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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Clash Royale Clash Royale Family Tree - As of 2020 January 05

    Clash Royale Clash Royale Family Tree - As of 2020 January 05

    Clash Royale Family Tree - As of 2020 January 05

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Please make arrows not kill guards, they dont have much use in decks seeing that arrows can kill it easily. the real point of guards is to survive spells, but without that use its not very useful.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    And this is exactly why we use spells in our deck!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Reached my all time goal in Clash Royale. I can rest now.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:24 PM PST

    My cheeks were clenched the whole time

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:16 PM PST

    Possible card appearance from leak? Same mustache and similar black holes instead of eyes. It could be a Death Knight from an earlier leak with game files.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:34 PM PST

    This is a very unpopular problem but i wish if we could have the option to turn off the crown counter because it's not very helpful and would give much needed visibility

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:24 PM PST

    What I learned climbing from 2.2k to 5k trophies this season...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:05 PM PST

    What I learned climbing from 2.2k to 5k trophies this season...

    Disclaimer: This post is just my reflection on my progress and experience on Clash Royale over the past 1.5 months. I know 5k trophies is not the greatest achievement, but I hope it is helpful or just a fun read for everyone here on the sub.


    Started getting back into Clash Royale about 1.5 months ago after a 3 year hiatus when the game just came out. I logged in at ~2.2k trophies and started researching what has changed. I don't really remember playing the game so it was like figuring out a new game again. Basically, the main thing is that there are so many resources out there that anyone can figure out how to play well given a little practice and research.

    My Stats

    IGN: organicjello

    Clan: California Love (Shoutout to them, they are a super nice clan)

    StatsRoyale Link: https://statsroyale.com/profile/CJGQGLQ8

    Current King Level: 10

    Current Trophies: 5,009

    Current Deck and Levels:



    What decks did you use to climb to 5k?

    Initially, having no idea what I was doing, I used a poor man's Pekka bridge spam deck after finding out it was meta and had Pekka plus receiving Bandit from a legendary chest I received during the 3 years I was away. I don't quite remember the deck but it was something like: Pekka, Bandit, Battle Ram, Minions, Musketeer, Skeletons, Poison, Barb Barrel

    After climbing a little bit, I decided I wanted to just try out different decks using whatever cards I had in my collection. This included a lot of poor man's versions of meta decks like Log Bait, Mortar, and Royal Giant. Realizing I needed legendaries to really play the deck the best, I made it my mission to choose the best F2P deck which ended up being 2.6 hog cycle for me.

    I continued to grind my way to get the season chests + ladder rewards and eventually ended up with 2 highly-valued Fisherman cards which I was able to trade someone in my clan for a Log. I could finally properly play 2.6 hog cycle. It was at this point I gave in and got Pass Royale at the start of the new season due to the ability to get so many cards and legendaries.

    I climbed a bit with the deck and occasionally played other decks along the way when I received new legendary cards. Eventually I reached a point where I just wasn't skilled enough to play Hog cycle to win against hard matchups or higher levels. I then switched to an IceBow deck (Ice Wizard, Tornado, Xbow, Rocket, Tesla, Skeletons, Valkyrie, Log) out of sheer annoyance of facing xbow >:[

    After climbing to ~3.5k with Icebow, I started constantly getting rekt by beatdown decks that spammed at the bridge. Combined with hearing from a SirTag video that control decks are better to play when underleveled, I decided to switch to a Splashyard (Graveyard, Knight, Baby Dragon, Ice Wizard, Bomb Tower, Tornado, Poison, Barb Barrel) deck after reviewing my cards and their levels (though I did have to trade for a Graveyard).

    It was from there that I saw the power of control decks and how much easier it is to punish less skilled players for overcommitting or making bad elixir trades, because 1 graveyard can basically take tower. It also taught me how to play defense against beatdown which I struggled with a lot due to a mix of mechanical errors and lower levels. After spamming this deck, I reached ~4.5k over the course of a couple days.

    It was at this point where I started to struggle with matchups against poison or never let me get a good graveyard and then counterpushed when I overcommitted to a bad graveyard. I wanted a deck that was able to get more tower damage beyond one card, so I decided on wallbreakers+miner after watching a few youtube videos with players stating how strong of a deck it was in the current meta. I also think Miner is one of the highest skill cards since it has the ability to be anywhere on the field.

    It was grinding from 4.5k to 5k trophies with this deck that I really learned how to play Clash Royale. I will get into that later, but it is the current deck I am using.

    TL;DR - Pekka Bridge Spam -> (Mix of Mortar, Log Bait, Royal Giant) -> 2.6 Hog Cycle -> IceBow -> Splashyard -> 2.8 Miner+Wallbreakers Cycle

    What are the main things you learned along the way?

