• Breaking News

    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Clash Royale An emote that most of us could use

    Clash Royale An emote that most of us could use

    An emote that most of us could use

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:17 PM PST

    New card, snow pekka, stays in place, cost 1 elixir, slows enemys upon death, does no damage upon death, doesn’t attack

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:45 AM PST

    I really would like to see a Legendary building one day!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:29 PM PST

    [EFFORT POST] Clash Royale Engine: Development Information and New Port!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:25 PM PST

    [EFFORT POST] Clash Royale Engine: Development Information and New Port!

    I've made a new port for my Clash Royale engine!

    Here's a link to a fully HTML-based system made and hosted using CodeSandbox: https://wg0pq.csb.app/

    A screenshot of the new settings and red deck UI. Screenshot as of 9:23 PM, 2/10/20. Actual visuals may have changed since then, as this is getting a lot of updates.

    This means that there are now two development lines. As a general rule, I will likely update the new, HTML version before the Khan Academy version, as I feel like it will be more useful to people in the long run.

    Here's the original program: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/clash-royale-engine/6127007668649984

    Now, this port does have some advantages and disadvantages:


    • This port can be downloaded, run, and edited offline. (You'll need all the files shown in here: https://codesandbox.io/s/clash-royale-engine-wg0pq)
    • There's a better setup procedure that allows for inputting direct Clash Royale deck URLs. Just copy and paste your desired decks into their spot. This also includes the current Classic Decks, as well as some popular decks from ladder.
    • There should be A LOT less lag now.
    • Taking it off Khan Academy will allow me to do more long-term features, like SFX, background music, and image graphics. I still don't plan on doing a lot of images - that stuff will still take HTML to its knees - but it'll give me the option, and don't be surprised if I add some new arenas soon.
    • I'm working on making everything a lot more user-friendly, which is very convenient with the setup I have. For example, the starting page now shows all the options... which is nice, because you now don't have to do code edits for them.
    • I can actually use the Internet now! Don't be surprised if I add some cool, online stuff to this. I have a couple of ideas:
      • Being able to use top-ladder / YT decks easily
      • Player tag lookup -> deck selection (kind of related to the last one)
      • Maybe an online battle system? ("Online" in quotes, because it will likely have some limitations. Naturally, this is the first time I've ever tried to do such a thing, so I don't know. I do know, however, that live battles with edited stats would be awesome. Not even private servers can really do this! If you have any tips for this, please tell me, because I think I'll need some help to make this a reality.)


    • Removes the nice Khan Academy features, like their really good code parsing and Spin-Off abilities
    • Code editing and therefore card editing is a lot harder with this. (I might be able to do something about this, but it'd take some time...)
    • Push Mode is broken and therefore has been completely disabled.

    So, yeah. It's a thing.

    If your intent is to test balance changes, I still recommend you use the old one - it's just a lot nicer for editing stats.

    Otherwise, check out the HTML port! It's definitely still a WIP, but I think it's a step in the right direction of making something a lot nicer and more user-friendly.

    Oh yeah, mobile is a thing. Note that anything with a mouse and touchscreen will set off an error (a dispatchEvent error, specifically) when you actually try to use them both. This is a manifestation of the glitch I mentioned earlier that led to the mouse being unusable after using a touchscreen. Fortunately, you can close it with the X and move on with your life, unaffected by this simple diversion.

    Have any bug reports or feature requests? Tell me in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/ScholarlyGaming
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    You should be allowed to set you and your opponent’ s card levels in a friendly battle. That way there could be experiments with cards.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:27 PM PST

    So I won my last log draft battle to claim the emote, but I'm at work a customer came in there was only 10 secs left so I closed my phone and put it down. Now I come back to the game... AND CANT CLAIM THE EMOTE. This is most vexxing -.-

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Let’s stop posting these kinds of posts

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:01 PM PST

    1. Guuuys look my fishman froze in touchdown!!! :))))))

    We get it, it's a bug that happens when the troop it was going to pull dies while it's winding up. Not remarkable or rare.

    1. Guys look at dis giltch the replae displais the different score and ended even doe da gaem kept on going????????????

    These have stopped being posted as much but are still super annoying, and it's even worse when they try to pretend that they got a free crown and win out of it or lost for no reason.

