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    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    Clash Royale Over-leveled Ebarbs BMer gets what they deserve

    Clash Royale Over-leveled Ebarbs BMer gets what they deserve

    Over-leveled Ebarbs BMer gets what they deserve

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    The Rules Of Clash Royale

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:19 AM PST

    EDIT: I have added more to this (very true) list of common experiences in Clash Royale!

    - You have probably asked Supercell Support around 20 questions, and none of their answers have ever helped you in fixing your problem.

    - You can never buy special offers in time because it says "Transaction Pending".

    - Supercell support will blame the cause of the error on Apple or Google.

    - You haven't seen a spawner deck in over 1000 games, the moment you take out your big spell, somehow the very next opponent is using all four spawners in their deck.

    - Your last 5 legendaries acquired were probably 2 ice wizards, 2 inferno dragons, or possibly a graveyard or sparky or princess at best.

    - Your friend always seems to win with his deck, but when you use it, you never win.

    - The opponent in the last battle of your challenge is a pro player on an alt account.

    - When using tornado, you always miss the hog rider, and end up wasting 3 elixir.

    - You have probably never managed to pull a ram rider to your king tower.

    - Your firecracker always activates the opponent's king tower.

    - You place a knight to defend against an opponents firecracker, and the firecracker kills the knight and somehow gets 500 damage on your tower.

    - You feel as if you lost every single one of your games in the past 30 minutes, yet you have gained 120 trophies nonetheless.

    - Everyone in your clan has tons of tokens, and yet you never seem to have any.

    - Don't trade cards. You'll end up switching your deck and wanting the card you just gave away.

    - When pulling an all-nighter, you have probably seen a nice log trade, only for you to have read the trade backward and you end up giving away a log for an ice wizard.

    - You have never requested barbarian hut, yet you still have enough to upgrade to level 12 while you have been requesting wizard for the past 2 years and you can still only get it to level 11.

    - If you're playing golem, your opponent will be using log bait.

    - If you're playing xbow, your opponent is using 2.3 miner wallbreaker.

    - If you're playing pekka bridgespam, you're playing some guy with an all defense deck that no one has heard of.

    - If you're playing 2.6 hog, you have already lost.

    - If you're playing graveyard, the opponent 99.999999% of the time has poison.

    - If your opponent is playing graveyard, it is maxed, and your level 11 poison is incapable of instantly killing the skeletons.

    - Don't try and max out your deck, Supercell will nerf 3 of those cards anyway.

    - Don't play max e barbs in ladder, you'll lose to a good player.

    - If your opponent plays max e barbs in ladder, you still somehow lose.

    - If you play furnace, it is always lower than your opponent's king tower.

    - If your opponent plays furnace, it's always higher than your king tower.

    - Don't bother trading logs in your clan, nobody has them.

    - Same goes for e wiz and mega knight, don't even try.

    - Don't play golem beatdown, the opponent counters your entire push with 6 elixir.

    - Your opponent always has more elixir than you.

    - Your opponent plays a rocket and a goblin gang, and then immediately plays inferno tower to stop your push.

    - You have spent half your life deleting and reinstalling this game.

    - If you're in challenger, you're playing max trash who should be in master.

    - If you're in master, you're playing max trash who should be in champion.

    - If you're in champion, quit the game because everyone you play is a sweaty P2W meta player who has sacrificed their job and family for this game.

    - Your 2v2 partner always is underleveled.

    - Your 2v2 partner is always rushing with a level 9 inferno dragon.

    - Your 2v2 partner is always "accidentally" activating the king tower.

    - Your 2v2 partner always leaves the second the opponents are winning.

    - Your 2v2 opponents are always maxed.

    - Your 2v2 opponents are always chinese.

    - If you are playing goblin barrel mirror clone in 2v2 with a friend, the opponent always counters it with one log.

    - If your opponents are playing goblin barrel mirror clone in 2v2, your game suddenly lags and you fail to log the goblins on your king tower in time.

    - If your opponent has sparky, you lose.

    - If you play sparky, the opponent has rocket.

    - Your wizard dies to your opponent's fireball.

    - Your e wiz can't kill your opponent's fire spirits.

