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    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    Clash Royale Clash Royale Season 8 Reveal!

    Clash Royale Clash Royale Season 8 Reveal!

    Clash Royale Season 8 Reveal!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:34 AM PST

    Fan Art- Inferno Dragon! Done with colored pencil. Let me know what you think!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:22 PM PST

    [IDEA] Replace offline player with a bot when teammate lefts the match so at leas it can place troops on arena and we can continue to battle

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    I love this Subreddit

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:27 AM PST

    [EFFORT POST] Season 8 Balance Change Analysis + Release

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:45 PM PST

    [EFFORT POST] Season 8 Balance Change Analysis + Release

    Well, another month has passed, and we've got a new set of balance changes. So what exactly will they do? Let's find out!

    I've made a Clash Royale engine over the past couple of months (scroll down...), and I've updated it to have the current balance changes so I can test them out. So let's see what there is to see!

    Obligatory note: Interactions may not be perfect here, but they should provide a general guideline of how much of a change these buffs will be while giving some fairly accurate stats.


    • First attack time decreased from 1.4 to 1 second
    • Damage increased from 70 to 84
    • Hit speed increased from 1.6 to 2 seconds
    • Added staggered deploy time (0.15 seconds)

    Okay, so this was necessary. And with this drastic of a change, some interaction testing is also necessary.

    Stun-Lock Test: Giant vs. Zappies (stun-lock position)

    Old Damage: Giant doesn't even hit the tower once

    New Damage: Giant gets one hit

    Tower Test: Zappies vs. Tower (from previous)

    Old Tower HP: 1694 (840 damage)

    New Tower HP: 1610 (944 damage, +10%)

    First Attack Test: Prince vs. Zappies (pull position)

    Old Result: 2 Zappies die, the other is left with a sliver of health; Prince charge not prevented

    New Result: 2 Zappies live with full health; charge prevented, and only 1 of the Zappies dies for it

    Personally, I feel that this is a fairly big buff. Even though their stun-lock capabilities have been significantly lowered (with now at least 0.5 seconds of movement), they will still work in that method to an extent (it's still basically a 75% slow if well-timed), and their new first attack time will open up huge opportunities for reactive defenses.

    Note: I've been hearing a lot of people say that this will improve Graveyard interactions: this is not the case. The slower hit speed balances out the faster load time.

    Barbarian Hut

    • Lifetime decreased from 60 to 50 seconds
    • Spawn time decreased from 13.5 to 12.5 seconds
    • Added split (now spawns two Barbarians when destroyed)

    Of course, the main thing about this rework is the fact that it makes the Hut more resilient to spells - you now can't, say, Fireball/Rocket the Hut and get rid of it completely if it's at low health. But let's see if it fares any better in a 1v1:

    Note: In all of the scenarios below, the tank gets no tower damage. Therefore I am comparing how many Barbarians spawn, as that's probably the most important change with this interaction. In case you're wondering, I used a 2-3 placement. (2 up from the tower and 3 to the center)

    Royal Giant: Two waves spawn -> One wave + split

    Giant: Two waves -> Two waves + split (3 waves, basically, so an improvement)

    Goblin Giant: Two waves -> Two waves + split (same as above)

    So now you'll likely get more Barbarians out of the Hut, with the bonus that the low-health Hut for the last 10 or so seconds will discourage spells. I think it'll be viable. I doubt it'll be meta, though - I feel that although two waves are basically guaranteed, it won't do much more in a full-on battle than it already did beforehand.


    • First attack time decreased from 1 to 0.7 seconds

    This was needed. Let's see how much of an impact this will have on the more reactionary win conditions:

    Graveyard: Not a huge impact on this (randomness is more important to damage taken than this buff is)

    Goblin Barrel: 2039 Princess HP -> 2237 HP (denying 2 more stabs)

    Balloon: With proper placement and timing, it should be possible to reactively stop the Balloon from connecting - only the death bomb will hit. Place your Witch three tiles in front of your tower ASAP - it will just barely take it out. (Not possible without pre-planting before.)