    1. Haha guys loook da collection day life says balloon but the description sayses spooky ghost guys!!!' :ooooooooo

    I think there is a post tracking the number of these that have been posted and it's like upwards of 50? We get it, stop trying to farm karma.

    1. Omgggg guys X Card is so broken! How can't I counter it with my ebarb rage deck???? |:((((

    These are the most unoriginal people on the planet, and most of them are complaining about mega knight even though it's really not a great card that is countered by any mini tank like valk or mini Pekka. On top of this recently people have been calling for a miner nerf, which, just, no.

    submitted by /u/MMMsmegma
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    When the opponent celebrates to early

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Well? How many? [Discussion]

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:23 PM PST

    Tips on using the fire-crackers

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:22 PM PST

    1. Don't treat it like a dart goblin! It has the range of a dart goblin but is closer to the bomber in damage

    2. Place closer than you think is necessary, this is hard to get used to but very useful to master.

    3. To avoid activating the king tower always play on the inside of princess towers towards the center.

    4. The more sparkles hit the target the more damage they will do. (When it splits from the initial firework) This is useful for hitting behind knights, valkyries or giants.

    5. Use her knock back for kiting against slow troops like pekka or mega minion

    submitted by /u/HlGHARCHY
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    So how are people with all level 12 and 13 cards still in 4600s?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Seems to be very common in 4600s

    submitted by /u/bjcho
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    Me and my friend were giving to the community by using an elixir golem, mirror, and clone deck, when we realized we could also take from the community quite easily. Here are the results.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:03 PM PST

    [Effort Post] What Clash Royale needs in the future

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Hi Everyone!

    I am doing another effort post with a few ideas on how to improve the game in the long run. This may include brand-new concepts, balancing, management, and even changes to the subreddit itself. I would like to do more of these, so let me know if you want to see more posts weekly or monthly. This will be long, so there is a TL;DR at the bottom.

    Quick summary

    Stuff covered in this post:

    • Balance changes

    • Fresh ideas

    • Improvements to existing features

    • Many more!

    Balance changes

    Hooo boy, this is a very controversial subject. I personally believe Supercell has done a very good job these past few months with balance changes. Hardly any complaints this month, and that's pretty significant considering it's, you know, the Clash Royale community, hella toxic.

    But I have a few general ideas for a new road Supercell can take.

    You remember Season 3 and 4, yes? Witch and Executioner being absolutely broken? Well, Executioner was a "niche card" that they felt needed a rework to make him more versatile. The result? A piece of crap.

    I told myself after reading that, "What's the issue with niche cards?" I mean, certain cards deserve their niche.

    Let's use Fisherman as an example. With such a unique mechanic, does Supercell really think he doesn't get a niche? That he should be viable in every deck archetype? Well, there's no way that's going to happen. Instead, keep use rates in check for certain cards by making them into a niche card.

    To be honest, if a card's use rates are low (due to it not being viable in every deck), the win rate won't matter as much. Let's use Tesla as an example. Tesla is rarely used in decks outside X-Bow. It does very well in those decks, with medium to high win rates. But nobody complains about it since it is rarely seen.

    In short, niche cards are a good thing. It will increase the skill in deck-building and choosing, and will made the load of balancing much easier. It is worth considering in my opinion.

    Season Pass

    Very good for the business end of the game, but very bad for F2P players who want to casually play challenges, wars, and/or ladder. And it is a lot of work to develop (I think) over one month, including the content updates which you have no doubt noticed have been much less lately.

    I suggest, and this has been brought up a few times, that seasons last 3 months. SimCity BuildIt does this. The pass costs $12 CAD and has 50 tiers. An increased time limit for the season will allow for more time and care into balancing, new seasons, and new content we so desperately need.

    Think about it. Clan Wars are stale, and this "isn't a priority". New game modes? "Not a priority". Reworking heal carefully? Nah let's delete it. But season pass? Oh YEAH let's base it off of something we've already done!

    I think if we had more time between seasons, not only would they be better quality, but players would be more hyped for them. Fresh content every 3 months instead of stale content every month. This is a commitment that I don't think Supercell thought through entirely.

    Distant Future

    Now this is my personal favourite section of the whole post. This is where I can truly show you how much I really do love the game, even though I don't currently play.

    You've probably seen my post earlier in the month about a Story Mode. With Lord Cheddar stealing your whole card collection? If not, it's all good, I will provide a link in my comment down below.

