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    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Clash Royale So much was added to the game this season that they missed to fix this again

    Clash Royale So much was added to the game this season that they missed to fix this again

    So much was added to the game this season that they missed to fix this again

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:14 AM PST

    [HUMOR] Who did it best?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Ah yes, Royal Ghosts spawning in Balloon Festival is my jam

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST

    Love the new ice spirit art!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    Top 5 Questions YOU Should be Asking at the START of Every Game in Clash Royale...

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:34 PM PST


    Whaddup bois, and welcome back to another strategy post! Today I'm going through my top 5 questions you should be asking at the start of a game in Clash Royale and what you can use this information for! With all of that said, this post is a transcript of a video I made on YouTube! If you're more of a watcher than a reader, then be sure to check that out! Anyway, apart from that, let's get into it!


    What is my opponent's deck?

    Knowing your opponent's deck sets you up entirely for the rest of the game, seeing as their chosen 8 cards are static and cannot change throughout the match. It should be one of the first questions you're asking when you enter battle. With this information in mind, you can make all kinds of plays that we'll discuss later on in this post. Not knowing very popular deck lists can get you into a load of trouble, and it's all about being able to know what options your opponent has, and how to play around them. There are two ways to recognise a deck list. Of course, you can just wait for them to play 8 cards and keep them in the back of your mind whilst you're playing the game. This method is sorta difficult, especially if you have a bad memory like me. The other method is to just remember key interactions. If they're running Mini PEKKA, you don't have to remember all 8 cards to know what they're likely going to play against your Hog Rider. Of course, the easiest way to know your opponent's 8 cards is if they're playing a meta deck, where you have already remembered their exact list before even entering the game.


    Is a bait strategy in play?

    This seems kind of niche, but figuring out whether somebody has a bait strategy early on within a game allows you to figure out their win condition and assign cards to it. Now, a lot of you may just assume I mean Log Bait when I mention bait strategies, but that is absolutely not the case. You may not realise it, but even decks like Golem often employ a bait strategy. All you need to do is figure out what their most dangerous bait cards are, and remember to keep your counters in hand for them. And THIS is why it's important to figure out bait strategies at the START of a game. If you throw away your best counter card, and they punish you with their bait card, you're in a world of hurt just because you were too eager with this one card... With this being said, you also need to figure out efficient responses to their other bait cards too. All of this is made easier if they're a meta deck, but figuring it out within a game is also made a lot easier when this question is at the front of your mind from the start of every game.


    How do they counter my win condition?

    In every game you play, your win condition will have SOME sort of counter. This counter could be something as black and white as Rocket vs Sparky, orrr it could be something more flexible like Minions vs Hog Rider. Figuring out what your opponent is trying to reliably use against your win condition can allow you to appropriately respond to allow yourself more damage. Asking yourself what your opponent's counter is at the start of the game enables you to do this for the entire match, opposed to figuring it out later for less damage. There are two methods of this, which I'll explain now. You can "bolster" your push, or you can make a predictive play. Bolstering your push is adding cards to your push that can disrupt your opponent's defensive plan. Take the Hog Rider vs Minions example from earlier. Bolstering your push with an Ice Golem means that these Minions become zappable, and you've countered the counter. Bolstering is essentially adding something to your push before it crosses the river, whereas a prediction mostly happens after your push crosses the river. Taking the same Hog vs Minions example, you can use prediction here to throw a Fireball or some Arrow and catch those Minions before they can even affect your Hog. Once again, you've countered the counter just by reading what your opponent is wanting to do.


    How do I counter my opponent's win condition?

    The opposite question to before is... what is THEIR win condition, and how do I counter it? It's pretty similar to both of the last two points, in fact. You wanna know their win condition from the start of the game in order to continue countering it with your most efficient card. Keeping this in hand to counter their win con means it can get minimal damage every time they use it, and allow you an advantage within a game. Again, knowing meta decks will help you here, because if you see a Musketeer and Skeletons in the back, you probably know what you want to keep your Tornado for... We can elaborate further on this by adding in our previous theory of bolstering and predicting. With their win condition in mind, always actively be thinking of how they might try to counter your counter with these methods. For bolstering, try to switch up which units you counter with if possible. If not, just try to switch up the placements of where you defend. These two things will mean that any tricks your opponent tries will be less effective, and enable you more time to react. In terms of predicting, just try to delay some placements if you think they're going to throw a prediction spell. Having them miss is well worth it, even if it means waiting a few seconds to defend and conceding some damage.


    Should I punish or invest?

    Investing or punishing is something I find myself talking about a LOT in my posts. In short terms, if your win condition is considerably more expensive than your opponent's, you want to be placing it in the back and building around it. If your win condition is considerably less expensive than your opponent's, wait for them to invest in the back and attempt to punish at the river. Having this gameplan from the get-go enables you to have the tactical heads-up on your opponent if you figure it out first. It'll also stop you wasting time in a game, which is crucial if you have a bad matchup or are simply a chip cycle deck.



