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    Clash Royale Clash Royale Emote user alignment chart

    Clash Royale Clash Royale Emote user alignment chart

    Clash Royale Emote user alignment chart

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Clash Royale Guide to Deck Building

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Alrighty. I'm writing this because it's come to my attention that a lot of people who play this game struggle with deck building, and will either use a meta deck, or use a custom deck that doesn't work. I'll go through the basics you need for all decks, and certain synergies between certain cards.

    If you've ever visited deckshop.pro, you should know that most decks will have:

    • 1-2 win conditions
    • 1-3 spells (With at least 1 light spell)
    • 2-4 support troops that can hit air
    • 0-2 mini tanks
    • 0-2 buildings

    And that's the basics of it. I didn't cover some types of cards, like swarm or flying cards, because those types of cards are entirely dependent on the deck archetype you choose to use.

    Meta Decks

    So first, I'm going to explain why meta decks are meta decks. It's because THEY WORK (obviously). All the cards in a meta deck synergize well with each other. They can defend well, and build a decent push. Different meta decks are slightly better or worse than this, but if you take a look at all of them, THEY WILL ALL FOLLOW THE DECK BUILDING RULES STATED ABOVE.

    Let's take a look at a classic meta deck: Lavaloon. Not because I'm biased and have been playing it for the past 4 years, but because it's a meta deck that has survived the past 4 years. We'll use one lavaloon deck that became popular this past year:

    • Lava hound
    • Balloon
    • Mega minion
    • Minions
    • Tombstone
    • Barbarians
    • Fireball
    • Zap

    Notice how the list follows the deck building rules. This deck is used by defending until you can stack a lava hound and balloon, but you'll occasionally see high level players split up the balloon or lava hound, because they can be considered win conditions on their own. If you look around at other meta decks, you'll see the synergies between their cards as well. Logbait: Knight + Goblin Barrel (Knight to tank for the barrel). Golem: Golem + Night witch (Golem tanks for nw, who continuously spits out bats). Royal Hogs: Royal Hogs + Earthquake (EQ helps the hogs get to a crown tower). Etc.

    Deck Archetypes

    With around 100 different cards in Clash Royale, of course there are going to be lots of combinations you can make, but all decks will usually fall into specific archetypes, that use certain win conditions and synergies. I'll list them out in this section, along with the WC's that usually belong in that archetype

    • Airfecta (Lava hound, Balloon*)
    • Bait** (Goblin Barrel, Skeleton Barrel)
    • Beatdown (Golem, Giant, Goblin Giant, Elixir Golem)
    • Bridge Spam (Battle Ram, Ram Rider)
    • Control (Miner, Wall Breakers*, Royal Giant, Graveyard)
    • Cycle (Hog Rider, Xbow, Balloon)
    • Siege (Xbow, Mortar)
    • Split push (Three Musketeers, Royal Hogs, Battle Ram*)

    *Are not required for that certain archetype

    **Bait can include log bait, zap bait, or fireball bait. For simplicity, I just listed WC's in log/zap bait, since fireball bait is more rare.

    All deck archetypes also have similar game plans on how to play them:

    • Airfecta technically counts as beatdown. The difference is that it's a lot less defensive and a lot more offensive, where you try to overwhelm your opponent with only air troops.
    • Bait requires you to bait out your opponents spells with certain cards, then pull out other cards to punish your opponent. If you're playing log/zap bait, make sure you have at least 3 units that can be killed with log or zap, and the same goes for fireball bait.
      • Fun stuff: you can turn almost any deck into a bait type deck with the right cards
    • Beatdown contains a lot of heavy cards that can't be spelled down easily. They are very offensive in general, where you try to overwhelm your opponent with heavy troops supporting one tank.
    • Bridge spam has a lot of fast units that can connect to the tower easily and do a lot of damage if left ignored. They are very punishing decks that do very well against beatdown decks, because you can drop your units at the bridge easily (hence the name)
    • Control relies a lot on safely defending and counter pushing with the cards left over. I think it takes more skill than the other archetypes, since you have to be really knowledgeable of your elixir and your opponents elixir.
    • Cycle involves quickly cycling to your win condition and keeping the pressure against your opponent, with the hope that they won't get a chance to build a push against you.
    • Siege involves taking down your opponents tower from your side of the arena. It should be played defensively (with positive elixir trades ofc), but when you do commit to an offense, make sure not to overcommit, as it is very easy for an opponent to punish you.
    • Split push involves building a medium sized push down both lanes at the same time. You can really build a split push with any deck archetype, but this deck thrives on overwhelming your opponent so that hopefully, they will be unable to fully counter one of the lanes.