    Well, I still am a firm believer in all the concepts I've provided in that post. I think it will be great for the distant future since it is replayable, fun, and most importantly, F2P friendly. It combines all the commonly requested features including:

    • Story Mode

    • Heroes

    • The ability to reset the account

    This is what I would like to know:

    Your suggestion on a long-term content update that will keep players engaged for years to come

    Comment your answer, I would greatly appreciate it.


    Oh man, this is an ugly subject. As a member of the community myself (obviously), I can safely say this community is extremely toxic, reactive, and difficult if not impossible to satisfy completely.

    Memes are great. Strategy guides are amazing. Effort posts? I read through all of them. Art? Unless it looks like a 2-year-old did it, I'll shoot you an upvote every time!

    Screaming for nerfs to balanced cards? Screaming at someone who made a very good play because they play ebarbs? Downvoting effort posts because you were too lazy to read and start firing toxic lies at the poster (im looking at you. Get your finger off the blue pointy. Cmon you can do it)? That is too much. Basic internet etiquette (I refuse to use netiquette as a legit term) people!

    BUT, I will say, being on Reddit feels futile at times. u/Supercell_Drew and u/Supercell-Seth hardly ever comment in posts that legitimately concern the state of the game (those made by u/iDetroy are incredible, good job buddy), and the only time they show their face is with crappy balance change and season reveal news. Hardly communication.

    And moreover, they have said consistently nearly EVERY MONTH "the communication will get better" and "we will communicate more". Well, that was a big fat lie. Once it actually happens, we will actually make a difference around here. Redditors unite!

    There are some great members of this community who deserve recognition. One I miss seeing is u/Goblin-Guru, with his Humour art posts. We need more of these posts man! You are one of the reasons I stay here. That and maybe making more posts like this.


    Well, thank you for sticking around until the end! It means a lot. Tell me if you want to see more of these posts, and whether you want them to have a name (such as "Monday catch-up" or "Season Update Response"). Monthly or weekly doesn't really matter to me.


    There are many ways Clash Royale can improve, and I have put a few in here. Before you downvote because you were too lazy to read, at least consider the effort and give me a few things you'd like to see in the future. They can be small or big.

    Thank you for reading (or not), and have a great rest of your day.

    submitted by /u/Zeldagod14
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    [News] Seth discusses Heroes in Clash Royale

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:11 AM PST

    Marketplace For Trading

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Adding a marketplace to trade cards would make trade tokens a lot more effective. It's frustrating when you have the tokens ready but no one in your clan is wanting to trade the certain cards you want / want to give away.

    Adding a marketplace to trade cards would mean you'd never have to give away cards you didn't really want to, as undoubtedly someone on the marketplace is going to want to trade the cards you want to trade.

    submitted by /u/TMath14
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    BO3 is the Worst Thing they could add to Ladder

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    The Beauty of Clash royale and Clans is the simplicity of that game. 3minutes of batting & Overtime in Cr and 3 minutes in Clash of Clans. This mean you can fit games into many places throughout your day; the toilet, public transport, a quick break and etc . Adding this B03 System removes this, and you can no longer play Cr in these time slots and people will stop playing as much games ( it will take twice the time to climb and untilt ). This will deter most of the player base.

    Please supercell if you're going to add a BO3 system. Implement it when you revamp tournaments(private)

    (This is only for player above 6000, but it's a large proportion of the player base)

    submitted by /u/Lukeossy
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    [IDEA] Tap a card while spectating to show statistics! (Sorry for poor editing)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:57 PM PST

    How I Respond When I Lose Against My Friend In Clash Royale

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:01 PM PST

    Mods: can we have title requirements for replay videos?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    It's really annoying when half of the front page is posts titled "check this out" and "you love to see it", then you have to watch a 2 minute video to see what they meant and it's just a lightning block or simultaneous tower down.

    A description of the video would help so I don't have to watch the same thing I've seen every day. Or even a timestamp of where to start watching would be nice.

    submitted by /u/YakBallzTCK
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    Why did this fire spirit switch lanes lol

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    You love to see it

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:12 AM PST


    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:59 AM PST

    We have firmly established that triple draft is better in almost every way. There is actual skill involved instead of just pure luck. Why challenge after challenge do we still see draft?

    submitted by /u/Purposelessturtle
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    Executioner surrenders to balloon...

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:18 PM PST

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