    Pretty much all of these tips are just yelling 'time efficiency', but that is a critical part of Clash Royale and sort of the underlying theme of this list. Anyway bois, that's all I got for my top 5 questions to be asking at the start of a Clash Royale game. If you did enjoy today's post then be sure to check out the video form and whatnot, it would help out a lot! But apart from that, I hope you enjoyed, and peace.

    submitted by /u/EbolaBailey
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    8x sparky

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:55 PM PST

    Golden Armoured Princess - This was fun to draw. [Art]

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Ridiculously OP ram challenge deck.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:03 AM PST

    I dream of a tournament system like this

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:15 PM PST

    No health? No problem!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:02 PM PST

    SuperCell should hold an Art contest every season for a new loading screen.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:54 AM PST

    I just think this would be a really cool community engagement idea, the winner would be chosen by the community in a voting system and would be the new load screen for that season. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Mandalore777
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    8/8 all pass royale emotes deck , which one is your favourite?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:23 PM PST

    Ever thought you were smart but only for a moment?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:57 PM PST

    So why is Freeze in the game at all

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Princess lvl12 vs lvl13 interaction review

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Best way to kick off the new challenge... a 3-3 tie

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Idea: replace chest speedup boost with victory gold boost

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Collecting rewards all at once! JUICY!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Now that's interesting.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:42 PM PST

    The most intense touchdown I’ve ever taken part in

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:25 AM PST

    Unpopular opinion: I have no problem with S8. It’s just crazy how people suddenly want change when a season doesn’t add new arenas, cards, or balance certain cards.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:57 AM PST

    And before people type away...it's an unpopular opinion. It's my opinion, I'm free to express it, and I'm not trying to say everyone's opinion outside of mine is invalid. Just hear me out...

    S8 is lackluster. I absolutely one hundred percent agree with that. Essentially all Supercell did was take an old emote and a basic tower skin and slap it into this season as new content. But am I that upset about it? No.

    And to be frankly honest, apart of the reason why I probably don't really have a problem with S8 is because I've become so accustom to how this community acts whenever they're unsatisfied with something. When people are satisfied, they won't say anything. When people are unsatisfied, everyone wants the game to change in some shape or form.

    Example A: When emotes started to become more common and popular in the game, I was told numerous times on the subs from people to "stop complaining about emotes, they're just cosmetic." Now suddenly Supercell puts out an emote that was leaked a while ago, people are complaining because the emote is "lackluster."

    Example B: When skin towers became a thing, I remember not giving a damn about them because I simply didn't care about a skin on my tower (I still don't care). People also didn't care because it was simply an optional cosmetic. Now suddenly Supercell puts out a random log skin, and people are complaining because it's also "lackluster."

    You see the pattern here? It's like when people in this community don't get what they want, suddenly it's the end of the world and the game needs to have an overhaul.

    And what's wild is, some of the things people are complaining about are things that I've been saying for years now, but no one ever wanted to listen. I've said that challenges needed to be revamped because they were becoming boring, but everyone told me to stop crying. I've said multiple times that there needs to be improvements made to ladder and clan wars, but I was always told that I suck and needed to stop playing. But now that S8 is lackluster, "this game needs to be revitalized."

    And I'm not excusing anything Supercell does because I'm still annoyed with the decisions they make or have made. But to now suddenly call for change because you didn't get what you want is not the way to go, and it's played out tbh.

    Not every season is going to be this huge game changer, and not every season is going to be in the favor of everyone. Most importantly, Supercell has done this type of stuff before, so it should be no shock to anyone.

    And for people who are going to say, "It's not about any of what you said, it's about the fact that....." Let me ask you this.....

    Even if Supercell changed the things people want, and have a hella crazy S9 in March with new cards, arenas, and balances.....how long is it going to take before people start to complain about the next thing on their list?

    S8 is perfectly fine to me, and doesn't really warrant any complaining in my opinion. All this complaining should've been used more wisely in previous seasons when they were most needed.

    submitted by /u/VibeMeThere
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    When the season’s end is just hours away but you haven’t maxed pass royale yet

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I don't think current Clash Royale staff is doing anything wrong, they are just severely understaffed

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:04 PM PST

    With a revenue of €1.6 billion (2018) I'd really expect Clash Royale to have a large base so things run smoothly. It's not like the game is unplayable, far from that. But there never seems to be new content. The last significant drop was in July(?) for seasons and to my knowledge that didn't bring any significant actual gameplay changes. Don't get me wrong seasons are great but it really feels like they (Supercell) are using seasons as a way to mask work inefficiency. When you see a new loading screen and arena with a new color scheme it really plays on people's perceptions and makes it seem like the season changes were bigger than ever. But it's only just a ladder reset, season reset, and like 3 cards balanced.

    From u/TheKingIsBackYo he estimated that Supercell has "Software developers: 5. QA: 1. Designers: 1-2. Balance change testers: 2. And I still think this is an exaggeration. In reality is prob 3 devs, 1 qa, 1 designer, 2 balance change testers."

    I would honestly imagine it would lie with the lower numbers, considering how little gameplay updates come to the game. Little things like rewinding TV Royale or more deck slots or the horrendous 400(?) points needed for a single legendary chest. Why does a game with this much stardom take so long to make changes to?

    submitted by /u/WaavyDaavy
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    it’s that time of year when everyone complains about not knowing the number of cards again

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:12 AM PST

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