    Win Conditions

    To put it as nicely as possible… WIN CONDITIONS ARE CARDS THAT ONLY TARGET BUILDINGS. There are a few exceptions to that rule, but those exceptions apply to cards that can consistently lock onto a crown tower (e.g. gob barrel, miner, xbow). I will sort the win conditions into 1.0 and 0.5 win conditions. 1.0 can be used as solo wc's in a deck, and 0.5 require certain other cards to be usable.

    1.0 Win Conditions include:

    • Royale Giant
    • Hog Rider
    • Royale Hogs
    • Giant
    • Wall Breakers
    • Goblin Barrel
    • Xbow
    • Goblin Giant
    • Golem
    • Ram Rider
    • Graveyard

    0.5 Win Conditions include:

    • Skeleton Barrel
    • Mortar
    • Elixir Golem
    • Hog Rider
    • Battle Ram
    • Three Musketeers
    • Balloon
    • Miner
    • Sparky
    • Lava Hound

    I shouldn't have to point out that PEKKA AND MEGA KNIGHT ARE NOT WIN CONDITIONS. But I do. Because people are idiots and believe so anyway. Why are they not win conditions? If you can show me that you can get either to a crown tower in 4/5 games, then you are special and you have my permission to do so. Otherwise, get another win condition in there.

    I'll point out some basic rules for using Pekka and Mega knight in the 0.5 WC section.

    1.0 WC's

    Royal Giant

    Never drop this naked at the bridge unless you know the opponent has nothing to defend against it. Otherwise, you've just lost 6 elixir and have to deal with a big counterpush.

    Most RG decks use a furnace, because the fire spirits can be paired with an RG and take out swarmies pretty easily. Otherwise, you can be pretty free with any other supporting cards to put into here, as long as those supporting cards synergize well with the RG, synergize with each other, and follow the basic deck building rules.

    Spell-wise, RG decks stick with 2 spells: a light spell and a heavy spell. At least one of these spells should be a resetter (zap, lightning)


    • RG Control (RG, Furnace, Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, Lumberjack/guards, Electro wizard, Barb barrel, Lightning)

    Hog Rider

    This can be dropped solo or with a couple of light supporting troops, and almost always dropped at the river.

    Hog decks are usually cheap, between 2.6-3.3 elixir. This is because a hog is relatively easy to counter, so a fast cycle lets you keep the pressure up against your opponent and hopefully catch them out of rotation. The supporting troops should generally follow the basic rules of deck building, including at least one mini tank and 1-3 cards that are 2 elixir or less.

    For defensive options, any building is viable, but most hog decks will either run a non-spawner (cannon), a tank killer (mini-pekka), or a tornado. These will help destroy or at least distract any building targeting units.

    Spell-wise, Hog decks stick with 2 spells: a light spell and a heavy spell. (Log Fireball, Log Rocket, Zap Fireball). Some hog decks can swap their heavy spell for an earthquake, if they have stronger defensive options, or run a tornado paired with an executioner.

