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    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Clash Royale Daily Discussion 4/28-4/30: Season 11 Balance Changes!

    Clash Royale Daily Discussion 4/28-4/30: Season 11 Balance Changes!

    Daily Discussion 4/28-4/30: Season 11 Balance Changes!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Topic: Season 11 Balance Speculation

    With the conclusion of another season bring us another set of balance changes. The intention of this post is to encourage productive discussion regarding the current state of the meta and ideas that could improve the meta.

    Here is what u/Supercell-Seth has stated regarding balance changes thus far:


    Magic Archer: Targeting Range Revert

    Tornado Rework/Nerf

    11 Balance Changes (Check original post)!

    Goblin Cage Buff!

    Not confirmed yet/speculation for future balance changes:

    Goblin Hut (strong chance it gets nerfed)

    Seth's stance on spawners in general, EQ, Fisherman, and Royal Recruits



    Since its buff Goblin Hut is not only the big winner of this season's balance patch but also has taken the throne as the undisputed best structure in the meta. As a result it has overshadowed Barbarian Hut alongside leaving every other building in the dust. Skeleton Barrel is another card that has improved quite a lot from its rework, giving Wall Breakers formerly non-existent competition while becoming a compelling, fast-paced pick in Log Bait decks. Heal Spirit has certainly went a long way from its days in a spell bottle. Ever since it broke free, it's been able to use its healing capabilities to their fullest effect. As a result, Heal Spirit has made quite a name of itself, becoming an integral component for Royal Hogs alongside replacing Ice Spirit in a variety of cycle decks.

    It is without a doubt that Graveyard has continued its dominance the meta, with its defensive capabilities being augmented even further with the ubiquitous Goblin Hut. In response to the aforementioned structure, Earthquake is a groundbreaking card in the meta and has risen as an essential spell for a variety of decks. Elixir Golem-Battle Healer, Royal Hogs, and Sparky-Goblin Giant are all popular decks that utilize the spell to great use. Small Spell Bait has become much more popular with the newly buffed Skeleton Barrel, and Hog Rider is also in a healthy spot. However, Mortar and X-Bow are barely clinging to the meta due to all of the Beatdown Decks and Earthquake running rampant in the meta. Bomb Tower remains to hold the meta together, keeping Royal Hogs and EG-Battle Healer greatly in check. Due in part to Fireball's extinguishment, Three Musketeers have made a resurgence in the meta, and Rage is actually getting some niche usage.


    Discussion Questions:

    • What is your stance on the current meta?
      • How would you rate it (on a scale of 1-10) in comparison to other metas?
      • What do you think are the most problematic assets in the meta?
      • What would your approach(es) be to fix these issues?
    • What cards/s do you think could use a buff/nerf?
      • How can your change be a positive contribution to the meta?
        • How does your change address some of the flaws in the meta?
        • If applicable, could your change revive the usage of a currently underused card?
    • What card is best suited for a rework in Season 11?
      • How is your choice for a rework the most fitting for the current meta?
      • How can your rework be a positive contribution to the meta short-term/long-term?
        • What new archetypes/card synergies could your rework establish that would ideally expand and diversify the meta?
      • How does your rework remedy the primary issues of your chosen card?
        • If applicable, would your rework change the identity of the card?
        • Why do you think this would be the correct course of action?
    submitted by /u/Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R
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    Today I played 40 matches in Clash Royale, between 5600 - 5800 Trophy Range. I decided to log the number of times I saw certain cards.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Found Hunter in real life

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    meme before next update - vol 2

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Valkery has multiple outfits

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Yet another confirmed balance change ��

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    One of the craziest comebacks from my gf

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Goblin art ... Rate my design

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    [Idea] Add a remove button so it will be less confusing when making a deck.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Waiting for the big clash royale update

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Royal flush of Clash Royal

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    When you have all max stack but you cannot upgrade them :(

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    How to turn Elite Barbarians into an effective counterpush unit!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Anyone else feel like CR needs better economy? (+ thoughts on the game rn)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    TL;DR (on economy) imo it's currently too hard for players to gain cards, upgrade them with gold, and especially earn gems to play in CCs (and lol GCs). I think the cards/gold/gem economy really needs to be improved.

    TL;DR (on game) been getting VERY stale for casual players; competitive players have to deal with non-ideal balances and RPS meta

    As someone who has played CR since the public beta, I currently have 2 accounts that I play on. One of them (after spending some $$ throughout the years) has finally been getting close to maxing out all commons and rares, with several max epics and 3 max legendaries. The other is a mini account that I occasionally play on when I'm tired of playing ranked ladder on my main. (I also use the mini account to keep in touch with how f2p non-ranked-ladder or casual players feel.)

