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    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Clash Royale Cute Mini P.E.K.K.A keychain

    Clash Royale Cute Mini P.E.K.K.A keychain

    Cute Mini P.E.K.K.A keychain

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    New challenge idea : {<Memory challenge>} If you want, Ask me your questions, suggest me your ideas or leave your comments down bellow. Thanks!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Golden hog rider emote?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    I think 11 balance changes is the most we’ve ever had

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Season 11 Arena - Leak

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Anyone else wish that when you click the star power upgrade, it shows you what the star power will look like.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    The Sparky's Wheels pop out every time the electro wizard zaps it

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Never give up!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Some say they are still battling to this day

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    All hail sparky

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Drew liked a tweet saying the update is in June.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    it's true

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    The good old days

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Suggestion: show the number of war battles that have been missed on a player profile

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    A Comprehensive Matchup Guide to X-Bow 2.9

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    X-Bow 2.9 has been a strong deck in the meta for a while now, though it's win rate has decreased slightly since Quake meta. I will walk through each of the matchups against each archetype and how to play them correctly.

    The Basics

    X-Bow 2.9's playstyle is quite self-explanatory, play passive-aggressively. Defend well but don't overcommit, spell cycle if you cannot break through, and play aggressively if your opponent used most of his tank/mini-tanks. Play cards as low as possible in the back and don't play aggressively before you know your opponent's deck.

    A common mistake that new players make is that they cycle cards aggressively and waste elixir. Cycling cards is not simply spam, think of it like playing cards that will get you value. Sure, cycling skeletons may not get you value, but don't waste cards.

    The Matchups


    An obvious rule is to never lose your tower. Keep a Tesla in the center 3 tiles from the river at all times apart from in single elixir. This way you will be able to X-Bow without getting punished since you have already invested 4 elixir that may have gotten value earlier, for example, finishing off a Mega Minion that your opponent cycled in the back. If he decides to Golem in single, in the middle of his side, then just defend. Use Tesla to pull the Golem into the middle, and use Archers with Skeletons or Ice Spirit or Ice Golem to finish off support troops. Fireball if needed, though remember to save something for the Night Witch Bats.

    If he decides to Golem in the back in single, and you have X-Bow in hand, then go for an X-Bow opposite lane. The correct placement in the innermost tile where the X-Bow can still be placed with a tile in front of it before the river/bridge. Then, put Tesla in the center either 2 or 3 tiles away. If he decides to Bomber or Baby Dragon, just let the X-Bow die. It will still get considerable damage and has successfully forced your opponent to expend one of their support troops and elixir. Then, defend the golem. If they respond with a Mini Pekka, Dark Prince, Night Witch, or Mega Minion, distract it so that Tesla can finish it off. If your X-Bow dies, then it dies, do not overcommit in protecting it or you will be punished by his push.

    In double elixir, play much more aggressively. Maintain a center Tesla at all times, and every time he Golems, go with an opposite lane X-Bow. If you're finding that you cannot break through, every time that you are up in elixir and do not need you Fireball, spell cycle. If they have Arrows, it's best to cycle Archers when you first see a Golem and after you opposite lane X-Bow so you can get back to Archers after he Arrows them.

    In triple elixir, you will have the opportunity to spell cycle. Since your opponent will be able to have enough elixir to Golem, play Support Troops, and Lightning even if you punish, it's best to cycle teslas. Defensive X-Bows will not help much unless you need to. Fireball Cycle in triple elixir after you have Fireball + Logged his support troops (especially Night Witch).

    Lava Hound

    Against Lava in general, you want to punish same lane. It's best to wait until they Lava Hound before you X-Bow, and since most Lava Hound decks right now have Goblin Hut, it will be difficult to break through, so keep defensive X-Bowing for the Goblin Hut. In double elixir you will have cycled back to another X-Bow before your defensive one that was used to kill Gob Hut dies, meaning that you can go for an offensive X-Bow right after your opponent's lava push. If they poison your defensive X-Bow that means they cannot poison your Archers and Tesla, meaning that their push is pretty much shut down.