    Meta Decks:

    • Hog Cycle 2.6 (Hog, Ice golem, Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Musketeer, Cannon, Log, Fireball)
    • Hog Exnado (Hog, Valkyrie, Goblins, Ice Spirit, Executioner, Tornado, Log, Rocket)

    Royal Hogs

    RH can be played both as split push, or cycle. They're always dropped at the bridge, and never dropped naked unless you need to punish your opponent.

    For supporting troops, it depends on the archetype you plan to play. Split push will always have 3 musketeers (keep in mind 3m is a 0.5 WC), while cycle will have a tank killer (hunter, mini pekka).

    A building isn't required in these decks, so it's up to the deck builder to decide what to use.

    Spell-wise, RH decks will almost always run an earthquake and log/snowball, regardless of if it's a split push or a cycle. But if you want to be special you can swap earthquake for a fireball.

    Meta Decks:

    • RH Cycle (RH, Mini Pekka/Hunter, Goblin hut, Heal spirit, Skeletons, Firecracker, Log, EQ)
    • RH Split Push (Rh, 3m, Mini pekka/Hunter, Ice golem, Skeletons, Wildcard*, Log, EQ/Fireball)

    *can be a building or a cycle card.


    Giant decks are almost exclusively beatdown, but are very versatile when it comes to supporting them. You can choose to drop it at the back for a big push, or drop it at the bridge (with support ofc) for a surprise.

    For supporting troops, like I said, it's pretty versatile. Graveyard, Sparky, Double prince, Balloon. If you're building your own, make sure you have at least 1 medium-long range unit and 1 splasher unit.

    One note is that most of them will have a tank killer like a mega minion or mini pekka, and these two synergize great with a giant when dropped at the bridge together as a surprise.

    Giant decks do not typically use a building, so it's up to the deck builder. One building I wouldn't use is a barb hut, but it's better to just replace the building with another supporting troop.

    Spell-wise, you can choose between 1-3 spells, and if you choose 3 spells you usually go 2 light spells and one heavy spell. For 2 spells you can go 2 light spells or the classic light/heavy spell combo. Just make sure you always have a zap to reset infernos.

    Meta Decks:

    • Giant Double Prince(Giant, Prince, Dark Prince, Electro wizard, Mega minion, Miner, Fireball, Zap)
    • Giant Graveyard (Giant, Graveyard, Mini pekka, Musketeer, Bats, Skeleton Army, Zap, Arrows)

    Wall Breakers

    Wall Breakers are exclusively cycle type cards. They are always dropped at the river (either split or down one lane), with something to tank for them.

    Supporting cards depend on your defensive choices, but these decks will always have a miner to tank for the WB, and some other cheap, spell bait units like goblins or bats.

    You can choose between a defensive building or a mega knight on defense. I'd recommend using a building unless you know how to use a mega knight correctly (and no, dropping an MK naked at the bridge does not count as using it correctly). If you do use a building, make sure to have another mini tank in your deck, like a knight or valkyrie.

    For spells, it's up to the deck builder to decide if they want a heavy spell, but make damn sure you have a zap or log for instant response against swarmies.

    Meta Decks:

    • Bomb tower variant (WB, Miner, Knight/Valkyrie, Bats, Spear Goblins, Bomb Tower, Log, Poison)
    • Mega Knight variant (WB, Miner, Mega knight, Mini pekka, Musketeer, Bats, Goblins, Zap)

    Goblin Barrel

    Gob Barrel is only used in bait decks. If you want to pair it with a heavy tank, make sure you have at least 2 other bait cards in the deck. The barrel should only be thrown at the tower, but make sure you change where you throw it specifically, to mess up your opponent (behind the tower, in the far back corner, in front of the tower, etc.)

    Like I said, make sure you have at least 2 other bait cards in the deck, like goblin gang or princess.

    For defensive options, you can settle for a tank killer (Prince) or a building (Inferno tower, Tesla).

    The spells will almost always be rocket and log. Rocket to counter big pushes or close out a match, and a log for ground swarmies the opponent might use to counter your barrel. If you have to substitute, make sure you're at least running a light/heavy 2 spell combo.

