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    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    Clash Royale [OFFICIAL] Developer Blog: Reverting Executioner & Witch Changes

    Clash Royale [OFFICIAL] Developer Blog: Reverting Executioner & Witch Changes

    [OFFICIAL] Developer Blog: Reverting Executioner & Witch Changes

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PST

    [OFFICIAL] Developer Blog: Reverting Executioner & Witch Changes


    Hey r/ClashRoyale,

    We're writing this post to let you know what we will be doing about the recent Executioner and Witch changes, the reasons why we made them in the first place and how we will balance cards in the future.

    This is quite a lengthy post so here is a summary:

    We are reverting Executioner to its original stats and adding Area Damage (splash damage) back to Witch, alongside some other changes, so that she will still keep the original role that she held in your decks. We want to do right by our players, and we apologize to those who were affected by the recent changes to these cards or had a negative gameplay experience because of it.

    Below we wanted to write a more open response to the recent changes and our reasoning behind the recent design changes/balance changes in general.



    A rework is a big change to a card that affects the way that it plays in a big way, sometimes changing the way that it functions or plays.

    We planned regular reworks that started with the introduction of Seasons, and at the time Baby Dragon was the most widely played card in the metagame. We believed that most Area Damage attackers were a bit on the weak side and if they were all as good as Baby Dragon, the metagame would even out a bit. When we polled the community on Twitter and asked Clash Royale League pro players which cards needed a rework, Executioner and Witch were near the top of the list which is some of the reasoning as to why we fixated on Executioner as the first major rework, with Witch following after.

    Over the last 3 months we have seen the effects of these card reworks on players, and have decided that this is not the direction we want to take these cards anymore.



    • 4-12% use rate for each card (this number changes as we release more cards, but with 95 cards this is the range we aim for)
    • 45-55% win rate for each card

    However, from time to time we discover that when certain cards are actually in this range, the meta takes a bit of a downward turn. We experienced this about a year ago with Freeze - a rework took it a 'balanced' place statistically. In practice, Clash Royale isn't so fun when Freeze is in 10% of decks with a 50% win rate. We have come to learn that the same applies to tough, spell resistant ranged attackers (like Executioner).


    Ranged attackers, especially ones with Area Damage, need to have some obvious drawback to their design. Either they die to lighter Spells (like Princess or Magic Archer), or they do so little damage that they need some support (like Ice Wizard or Baby Dragon). Others, like Wizard, can be well-rounded but weak at the competitive level as players figure out more efficient methods of dealing with swarms, but great for players levelling up and progressing through the Trophy Road.

    The Witch and Executioner reworks were designed to get these cards into a solid winning position, but what we learned is that the metagame isn't so fun when tough, high damage ranged attackers are prevalent. In the next update, coming this month, we have two major changes to walk back aspects of the recent reworks.



    Hitpoints: +5%Hit Speed: +4%Range: Increased (4 - 5 > 4.5 - 6.5)Projectile Radius: +25% (800 -> 1000)Damage: -45%

    Ultimately, we have come to realize that while our heart was in the right place, this rework was fundamentally flawed. Area Damage/splash attackers provide a mechanical crutch for players to handle swarms. Whereas great timing and placement allow for non-area attackers to pull off amazing defensive tricks (think of all the things Musketeer + Ice Spirit can defend). If area attackers like Executioner are statistically the same (or even better) than other more high skilled cards, it lowers the skill cap of the game overall by making these defensive plays just a feature of a card that is otherwise viable in a multitude of 1-on-1 situations.



    • Added Area Damage to attacks
    • Damage: -49%
    • Hit Speed: +42%

    The community reacted very strongly to Witch losing her Area Damage radius over the past month, and rightly so. After listening to passionate arguments from the community, we want to say you are all correct – we should not fundamentally change the function of cards.

    If you spent time and effort to level up Witch as your primary Area Damage dealer, it is not fair to have that change overnight. Because of this, Witch is receiving her Area Damage back with a more familiar damage/hit speed.

    We opted against a full revert of the Witch rework for two reasons.