    Royal Hogs

    • Damage increased from 56 to 59

    Not much to say here - it's a simple damage increase. But it will change some interactions:

    Tower: 182 Princess HP -> 56 Princess HP

    Cannon: 2142 Princess HP -> 2003 Princess HP from full (they'll take the Cannon out faster and can get more shots on the tower)

    Bomb Tower completely wrecks them notwithstanding (I mean, they still have the same health, so...)

    You probably won't notice a huge difference while using or facing them: after all, it is just a 6% buff. But they will give you a bit more reward when you use them, while making cheap, single-target building counters less effective. So that'll be nice if you use them.

    One More Thing...

    After 4 months of work, a 1-month limited beta, and 650,000 key presses in 10,200 lines of code, I am finally ready to release my Clash Royale engine program!

    Screenshot showing interface, three towers, and a Prince



    • Clean graphical interface
    • All 97 cards in the game, represented as closely as possible
    • In-game deck changing
    • Push Mode
    • Savestates (still WIP, but work most of the time)
    • Retro Royale (you can play with January 2016 card stats)
    • Legacy versions for December, November, and October 2019, as well as January 2020
    • 1x-5x elixir and 5-20 max elixir (and more with simple code edits)
    • Almost complete deck control (deck size from 5 to infinity)
    • Live card stat editor (edit card stats in the code and see the results once you play that card)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I change my deck?

    There are two methods.

    The best method involves going to lines 15 and 16 - there, you can change the text in the arrays to fit the cards you want. Spelling needs to be accurate: "Valkyrie" instead of "Valkryie", "P.E.K.K.A." instead of "PEKKA", etc. Otherwise, the program won't understand what you're telling it.

    If you don't want to mess with the code, you can use the search function - type in the card you want and the slot you want it to go to, press ENTER, and it will be replaced. (Slots 0-3 are the ones in your current hand, and 4 is the next card.) It's easier to do live, but it won't save.

    How do I play cards?

    Drag and drop them onto the arena, or click onto the card and click where you want it to go.

    How do I activate Retro Mode?

    Go to line 36 in the code and replace "current" with "retro". The same idea goes for the legacy versions. You'll see a list of possibilities of versions below that line.

    Can I use this program in fullscreen?

    Sure! It does require some URL editing - just change the width and height numbers (shown in bold and italics) until you get to the right size: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/clash-royale-engine-guide/6273750460809216/embedded?editor=no&buttons=no&author=yes&embed=yes&width=800&height=800

    Does this program work on mobile?

    You can try - I haven't done so very much myself - but it needs some good processing power to work. Also, Khan Academy has a tendency to not like mobile phones. However, it should work on iPads decently well.

    If you have a touchscreen computer, the program won't allow for both mouse and touch input - once you use touch, you can't use the mouse unless you reload the page. Nothing I can do about that.

    How do I edit/make cards for myself?

    Unfortunately, that's a bit more complicated than I can explain here. But I do explain it in this guide: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/clash-royale-engine-guide/6273750460809216/embedded?editor=no&buttons=no&author=yes&embed=yes&width=800&height=800

    Note that having some programming knowledge is highly beneficial, but not required. I do provide a crash course to what is necessary to make changes in the guide. (Basically, if you have any problems, do a quick CTRL-F in the guide - it has a list of attributes, an explanation of what every number or value in the card data means, and more.)

    To start, it's a good idea to look at inspiration - take some card as a base and edit it until it's what you want.

    Can I save my edits?

    Of course! If you want to make some edits and save them, simply make a Khan Academy account (naturally, it's free) and make a spin-off of my program with your edits in it. It'll automatically save to your account. (Don't be afraid to copy-paste and replace the entire code with your new code if you don't log in before you make some edits. It's happened to me approximately a hundred times.)

    The nice thing about this (as I mention in the guide) is that other people can see your edits and test them out for themselves. You also get a link to your copy, which you can do whatever you want with.