    Meta Decks:

    • Classic Log Bait (Gob Barrel, Gob Gang, Princess, Knight/Valk, Ice Spirit, Inferno Tower/Tesla, Log, Rocket)
    • Prince Log Bait (Gob Barrel, Gob Gang, Princess, Rascals, Dart Goblin, Prince, Log, Rocket)


    If you're playing ladder, just use xbow 2.9 or 3.5. Don't bother trying to make a custom xbow deck, because it is most likely not going to work. But I'm going to break down this deck anyway.

    All xbow decks can be counted as a cycle deck, and they should be played as a cycle deck.

    They usually have 1 mini tank (knight, ice golem), and one air targeting troop (ice wizard, archers, musketeer). They always have a tesla as a second defensive building. The rest of the cards are usually cheap, cycle cards. If you want to be a real dick you can throw in an elixir collector instead of one of the cycle cards.

    For spells, they usually use a log paired with either rocket or fireball. Tornadoes are sometimes used if you have an ice wizard.

    Meta Decks:

    • Xbow 2.9 (Xbow, Tesla, Ice Golem/Knight, Archers, Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Log, Fireball)
    • Xbow 3.5 (Xbow, Tesla, Knight, Ice Wizard, Skeletons, Log, Tornado, Rocket)

    Goblin Giant

    Goblin Giant, like other heavy tank cards, is used in beatdown. Unfortunately with how it was created, 99/100 times it's paired with sparky, since the spear gobs can deal with any swarmies and help sparky connect to the tower. You could also use double prince.

    For supporting troops, just follow the deck building rules. You can also choose to turn this into a bait type deck by filling the rest of the slots with cheap units.

    Goblin Giant doesn't need a building, so the deck builder can decide. But personally, I wouldn't use one.

    For spells, these decks usually run zap + EQ or Snowball + Lightning. Notice how both combinations have a resetter and a slowing spell.

    Meta Decks:

    • (Goblin Giant, Sparky, Dark prince, Musketeer, Mini pekka, Bats, Zap, EQ)


    Beatdown card. Decks with Golem usually exceed 4.0 elixir and can go up to 5.0 if you're insane enough. Placement of your golem depends on match up, but usually you want to place it in the back when you're at 10 elixir and build up an unstoppable push.

    Golem is almost always paired with night witch, baby dragon, and mega minion. (Infinite bats, a relatively cheap splasher, and a damage dealer). For all your other cards, The choice is up to you as long as all the other cards can survive a fireball, since that means they can't spell down your push easily.

    If you're building a deck in clan wars, I wouldn't recommend using golem unless you have at least a night witch. Or if you really want to you can swap NW with a gob hut.

    For spells, Golems usually have 3: a light spell, a tornado (to synergize with baby dragon and exploding golem), and a heavy spell. You can choose whatever spell within their categories, but just make sure you don't run EQ (You don't need it with an unstoppable push) or Rocket (the tiny hit radius makes it useless when dealing with enemy troops)

    Meta Decks:

    • Classic (Golem, Baby Dragon, Mega minion, Night Witch, Lumberjack, Barb barrel, Tornado, Lightning)
    • New (Golem, Baby Dragon, Mega minion, Night witch, Mini pekka, Bomber, Tornado, Lightning)

    Ram Rider

    I don't play Ram rider at all, so it's better if you ask someone who does. However, after reviewing the meta (and realizing that Ram rider is outside of it at the time of writing), I'm going to attempt to break it down.

    Ram rider is considered a bridge spam card, since it is often paired with a bandit. Otherwise, you should just follow the basic rules of deck building when making a RR deck.

    To play ram rider, you can make use of it's snare to stop a push coming at you, and turn it into a counter push. If not in that specific instance, at least make sure to take advantage of RR's snare.

