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    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Clash Royale New Healer card preview

    Clash Royale New Healer card preview

    New Healer card preview

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Would make sense

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:57 AM PST

    An open letter to all the users of this sub

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:04 PM PST

    If I sort by new, the posts seem to follow some common pattern. Nearly all of them are "MaTcHmAkInG sUcKs" or "I bEaT tHiS gUy WoW sO fUnNy" or "NeRf (CaRd) It ToO gOoD". Listen up, everyone who posts those. I'm about to hit you all with the truth

    1. Matchmaking is not out to get you.

    I have read posts that claim that Supercell is specifically targeting OP, or that Supercell always matches everyone up with their hard counters, no matter what. These claims make no sense. Totalitarian governments don't target innocent people that don't matter to them for no reason, why would Supercell do the same thing? If one player is matched up with their hard counter, than that means the other player can't possibly be having the same thing happen to them.

    But even outside of these extreme examples, the premise that "matchmaking is rigged" is just wrong. It is simply not true. People always complain about facing Hog Rider or Furnace "9/10 times" on Ladder, and you know what happens next? Someone in the comments asks for their battle log. They provide it. Turns out that usually only a quarter of their matches, if that, have to do with the mentioned card. And that, the vast majority of the time, is what is happening to you all. You only see the card that hard counters you, because a victory will not stick out in your mind nearly as much as a loss. Everytime you see the card, you pay attention, and you forget about it when you don't. My advice? Just learn to play against the card, or get a counter. You'll see it just as much, but you won't notice it anymore.

    "B- but ma going up against higher level players!"

    I, along with many others, and Supercell themselves, have said it many, many times. Matchmaking is based on trophies, not levels. If you run into someone of a higher level, that means that you are better than them. Level 13s are in Challenger 1 because they suck (or just haven't played in a long time), not because Supercell hates you.

    "B- but what if we changed the matchmaking to reflect levels?"

    Guess what? That's how Party mode matchmaking works. And you guys still complain about it. Either trophies take precedence, and you complain about higher levels, or levels take precedence and you complain about facing higher trophied players. And it's still the same thing as before- for every overleveled player you face, there are so many more of an equal level that you are choosing to ignore.

    1. Mega Knight is not OP. Neither is Wizard, or Hog Rider, or Elite Barbarians.

    Everytime someone comes to this sub to cry about some card that beat them, it's Mega Knight more than anything else, especially as of recently. Seriously, the sheer amount of "NeRf MeGa KnIgHt" posts is almost, at this point, comical. The reason why I'm talking about it? It's completely undeserved.

    Mega Knight is a fairly good card, sure, great on defense with decent counterpush potential, but that's it. Decent. From the way you all talk about him, you make him sound like some immortal, unkillable, unmatched ultimate being that only a smart-talking Englishman can defeat. The real reason why you can't beat him is probably because either you're bunching up a clump of fragile Troops at the bridge or you don't know how to kite. If you go past either of those, you'll see Mega Knight for what he is, not fricking Ultimate Kars.

    As for those other cards- Wizard, Hog Rider, Elite Barbarians, Valkryie, etc.? The only reason that you're struggling against those cards is because either they're overleveled, or you don't know how to play. Wizard, at equal levels, is a fragile, overcosted piece of crap that's basically a strutting negative Elixir trade. Hog Rider is used in exactly one deck at high levels. Elite Barbarians are statistically one of the worst cards in the entire game. They're pathetically easy to counter, even with levels on their side. Seriously, the win rate for E-Barbs in tournaments right now is 18%. 18%. That's lower than Heal.

    The odd one out here is Valkyrie, which is a noob card that's actually good. She's used often and performs well in tournaments. However, she's slow and can be easily taken out with any air, most ranged Troops, or the majority of tank killers, so no, she's not OP. Even if she does shred your Totally Awesome Homebrewed Deck that sucks. Speaking of which...

    1. The best place to find decks is deckshop.pro, not here.

    Deckshop offers a variety of tools to build and check your own deck, as well as a fairly in-depth look at the best decks from past eras and whatever's currently meta. Here, you might get some constructive insults, but not anything that you can really go off of. Also, use a fricking win condition you idiot fri-

    1. No one cares that you beat some random guy.

    Sure, there might be the occasional super-clutch come-from-behind victory with one second on the clock, or a god-level play, or some weird bug that ends up being very humorous, but most of the replays posted to this sub are boring. You have all the context when you post them, but no one else seeing your post does. And without context, the Le Epic Dub or Funny Ha Ha Humor Moment you felt like posting just seems like totally routine gameplay.