    Can I look at your other programs?

    Sure - you can check them out here: https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/sgaming/projects

    I've got a problem with an edit, and I need some help!

    Well, that's not really a question, per se, but feel free to tell me in the comments below. I'd be more than willing to help you!

    I'd like to provide feedback and/or request a new feature!

    Great - feel free to do so below! I'd be more than willing to add something new if you have a good idea for something to do with it.

    Just please don't suggest stuff with graphics - as much as I would love to add better graphics, it would be nearly impossible to do. As there's no easy way for me to import them, I'd have to draw them all myself, which, naturally, is not ideal for doing much more than I've already done. Also, it would affect program speed, and I'd like to focus more on that than having better graphics. Therefore what's there is what's going to be there.


    I hope you all enjoy testing this out! You can all use this for yourselves for card ideas/balance change suggestions - I just would like credit provided to me.

    Make sure to tell me what you think below, and feel free to share what you make!

    submitted by /u/ScholarlyGaming
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    [Effort Post] Challenger...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:13 AM PST


    Clash Royale has definitely taken a hit this season. There is no doubt this season has a huge lack of originality. While the OG legendary arena looks nice, the tower skin is pretty...ugly. No new cards, and a random card was boosted this season. The communication, despite what Drew and Seth have said, has been pretty bad. So this is how I think we should fix it. By the way, credit goes to u/MissStealYoTrophies for the idea!

    "You have overcome many challenges thus far..."

    So who is this guy in the background? Well, let's let him introduce himself!


    "You have overcome many battles thus far..."

    "You have finally reached me..."

    "Now it is time to face..."


    "I am..."

    "Lord Cheddar, ruler of this fine kingdom!"

    "I command you, <username>, to hand over your card collection!"

    "Do it now, and you shall be spared!"

    And just like that, the Adventure begins.

    So Lord Cheddar has stolen every single card you own. Thankfully, he has given you the choice of ONE card to begin your journey. Choose wisely, as you have to fight a few battles with just this card. Also keep in mind star skins and card levels WILL NOT be saved. All cards start at level ONE.

    So what is this?

    Well, it's a story mode/adventure mode! You must re-claim all your cards and defeat Lord Cheddar in a VERY hard final boss battle.

    Reward System

    Once you defeat Lord Cheddar, you unlock EXCLUSIVE cards: HEROES! You cannot buy them, you cannot find them in chests. You only receive a set of one or two cards after completing the entire adventure. It's impossible to earn Hero cards any other way even after they are unlocked.

    How it affects your real game

    Don't worry! The cards that get stolen don't affect your real game in any way. You keep your cards, your star skins, your gold and gems, your xp. Everything. The lost cards and gold are only a part of the adventure mode environment.

    Is this P2W?

    Nope! Gems and gold do not affect the adventure in any way. You have unlimited attempts at every level (unless you decide to do a Nuzlocke run of course. More on that below.) and you unlock every card with time. The only thing you need is time to play the mode!

    Massive potential!

    Who said you do this normally? Obviously, being the god you are, you find stupid, brilliant, crazy, fun ways to make the mode harder. Be it a Nuzlocke run (where every card has only one life. You lose the battle, you lose the card.), picking a stupid card as your starter, or only using specific cards for your deck. The possibilities are virtually limitless!

    Tell me some challenge ideas in the comments!

    Why though?

    Think about all the games released for the Wii U and the Switch. I'll use Super Smash Bros. As an example. Smash for Wii U wasn't very popular, had limited gameplay, and overall never really took off. Smash Ultimate on the other hand, sold millions of copies in the first WEEK. The key difference (besides being able to play as Piranha Plant) was an adventure mode in the form of World Of Light.

    Zelda was the same. The second Zelda game ever to receive a game award was for the endless adventure of Breath of the Wild. Replayability is key to keep players engaged for an extended period of time.


