• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Clash Royale The battle healer is hovering, so she is technicaly flying but still a ground unit. And she can cross the river. Who else can hover in CR? Royal Ghost. I think it would be fair so Royal Ghost can cross the river too. It not that OP but there is a logic. What you think?

    Clash Royale The battle healer is hovering, so she is technicaly flying but still a ground unit. And she can cross the river. Who else can hover in CR? Royal Ghost. I think it would be fair so Royal Ghost can cross the river too. It not that OP but there is a logic. What you think?

    The battle healer is hovering, so she is technicaly flying but still a ground unit. And she can cross the river. Who else can hover in CR? Royal Ghost. I think it would be fair so Royal Ghost can cross the river too. It not that OP but there is a logic. What you think?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:29 AM PST

    lil concept i made

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:45 PM PST

    Me when defending wallbreakers

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:31 PM PST

    Teased Feature for the upcoming Season

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:08 AM PST

    Not false

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:34 PM PST

    Can't request commons if they're all max lvl

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:29 PM PST

    Add average elixir to Triple Draft as a simple QOL change

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:30 AM PST

    Been playing for 3 years and i finally made it to leagues for the first time. I'm stoked!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:06 PM PST

    Free Epic Token every Sunday

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:36 AM PST

    Battle Healer

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:35 PM PST

    I think Supercell should do something so you can see when somebody in your clan is online! One option would be to change from how many hours ago to minutes if it’s under 1 hour. Another option would be to have a green dot beside someones name when they are online like on the freind list! Thoughts?��

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Possssiiitttttvvveee Elixir Trade

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Are those christmas presents on the left? ��

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:07 AM PST

    Option to buy pass royale for the year?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:17 PM PST

    So many bundles and purchases appear on the shop, such as for gems ranging all the way up to $99.

    it would be cool to be able to buy pass royale for the year. maybe at a discount? or maybe at full price, except it includes an exclusive tower skin or emote?

    i think it would be a good addition as it helps the devs out because people commit to a full year of battle pass, and it helps the consumer out because they get it in a package perhaps at a discount or bundled with exclusives.


    submitted by /u/CohlN
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    These bot accounts wilin

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:26 PM PST

    It's true though

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:41 PM PST

    Ice Spirit Emote is Gone?!?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:48 AM PST

    Battle Healer Analysis ("Going Infinite" and More)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:09 AM PST

    I'm generally against heal effects in Clash Royale so I want to share some of the dangers I see with Battle Healer's design before the card is released. To really make my point I have to cover some design concepts and their history in CR.

    Infinite Effects

    The first design concept is "going infinite". We've seen time and time again that cards which can produce an infinite effect in CR end up needing nerfs.

    The initial occurrence of this was the Princess launch. She could do infinite damage to towers if left alone. At the time, she shot faster, had bigger splash radius, and had no positive elixir counters. It took changes to all those things to balance the card. Until then, Princess was in nearly every deck and players needed to closely understand the minutia of Princess vs Princess interactions.

    The next time an infinite effect happened was E-wiz being able to infinitely stun, or stunlock, troops with low attack speed like Bowler. The game itself needed to be patched so stun effects no longer reset attack timers.

    Sadly, another stunlock entered the game when Zappies were created. Playing them against the side wall or behind a princess tower allows them to get into single-file position. They can then infinitely stun just about any unit in the game. The solution to this was to nerf their target acquisition time and make them target ground only. The nerf was so heavy that Zappies are effectively dead in constructed play. This is honestly what they deserve because stunlock has no place in CR.

    Pseudo-infinite Effects

    The second design principle which is bad for CR is similar to going infinite. It's cards which produce infinite effects but have some other limiting factor which eventually leads to the effect ending. Let's call these pseudo-infinite effects.

    Defensive buildings are one example. They could sit on your side and deal damage forever, were it not for their health timer eating away at their HP. If you remember the launch of CR, it took a lot of nerfs to these building timers before they were fair. Most buildings now last half as long as they did at launch and the playerbase complained the whole way! This speaks to the power of pseudo-infinite effects. They are often easy to play (low skill cap or low risk) and provide massive value through their infinite output. It also shows why it's important to get this right, before players invest in these cards and grow comfortable with them.

    The next pseudo-infinite card I will highlight is Witch. This one should be fresh on everyone's mind. She produces infinite skeletons as long as she's kept alive. Luckily she marches herself toward the enemy side and eventually dies! Still, you only need to keep her alive for 14 seconds to get a Skeleton Army's worth of skeletons on top of her HP, damage, and ability to generate even more skeletons than that. Why has she been so OP lately and in need of countless balance changes? Because she produces a pseudo-infinite effect.

    Heal Effects

    The third and final design principle I want to bring up is heal effects themselves. Clash Royale has already experimented with heal effects in the past and it didn't go well. The Heal spell now lives with Zappies in the pile of cards Supercell can never buff.

