's my motive in posting this?
    • Is this rooted in truth?
    • Is this post helpful?
    • Am I looking for a fight?
    • Could this hurt others? Hurt me?
    • How will I feel about this post in a day, week, year?
    • Would I say this to someone IRL?

    It's essential that we treat others fairly and nicely, especially as we await the latest content update from the Clash Royale team. As always, please let us know what you think down below and help us make the r/ClashRoyale community as strong as possible.

    -r/ClashRoyale Moderators

    submitted by /u/Trikshot360
    [link] [comments]

    Who else remembers when after every season you would get your global ranking? They should add that back it was fun to see what place you were ranked in the world. (more than just top 10k)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    A Smash hit last month. Now? - RC speed drawing

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Spot the 7 differences

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Clash royale has lost just over 700k galaxy gamers in the last 8 months..

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    If you put your tesla on the tile where a flower is, you will get a nice little decoration

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    I updated my Clash Royale evolutionary tree!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I feel lied to.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    [OC] "Touchdown" Emote Pack by Me

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Chest boost compensation. Thank you super cell!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Things sure have changed...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Lost connection mid-game and came across this bouncy boi

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    You can stop prince charge before they crossed the river ��

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    With the Prince buff, here’s a good trick with snowball.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    Can we get this gold skin, please.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    How to win sudden death in 17 seconds or less (Works about 99% of the time):

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    [Bug] I received a training camp silver chest for winning a 2v2 match

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Please add a surrender/quit button

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Sometimes players literally hold u hostage when they know you cant do anything. Like honestly pisses me off I cant quit even though its 6 mins but like I know I lost so let me surrender and go next

    submitted by /u/ripjugg
    [link] [comments]

    The new loading screen

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    You better watch out for LH in the back ��

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Use Clone to recover the Hunters

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Chat room bug (pls ignore clan mates)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Every Tower Skin since Season 1!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    What if there was a rematch button for Battle Mode?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    A rematch button for 1v1 would be awesome! The losing opponent can choose whether they want a rematch or not. To make it more interesting the loser loses twice as much trophies, and the winner wins twice as much trophies. Just an idea for clash royale!

    submitted by /u/DiegoIsGone
    [link] [comments]

    If a tricky barrel comes your way, activate your king tower only with skeletons! I found this in an old video.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:56 PM PDT

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