    Meta Decks:

    • (Ram Rider, Bandit, Battle healer, Cannon cart, Baby Dragon, Musket/Electro wizard, barb barrel, fireball)


    Graveyard is a control type card, but treat it like a very situational beatdown card: you can close out a game with a single good graveyard. You can also call it splashyard, since many graveyard decks have a lot of splasher type cards, making this deck very anti-swarm.

    Most Graveyard decks will be paired with one big tank (Giant, golem) or two mini tanks (knight, baby dragon, bowler, etc.).

    For defensive options, you will usually have a building (Gob huts or bomb tower in the current meta), and 1 air targeting unit (musketeer or ice wizard)

    For spells, Graveyard decks usually have 3 (4 if you count the graveyard itself). Barb barrel for ground swarmies and a quick tank for your graveyard, and it can be replaced with a log if needed. Poison or Freeze synergize well with graveyards, since it negates all if not most counters the opponent will use. Tornado to synergize with all the splash you put into your deck.

    Meta Decks:

    • (Graveyard, Baby Dragon, Knight, Ice wizard, Goblin hut/Bomb tower, Tornado, Barb barrel, Poison)

    0.5 WC's

    Skeleton Barrel

    Bait type card. Just like a Goblin barrel, it can be paired with other bait type cards or a heavy tank. The only difference between this card and Goblin barrel is that it can be used as a distraction on defense.

    SB is almost always paired with a miner for a quick tank, and other bait type cards like goblins or bats.

    Spells with this card depend on other cards in the deck, but if you're unsure just use the light/heavy 2 spell combo.

    Meta Decks:

    • Miner Poison Bait (Miner, Skeleton barrel, Bats, Spear goblins, Knight, Bomb tower, Log, Poison)
    • Mega Knight Miner Bait (Miner, Skeleton barrel, Mega knight, Bats, Goblin gang, Spear goblins, Inferno Dragon, Zap/Snowball)


    Mortar can be considered siege, but also fits into other deck archetypes, like bait or cycle.

    For bait type decks, Mortar is usually paired with a miner, at least 1 mini tank (knight, valk, rascals), and the rest is swarm type cards. Don't forget 1-2 spells

    For cycle type decks, Mortar usually has a mini tank (knight), an air targeting troop (archers, musketeer), and other cheap cycle cards (ice spirit, bats, skeletons). It is REQUIRED that a mortar cycle deck has a rocket, because you NEED to be able to close out your game. You can also run one or two lighter spells, I suggest log/barb barrel and arrows.

    Mortar also works with a Hog rider. If you do run hog mortar, make sure you have a mini tank (I highly suggest valk) and an air targeting unit (I highly suggest musketeer). Or you could go a step further and build a Hog mortar bait or a Hog mortar cycle deck, following the rules above. Don't forget 1-2 spells.

    Meta Decks:

    • Mortar Bait (Mortar, Miner, Rascals, Minion Horde, Spear Gobs, Gob Gang, Log, Fireball)
    • Mortar Cycle (Mortar, Knight, Archers, Bats, Ice Spirit, Log, Arrows, Rocket)
    • Hog Mortar (Mortar, Hog rider, Valk, Musket, Bats, Goblins, Zap, Fireball)

    Elixir Golem

    This could be considered a beatdown deck, but I like to treat it as a control deck. Play it safe until you have a bunch of units stacked from a defense and turn it into a nasty counter push

    Always always always keep a battle healer in here. The synergy between the elixir blobs and a battle healer is insane. For other supporting troops, use long range troops, spawning troops, and splash troops. A building isn't necessary, but if you are going to use one, use a spawner like gob hut or barb hut. More troops means more synergy with the battle healer.

    If you don't have a battle healer, don't use an elixir golem. Otherwise, you're just giving the opponent 4 elixir.

    Spell-wise, it depends on your supporting troops. Most Egolem decks use a tornado to synergize with the splash cards you have, and an earthquake to eliminate any distractions for your Egolem. You can also go with a classic light/heavy 2spell combo, but neither of these spells are required to be a resetter.