    What's wrong with heal effects in CR? They are cancel cards with a low skill cap. Your opponent plays a counter to your cards on the board and now you can play Heal to undo their counter. One popular combo was to wait for 3 Musketeers to get Fireballed, and then Heal away that damage. For no risk and little investment you've positively cancelled your opponent's spell damage.

    Heal effects don't mix well with the small deck size of Clash Royale. This is a game about cycling, so if you just sent your counter card to the back of the draw pile and the enemy healed away the effect, you must now play a second counter. But your deck is too small to bring two counters! Therefore another way to think about the Heal card is a card which makes your opponent waste their best counter to your win condition.

    Back to Battle Healer

    OKAY. With all these design principles and their history in CR well-defined, we can finally speak about my concerns with Battle Healer. Battle Healer is a pseudo-infinite heal effect. That's double yikes.

    I do like that she only heals when attacking. This is a nice way to limit her pseudo-infinite effect during passive moments of the game. You won't be able to 3 Musk, have them get hit by Fireball, then start healing them with Battle Healer. But every other unfair heal interaction will re-enter the game. We can already see in the reveal video what happens when you pair Battle Healer and Witch. We turn Witch's pseudo-infinite effect into an infinite effect!

    I will reserve deeper balance suggestions for when the full stats of Battle Healer are posted. However just watching the video I am already worried that her attack speed (which is also her heal rate) is too high. I'm also concerned that she heals herself, turning her own HP pool into a pseudo-infinite pool! I think at the very least she should not heal herself or she should attack slower.

    Thank you for reading. Many people will want to call this an effort post but I reject that label. This was a POST and all posts on this sub should require some thought and time to produce. Everything else deserves the label of LOW EFFORT POST.

    submitted by /u/Bird_IRL
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    Save decks with title and description for later re-use

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:13 PM PST

    Hello I am game developer myself, and I had an idea that I think would be very helpful for all of your fans. It should be rather simple to implement as well.

    The idea is basically a way to save decks (archive) that you are moving out of your slots but may want to come back to later (let's say a triple elixer deck you liked for a challenge but now you need to make a deck for the next challange) you can give your deck a custom name and description to remind yourself of what it was built for or where it worked well.

    I've struggled the whole time I've played this game to find a good way to keep track of decks out of cycle, I've tried screenshotting them and putting text over the picture which somewhat worked, but it's hard to copy back into the game, and I've tried using the copy as link feature and pasting in notes to add notes to it, but all of these methods are time consuming and difficult to manage.

    I've come to the conclusion that the best way would be to have it in game. It only makes sense. And everyone knows 5 slots isn't enough but any more than 5 would just become cluttered. With the all expanding number of different game modes that all require different deck styles to compete in I think this would be a great new feature that everyone would wonder how they did without.

    Thanks to anyone reading this for your thought. Let me know what you think?

    submitted by /u/-ZurD-
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    Why is the battle healer not a legendary?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

    I mean the Card introduces not one new mechanic to the game, but at least 3...passive self-healing, healing other troops and the hover mechanic. For me that just screams legendary...

    submitted by /u/LetsLee
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    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:53 PM PST

    Since there is only 2 emote of the bandit in the game currently, I have an idea for a bandit emote. The emote is this: The bandit dashes to the emote space, winks at the user (maybe even gives a cocky salute), and dashes away.

    submitted by /u/Taddyboi
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    So I have this idea (prolly been said before) but I think it would be really cool and would like yalls thoughts

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:38 PM PST

    I have been playing Clash Royale for 3 years and I absolutely loved the game as in essence it's a war strategy game and I actually used it to help me write a paper on game theory in school. Anyways I was playing the game when they introduced legendary cards. And personally I would love to see a "Hero Tier" card but I knew it would be a complex problem to solve but here is my take on it.

    If Supercell were to add "The Heroes" into Clash Royale this is how I think it could work

    These cards would only be available after 4000 trophies (that way only higher level players could use it against each other rather than a lower level player)

    The card would arrive fully max at lvl 13 because these cards would not be able to be traded or requested

    And finally the card would have to have some risk involved when playing it in order to avoid it being too powerful and some ways I think this could be achieved are as follows:

    The card has a slight depleting health over time so it wouldnt live forever per se (and clone would be null)

    The card has a limited amount hits until its power is dramatically reduced

    The card is priced at 8-10 elixir

    The card can only be played a few times until it is replaced by another card or the player would just continue with 7 cards

    These are just some thoughts I have and know that theres probably alot of kinks in this so called solution but I really want this to be a reality. Please lemme know what you think.

    submitted by /u/lil_shahizzle
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    New card concept, poison spirit

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:38 PM PST

    Battle Healer Approximative Stats at Lvl 9

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Damage: 123 (I am very sure for this one)

    Hit Speed:1.5

    Damage per Second:82

    Health: Around 1000

    Heal/s: 73 or less (probably 65 like the normal heal)

    Heal Duration:1s

    Total heal: 146 or less (probably 130 like the normal heal)

    submitted by /u/xKhristy
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