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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    Clash Royale Daily Discussion 2/5/20-2/6/20: The Addition of Crown Tower Abilities!

    Clash Royale Daily Discussion 2/5/20-2/6/20: The Addition of Crown Tower Abilities!

    Daily Discussion 2/5/20-2/6/20: The Addition of Crown Tower Abilities!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Topic: The Impact of Customizable Abilities for Crown Towers

    As a follow up for my "Establishing a Breath of Fresh Air" post, I'd like to bring up a formerly popular topic that ironically seemed to fall from the limelight recently: The implementation of exclusive abilities that modify the stats/traits of one's King/Princess Towers!

    Since the Crown Towers are an integral part of CR's gameplay, having the ability to specialize it would not only lead to more individuality, but could also complement certain playstyles as well! Want to use Miner Control? Turning your crown towers into damage sponges may be for you. Want to use Beatdown? Specializing them to be glass cannons would be beneficial. Not only would this benefit casual players by adding an extra layer of customization, but it would also make the competitive scene much more intriguing, as it would challenge players to memorize more interactions to optimize their game.

    NOTE: Exemplary comments that best demonstrate the nature of this post WILL be awarded, so don't be afraid to elaborate on your ideas!


    Discussion Questions:

    • What are your ideas for Crown Tower abilities?
      • How would you think they would impact gameplay?
        • Casually? Competitively?
        • What archetypes would benefit the most from which of your ideas?
        • Would they fill any voids currently lacking in the meta?
        • How would they expand on the meta we currently have?
    • How would this integration help the game long-term?
      • Is it a good approach to make gameplay even more dynamic?
      • Is this type of customization healthy and beneficial for the game?
        • If it isn't, why wouldn't it be?
    • Could this be a solid ground for future updates specifically targeted at gameplay?
      • Elaborate!
    submitted by /u/Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Me after the opponent starts BMing

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:04 AM PST

    This should be the star Elixir collector skin, what do you think ?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:17 PM PST

    I found a way to make the Fire Spirit switch lanes

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:19 PM PST

    Am I the only one that misses the Clan Wars arena? It's sad how you need to be at 7k+ to see it again, especially since this season is "Return to Legendary"

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Don’t you just love it when people act so high and mighty because they think that they’ve got you on the ropes and just start letting loose the emotes..... then this happens and they finally be quiet? The battles not over until you win!!!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:30 PM PST

    Top 1k global let’s gooooooooooo

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Magic archer win condition confirmed

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Ice golem also got an artwork.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:08 AM PST

    Now all we're missing is that 'BOO' emote that was leaked with the rest

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:17 AM PST

    Those suggesting a Miner nerf have to be the most incompetent people in this community

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:11 AM PST

    While it's understandable that some people would want a Miner nerf, if you actually do your research on the card, you'll see it seriously doesn't. Hint, usage rates aren't an argument, and if you wanna talk win rates, miner's win rate is actually balanced, as it falls under the 45-55% win rate range Supercell is aiming for. So if you want to spam "RoyaleAPI" in response to anyone defending miner, you're just making a fool of yourself. Not to mention the argument that "the win rates are ridiculous because of the use rates" isn't actually a valid argument. Miner, as versatile as it is, pops up in a number of decks, ranging from Miner Poison cycle, to Lavaminer, to Bait, to Loon cycle. Certain miner decks, like Miner Poison cycle, can hard counter others, such as Miner Bait, while others, like Miner Loon cycle, can hard counter heavier miner decks, like Giant Miner Double Prince, among other Giant Miner variants. As a result, this is not an actual argument, just like every other anti-Miner argument.

    Miner is and always has been an exception to the old usage rate rule, being the only card of its kind, and this is proven because it has maintained similar rates throughout its time in the game, never having been a problem, except for when Supercell accidentally buffed the deploy time to 0.7 seconds(from 1 second) in which it was actually broken and there were actual Pro complaints about it.

    First and foremost, when discussing if a card is broken or not, you have to analyze this. Does it have counters? Miner obviously has a lot of counters, but, something common I see in many complaint posts on here is that no one actually knows how. I've seen the argument that "it's all predictions" being thrown around lately, but this actually isn't true. Maybe before crying on reddit, you could do what amounts to 5 minutes of research and watch this amazing video by Orange Juice (I forget his username can someone tag him if they know it) shows many different ways to use and counter Miner including how to catch it 100% of the time. So there, it isn't "predicting" and it isn't "luck." It's pretty sad that there's people who would rather call for nerfs than learn to play the game. Miner has plenty of counters.