    Meta Decks:

    • (Elixir golem, Battle Healer, Baby Dragon, Electro Dragon, Night witch/Gob hut, Wild Card*, Tornado, EQ)

    *Heal spirit or barb barrel. One's more offensive and the other's more defensive.

    Hog Rider

    You might have noticed that I already listed Hog as a 1.0 WC, but since it fits with different WC's, I'll put it here to explain those 2 WC decks.

    I already mentioned Hog mortar, but you can be crazy and pair a Hog rider with RG or even Giant. I'm not picky.

    If you decide to pair it with either RG or Giant, just make sure you follow the basic rules of deck building.

    Battle Ram

    A bridge spam type card. I listed it here because, while it does target buildings, you can't consistently connect it to the tower by itself. It has many uses, including: punishing, forcing the opponent to make a move, just straight up offense)

    Battle ram is usually paired with other bridge spam type cards (Bandit, Royal Ghost, Dark Prince, Cannon cart if you're crazy enough).

    It can also be paired with 3m for a split push deck. Although it's not a split pushing card by itself.

    No real rules for this card. Just make sure it falls under bridge spam or split push when you use it. Otherwise it's not going to end well for you.

    Meta Decks:

    • Pekka Bridge Spam (Battle Ram, Pekka, Bandit, Royal Ghost/Dark Prince, Electro wizard, minions/baby dragon/magic archer, Zap, Poison)
    • 3m Split Push/Bridge Spam (Battle Ram, 3m, Bandit, Royal Ghost, Hunter, Ice Golem, Elixir collector, Wild Card*)
    • 3m Fireball Bait (Battle Ram, 3m, Minion Horde, Goblin Gang, Miner, Wild Card**, Elixir Collector, Wild Card*)

    *Can be any light spell.

    **Any Mini or heavy tank

    Three Musketeers

    An exclusive split push card. Since it's the most expensive card in the game, you want to be careful when using it. Make damn sure you baited out the opponent's heavy spell with an elixir collector or something before you drop this, and only drop it when the field is empty (behind the king tower) or you need to defend something (in front of the king tower). Always drop it in the middle so that the musketeers split, or it would defeat the purpose of a split push deck.

    For supporting cards, it is usually paired with Royal hogs or a Battle ram, but you can also use a miner or a giant as a secondary tank. If you have less than 3 cards that cost less than 3 elixir, then use an elixir collector.

    Meta Decks:

    • I already listed some meta 3m decks under the Battle ram and Royal Hog section.


    Balloon can be paired with a lot of cards, but only falls under the airfecta and cycle archetypes.

    For Airfecta, you will always pair it with a lava hound for a lavaloon combo. These decks usually have 2 other flying units (minions, minion horde, mega minion, baby dragon, and inferno dragon), 2 ground units (skeleton army, guards, goblin gang, barbarians, tombstone, miner), and two spells (fireball zap, lightning arrows).

    Since you only have 2 ground units, you CANNOT cycle them, and if you're crazy enough to run a miner as one of the two ground units, then saving is even more imperative.

    You can also turn it into a bait type deck by using the bait type cards listed and removing your heavy spell from the deck.

    Because lavaloon is an airfecta type deck, I don't recommend using it in clan wars unless you have at least 4 of the non-WC cards shown above (two of which are the flying supporting units)

    For a Balloon cycle deck, you can pair it with either a miner or a lumberjack. Both of these variants will usually have a musketeer for defense, and an ice golem as a secondary tank, though these can be replaced by other cards of the same type (mini tank, air targeting). The rest of the slots are filled with 2 light spells (making sure one of them can hit air units), more cycle cards, and possibly a defensive building.