    Try to keep playing aggressively as soon as double elixir starts and you will eventually get a lock. Blocking the Lava Hound from crossing the river against LavaLoon can be useful if they have already placed loon as the tower will target the Balloon first.

    Miner and Lumberjack Balloon

    Against these two matchups, it is important to play aggressively but not so much that they can punish you with a balloon push. Don't overcommit on defending X-Bow but if you can spend elixir that forces your opponents to use more cards to defend against your X-Bow, then you will win. Since they have no big spell, you can keep overprotecting your Balloon. Fireballing the Musketeer, after their Balloon dies on defense, is useful as it is their only way of dealing with X-Bow other than Miner or Balloon. This means that they will have to cycle back to Balloon (Bomb Tower is easy to catch and you can easily protect X-Bow from it).

    Log Bait

    Against Classic Log Bait with either Inferno or Tesla, you want to be playing aggressively. Cycle cards in the middle to prevent princess snipes, save log for Goblin Barrel unless you can get extra value out of Log, such as your X-Bow being on 50% health and they drop a Gob Gang on it. Play your lowest cost spells, you will eventually outcycle their rocket. Do not let your opponent get a building lock and protect your X-Bow at all costs unless they decide to Rocket it. Prevent all damage, it is best to get a lock in single and double since in triple it is almost impossible to get a lock.

    Cycle cards, Tesla at the bridge is not very useful since it is expensive unless you want to predict a building, but there are still better ways to do that. You usually do not want to cycle Archers unless they don't Goblin Barrel after you X-Bowed meaning that the next cheapest card is Archers. Use Archers to protect X-Bow, and cycle cards in front of the X-Bow for a building.

    Against Prince Bait, play similarly but it is much easier to get a lock. Since Prince Bait is a much heavier deck, you need to watch out for being punished in single elixir. In double, Log the Rascals if they put it at the bridge for your X-Bow and Archers + Skeletons counter Goblin Barrel. Prince is easy to kill with Tesla + a cycle card, and don't let their Princess or Dart Goblin get a lock on the X-Bow.

    Giant Miner (Double Prince or Mini Pekka)

    In this matchup, it is very difficult to get a lock. Keep playing aggressively and similarly to the Golem matchup, keep a Tesla in the middle. Against the Electro Wizard version, it is also useful to X-Bow in the middle of the river so the Giant can't be placed at the bridge to quick kill your X-Bow. Of course, this has its own disadvantages like being sniped by Electro Wizards or Mega Minions from across the bridge, but it is useful if they keep Gianting on the X-Bow. Against the Miner, Ice Spirit + Skeletons clean it up nicely. In triple elixir, you can Fireball Princes with their tower, as you can cycle back for another Fireball which will clean it up mostly. It is a difficult matchup and almost unwinnable if you do not get a lock early on, so it is good to play as aggressively as possible without getting punished.

    Pekka BS

    This matchup is very easy. Simply get a lock in single elixir. Get a Tesla next to the X-Bow but not in front of it. Then, when you go for X-Bow, if he Pekkas, then you can simply cycle cards in front of it and distract it while the Tesla and X-Bow kills it. Even if he kills your X-Bow, the Pekka will die and the cycle cards that you spent trying to protect the X-Bow will mean that you're only 1 or 2 cards away from another X-Bow. Good Pekka players will be able to force your hand cycle into an awkward position where you can't get a lock and you don't have the cards in cycle that you need. If you did not get a lock in single, then the match is much harder. You need to ensure that no damage gets dealt to your towers, and you can keep pressuring with offensive X-Bow purely to stop them from bridge spamming, but you will not be able to get a lock. From then on, it's simply fireball cycle and defending.

    Elixir Golem

    Now, I'm sure that you know Elixir Golem Earthquake Barb/Gob Hut is one of the most difficult matchups to 2.9. That matchup, just hope you can get a lock early on and defend for your life. Against the Poison or Fireball versions, play the matchup similarly to Golem, though you need to kite the Battle Healer opposite lane so it does not get value from healing Double Dragons as much. Defense is the same as Golem.

