• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Clash Royale Yo Mods, you've missed a post or two

    Clash Royale Yo Mods, you've missed a post or two

    Yo Mods, you've missed a post or two

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:23 PM PST

    To celebrate the buff, I made Zappies with Polymer Clay!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    I won! No it’s a draw! No I won! Wait what?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Not again

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Full valkyrie counter with spear goblins

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:17 AM PST

    An improvment to Chest speed up boost. It's active only when a chest is being opened.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Just a small quality of life improvement.

    submitted by /u/pawcod
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    The fireball of death. My best fireball. One fireball to rule 24 minions. Value =100.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:22 AM PST

    The mods need to remove low-effort posts on this subreddit

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:32 AM PST

    It is painful to scroll through this subreddit because the low effort posts seem to outnumber the quality posts. This is what I mean by low effort posts:

    • Posts complaining about Supercell/matchmaking
    • Multiple posts about the exact same bug
    • "Supercell please nerf (insert card here)"
    • Terrible card ideas
    • Terrible balancing/rework suggestions
    submitted by /u/RedLegend5
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    double elixir draft battle. epic win

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:13 PM PST

    that's about as close as it gets, folks.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Instead of making us use our chest boost at the start of the season, it would be nice if they gave us a choice when to activate it like they do with collecting our trophy road rewards!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:33 AM PST

    I love when they throw out emotes and they lose. Feel free to trash my deck

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:37 PM PST

    What an exciting time to be alive

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Nado Nado Nado!!!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:37 AM PST

    I'm struggling to get out of arena 12 with this deck, would you recommend another one for this meta or should I just get good?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:38 PM PST

    What are the odds

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:54 PM PST

    (Effort post) Idea to REWORK Elite Barbarians

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to suggest you some ideas to balance elite barbarians. I know it's a polarising debate, but I love its design and it could become a very nice card. First of all, I would like to point out that they currently suck because of:

    • High cost for a very fast speed troop (which reduces the combo options)
    • Low HP for a high cost card (Pekka and mini-pekka are both more resilient and versatile for their cost)
    • Poor A.I. (they usually try to hit the same target when it's not needed).

    The aim of this post is to give an idea to make EB useful, so the mandatory changes that should be adressed are:

    • Improve their A.I.: often the second barbarian hits the air instead of another target.
    • Remove their initial attack delay of 0.1s: they already have slow hit speed.

    In my view, there is only one way to improve this overpriced card: make it worth its elixir cost. Proposed Rework:

    • Reduce their HP by 30%: with less HP than a hunter or a witch, they would be easier to counter. This change would make them vulnerable and put them in fireball range, keeping the same counters and even more effective (one shot of Pekka).
    • Reduce their hit speed to 1.4 sec: this change would make them threatening and useful, as they should be. The same hit speed of regular barbarians.
    • Reduce their cost to 4 elixir: the key element for a fast card. Their current cost is the main drawback and weakness of this card. This change would let them compete against lumberjack and mini pekka (becoming a high risk-high reward card, a faster version but less resilient to splash and spells).

    What do you think? Do you have more ideas?

    submitted by /u/Rikuxko2
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    [Effort] Another Guide-Spells Pt. 1

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:52 PM PST

    So here is another guide. One on spells and how to use them. Spells are useful as you cannot defend from them. For example you can zap a skull army and kill it and the opponent cannot do anything against it. So we will go over every single spell and see what it can do. I will not be going over the stats of every single troop as you can search it up. Stats Royale definitely has it. THIS IS ONLY PART ONE SO NOT ALL THE SPELLS ARE IN HERE, ONLY THE SMALL SPELLS.

    SMALL SPELLS - mostly used on swarms

    Giant Snowball-2 elixir

    This mighty snowball blows back troops. It kills weaker troops and it pushes troops lighter troops that survive back. It also slows down troops that are hit by it. It can counter swarm troops best, although balloon and other troops affected by its blowback can be countered by it. For example, if someone throws a goblin barrel and you snowball it, the goblins, although not killed, will be pushed away from the tower and the tower will be able to kill it. Same with balloon, it buys you an extra few seconds to kill the balloon if you use giant snowball on it.

    Zap-2 elixer

    My favorite spell, this can stun enemies and provide damage. It is also kills swarms easily. This can be used to delay an attack by stunning enemies and even reset things like inferno dragon, inferno tower and sparky. It can be used as an emergency card, stunning enemies so they are not able to hit as fast. This can be used both on offense and defense. For example, an approaching PEKKA can be delayed if you zap it. You can also cycle it so you get the card that you need to counter the opponent's troop back. You can also use it on offense. If you have a balloon and they place a e-wiz, you can zap the e-wiz(electro wizard) so your zap can get a hit on the tower.

    Arrows-3 elixir

    Arrows(after the rework/buff) come in three waves. Now it can take out troops with shields, like guards. Arrows do more damage then the rest but do not come with anything else. So there is not much to be said about arrows and you guys should know how to use them. FROM u/Poopshoes42 The huge spread allows you to take out troops from basically anywhere on the opponents side and hit the princess tower as well. Not to mention how insanely valuable it is against minion horde, getting a +2 elixir trade every time at equal level.

    Log-2 elixir

    This card that rolls down, does incredible damage and pushes troops back. It's weakness is that it only targets ground troops. It can be used to stop a prince's charge and is a clutch card as it buys a few extra seconds and has a long range. For example you can log a PEKKA and give yourself a second more to stop it. You can also use it to cycle. Also there is prediction logs where you place a log after your hog rider to stop approaching swarms.

    From u/Dudeman6666667 The log has a legendary ability to knock back ANY card!

    Earthquake-3 elixir

    This rare spell can slow down troops and deal massive damage to buildings. You can kill an elixir collector with an earthquake and it is usually paired with hog rider. However, this can only target ground troops as it is a EARTHquake. Paired with hog rider it can take down towers as ground swarms will be killed.

    Barbarian Barrel-2 elixir

    This card is kind of like log-only targeting ground, but comes with a barbarian. It doesn't do as much damage as log, doesn't have as much range and doesn't have the push back ability. This is the only spell that cannot reach the tower. However it does drop a barbarian to finish the job. It is great against witch as it crushes her skeletons and the barbarian finishes the job of killing her.

    Here is my first guide in case you haven't read it and want to see it- https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/eyx19v/some_tips_and_advice_effort/

    Hope this guide helped, there will be a part two soon. If I missed anything or you want to add anything leave it in the comments and I will add it into the post and tag you. Pls upvote if you found this helpful so others can see it.

    submitted by /u/hello_brobro
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    Probably the best play I've ever made with that goblin barrel at the end. My heart stopped when he logged the princess at the end.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:33 PM PST

    How. (Yes I use xbow)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:40 PM PST

    [IDEA] Boost specific card appearing percentage in chests for limited time.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:33 AM PST

    I think it would be cool to have something like magical item or boost to increase the percentage of a specific card in any coming chests that i'm unlocking,for example if i'm working to upgrade a new card like a Battle Healer and trying to get it from the coming chests so it would be cool to have this boost to increase the percentage to make this card appear more in the coming chests for limited time especially if i'm max out other cards and not interested in collecting some other cards in the time period.

    submitted by /u/HannaE12
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    What should i replace ? (I am a Level 1 on 4500 trophies)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:22 PM PST

    [Idea] Player Search

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:55 AM PST

    please add a player search it will work like how clan name and tag work where you type in the player tag and it will find the player that you`re looking for

    submitted by /u/Shadowwo1f05
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    What deck do you guys create with these cards?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:38 PM PST

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