    On top of this, previous nerfs have killed it. The only previous nerf, besides the deploy time one, which only happened du to a mistake on Supercell's part, was the HP nerf. 6% HP, you say to yourself, not bad right? They had to revert the nerf because it was way too harsh. Sure, while certain nerfs might not affect usage much, because it's the only card of its kind, there's ones like this which would absolutely murder it. And the ever prevalent 35% Crown Tower damage suggestion is a 12% Crown Tower DPS nerf, which, if I remember correctly, required 6 more Miner hits to take a tower at Tournament Standards, and as you all know, Miner already doesn't do much damage, this would just be ridiculous.

    Next, we have to look at the competitive scene; what do the Pros think? This is an important aspect in balance as well, because, being an eSport, this game is balanced with competitive play in mind. CWA makes videos covering this topic, specifically, Balance Predictions/Wants+Needs featuring players like KFC and SirTag, among others.

    Here is the most recent Pro Player Balance wishlist:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4JPg35A8eU(December 15th, 2019)

    As you can see, Miner is nowhere to be found on this list. There are too many Balance wishlists to link, but there are more on CWA's channel if you wish to analyze them yourselves. Just go on YouTube and search up "CWA Pro Player Balance Wishlist" and you should be met with the rest of the videos.

    Not even actual Pro Players think the card should be nerfed, this should say something.

    I've heard the argument "but they defend it because they're all using it!"

    However, this is simply not true, Pro Players have spoken out about broken cards. Two glaring examples are Elixir Golem and Executioner, which Pro Players did speak out about, even refusing to play CRL, despite the two cards being run by everyone and their mother at the time, even more so than Miner.


    Here is one of many examples of tweets of Pro Players speaking out about cards that are/were actually broken. Here, we see a Pro Player speaking out about Elixir Golem, which was unbelievably overpowered at the time.

    So Pros "using a card" doesn't actually influence them in any way, as these players are the best in the world, and use a wide variety of decks, I'm pretty sure they'd actually know what they're talking about. They've called out every broken card, and sure, while there can occasionally be bias, the actual data supports this standpoint, with usage being...around the same as other cards with no in-game alternatives like Bats, and the win rate falling under what Supercell considers a balanced win rate of 45-55% not to mention the fact that all broken cards have been nerfed, except, you guessed it, Miner, because it's not broken. And as for Royal Hogs, incredibly low use rate cards occasionally have incredibly high win rate, because of the small amount of people actually using them, though the buff might've been a bit too high.

    So that isn't an argument, either. What does this leave? Oh, right. "But it's used a lot."

    And finally, we have Supercell themselves. Every time a card's been broken, it has been nerfed. We've seen this in Elixir Golem, Witch, and Night Witch, for instance. Witch and Exe actually got so bad that they had to apologize to the community.

    The longest they've taken to nerf a broken card was 3M, which took a couple months, although to be fair at the time I believe they were still doing balance changes every 2-3 months. Miner, however, who has been in the game for 3 years, has not been touched. The only times it's been touched were the HP nerf, which actually had to be reverted, and the accidental deploy time buff, which, as I mentioned earlier, was accidental and was later reverted, leaving Miner with the same stats it's had 3 years ago upon its release. They're the ones play testing, they know what's broken and what's not.

    Finally, it doesn't necessarily help that beatdown isn't that good right now. Beatdown got hit hard these past few changes and without Beatdown keeping Cycle in check, obviously cycle, specifically Miner, is out of control. This artificially inflates the usage of the Miner, on top of inflation from other popular cards like Wall Breakers. Its usage is a combination of the meta, the balance changes we've had these past few seasons, no alternatives present in game, and its ability to get past hyper defensive decks featuring cards like Ice Wizard and Bomb Tower. Without Miner, getting past these decks would be impossible, and the prevalence of said cards, fueled by a card that was actually broken, cough Elixir Golem, also add to Miner's ever growing popularity, being able to get past these almost unbreakable defensive powerhouses. However, it is important to note that Miner is also present in said decks.

    The last argument I see, is mainly "well, the baby dragon got nerfed and its versatile so why not Miner?" To put it simply, it's because they shouldn't make the same mistake twice. The baby dragon nerf was put in place so the reworked Exe could evenly 2 shot it, first of all, and second of all, did that nerf actually touch its usage? Did it touch those win rates? No, because there's no card that can replace Baby Dragon in a deck. This ideology of nerfing because of usage and solely usage does not work because of outlier cards like Miner, Baby Dragon, Magic Archer, Bats, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit, among others. Maybe you could argue that MA needs a nerf, maybe, given it has alternatives in the form of Firecracker and Executioner, which currently aren't doing so hot. But for the others? No way

    So what are you going to do? Continue nerfing it? Because those rates will not change unless the card is absolutely useless. This is why usage rates have very little impact on card balance, compared to other factors, like Pro opinions and win rates. The reason usage rates are not the only thing taken into consideration is because there are obviously going to be outliers, such as Bats or Skeletons, which have very high usage rates but aren't actually broken.