    First, the pre-September balance change Witch was very problematic for casual/Ladder play and needed some form of change - whereas the original Executioner was not nearly as frustrating.

    Secondly, there are many aspects of her that feel much better, the new deployment pattern of Skeletons and the increased damage per hit for example make her feel more imposing and useful in a variety of situations. What she is really missing currently is the Area Damage and faster Hit Speed that Witch users have come to rely on.

    This Executioner & Witch changes will go live with the next update, expected to land near the end of November.



    This is a situation where we can definitely say we as a dev team made a mistake. We really regret pushing the Executioner and Witch reworks so early. We had a variety of low-usage cards that could use a fundamental rework, but felt that area-damage cards were the highest priority because they are a key role in many decks. Our feeling was that diversity in the meta could be achieved by buffing these cards first, and the end result was essentially the opposite of what we hoped to achieve.

    We apologize for the upheaval this caused in the metagame throughout Seasons 3, 4 & 5, especially to players who felt like one of their core cards were changed too dramatically, that they had been 'betrayed' by the dev team or forced to upgrade other cards to replace Witch. We still believe that reworking some cards will be beneficial to the game, but we have learned pretty clearly that powerful Area Damage ranged attackers do not create fun or interesting metas ripe with counterplay.



    We have reworked numerous cards over the past 2 years, including Spear Goblins, Royal Giant, Barbarians, Freeze, Cannon Cart, and Barbarian Barrel. We don't always get it right at first, but we believe with iteration we can get the least-used cards in Clash Royale to a healthy place.

    Many of our planned reworks were for cards like Bomber, Bowler, Wizard, and other area damage attackers. We have decided to halt these reworks as we are not certain the game would improve even if those cards were statistically balanced.

    We have shifted our focus towards providing more utility to underplayed cards, instead of making well-rounded cards competitively viable. We have solutions that feel very good for cards like Arrows and Heal that you will see over the next few months. Aside from those two, we will be far more judicious and question our assumptions about the outcome of reworking other cards in Clash Royale.


    See you in the Arena,

    The Clash Royale Team

    submitted by /u/Supercell_Drew
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    Aaand, -5 elixir trade

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:59 AM PST

    Epic Hunter Artwork - by ninjakimm

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    The Forgotten Card

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

    Balance Revert December 2019 Season 6

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:02 AM PST

    When u clutch a sudden death victory����

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:49 PM PST

    Hello Supercell team and class, these days it's getting harder and harder to recruit new players at clan level. So I had this idea, a new filter that will make it easier to capture new players. I hope you enjoyed and implement in the game. thank you

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:49 AM PST

    If nothing else is learned from this mess, at least let it be this one thing: Players need a way to pivot out of cards into another that were the subject of balance changes.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

    If nothing else is learned from this mess, I hope that it was enough to illustrate how bad we, the casual / non pro player needs a mechanic that allows us to trade in, break down, or trade our cards so that when we do get the backbone of our deck changed out of viability, our 2 years of work leveling that deck wasn't for naught.

    I feel bad for the 3 Musketeer players. The witch players. The mortar players of yore. Unless you're dumping hundreds of dollars into the game, you're literally starting a card leveling routine from near scratch to make up for a poorly tested balance change.

    Supercell, we need a way to target a reset on a card to move into another. One card a month / season would be a great feature. Almost every other card game I've ever played gives players the option to break down, de-level or disenchant a card that was subject to a balance change for the purposes of giving them the OPTION to continue using that card or not. They didn't decide to change the balance, power or mechanics of the card that they spent THEIR OWN MONEY and TIME to level, use and practice with.