    We need a feature that isn't the following:

    • Revolved around Pass Royale

    • Isn't for money, instead for player engagement

    • Is repeatable and fun!

    • Combines all the community's ideas (heroes, story mode, boss fights) into one feature!


    Before you downvote because you're too lazy to read, I'd like to say, I've put in a lot of effort into this. At least answer these questions:

    1. What ONE card would you pick as your starter?
    2. Would you like story mode to be added?
    3. Anything you would change/add/remove? It can be cutscenes, challenges, rewards, concepts, names etc.

    Thanks for reading (or not). This is my contribution to Feb. 2nd 2020 daily discussion. My way of saying thank you to Supercell for a great time with the game, even if I haven't played since season 1. I want to show I believe the game we all love has massive potential and deserves a good chunk of my time.

    submitted by /u/Zeldagod14
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    [Effort Post] How to save season 8 (and others like it) with one client update

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:22 PM PST

    I get it. You can't reliably innovate on a monthly cadence. Time spent making hype seasons is time not spent fixing the systemic issues with the game.

    The devs need a formula for a low effort season, for those months when they're heads down on the big stuff. Season 8 probably isn't that formula. But it's close! Here's the one change it needs:

    Replace every chest boost on trophy road with another card boost.

    Why? Because ladder is stale and sweaty. Everyone's got their one deck they invested all their resources into. They've played hundreds of matches with it. So here we go again, season 8, where we play the same dang decks against each other and pray the balance changes didn't turn our preciouses to ash.

    Players want more decks to play on ladder, but they don't know what to upgrade. They need time to practice a deck on ladder before they lvl the cards. Card boosts actually let you do that! We just don't get enough of them.

    So now Supercell would have two season formulas. For seasons they've got time to hype up, be it for a new card or a real world holiday, they use the formula that's been working for just about seven seasons. For the off-months, Supercell can turn the game into its own kind of repeatable special event - one where we get to experiment with new decks on ladder!

    Who should pick what cards get card boosts? I believe both Supercell and players should get a say in that. Supercell gets the Season Pass card boost to harvest balance data about specific cards (Ram Rider in season 8.) The remaining boosts on trophy road are player's choice.

    Benefits for players: * Figure out what cards to max out before you commit * More variety when playing ladder * Something special to look forward to when it's LOg mOnTh or whatever. (Hot Log Summer? I digress.)

    Benefits for Supercell: * Incentivizes players to explore beyond Baby's First Deck * Costs about as much to produce as season 8 >_> * More ladder activity * A special event in its own right, simply by giving players the temporary ability to bend the rules and play cards at their level.

    [ Aside: Some may say this does nothing for max account players. First of all neither do chest speed-ups. Max players don't need cards or gold. Second, it actually would benefit them indirectly. Multiple decks are key to climbing high up ladder and it's an advantage only max account players have. Relax the restriction a bit with lots of card boosts and suddenly ladder is more lively for everyone. All boats rise. ]

    tl;dr: High effort post outlining a low effort season - replace chest boosts with card boosts.

    submitted by /u/Bird_IRL
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    Tornado is too versatile

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 05:36 PM PST

    I've been playing cr for about 3 and a half years right now. I've disliked going against many cards throughout my journey but thankfully I've managed to overcome the hardships of facing off against those cards. For example Inferno tower, sparky, golem and a few more. But tornado has been a pain from day one until now. Let me elaborate.

    As a player who finishes at 6200 to 6300 trophies, I don't lose so often against tornado(i lose 60% to 70% against the card). But I do watch t.v royale a lot and I just can't help but seeing tornado to be an op card for it's cost and rarity. How ?? Heres a list of things I have to say about tornado.

    1. Firstly, it's just 3 elixir which means it's does not give a high risk high reward like the other spells, (and i know theres log, zap, ect that also are cheap but let me continue).

    2. The card has a huge radius, it covers way too much space when clustering troops together.

    3. It can be used to kill or heavily damage swarm units, so it can be used to as an alternative for countering swarms when a small spell is out of cycle.

