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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Clash Royale For real

    Clash Royale For real

    For real

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:11 AM PST

    NEW Player Profile Tab Coming Soon? - by Goblin Guru [Humor]

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PST

    5 satisfying bandit dashes

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:14 AM PST

    Does anyone else want to be able to request maxed out cards? For gold and star points- and quest completions that are impossible to finish if you have all your commons maxed...

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    Ring around the lumberjack

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:54 PM PST

    Clash Royale, stingy as usual. What are these rewards?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:12 AM PST

    Clan mate can’t fight in war due to firearm charge

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:39 PM PST

    I feel so left out

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:12 PM PST

    Can you stop telling me that the tier was unlocked. It wastes so much time and you can’t tap through it.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    In the old days I'd be excited to open my 10 game golden chess. It would be a quick tap and there were my cards. Now I actually dread it. I hat the idea of leaving cards on the table though so I click the blazing golden banner and go through the motions. Open the page Pause for dramatic effect The screen moves down A lock appears Pause for dramatic effect The lock unlocks The whole time I'm taping with both thumbs desperate to get through this Finally you can click one or two chests an go through those animations too.

    All I'm asking is if I'm tapping both thumbs please get to the point. It feels worse that this is supposed to be something I already worked for. The key to gratification is fast positive effects. If it's not fast then your losing an opportunity to make this game more addicting.

    submitted by /u/alandrum13
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    Who else wants this for Royale? (Originally from Clash of Clans)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST


    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:49 AM PST

    Love the start of my game play.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    Umm...I can't do this.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:13 AM PST

    Don't give up if you lose your tower early on. This was probably the first time I've won against 3M.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:32 PM PST

    Clash royale representation of friend zone

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Finished my Barbarian ��

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:19 PM PST

    Supercell we understand these rewards are a joke but nobody's laughing

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:35 AM PST

    The Epic Chest has finally come back!!!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:43 AM PST

    I never knew this was possible, tornado is the best spell.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:41 PM PST

    A review of all the cards in the game, by a new player who has no idea what he's doing

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    So my friend /u/missstealyotrophies recently convinced me to pick up the game recently, and I gotta say I'm really enjoying it so far. The gameplay is totally unlike anything else I've played so far, and most of the cards seem balanced (Executioner seems really OP)

    It seems that this sub really likes humor posts, so I'm gonna try and make one. Here's a self-proclaimed noob's viewpoint on every card in the game.

    Knight- This guy seems cool. He's been working out for me well so far, I just wish he had some sort of ability.

    Archers- I don't really get this card. They seem not to do a whole lot when played, but what do I know?

    Minions- I forgot this card even existed when I unlocked Bats.

    Arrows- Wow, this sucks. I'd rather just use Zap.

    Giant: For being such a big tank, he seems to die kind of easily.

    Musketeer: I really like this card. She can be used in a lot of situations, and even deal good damage to players.

    Mini Pekka: So, did they just want to make a cheaper, slightly weaker Prince? Because that's what this card feels like to me.

    Fireball: Not much to say here. It's just good. Direct, easy damage to anything is nice in any game.

    Skeleton Army: Besides shredding Giants and tanks and such, I don't see much of a use for this one. It's fragile as heck.

    Baby Dragon: Out of all the splashers I have unlocked, I think this one is my least favorite. It just deals so little damage.

    Prince: A really strong card in theory, but everytime I placed it down it ended up dying to random stuff. I just use Battle Ram now.

    Goblins: These buggers are weak. Not as weak as Skeletons, but they die to pretty much anything.

    Spear Goblins: I thought Archers were bad.

    Hog Rider: This dude served me well, until I started to realize that he didn't actually deal an overly large amount of damage to towers. I got rid of him later on.

    Goblin Hut: This looks really annoying, but not much else.

    Hunter: This guy, right now, is pretty much my main man. He kills swarms and tanks- what's not to love?

    Goblin Barrel: Haha, zap

    Wall breakers: I now know better than to look away from the screen for even one second when these are in the mix.

    Skeletons: I don't see a point to these. They die to literally anything, and deal hardly any damage.

    Bomber: I don't get why I don't see this guy more. He's lowkey pretty good.

    Valkryie: I don't think it's fair that a card gets to destroy swarms, and destroy towers, and destroy tanks, and destroy tank killers all for 4 mana.

    Tombstone: You can use it to pull hog riders and giants, I guess. But that's about it.

    Witch: This card is alright. Not too great, but not exactly bad, either. I don't get why everyone seems to be complaining about it.

    Giant Skeleton: Call me a noob, but this is lowkey one of the best cards in the game.

    Barbarians: Wow, these dudes are good. They can kill big beaters just as well as Skeleton Army, but can't just be zapped away.

    Cannon: Meh.