    Meta Decks:

    • Lavaloon (Balloon, Lava hound, Mega minion, Minions, Barbarians, Tombstone, Fireball, Zap)
    • Balloon Cycle (Balloon, Lumberjack/Miner, Ice Golem, Musketeer, Skeletons/Bats, Bomb Tower, Snowball, Barb barrel)


    I've mentioned this card alongside many other win conditions, because it's just SO versatile. It's an instant tank anywhere on the field, can be used to chip away at the tower, and can be used to assassinate any low-medium health ground troop. Since the damage to a crown tower is severely reduced, I don't count this as a 1.0 WC and you shouldn't either. Pair it up with some of the other cards I've listed.

    Just a note that Miner pairs up extremely well with poison for an almost guaranteed 500hp every time.

    Pairs with multiple cards (Giant, Wall breakers, Goblin Giant, Graveyard if you're crazy, skeleton barrel, Mortar, 3m, Balloon, Lavahound)


    A beatdown type card that only works with the four Giants (Giant, Goblin Giant, Royale Giant, Giant Skeleton). Use it to defend a heavy push, and turn it into a counter push.

    I suggest pairing it with other zap bait cards (bats, skeleton army, dark prince) just to make sure it can connect to the tower.

    Lava Hound

    An exclusive airfecta type card. I've already mentioned lavaloon, so I'm going to talk about lava-beatdown here.

    Pair it with a Miner and Baby dragon. If you're going for a true airfecta then use Flying Machine and Mega minion/Bats as well. If you're going for a more defensive airfecta then use an Inferno dragon instead.

    Buildings depend on your preference, but you can choose from goblin Goblin hut, Goblin Cage, Tombstone, or Bomb tower.

    For your ground units most people use barbarians. But since I'm an airfecta player I also would recommend Skarmy (ONLY if you have bats in the same deck. It partially turns the deck into a bait type).

    For spells, anything goes, as long as it isn't EQ or a 6 elixir spell.

    Meta Decks:

    • Lava beatdown (Lava hound, Baby Dragon, Flying machine, Mega minion, Miner, Barbarians, Gob hut, Arrows)
    • Lava-swarm (My deck) (Lava hound, Baby Dragon, Flying machine, Bats, Miner, Night Witch, Skeleton Army, Arrows)



    You will almost only see this card in Bridge spam type decks, but it can also work with balloon and hog if needed. But if you are building a balloon/hog deck, a much better alternative is a mini pekka, if you have it.

    Mega Knight

    A kind of versatile card that works better as a counterpushing card. You don't really see it outside of bait or Wall breaker cycle anymore, but it can also fit with things like Battle ram, Ram rider, or Royal hogs, all as a PEKKA substitute. But if you do choose to substitute it for a pekka, at least make sure you have another tank killer in that deck.

    submitted by /u/Mitchellau12
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    I know this post will probably get lost in new but I had a lot of fun making this P.E.K.K.A out of beads. Hope you guys enjoy! ��

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    New challenge idea : { Battle draft } If you want, Please leave your comments or give me some suggestions! Thanks.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    How many of you miss the Season Draft Chests? Or do you guys prefer the Trophy Road version?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    [Humour] Based on a true story

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Supercell is still teasing us with that full gold MK while we only get a gold chest plate

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    I drew a pfp for my friend JCorby!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Got matched up with the one and only

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    How does the barbarian glitch across the river?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    They put a star level (Mega Knight) in the image that doesn’t even exist (and should)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    That’s a new one for me...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Sparky destroys 29 elixir with a bit of help ��

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Dart Goblin Emote! (Original Illustrtaions by u/Goblin-Guru

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Please ban this person Supercell it has been constant in and out of our clan for more than a year...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    I won the triple draft challenge with no losses and am happy with all that gold. I'd like to share some tips on what cards worked well for me.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Remember that some of these cards were used in the same deck. Chip damage is also important. Remember, if you can't deal with a balloon or high health card you are screwed.