    Do right by us and consider a feature that is more accommodating to the majority of your playerbase to monthly balance changes.

    submitted by /u/DrSuckenstein
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    What is really happening to witch?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    The times in which a different level tornado makes a difference�� that one skeleton

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:18 PM PST

    Knight buff

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:34 PM PST

    I think knight is a pretty weak card in the current meta. I'm a classic log bait player and I had to swap him out for valk because he is so weak. The problem is that knight is shadowed by the much better options such as dark prince and valk. I think knight is an important part to the game and it should be seen more often in the meta. Supercell definitely needs to give the knight a buff but I think it should be a small buff since he's so easy to level up. This would also be a buff to log bait which has not been seen much on top ladder

    I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments

    submitted by /u/nigwardisgod
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    how’s my deck im in arena 4

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

    Any opinions on my deck and idea’s for improvements?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:59 PM PST

    I wish we could continue playing challenges after we beat them

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:55 PM PST

    A lot of times I'm having a ton of fun with a challenge, and then it ends and I'm sad. It would be great if after you complete it, you could continue to play with other people who have also completed it (so you're not playing against people still working on the challenge). I wouldn't need any rewards, but maybe something like on ladder where you get 25 gold or whatever for a win.

    A lot of times there are some really great game modes we never get to play that are featured in challenges. Being able to keep playing them, even if just for the few days they're active, would be a treat.

    submitted by /u/ebb5
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    Can we please get a seperate tab for trades?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:17 AM PST

    My clan is pretty talkative but we also do a ton of trades. Having extended conversations is near impossible unless you sift through the endless amount of trade requests. I feel like it would be an easy QOL fix.

    submitted by /u/Keeping_Secrets
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    Asking me to choose a card without providing options!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:23 AM PST

    2vs2. Result 3:3, very exhausting Match

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    If someone leaves in the middle of the war, give the final battle to someone else

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:08 AM PST

    I know this isn't an original idea but it's a need. There's nothing more frustrating than someone leaving a war especially as a leader of a clan. I see no reason on why we can't have this feature.

    If anyone can find the original creator of this post I'd be happy to credit them

    submitted by /u/mpete25
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    Please criticize, currently in Challenger 2

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:38 PM PST

    The Perfect Cloned Lumberjack

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:56 PM PST

    I can't believe this man missed the freeze!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:58 PM PST

    3x elixer

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:59 PM PST

    After playing 3x elixer the regular 2v2 feels slow....it would be great if 3x was a permanent game mode instead of switching it out.

    submitted by /u/lilliejoylene
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    For people who don't buy Pass.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:45 PM PST

    In the recent 2v2 event I got paired with people who had pass as my partner and they just gave up too easily when the game got tough. Now I get it that people who have pass can just continue with the events even after they lose their three attempts while it is not so for those of us who don't have a pass.

    Could there be any improvements towards having a lesser chance of non-pass players being paired along with pass players. ( i know it can't altogether be avoided but any move in this regard would be appreciated by many like me who get guys with golden names but suck big time cos they give up n I'm out of the event for no fault of my own)


    submitted by /u/writeitredd
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    Never celebrate too early

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    After a 1 month hiatus from the game, I’m not just disappointed with how witch and exe were handled, but also baby dragon.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:33 PM PST

    Firstly, I understand that the first 2 aforementioned cards were both reworked into essentially different cards, and that the baby dragon just received a damage nerf. But to me at least, I don't think the problem with baby dragon was that it was too strong, but rather a lack of an alternative. If I remember right, baby dragon has been from launch until now still the only air splash troop in the game (excluding cards like fire spirits or balloon), and this is why I think that baby dragon wasn't immediately in need of a nerf.

    If any of you play Rainbow Six Siege, you probably know why Jäger has such a high use rate. He's the only operator in the game that can counter grenades. It feels like the same sort of situation applies here, where lack of an alternative ultimately boils down to a high use rate. I haven't looked much at royaleapi lately, but from what I remember, baby dragon's problem was its use rate rather than its win rate. Although baby dragon was a bit strong in the meta, I would've liked to see another air splash troop added one of these season and then see how baby dragon works from there.

    Overall I'm nowhere near as disappointed with the balance of the baby dragon as I have been with the witch or exe (which is why I took a break in the first place), but I feel like he wasn't necessarily handled in the best way. By no means am I able to create an alternative to the card for Supercell, but I'd love to see another option available in the meta.

    tl;dr: I don't think the baby dragon was problematic like the witch or executioner was/were, but I do think adding an alternative card to fill the same role as it would help to balance out its use and win rates.

    submitted by /u/codcksckr
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