    Hog (2.6, Princess and Quake)

    Hog Quake, another hard counter. Try to break through in single and fireball cycle while surviving on defense. Predict Firecrackers with cycle cards, and don't let it get chip. Anti Quake Teslas with a prediction Ice Spirit above it for prediction bats is important. An anti-Quake Tesla is a centred Tesla either right at the river or one tile from the river, this cannot be hit by Quake with the tower.

    Hog Princess, just keep up the pressure and try to get a lock in single elixir by outcycling Rocket. Keep X-Bowing through the game, Log their Princesses and Fireball low Ice Golems that are used to defend against your X-Bow in double/triple elixir. If you don't keep X-Bowing then your opponent can get away with a few naked Rockets on your tower, which can cost you the game.

    2.6 is difficult to play against purely because of the balance between defence and offence. Only X-Bow after they just played Hog Rider on offence, otherwise if you X-Bow then they can Hog Rider opposite lane which forces you to Tesla in single, and they can simply Cannon the X-Bow. It is essential to get a lock in single, but it's still winnable by racing for Fireball cycle in double/triple elixir.

    2.9 and IceBow (Mirror Matchup)

    The mirror matchup. If your opponents' Ice Golem, Archers and Tesla are out of cycle when they X-Bow in single elixir, then you can go for a Tesla prediction Log. The overall way to play the matchup is to either Offensive X-Bow or Defensive X-Bow. Defensive X-Bow should be played centre opposite to our low tower 3 tiles from the river to prevent Fireball from hitting it with the tower. If they decide to offensive X-Bow, then go for a defensive X-Bow. The goal is to protect your defensive X-Bow from their offensive X-Bow, and vice versa.

    In double elixir, use Archers at the river or Tesla at the river to snipe their Ice Golem if it is protecting an X-Bow. Go for a Fireball whenever you get value, and if your opponent protects their offensive X-Bow well, then you can Fireball it with the tower. It is essentially a chip race while maintaining pressure without getting punished.

    IceBow's matchup is even. It is important to play aggressively without being punished, otherwise, your opponent will be able to get a defensive X-Bow before you offensive X-Bow making it harder to protect, and your opponent can Rocket cycle you. Simply play aggressive and try to get a lock in single. After that it's about getting damage with Fireballs while pressuring, similar to the mirror matchup.

    Royal Hogs EQ

    Royal Hogs Earthquake is a difficult matchup, though if you pressure with an X-Bow and force them to Earthquake in double/triple elixir, you can fireball cycle. Also, a high Tesla is important though if it is predicted with Bats or Musketeer, etc. then it will cost you the game. Fireballing Royal Hogs is important if your opponents have Earthquake in hand, unless you know that you have the elixir to defend it without Fireball. If you play perfectly in terms of technical plays and defending, then the matchup is winnable.

    I hope I have covered most if not all of the matchups. Discussion is welcomed, and correct me if you find any mistakes. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/NoctNight
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    7000s people do love to use baby dragons and the logs (yes its me again with another stats post)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    [Idea] Firecracker Star Level 2 - Give her a golden missile/rocket instead of a wooden one.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    a 60-man, 10-elixir army of the dead vs. one beefy twig

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Matchmaking - It has to be the way it is (Rant)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    This sub gets posts every day about the how matchmaking is unfair and if you've posted one or are planning to post one please read this.

    There are so many complaints from level 10 players saying they can't move up to the next league because they are versing level 11/12/13's. I am a level 10 player in the same position and it is annoying to face level 13's with cards 3 levels higher than yours.

    But imagine if people only versed opponents the level they are, so level 10's versed other level 10's and so on.

    It would ruin the game because it would be based purely on level and not a bit on how much you spend on your cards (apart from the ones in your deck). Say you get to level 8 and only level up the cards in your deck so the cards are level 11 while the rest of your cards are at base level you would then face other level 8's that way have lower cards than you and you will then rocket through the ranks.

    And all the levels would have people at 7000+ This would completely ruin ladder.

    submitted by /u/17Kade
    [link] [comments]

    Bruh moment

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    Anyone else hate when this happens?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    This is why we need Demote/kick cooldowns

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    My work for today's geography

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:14 AM PDT

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