    4. It acts like a siege building but has no counters because it's a spell, siege building are used to give a longer route against a win condition and make both towers engage against that win con but a predictive spell can counter that siege, tornado does the same but it has no counter.

    5. It can be used to give a king tower activation against almost any troop in the game.

    6. It synergizes too well with any splash troop/spell especially ice wiz, exe, and rocket/ fireball thus giving high defensive value in almost any situation thus also giving a positive elixir trade for the user.

    7. It can also be used on offense to splash damage on the opponents princess tower.

    8. There is no tornado bait archetype to be used against tornado.

      The card does all the points mentioned above for only 3 elixir. I honestly think it's too much because the card can fit in any deck that has a splash unit in it. It's just way too versatile. It can literally be abused in so many ways and there is nothing that can be done against it unless the opponent misplays the card which is very seldom in high ladder. So please sc do something about the card. No card in the game offers this much utility, and if anyone can give an example please do so in the comments, I would really like to hear, but I don't think anyone can make a list of 8 different utilities for any card in the game tbh.

    Suggestions for a nerf or rework:

    1. Nerf the card by simply giving it smaller radius.

    2. Rework the card by making it 4 elixir, make it kill stab gobs but not minions and make do 30% damage on princess/king tower °and° buildings. By doing this the card will give a high risk high reward concept, so if a hog comes to your tower, using tornado will counter the hog for an equal elixir trade and will give a king tower activation plus using it on defense will be a bit more risky.

      Sc please do something about the card I've been playing for 3.5 years now, it seems pretty obvious to me that the card is too op for its cost. Going against tornado is frustrating for hog, golem, graveyard, miner and balloon players. Let me know what you guys, the reddit community think about all this.

    Thanks for reading and peace ✌.

    submitted by /u/july19961996
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    Did this on my phone

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:01 PM PST

    An idea for the card icon. Why not show all 3 star levels (1,2 and 3) in the card for all level 13 players. This will be shown by other people in replays or in your own deck.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Rewards for top 3 to 5 people who donate the most in the clan

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

    The rewards don't have to be anything huge but perhaps a single reward for the top 3 to 5 people in the clan who have donated the most every week. I know the number of donations reset on Sundays, so how about the rewards are given as soon as they are reset. Not only will this incentivize clanmates to donate more but this will also be an opportunity to get gold, trade tokens, gems, or even a chest. This could also possibly be a method to get emotes without stacking up gems to get them or spending money to get them even faster. The amount of gold doesn't even have to be ridiculous but maybe the amount that you have donated can be the amount in gold given.

    This will allow the most active clanmates to be rewarded, donations and trades to be fulfilled faster, and can help get more people to participate in the clan war.

    I'm aware that we get gold & points towards leveling up for donating already, but they're minor and the chance to get more gold, trade tokens, gems, or even a chest would be helpful and add a simple yet new dynamic to the game.

    submitted by /u/solipsistrealist
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    Last card idea to avoid spam. Simple but effective!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I’ve never seen the King’s tower activated like this before. Bad luck.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Phonecats Discusses the State of the Game and the Updates. What do you think of what he says?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Am I the only one who *doesn't* see a desperate need to 'revitalize' the game?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:27 AM PST

    After 3 years of clash, I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface of the game.

    I am a loooonnng way from mastering all the key interactions and strategies in the game.

    In any given "session" of clash, I encounter a play that makes me stop and think about what to do differently next time.

    When a new card is introduced or a new game mode is added to challenges, I do not feel renewed enthusiasm for the game I already enjoy.

    Instead I feel like a chess player who, after steadily making progress, is told: "ok, to keep things fresh, we've added a few rules and also every 10 moves we're placing a new rook on the board".

    Evidently, not many of my fellow clashers share my outlook. That is particularly striking in the feedback about the Season 8 announcement.

    I'm lucky enough that most of my cards are 12+ so I can play a variety of decks if I get bored. Maybe that's it.