    I definitely feel CR needs to have a better economy. As more and more cards have been released (there are now almost 100 cards in the game!), that means more cards to acquire, more gold to upgrade those cards, and more difficulty in getting a specific card that you want. However, the current value that chests, etc. give is, in my opinion, far too low.

    How many people do you know have enough cards to upgrade a significant amount of cards, but don't have nearly enough gold to do so? How many people do you know that even have enough epics and legendary cards in the first place to upgrade a specific set of cards that they want? How many people do you know want to gain great competitive practices, while also earning rewards, through GCs, but have an absymal number of gems in hand?

    I think I speak for the vast majority of people here -- the economy in the game is way too low. Now that we have so many cards, chests should give more cards and gold. (I personally would argue that higher-tier chests such as giant chests should be more frequent as well.) This way, players won't be forced to basically stick to one deck to level up (or else be underleveled for the rest of their lives). Two of the most common complaints among casual players are: overleveled cards on ladder, and facing the same decks over and over again on ladder (e.g. 2.6, 2.9 because they are strong f2p-friendly decks). Improving the cards/gold economy would, in my opinion, tone down these frustrations a bit.

    And don't get me started on gems...f2p players earn an ABSYMAL amount of gems each month compared to the cost of many in-game things (CCs, GCs, challenge re-entries, GT rewards). Realistically, CCs are the only thing that most players have enough gems for, and even then, when I go a 12-win, it takes less than an hour, so it's easy to get multiple CCs in until you run out of gems. GCs are basically out of the question, which sucks cuz there are many players who want to get practice playing with other strong players (while also earning some rewards) that can't due to the gem cost. Oh, and on that note, GC rewards suck. Yes, way back in the day they were good, but now there are double the number of cards in the game, and stuff like Pass Royale and Daily Deals exist. Even a 12-win GC (which most pros can't even achieve on a consistent basis) only nets you 22k gold, 11 epics, and you're not even guaranteed a legendary from that chest. HazardCR has suggested that GCs be reduced to 50 gems, and I wouldn't be opposed to that -- it makes them more accessible while simultaneously increasing the rewards. I mean, I can't be the only one tired of insanely long queue times only 6 wins into a GC.

    (On that note, SC, why tf are legendary chests still 400 quest points and 500 gems, to get ONE legendary card that you can't even strike? There are 17 legendaries in the game! Seriously?)

    The clear weakness of the CR economy is, in my opinion, one of the main reasons that casual players feel the game is getting very stale. (Of course, I didn't even bring up how much of a chore quests and clan wars are.)

    Also, I'll end with a quick note regarding competitive play (I'm not even close to a pro by any means, although as I said before I routinely push ranked ladder, and I have a few GT badges as well): I think the meta has become too RPS. It's at the point that a significant factor in determining who wins a match is the matchup itself. The addition of more and more cards, some of which are made specifically to counter other cards, worsens this trend. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to fully fix this -- any thoughts are appreciated. Also, there are some lower-skill decks in the meta rn as well (sparky rage, egolem healer, etc.), and a lot of pros have been complaining about how frustrating it is that golem in the back first play is actually viable now. I understand that balancing cards is a very tough and time-consuming process, but we've seen a cycle of over-buffed/over-nerfed cards too often (not to mention, many of us believe that not enough cards are balanced every update). I think this, at least, is something that could be fixed.

    submitted by /u/zztempo314
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    Seems like really nice person. Lvl 12 bm'ing lvl 1.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    TIP: ✔️✔️Good way to split push against Pekka if they play it in the back✔️✔️

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    I am a horrible person for this lmao

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    When you are laser focused, but on a wrong target

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: Balanced spawners are awful for the game.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Barb and goblin hut were recently redesigned. They're playable now, even good in some top decks. That shouldn't happen. Spawners should always be trash tier at high level. Why?

    1) Spawners have the lowest skill floor. 2) Spawners slow games down too much. 3) The new mechanic punishes you for attacking spawners.

    Every card doesn't need to be well balanced at the highest level. Low skill cards can exists and be strong at low levels but bad at high levels and be perfectly fine (think wizard.)

    submitted by /u/AloneWithFriends
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    16 Elixir countered for 0 Damage by 6 elixir

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Ok thx SuperCell��

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Was playing triple elixir with only 1 and 2 elixir cards. I didn't think I'd get this far.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined ��

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Battle Healer + Some Royal Recruits = Whole Right tower and King Tower gone

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Happened at 4:56 in the afternoon

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:01 PM PDT

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