• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    Clash Royale I made a photo mosaic from Clash Royale units. First result, no tile duplicated (but some tiles are very similar). Colors could be better... :)

    Clash Royale I made a photo mosaic from Clash Royale units. First result, no tile duplicated (but some tiles are very similar). Colors could be better... :)

    I made a photo mosaic from Clash Royale units. First result, no tile duplicated (but some tiles are very similar). Colors could be better... :)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:27 PM PST

    had this idea around 2 years ago, found this image today and decided to post it again (sorry for bad Photoshop)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:43 PM PST

    Happened in the middle of a war battle, wtf Supercell

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Clanmate won without playing a single card

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:23 PM PST

    Any elixir your partner leaks in 2v2 should go to you

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:38 AM PST

    Solves the issue of people leaving, going afk, or getting disconnected. You'll be able to play at an equal footing because you get double the elixir. If they later reconnect, they can start playing again like normal.

    This kinda solves the issue, but not completely, because of card levels. You are matched with opponents according to both your and your partner's levels. So if your partner was the one with higher levels and they leave, you're still left at a disadvantage, facing opponents with higher levels. But that's Clash Royale for you.

    submitted by /u/spx_vec
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    "Not to get all motivational poster, but you absolutely must find satisfaction in your own work without relying on the approval of others. I am thrilled with the Zappie/Barb Hut changes, looking great in the data so far, and yet there has not been one single kind tweet about it"

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:38 AM PST

    Alright Seth, you want positive feedback? I'll give you positive feedback. The new Barb Hut is... actually not bad, it feels like a better investment for 7 elixir like it's supposed to be. The Zappies... well, the damage buff isn't much, but at least it's OK now. The Hogs are also decent now, with theiir extra damage they'll get more done before getting crushed by Wizards and Valks. The Witch is great, she no longer gets stuck on a Skarmy, never firing. You did a good job this month balancing cards.

    submitted by /u/Dedicated_YuB_fan
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    Tribute to Heal Spell

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:16 PM PST

    This community has a history of toxicity but lately I've noticed that more often than not my opponents are winning, losing, and playing with dignity and kindness. I think it's cool that we seem to have an uptick in maturity. Keep rocking Clashers!!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST


    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:22 PM PST

    Rocket hit so hard it crashed the game

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:38 PM PST

    I am Golem

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:32 PM PST

    Just transition these to an emote. I’ll be happy.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST

    And on today's episode of OJ endorses smurphing...

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:06 PM PST

    I wouldn’t call fire cracker OP just I think that knock back is a bit much

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:39 PM PST

    I seems like the knock back is meant to be a disadvantage for the fire cracker but it winds up being the best thing about her, she just embarrasses melee attackers and if you're off with your timing of a spell she just propels back from it and it misses. And being 3 elixir you can get two of them out pretty quickly. I think the idea of the card is good and it's balanced well but this knock back makes her pretty annoying to deal with. What's everyone else's thoughts on it? And tips I just haven't figured out that make her easier to deal with? I've noticed magic archer is a good counter.

    submitted by /u/CenterIink
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    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:21 AM PST

    Would you guys change anything? PB of 6306 and trying to hit 6600 this season.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:39 PM PST


    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:22 PM PST

    Any tips on counting elixir? It’s a big part of mortar (and most decks obviously) and I kind of struggle at it.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Most underrated cards in Clash Royale [EFFORT POST]

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Most underrated cards in Clash Royale [EFFORT POST]

    Clash Royale currently has 97 cards at the time of writing [season 8] this means many cards do not get the recognition that they deserve, as you can't fit 96 cards into an 8 card deck (big brain y'all) but I'm going to list some cards I personally think should be in a much better spot then they are now.


    Prince has been doing very bad, and it's been a long time since he was meta. But I'm telling you Prince is good. He is a very efficient tank killer for 5 elixir, a sizable health pool surviving all damage spells, and perfect for applying pressure. Many compare him to a Dark Prince, and you can usually ignore a low health charging Dark Prince. However, a low health Prince almost always connects for a devastating 651 damage at tournament standard. He can beat a Mega Knight in a 1v1 and is one of the best glass cannon busters (however against Mini PEKKA his charge is very important). Paired with a well-placed prediction spell against swarmies, one Prince connection can usually win you the game. I promise you Prince will not disappoint.

    Goblin Cage

    All the pros said the movement speed nerf of the brawler wouldn't affect the card much.

    They were wrong.

    Currently sitting at a 2% use rate and being featured in no meta decks, it has plummeted from being the most used building to one of the least, only superior to Mortar and Goblin Hut, used even less than Tombstone. Even though Bomb Tower is a bit better in this meta against Wall Breakers because of its high splash, many interactions a Goblin Cage will perform better. For example, your opponent has a Bandit Wall Breakers push, whereas Bomb Tower will be able to soak the Wall Breakers, the Bandit will be very problematic and require a bigger commitment. With Goblin Cage, however, the cage will soak the wall breakers while the brawler will take out the bandit easily. This is similar to Valk/Knight Wall Breaker pushes but I am not sure if Goblin Cage can counter Valk or Knight in a 1v1. Goblin Cage provides a very nice counterpush as well and can deal great damage to the tower if ignored.

    Cannon Cart

    Let me say something: Cannon Cart is an average card, definitely not the greatest. But it certainly deserves more than an anemic 1% use rate. Cannon Cart is decent against mini tanks and splanks, being able to clear out a Mega Knight or Valkyrie in a 1v1, and is also very good against glass cannons and clearing out ground swarms as well. However, its big falling point is that it does not do very well against any building-only win condition or big tanks like PEKKA, however, just like Prince it is perfect for applying pressure and one lock can sometimes win you the game because of its insane hit speed and range.

    Plus, have you seen the Cannon Cart's star skin???

    Dart Goblin

    Currently, at a 3% use rate, I believe Dart Goblin is extremely underrated. Its massive range means it can snipe troops and building from your side of the arena, and protect him well enough, he can dismantle an entire push with his fast dart gun, as well as being a cheap defense when your opponents spell are out of cycle/have been baited. Dart Goblin is very annoying to deal with and many resort to spelling him, meaning he's a natural fit in bait decks. He can deal a decent chunk of damage by himself (~300 at tournament standard), and behind something as simple as a Miner or Ice Golem tanking he will take down the tower (or get very close.) Honestly, not gonna lie he is a bit inferior to the ever-prevalent Magic Archer, but his perks are that he is cheaper, hits faster, and can get a lot more value if protected correctly.

    What other cards do you think are underrated? Leave them in the comments, I'd love to see them! Thanks for reading, u/Bluesyde

    submitted by /u/Bluesyde
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    How to stack trade tokens above 10

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:58 AM PST

    Is it just me or this global tournament was bit easy for you guys?, Cause I generally don't get more than 14-15 wins but got 25 in this one?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Chest showed how many I had of everything except the legendaries... Come on supercell you're better than this

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    Low Level, Having hard time finding a style I like. Missing: MK, Miner, Ram Rider, Graveyard (Main things I see)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:04 PM PST

    Managed to win even though I was lagging and my spells were getting delayed

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:30 PM PST

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