    My last point, is rather small, but it is the skill cap of the card. Miner, despite being used a lot, is one of the highest skill cards in the game. This is confirmed on CWA's Ranking Legendaries video, where Miner is ranked as the number 2 highest skill legendary in the game, and the deck ranking video, where Ash interviews a Pro player on the skill requirements of 20 meta decks, with the Miner cycle decks coming in around the top, and Xbow 2.9 reigning supreme as the most high skill deck in the game.

    Ranking Legendaries Based on Skill- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkMd5JXk6rM

    20 Meta Decks Ranked from lowest skill to highest skill- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sGnUd_u8Cc

    (All CWA videos linked were made within the past 4 seasons)

    In conclusion, looking at these arguments, you can clearly tell which side is right and which side is wrong. The side against a Miner nerf has actual facts backing up their statements. We have win rates which are confirmed balanced by Supercell, we have the opinions of Professional Players on our side, we have Supercell on our side, we have basically everyone of authority in this game on the side of "no Miner nerf."

    What does the "pro Miner nerf" side have?

    "Yeah I bet you defend it because you use it"


    "You need to be a psychic to catch the Miner"

    "Well, it has a 38% usage rate, so that means it's OP, stats back me I'm right you're wrong nope not listening to any of you, none of you are contributing nope that's bullshit stats prove me right because it says it's used in 38% of games"

    "I bet you're at 5k"


    The most prevalent Miner haters on this subreddit, if you notice, actually have no clue what they're talking about. If you've read their other posts, these users also complain about balanced cards like Hog Rider and Xbow. Not to mention most of the nerf suggestions I see on here are completely ridiculous and over the top, ranging from 45% damage nerfs, to being shown exactly where the Miner will pop up, and even making it die to fireball.

    You have one who thinks PEKKA Bridgespam is broken simply for being an effective deck, one who has a small stroke the second someone says they don't think Miner is broken, automatically accusing you of being an alternate account or troll and blocking you, one who wants a Hog Rider nerf simply for being used a lot on ladder, and one who goes on the balance change threads asking for fucking wizard nerfs. Now, people of r/clashroyale, who do you trust more? Guys like them? Or Pro Players? Do you trust usage rates, which actually have little effect on balance, or win rates, which have a much LARGER effect on balance? The choice is yours

    These are the reasons why, in my opinion, Miner doesn't need a nerf. Let me know what you think, and what you think should be done about the card, if anything, but I'm sure instead of intelligent discussion I'll get those same offenders I mentioned earlier spamming "bUt RoYaLe ApI sAiD it'S uSeD a LoT So ThAT mEaNS iT's OP aNd yOu UsE iT aND yOu'Re An ALT"

    submitted by /u/lexiiiiiii456
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    Enplantress(Epic Card Idea) With Audio and New Card Image

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:08 PM PST

    Give the Option to Continue Playing with a Random Partner in These 2v2 Challenges

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:40 PM PST

    Unreal rocket value leads to 3 crown

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Some tips and advice [Effort]

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:03 PM PST

    As a player who has been playing for almost 2 yrs and with a pb of 5040 trophies(lvl 10), I do have some tips for those below me. As for those above me in trophies, feel free to leave in the comments what I missed.


    A swarm like skull army or minions is pretty important in decks. Most decks have them and it is important know how to use them. If you don't have them consider adding or just skipping this part of the post. Swarms are used to defend from troops that don't do splash(ram rider, pekka, etc.) Don't use swarms to feed troops that do splash(wizard, mega knight.) They are just a wast of elixir and will get killed. However, air swarms can be used to defeat ground splash(mega knight, dark prince). Do not spawn the swarm at the bridge, unless you are in desperate conditions. The opponent can easily spell the swarm and it will die. Talking about spells, many swarms are weak to them. Before you use a swarm, try to wait until the opponent has used that spell(or bait it using a different swarm troop if you have multiple) until you use the swarm, unless you are in desperate conditions. For example, if you are playing log bait, use the princess to bait the arrows/log and place your other swarm troops to tackle the opponents troops (Pekka/Ram rider). Once they use their spell, they won't have anything to really protect their un-splash damage capable troop.


    Defense is important for many cycle decks. Slower troops, like mini pekka are usually used for defense. Know what counters you have for the opponents cards. For example, you can counter a mega knight with a mini pekka. Try not to use more expensive cards for defense as it will give you an elixir disadvantage.