    • Watch Content
      • Cannot really stress this enough. Back when the game was first out, there was no content to learn from. With YouTube and ReplayRoyale, there is really no excuse to figure out how to play a meta deck as well as a pro. The only reason I was able to improve was from watching videos.
        • Most Educational Streamers: Morten, CWA, JuicyJ, (have to shoutout SirTag for being most entertaining)
      • You will also learn good mechanics like troop placement and defense from simply watching a pro play. This is especially true for spells like Tornado and Poison.
    • Learn the Basic Macro Concepts of the Game
      • To me, the 2 most important concepts you need to grasp to climb to the highest is card cycle and elixir trading. If you can do these better than your opponent, then you should win 100% of the time.
        • Card Cycle - Once you play a card, you have to play 4 cards to get that card back in hand. This is crucial since you always want a card in hand to play to counter an opponent's card. When people say "outcycle", it means you were able to get to the card you wanted before the opponent could play enough cards to get to their counter card.
        • Elixir Trading - When you play a card that costs cheaper to counter another card, that is an example of a positive elixir trade. A lot of the times this is only possible with the help of the Princess Tower. However, this is crucial because it allows you to safely play your win condition without being punished. Or it allows you to build up enough of an elixir lead that the opponent does not have enough elixir to counter your cards anymore. This is often what happens when an opponent "overcommits" and all their cards die while your cards survive giving you counterpush with an elixir lead.
        • Why are these concepts difficult? Because it requires you to think not only about your deck, but also think about your opponent's deck at the same time. Combined with the mechanical fast-pace of the game, it is easy to make mistakes or just spam cards without thinking. This means that you have to actually train your brain to focus and think when playing each game. When you lose, it will be because of one of those 2 concepts (or bad matchup but that's not something you can control).
      • If I'm being honest, I didn't grasp the idea of cycle and elixir trading until I started playing the miner+wallbreakers deck at around ~4.5k trophies. Once I started losing more than I was winning, I knew it was because I was making bad decisions, but I wasn't sure why. This leads me to my next point...
    • Watch your own replays
      • If you lose a game, you should know immediately why you lost. If you don't, go back and watch the replay. Pay attention to your opponent's hand and elixir. For me, I was able to identify moments where I thought my opponent was down elixir but in reality I had made bad elixir trades and he was actually up or even.
    • Act like a streamer
      • I honestly think streamers are good players because they are able to verbalize their decision making so quickly. You should strive to practice the same and force yourself to explain why you are making a play. You will quickly find that you are mostly on auto-pilot mode and just making random plays hoping they work instead of calculating the best play.
    • Don't commit to 1 deck
      • Against popular opinion that says you should only focus on maxing your favorite deck, I think playing with different decks and learning different playstyles really helps you become a well-rounded player. Eventually, you will have to commit to a deck to max if you are F2P, but in the meanwhile, try different decks and put yourself in different situations.

    What's next for you?

    I think getting 12 wins in classic challenge and then grand challenge are definitely my next goals. As far as ladder goes, I might try to get to 6k using SplashYard instead of miner+wallbreakers since I am quite underleveled at this point and will now start facing level 12/13s at the 5k trophy range.

    I might also try something else like exploring the Clash Royale API to see if I can build out a data project with it as well.


    Anyways, thanks for reading if you did. I hope newbs like me could take away something from this. Feel free to discuss anything from what I said or ask me any questions. Happy to have a discussion. Pce out.

    submitted by /u/jwdatascience
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    When ice spirits fly

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Faced a clanmate in a classic not sure how rare this is.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:07 PM PST

    Arrows completely counter Guards

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Anybody find it kind of broken that Arrows can completely counter Guards for an even trade? Makes them feel sort of useless since it ruins their role as a spell proof unit. Sure Poison counters them as well but it's much slower while Arrows kills them instantly.

    submitted by /u/RavelordChild
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    [IDEA] Add more opportunities to get loose gold/get more gold from chests

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Has this visual glitched happened to anyone else, or is it just me?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:00 PM PST

    Holy moly how clutch can this get

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:24 PM PST

    [Idea] While Choosing Your Cards in Triple Draft, Show the Average Elixir Cost of the Cards You Have Chosen So Far. That Way, You Will Have More of a Preference Towards the Versatility and Durability of the Deck

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    I've counted all Free Pass Royale rewards from this season (and a bit of analysis)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Hi there!

    As I didn't open yet any Pass Royale chest in the entire season because of lazyness I took the freedom of counting all the rewards I got for the Free path in a single run. I think this could be interesting for F2P players to manage and plan possible card upgrades or just to know how much can it be spent every month, etc.

    Total Rewards

    Luck can influence these values, so you could get more or less than I got:

    • Gold: 39345
    • Commons: 2109
    • Rares: 419
    • Epics: 22
    • Leggys: 1
    • Gems: 85

    Some analysis

    Here we have some facts I observed within the chest opening:

    • Gems are guaranteed in every chest, with values ranging from 2 (58.8%), 3 (32.5%) and 4 (8.8%).
    • Each chest can contain 62 +- 1 common cards, with 63 at 20.6% of the cases.
    • Each chest can contain 12 +- 1 rare cards, with 13 at 35.3% of the cases.
    • Each chest can contain 0 + 1 epic cards, with 1 at 64.7% of the cases.
    • Max gold I got in a single chest was 1193, min was 1051; so I suspect gold can range from 1050 to 1200.


    Approximately, one F2P player gets 40k gold in a month from Free Pass Royale, meaning a card could be upgraded from 12 to max level in 2 months (with the remaining gold obtained from battles, challenges, etc.). One emote can be obtained for free every 3 months. A player also obtains 2.5k cards every season.

    Also, take into consideration percentage values can be a bit higher/lower as the database is small; although I think they clearly show a trend. I didn't count Ladder rewards as they change every season and not every player is in the same range.

    Let me know if there is something wrong or you would want to know any additional information with the data I have.

    Hope this can be any useful for somebody and Clash on!

    submitted by /u/Albertka1
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    Anyone else wondering where the 4-year badge is at?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:25 PM PST

    I didn’t know this was possible in overtime

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    For many people this it wont be a milestone but this is the first time me reaching 7k and im so happy about it to do this before the season ends!!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:00 AM PST

    The little electro dragon that could

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    My phone after I lose in bed just before going to sleep

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:34 PM PST

    1 million cards won..

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:30 PM PST

    The tension was high

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Relatively new to the game so if anyone’s got some suggestions it would be great! In arena 5 atm

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:01 PM PST

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