    - Only one of your wallbreakers reaches your opponents tower.

    - Your fireball always misses the firecracker.

    - Your log fails to kill the opponent's princess.

    - Your goblin barrel always gets one-shot by zap.

    - Even if you hate Clash Royale and quit half a year ago, you still buy the pass because you want the tower skin and the limited time emote.

    submitted by /u/Bloodkxck9696
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    That’s some nice aim they got there.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Idea: Add a Follow button on a player and whenever that player completes a battle you can view the battle through an option in the menu (the menu with the activity log, training camp etc) with another section called following and you can see all the battles of people you follow there

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Here's a video showing an elixir glitch. Focus on the elixir bar, on the left where i get an elixir boost in x2, where as on the right i don't get any. I need answers for this or else supercell.. You're exposed?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Mosaic Bomber, Giant Skeleton, and Balloon

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:10 PM PST

    After more than 1 year of collecting, I finally got 4 Mega Lightning Chests to unlock. Felt like an achievement lol!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:29 PM PST

    How to buff elite barbs

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:19 AM PST

    A Statistical Breakdown of the Lumberjack! His best usages, and is he underrated? // Clash Royale Strategy

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:21 PM PST


    Whaddup bois, and welcome to my first proper tech post in a while! If you didn't know, I try to do weekly strategy posts and videos on Clash Royale! Nowadays, I cover more broad topics and strategies so I don't run out of topics, but this is really what you should come to expect from these posts! If you do prefer video versions, here's a link to my video version for you - any support is appreciated! Anyway, Lumberjack is a card I've had on my todo list for a while now... he sorta sat on the edge of becoming meta for a long time, and so I didn't really wanna make a post on him in case he surged. However, I think it is now safe to say that he has! In this video, I'm gonna outline three main usages to the Lumberjack, but first let's get into his statistics so that all makes sense!



    The Lumberjack's damage starts off at 200, which is only enough to kill Ice Spirits and Gobs. This guy needs two shots to take out the likes of Princesses and Dart Gobs, so his base damage output isn't great... His hit speed is where he becomes dangerous, however. Hitting every 0.8 seconds, the Lumberjack's hit speed is VERY quick - the fastest in the game outside of Xbow and Dart Gob. This really does make up for his low base damage, and takes his DPS up to 250. That's slightly more than a Prince, and slightly less than TWO entire Mega Knights. And finally, his health. It sits at a modest 1060 which is not bad. It DOES mean that he can be taken out by a Rocket, and that heavy hitters dispose of him very well, but he's only 4 elixir so it's not a huge downside.


    Three Use Cases:

    Now, let me talk about those 3 use cases I mentioned at the beginning of this video. Lumberjack is this high DPS, medium health, 4 elixir unit, and because of this he's always struggled with finding his role within decks. However, he's found 3 different roles recently that he fills sorta well, and has actually been so efficient in these that people have been requesting him to see a nerf... Anyway, what are these three roles? I see them as defensive, supporting, and something ima call "Run 'n Rage" - let's cover them in this order.


    1) Defence:

    The defensive role is as simple as you can imagine. It's all about using the Lumberjack to defend oncoming units from getting to your towers with his decent stats. He does VERY well against other cheap melee units due to his high DPS. He also does well against ranged units. When placed on top of these, he gets a mega advantage and will likely counter attack for you afterwards. Battling against building targetters are one of his best usages due to his high DPS. He is very efficient at sitting there and chopping up a Giant for you whenever you may need. He EVEN does okay against swarms, due to his fast hit speed enabling him the ability to take them out fairly efficiently. His only real struggles on defence are against heavy hitters, because his HP isn't TOO high. For example, he's not an efficient answer to a PEKKA or a Prince and will end up just dying on defence. Overall, he has VERY solid defensive interactions and only struggles against units with high base damage. That's why he has an entire role in decks solely defined by his ability to defend, and then maybe pose a small counter attacking threat.