    And even if they are a BMer, no one likes it when you BM back.

    1. Chances are, the bug that you just found has already been posted.

    You all remember that one "Skeleton stuck behind the King tower" bug that was first posted almost as soon as the October balance changes dropped? The one that was really funny at first? The same one that was posted so many times for the next 5 weeks that I lost count of how many times I had seen it and gradually just came to accept it as part of how the sub was? Yeah. That one. That, and every other random bug that's important to post at first, until it's posted so much that it makes up probably 60% of all posts of that week and it just kind of makes me want to die.

    1. No one cares that you pulled a Legendary.

    This isn't 2016 anymore. It used to be that when you got a Legendary, you were the coolest kid in your math class. Getting an Ice Wizard or Princess out of a free chest used to be an occasion to call your grandma, even if she didn't play. Now, it's something that just sort of happens. Sure, it's cool, but it doesn't happen as rarely anymore. This is mostly due to the fact that we get so much free stuff and boosts and challenges nowadays. Speaking of which, and lastly...

    1. Stop asking for more free stuff.

    Almost all of the Idea or Suggestion posts on this sub boil down to "give free stuff." This is outrageous. It's the frog in the boiler pot, only the opposite. Supercell has been giving us so much free stuff and additional ways to get cards, gold, and gems that it's almost unreal. If you took a player from 2016 and showed him the game now, they would probably go into shock from how much has been added. Seriously.

    At global launch, the only ways to play were Ladder and private tournaments. There were 42 cards. That was the whole game.

    Now, we have a list of ways to play that includes Ladder, Clan Wars, tournaments, special challenges, and the Party Button, with a constantly changing lineup of tons more special gamemodes. There are 95 cards, with more constantly being added. We have War Bounties, War chests, tons of special rewards from challenges, trophy road, quests, a shop that gives free stuff, THEMED SEASONS, tons of new emotes, tower skins, and so much more I can't even remember them all.

    "B-but what about Troops skins? People have been asking for those for years!"

    Yes. But we HAVE Troop skins. They're called Star Levels, and they are real and exist. They are also Troop skins. I don't even know what to say to anyone that begs for Troop skins at this point because they clearly don't know what they're talking about.

    Goodnight, all. This is u/missstealyotrophies making sure you all reach the truth, and just keep on remembering that Bandit is not only best girl, but also the best card in the game.

    submitted by /u/MissStealYoTrophies
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    Dark Prince needs an IQ buff

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:24 AM PST

    Who needs a heal rework?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    [Petition/Idea] Increase request and donation capacity at higher arenas

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:16 PM PST

    Once you reach 3000 trophies, you can request 40 commons, 4 rares, and 4 epics on Sunday. This increases by one per each 1000 trophies you climb. I think this should be extended to 50, 5, and 5 at 4000; 60, 6, and 6 at 5000, etc., and donation capabilities to match (10 C, 1 R, 1 E at 4000; 12 C, 2 R, 1 E at 5000, etc.). This would allow for free to plays to level up decks quicker and also to increase their king level quicker by getting more XP.

    On a side note, what do you think about requesting legendaries? Like, once a month (maybe final Sunday instead of Epic Sunday), if you are 2000-3999 you get one request of 1 legendary, 4000-5999 2 legendaries, and 6000+ 3 legendaries. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/sapphirePHOENIX1
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    Drew my deck! First time doodling with pen.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    Win Rate vs. Usage Rate in Grand Challenges

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:33 PM PST

    please supercell add hebrew language to the game

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PST

    supercell please add hebrew language to clash royale please

    submitted by /u/Lord800
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    I think we can all agree that this is the best possible free reward

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:41 PM PST

    F2P dream

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:39 AM PST

    Usage Rate vs Win Rate of some cards

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:34 AM PST

    [Emotes] I wish there were more emotes to expess yourself in game like "Sorry" or "Nice" example for 2v2 matches. Here's another one the "Facepalm" I feel like this should be added into the game also. The Emote was created by (u/Yeomanticore) Go check out their ideas.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:56 PM PST