    To get chip damage, use fast cards(battle ram/bandit) so you can get some quick damage on the tower. You usually place these cards at the bridge and get a spell prepared so you can stop your opponent's swarms.


    If you are using a cycle deck, you have to try to get chip damage. For example, if you are using 2.6 hog, aim to get 1 or 2 hits and slowly get more damage on that same tower. You have to be careful on defense, as you cannot let your opponent touch your tower.


    Aim to use slower cards for offense. You try to place as many supporting units behind the slow tank unit as possible and try to take out the tower in one push. Be careful to save a couple of elixir, in case the opponent tries to get some chip on your other tower using bridge-spam.


    Making a good deck is important in Clash. You need many air cards, to defend from a balloon or a surprise air rush. Also have a win condition(typically a card that goes for the tower). Having 1 or 2 spells is important. You typically need 1 big and one small spell. Having splash damage is important, especially if you need to deal with swarms. Swarms can also be useful, you can get an elixir advantage and kill their push.

    Know Your Opponent's Deck

    Try to figure out what deck your opponent is using, so you can save your counters for their cards. For example, you wouldn't use your only air card if your opponent uses balloon rage. Also, you will be able to figure out what counters the opponent has to your deck. When they use their counter to your card, drop your pretty much un-counterable card(balloon, minion hord) down and they will have know way to deal with it. Be careful though, once they use four cards, the card will be back into their hand.

    Some more things about decks thanks to u/Oh_Dreaded_Dawn

    Cheap decks are also important. 4.0 or below is considered normal. U need a win condition (a card that 90% of the time does most of the damage like rg or golem. a tank, mini tank, tank killer, minispell, heavy/medium spell. air control and splash control.

    Hope this is helpful. Please leave anything I missed in the comments so I can add it into the post.


    u/Akegata05 If you can manage always try to make what orange juice says, "positive elixir trade" meaning, defend or attack perfectly with a slightly lower elixir card to your opponent to build up elixer advantages uptil double elixer

    u/Micsfyuen I am not a pro, but I think deck building goes like flow of thought process rather than a fixed method of "I should have certain things in the deck". Some process like this:

    1. meta study: have an idea of what matchups you need to handle
    2. brainstorming: come up with the key style of the deck that will have advantage over the meta
    3. synergy: fill the rest of the deck with cards that have synergy with that key style
    4. tempo: adjusting the deck so the card rotation is smooth and tempo feels right
    5. matchup: play against different meta matchups and make adjustments
    submitted by /u/hello_brobro
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    Best mega knight mirror graphics glitch ever. I've played mirror for almost 2 years never seen this happen before.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:47 PM PST

    Who Would've Known That a Meager 6% Damage Boost and a Rework To Their Key Component Would Result In The Biggest Usage Jump For a Win-Con in Recent Time

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:33 AM PST

    The moderators here are a joke.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:03 PM PST

    Just by scrolling through new, what can I see? Blatant sockpuppet accounts used to make the 10000th nerf miner post, posts targeting specific users that are kept up, users being harassed until they delete their accounts, brigading to other threads, trolls that make new accounts right after being banned, users making accounts to imitate other users, people threatening to ddos other users. The list goes on.

    This has been proven many times on other subs, the rule breaking will only get more extreme. I've seen it happen before. The Admins will eventually take notice in this sub if this direction doesn't change. Make a karma and account age limit and get more mods.

    submitted by /u/Happy-fig
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    how close can you get omg

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Several improvements that need to be done. A lot of players would agree

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:33 PM PST

    I have several ideas that need to be improved/implemented in the game. I believe that many will agree with me.

    1. Add more deck slots to the game not just the standard 3-5.

    2. Allow us to disable/enable some emotes from the personalize settings. This way we can choose which ones we can use in-game. I have so many emotes and most of them i will never use and I hate it that sometimes I have to scroll 2-3 pages to send one I want.

    3. Improve star skins! There are soooo many ways you can improve this. Many cards don't even change at all. Add more stuff to it like bomb tower could have had a golden base and add some cool features or maybe use a golden mask on baby dragon etc. There is so much you can improve to this great feature you brought to the game a few months ago.

    4. Improve/change some modes that are so old-dated like clan wars and classic/grand challenges. This may include improving rewards in classic and grand challenges or adding another league to clan wars or make a bit of a rework to the mode

    Please upvote if you agree

    submitted by /u/giorgost
    [link] [comments]

    Tfw you're only 1 trophy away

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:04 PM PST

    Something weird happened... (explanation in comments)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:44 PM PST

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