    Pekka- shes godly in this mode. Paired with anything and shes near unstoppable and when she eventually is taken down the cards supporting her will avenge her and wreak havok. Often I'd place her to defend e.g against a wizard, then she'd kill a valkyrie, then a musketeer and then when she dies the supporting troops can easily damage the towers.

    Valkyrie- far superior choice to prince and dark prince imo. Bulky and kills swarms and can be used to kill the 3 wizards, firecrackers and such

    Rascals- air reigns supreme in this mode and this card shines because of it. The boy distracts the air troops while the girls shoot it down. Extra useful against balloons, skeleton barrels, and with the right card placement can cause them to split lanes or escape any death damage.

    The tombstone or Goblin hut-distracts building targetting troops and wrecks them. Distracts most cards though splash damage is an issue. The troops spawned upon death were very useful as a distraction and could be used to time when going for a push. For example, I'd place Pekka just before the goblin hut died so she'd have 3 goblins to support.

    Bats-the cheapest air defense was helpful imo. When used to kill balloons it offered the best elixer trade. Also would mean opponent would have to spend elixer on arrows or fireball to kill them and they'd still beat the balloon.

    Electro wizard-balloon and sparky are popular so if the had the option for either I knew electro wizard would be a life saver.

    Balloon or hog rider-solid option to destroy buildings, forcing opponents to react or dealing damage

    Arrows, fireball or poison- self explanatory for chip damage on towers, swarms and buildings.

    Honourable mentions go to musketeer, mega minion, firecracker and lightning for being a solid choice since theres little downside in this game mode.

    I only picked other cards if these options were not available

    Always ensure there is a card that can deal good damage to air troops in hand at all times (fire cracker, archers, any wizards, musketeer, bats, rascals etc). Have a building if possible, tombstone, furnace, goblin hut or bombtower were most favourable imo. Have an option to get high damage since tanks (royal giant, giant, golem or e golem) were popular.

    The way I played was pick a card at the start that has the most uses. E.g Pekka is a tank killer, has high health and one shots alot of troops. After that I'd pick a card to destroy Pekka's weaknesses, so say I pick zap. That means I counter sparky and swarms now too. I notice the opponent can pick minion horde and balloon so I remember to pick something to deal with both. I also like buildings as they are useful so I pick Goblin hut. I also want a reliable defensive card so I choose valkrie or rascals. As you can see from this example I've pretty much all possible threats covered. If for example I decided my counter for high health troops would be goblin gang and skeleton army, that would be a bad choice since the opponent would likely anticipate they need to easily get rid of swarms.

    Say for example the first card I pick is arrows. Going forward I know I do not need to worry about most cards since arrows one shot or deal high damage. So then picking princess afterwards would be a waste, but picking prince or battle healer would be a better spent option.

    submitted by /u/Valsana
    [link] [comments]

    Drive me crazy that these don’t line up. Background needs to shift to thr left.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Wrong way dude

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    This has to be one of the worst deals ever

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Maxed all card star levels! How many accounts have accomplished that?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Has anyone played matches with me? Win or lose, any advice on how well/poorly I played?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Triple draft challenges are the worst challenges

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Change my mind.

    I'm in my 4th year of playing this game on and off. I'm a decent player, a few seasons ago I made it to 6607 trophies, but I'm mostly a casual player because it's too much work to keep up with. I don't care much for ladder anymore because of many reasons other players have pointed out in this sub.

    I'm really not a fan of the draft challenges. Most of the time I choose a deck composition where my opponent manages to have the perfect combination of counters to mine or a completely absurd deck that no combination of my choices could've aided me against. Just before this post, I was presented with ONE air counter (the firecracker) and none else. No buildings either. My opponent had balloon and freeze. Well-balanced card choices there, Supercell. I run into this way too often and I spend more time than I want to trying to complete these challenges. Either fix the combination of cards so that it makes it fair for everyone or let us use our own decks.

    submitted by /u/ConcernedWiggleButt
    [link] [comments]

    New log art! Did this come in the client update?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

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