    Lag gave me a blank mirror. ��

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:28 PM PST

    He thought he’d won! This is why you don’t play with your food. (He emote spammed earlier so it seemed fitting for me to do the same, sorry I’m toxic)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:27 PM PST

    Kinda feel bad for him

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:17 AM PST

    This is not worth 2500 gems

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:07 PM PST

    I was today years old when I learnt that the coils (rings) on the sparky + the spark that ignites tell you exactly how far the sparky is in it’s charging phase��

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:00 PM PST

    Is BM really a valid strategy?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:05 PM PST

    So, I've been playing this game for quite some time now, and I can't help but notice that BM, or Bad Manners, get treated like a legitimate strategy to win games.

    So, I really want to understand why players who BM think this way. I understand the kid or casual player that from time to time want to feel mischievous, want to experiment with their limits. What I don't understand is doing this out of habit, or doing it maliciously.

    In my personal case, I use emotes as a way to transmit emotion to the other player, I want them to know when I believe I made a mistake, or if they make one I want them to know that it's ok, we all make mistakes, that's rough buddy. Always start with the thumbs up king and a "Good Luck", and if they answer with "Good Luck" as well, I say thanks. Couple of seconds, positive elixir trade, sets the arena up for good sportmanship, right? Sometimes, when I'm matched with someone who's underleveled relative to me I hesitate about doing the thumbs up and GL because I know how it feels when BMers do it to annoy you, so I prefer to stay silent instead and let their skills speak for themselves. If they win, well that was great! GG and Thumbs Up! If they lose, Well Played, GG, GL and Thumbs Up. At least I hope the GL and thumbs up somewhat convey that I bear no ill will towards them. You know how BMers have really intoxicated all positive emotes.

    Now, having explained my own flow, I wanna move in with some examples.

    Say you are a casual player, you just came home from work, opened your chests, are raring to go because you found a Ram Rider or Mega Knight in one of the chests, and you level them up or want to try them by playing some 2v2, find a partner... And they just zap the king's tower and sit there with a full bar while spamming emotes like crazy, cheering on your oponents and just being annoying in general.

    What a way to start the night, right?

    Or I'm, let's say, a kid who is finally getting the hang of the game, but hits a wall in the mid-game and they're F2P so card collection is an issue for them, and I'm starting to lose my temper with all those awful cheering knights while I'm getting ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED by overleveled cards, and as I'm trying to save my game from going down an Arena my mom is yelling at me telling me to quit this stupid game and do my homework, just as the BMer three crown's me... I'm gonna lash out! This isn't good for anyone! And even if I didn't and I played nice and did what my mum told me to do, I would still have all that hazing on the backburner of my mind for a while... Simmering rage affects mental health, people.

    I think the game has so much more to offer in terms of connecting people. I've played against people from all over the world, and I find it so nice to be able to show sportsmanship to them and be able to tell them in their tongue that hey, this is a game, let's both have fun with it, ok? I don't want to be that kind of person that is able to spew poison and toxicity the world over by just pushing a button. I simply refuse to believe that this kind of behaviour is accepted, and some say, even encouraged by the devs. CR is one of the top eSports games in the world, and it should set an example for the rest. Traditional sports have moved on from toxic behaviour to promoting and enforcing respect and dignity on every game, why would eSports be any different? Why, of all things that exist that are able to separate humankind, CR has to be one of them?

    I really don't know if discussion of BMers and BM in general is ever going to reach the Devs, or if it does reaches them if they would care, but it's my hope that just by bringing into the light these issues that affect millions of players around the world, someday we will be able to enjoy a better, less toxic game.

    submitted by /u/fachomuchacho
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    From P2W To Subscriptions: The Case for a new Competitive Pass Royale

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:16 PM PST


    The following argument makes the assumption that Super Cell is slowly changing its business model from P2W (or pay to progress) to an optional subscription-based model (5$ a month for the Pass Royale for instance). If you disagree or think this assumption is wrong, you should skip the rest of this lengthy post.

    Progression system

    Paying to progress quicker in Clash Royale makes absolutely no sense for the players. Fast tracking progression does not alter the gameplay, assuming you've unlocked all the cards, and is just pointless. Please note that it did make sense early on for the company. However, as time goes on, the game will die if this persists. I believe SC are very well aware and it's why we got the pass, a much faster progression and cosmetics to name a few.