    Or maybe I'm such a slow learner that every one else has mastered the game and is itching for a new challenge while I'm still plodding along.

    Is there anyone out there that shares my view? Sure doesn't seem like it from where I sit.

    submitted by /u/CRKing865
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    Biggest comeback ever

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:28 PM PST

    I’ve been in and out of master 1 a total of 13 times

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:14 AM PST

    It’s not much, but I managed to get to Master I in my first season after a 1 year break.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:06 PM PST

    3 crown draw...(I posted a similar post last night this is the video of the match)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST

    [Effort] Dear Supercell

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:42 AM PST

    You may have noticed that many players are complaining about the state of the game, how the game is worse than it ever was. It is true that no new content has really been released, also true how the game encourages P2W. However, I am not going to take sides, I will just tell the community why this is, and when it might be fixed.

    Supercells Dev team may look like it is chilling and not trying, but it is extremely hard to create a card or balance one. Although it is just one line of code, the Dev team has to test it, question themselves (What will happen if the opponent doesn't have elixir and this card is thrown at the bridge? Will this card be countered by this?) To balance a card they need to make sure it can be countered, and it can counter other cards. Think about the fire-cracker, for instance it could easily counter swarms, deal damage to the tower, but can be countered by arrows. The Dev team need to carefully balance each and every card in order not to get complaints like. THIS GAME IS IN ITS WORST STATE EVER!!!

    Supercells Dev team is working on other things, there will be a huge update (hopefully) in March. The seasons are not meant to be BIG UPDATES. They are just small changes in balance so that things can be tweaked. However, to you this season may suck, THEY DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO MAKE A NEW ARENA! OR THEY DIDN'T MAKE A NEW CARD. Remember those times when, nothing new was released? You should be grateful. And I think the Dev team right now is working hard on the March update and does not have as much time to do the smaller updates.

    It is true that this game encourages P2W, but it takes money to continue running the game. Any logical person would want to make money. In Supercells shoes, you would jump to make money and create Pass Royale. However, this crappy *4 value stuff is ridiculous. Supercell is acting like they are a vacuum cleaner, sucking money repeatedly into their system. Supercell, please notice the rants and maybe stop adding so many SPECIAL OFFERS.

    To be honest, I don't think heroes would be balanced at all, they would be way to OP and would demolish basically everything! Instead, maybe take some risks. For example, make ladder completely different, you could change it so that there is 10 card slots(I saw this in a post, not my idea) or make too ladders! One for competitive uses, and the other just to see where you can get. Maybe add back tournaments that you can host so more people can have fun.

    I believe that most of the cards are balanced, there will always be a card that can counter your deck, so those people complaining, are just complaining about one specific card that counters their deck. Elite barbs, for example may not be so no skill, you guys are just triggered about how it takes down towers. It is actually quite easily countered and you may have to count elixir to play it.

    However, there are multiple bugs in this game, please fix them. I completely understand everything else, but please remove the bugs. For example, the sudden death when the replay glitches out. Or the 2v2 touchdown where the fisherman stands still.

    Supercell, if you are reading this, those are just suggestions. Dear readers, this is just my opinion, feel free to disagree.

    AND GO CHECK OUT THE EFFORT POST, CHALLENGER! It is made by u/Zeldagod14! Great idea. He basically says the game should have a story mode!

    submitted by /u/hello_brobro
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    ...Maybe we should limit the number of building cards available in touchdown draft

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:08 PM PST

    New card concept....traps

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Just thinking about new cards. What about a new type called trap. They would only be visible by you or your teammate. Think like freeze or poison trap that opponent would trigger when opponent troop steps on it. I feel like to get a good ROI you would need to be allowed to use it on opponents side before towers go down. It would also need to be cheap because or be more powerful as I cant see it being overly effective to a tank.

    submitted by /u/adrnalnjunkee
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    This is the closest game I’ve ever had

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:06 AM PST

    Wow, the visuals are really good. Caption this.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:08 PM PST

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