    2) Support:

    However, you've probably seen him mostly in the supporting role. Beatdown decks like Golem prosper from high DPS cards like the Lumberjack for two reasons. Firstly, this card will follow behind the Golem and start attacking any defending units, whilst the Golem's large HP pool protects the Lumberjack from harm. Secondly, when the Golem reaches the tower, the Lumberjack can weigh his huge 250 DPS onto the tower - a lone Lumberjack will take just 11 seconds to chop down a tower, so this DPS on a push is truly immense. Playing the Lumberjack in this role is the easiest and most basic way to play him - all you actually need to do is place him down behind a tank and let him go wild.


    3) Run 'n Rage:

    The final role I've called "Run 'n Rage" in my script, and that's because this final role is allll about something we're yet to discuss about this card - his Rage spell. It is sorta odd that we haven't discussed it yet, because it is literally the reason that the Lumberjack is a legendary card. This role is essentially just playing your Lumberjack to tank for a push. We see this happen most often with Balloon pushes. The Lumberjack's moderate HP provides the Balloon extra time to float over to the tower without taking damage, then, once the Lumberjack's HP runs out, the Balloon gains a much needed speed and DPS boost from that pesky Rage spell. A further extension of this role is to be using him to tank for other cheaper win conditions, such as Hog Riders or Goblin Barrels or whatever you fancy using in your decks.



    And yeah bois, that's all I have for my tech of the Lumberjack. He's a pretty basic card with no real unique features - of course, he has his Rage spell, but that is literally a card in the game already that doesn't REALLY have too many uses... Once again, if you did enjoy today's post then be sure to check out the video and whatnot - it helps the channel out immensely! Buttt apart from that bois, thank you all for reading, and peace!

    submitted by /u/EbolaBailey
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    Sparky learned how to avoid rockets

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:51 PM PST

    RIP heal. For those who didn't read about it; KFC clash & CWA just confirmed that heal will be "removed"/replaced with another card. What are your thoughts?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:17 PM PST

    I captured this at the last second before my team mate left

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:30 PM PST

    3 crown draws anybody?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Game lag is killing the experience

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:51 PM PST

    I don't think I'm the only person who has gotten a lot of game lag while playing matches on WiFi. I've asked my clan mates and many if not all have this same experience.

    submitted by /u/bestnuggz
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    Finally reached this personal milestone. I know a lot of people have gotten longer as lv 1. This is a 100% ftp account ive played on for half a year

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Abusive members keep rejoining

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:32 AM PST

    So I recently had a bunch of abusive kids join the clan and fill the chat logs with annoying phrases and racial/ sexual remarks etc. Kicked and reported offending parties but someone keeps inviting them back. As a leader I should have visibility to who is inviting who, more info so I can run the clan better. Anyone have any advice to prevent this? Or is there any way to see who keeps inviting back? Clan is called Shrike if anyone wants to check it out.

    submitted by /u/Shrike007
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    never happened to myself

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:42 PM PST

    Better align chests rewards with quest and challenges

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:48 PM PST

    Two separate ideas here, but sort of related. 1) Rewards from quests - if I'm completing a chest to play rares, it would make sense that I get 5-7 rare cards and not just 1k coins, same with troops, epics, etc 2) Rewards from challenges - same kind of idea as above, but more aligned with the most frequent cards played during that challenge. Being as I'm mostly an FTP player, I play a lot of challenges to test decks before deciding which cards to upgrade. As such, I'd love it if the rewards took into consideration the cards I played during the challenge. I'm not suggesting those are the only card you receive, maybe just 1 in the chest.

    submitted by /u/K1bedore
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    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:15 PM PST

    Me: “let me remove rocket and tornedo for one match and see how it goes”. My opponent:

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:34 AM PST

    Is it worth to max log?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:03 PM PST

    I just got back into the game and I want to max out my log with my trade tokens. I use 2.6 hog cycle. Is it worth it? Or should I upgrade another legendary

    submitted by /u/PaperFishh
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    A message to all underleveled level 12s out there that you can get on the leaderboards if u have a good enough deck.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:33 PM PST

    Been meaning to post for a while and a post reminded me to post. What if we had an upgrade/downgrade feature for tokens? For example 2 common upgraded to 1 rare and so on. Downgrade 1 rare to 2 common etc

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:03 PM PST

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