    If we all agreed, we could simply all naturally progress to the last arena, upgrade all the cards to level 9 and completely stop progression. We'd all play for free on an even-playing field. Problem solved and no money spent. Obviously, it's impossible to get 75 million players on board with that idea, but it'd be the best way for everyone to enjoy the game.

    When we take the time to think about it, what's the real point of getting more trophies? There isn't any. There are rewards to be gained, but that's just more progression. Trophies are an arbitrary and almost meaningless number. If we wanted a true representation of skills, we'd use the an unaltered ELO system. I won't go into detail as to why ELO isn't used, but it's basically because bad and average player's retention rate is very bad when you tell them they are bad and average, so you hide that fact from them with inflated ELO numbers called, in this case, Trophies.

    Ladder vs Grand Challenges

    I understand that we can't simply scrap everything and start over, so let's work with what we already have: A Ladder nobody likes but is heavily played and Grand Challenges everybody likes but nobody plays. I want this to change.

    To do that, we need different Pass Royale rewards. The idea is to stop putting so much emphasis on ladder, the ultimate culprit in the progression system issues (I played the same deck for 3 years!!!), and instead put the emphasis on Challenges. I know a lot of top players enjoy ladder, but that's like 0.001% of players. What is really the favorite game mode of competitive players of all skill levels? Grand Challenges.


    Because you don't need to spend 4 years of grinding to play more than 1 deck. Because you can play any card you want, even newly released cards! Because games are fair. Because 5 wins might be a great outcome for some, while grinding 12 wins might be someone else's goal. Everyone enjoys them. And yet... nobody plays them.

    Because they cost way too much money.

    Proposition: The Competitive Pass Royale

    I propose SC do the following:

    - Offer 2 different Pass Royale every month. A Casual Pass to help with the traditional progression: lots of cards, chests and gold as well as some cool cosmetics. This, we already have. Then, add a Competitive Pass to help with the competitive aspect of the game: Gems, challenge tickets, esports emotes, esport team towers, etc.

    In essence, you have the choice of playing the game as is and pick the pass that rewards you with level progression OR you can pick up the Competitive pass that lets you play tournament standard matches. You can even purchase both!


    tl;dr version:

    I'd gladly keep purchasing the Pass Royale if it let me play grand challenges. I don't mind subscribing to the game. But I want to play Grand Challenges! I can't afford hundreds of dollars a month to play them, it makes no damn sense.

    I will not keep purchasing the pass to progress on ladder. I expect a lot of players feel the same way. Please give us a Competitive Pass. Please let us play Grand Challenges as it is the most fun way to play the game for competitive players.

    submitted by /u/kehmesis
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    NEW CARD: HEAL SPIRIT! COMMON CARD! DESCRIPTION: A small bundle of positive energy that rests on your opponents and heals your troops. LEAKS FROM HE SECRET GAME DATA! GAMEPLAY WILL BE COMING ON YOUTUBE TOMMOROW!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    It's a good thing there's no chat option outside of your own clan, because the in-game attitude towards opponents is toxic

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:27 PM PST

    Had a shit day. Week. Month. Year. Clash Royale is a good way to disconnect from the world and just focus on that little arena for 3 minutes at a time.

    I play a ladder game, the game is a complete grind, nearly timing out. I lose the game, my opponent BM's, yawns and ungraciously mocks, and thanks me for letting him win. I thought it was a great match, but the whole thing was spoiled, and instead of leaving the match thinking "good game, worthy adversary", I'm thinking "This toddler just threw his poop at me because he won".

    Almost every match is like this unless emotes are muted. I can't imagine why people are so quick to find a way to say "fuck you" even in victory. I know it's just a game, but it does make me think about the type of person I'm playing against, I'd imagine if this was a FPS with voice chat, people's mom's and the n word would be getting thrown around more than a ball.

    Maybe it's a culture, like one person does it to another, and that person does it to the next, and eventually we're stuck in a cycle of being an asshole to each other for no reason.

    I'm so lonely

    submitted by /u/InkJetPrinters
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    How come there are two different pictures of ram rider?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:41 PM PST

    What is a card for you that isn’t OP, but you can’t stand?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Me personally, the Miner. Miner+any swarm and Miner+Mortar are the bane of my existence.

    submitted by /u/MercurySerpent
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