    Battle Ram: I love this card! It's been my primary tower taker for a while now. Tons of damage if left ignored and has some defensive value as well.

    Barbarian hut: This just seems really, really, bad. Like terrible. It takes so long to cough out fodder.

    Golem: I've heard that he's the tankiest unit in the game. If that's true, then why does he die so easily?

    Barbarian Barrel: It's alright. Cool little idea and card.

    Minion Horde: Half of everyone I face uses this card, and I don't get why. If I just zap it away, their huge swarm is down the drain.

    Mega Minion: What is this supposed to be used for? I don't get it.

    Inferno tower: Oh, maybe this is the reason why tanks die so quickly.

    Pekka: Or maybe it's this. I've noticed that this can defeat literally any single ground unit in a 1v1, which is cool.

    Lightning: It's alright. I'd rather use Rocket, though.

    Lava Hound: I've never actually played this card, but it seems like a huge expensive flying tank should actually be able to hit things harder than a skeleton.

    Miner: I haven't played with him, either, but he seems really good for how much stuff he can do.

    Fire spirits: for just 2 mana, fire spirits can pack a real punch. An unsuspecting clump of units can take some real damage from them.

    Bats: These are good. Pretty much the best answer to stuff like valkyrie or miner. Cheap, too.

    Wizard: Why tf does everyone use this card? he dies super easily and gets surrounded easier than the president at a rally.

    Furnace: I hate this card.

    Tornado: It's good. Plain and simple.

    Poison: I'd rather hit my targets all at once... yeah I'll stick to Fireball. Night witch: It's a pretty good mid-ranger, but that's about it. Slowly spawning bats seems to rarely make much of a difference.

    Magic Archer: I haven't gotten to play with this guy yet. He looks really fun though. Not as good as Executioner.

    Skeleton Barrel: I forgot this card even existed until I went through the list.

    Mortar: defensive building, it says. Yeah, right.

    Flying machine: Like a Musketeer, but weaker. Also it flies.

    Rocket: That was a nice push you had. Was.

    Balloon: This is another card I don't like. It deals so much damage, has so much health, and of course the users always pair it with Rage or Freeze. Fboys.

    X-Bow: For all the work it takes to lock onto the tower, I don't think I'm going to pick this card up anytime soon.

    Inferno Dragon: I have no opinion on this card. I haven't used it or seen it used.

    The Log: I might start using this card soon. It takes out a lot of stuff for cheap.

    Royal Giant: Frick you, royal giant. Frick you.

    Royal Recruits: Wait, this is a card?

    Three Musketeers: Walking. Waste. Of. Mana.

    Royal Hogs: I don't like my win cons so fragile. Next.

    Guards: The shield mechanic is pretty nice, but they don't really deal a whole lot of damage.

    Princess: Princess is prey.

    Dark Prince: I like this dude. He can take and deal out a lot of damage, while having splash.

    Mega Knight: I haven't used Mega Knight. But according to a certain someone, he is best boy.

    Ice Spirit: He's cool. Heh, get it?

    Giant Snowball: The knockback is nice, but I'd rather instantly stun. I'll stick with Zap.

    Ice Golem: I don't see a lot of point to this guy. He deals negligible damage to towers, and dies in seconds.

    Elixir Collector: I've never used this card, and have no plans to.

    Ice Wizard: Never used it. The slow mechanic looks good, even if his stats aren't.

    Bowler: I use Executioner, which is better in every way.

    Lumberjack: Yo, he's fantastic. He kills small swarms, kills tanks, kills towers, and drops a boost when he dies. What's not to love?

    Freeze: Freeze users can go to somewhere that's not very nice.

    Goblin Gang: Wow, a goblin card that's good. Not much of a point in Goblins or Spear Goblins when these exist, is there?

    Dart Goblin: Runs fast, shoots fast, dies even faster.

    Earthquake: Middle finger to building users, an advantage to everyone else.

    Goblin Giant: His stats really aren't that great, and his ability only rarely comes into play.

    Executioner: When this card was introduced, R&D must have been high. Not as high as his range, hp, and damage, but high. He's seriously the best card in my entire deck. I'm so glad I accepted that trade.

    Bandit: Bandit is bae, and a wonderful card.

    And that's everything. I'm only in Arena 9 for now and I don't have a lot of legendaries, so I can't give my opinions on anything else. See you sometime soon, I guess.

    submitted by /u/SPACEKRAKENX
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    [PSA] check you war victory gold.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:17 PM PST

    Not sure if I'm the only person affected by this, but three times this season I've been shortchanged on my victory gold reward for clan wars.

    I don't know the reason is, nor was I able to reproduce the issue behind it. So check that you are receiving the proper amount of gold after each war. If this concerns you, make sure you reach out to Supercell Help and Support.

    submitted by /u/hpeter2010
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    That hurts!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:15 AM PST

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