• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Clash Royale Bye witch!

    Clash Royale Bye witch!

    Bye witch!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:09 AM PST

    Playing lumberjack mode, and accidentally got two mega knights on top each other.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:01 PM PST

    GO GO GO!!! 3x elixer is where dreams come true.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:55 PM PST

    This cocky dude that was spamming emotes all game forgot that tiebreakers exist now

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST


    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:45 PM PST

    Card Idea: Elixir Miner

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:00 PM PST

    Baby Dragon's Fire Ball for the WIN!!!! Now to add color or not to add color...that is the question. What do you guys think color or no?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:39 PM PST

    Lavahound and Executioner

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:29 PM PST

    This frustrating scenario

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:12 AM PST

    How do I not have enough gold to make a free donation

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:01 PM PST

    Top ten replies sent moments before distaster

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    5 stages of Clash Grief

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:23 PM PST

    Denial: "This game is fun AND free to play. Wow!"




    Bargaining: "Ok so I'll buy a few deals. Top 10k will be easy with a maxxed deck."


    Depression: "This game sucks, the meta sucks, the new card sucks, everything sucks."


    Acceptance: "Well I guess everyone cant be good at this game."

    submitted by /u/tylerj00
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    State of the Game Analysis ---> Clanmates = Solution

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:24 PM PST

    Hey everyone!

    I'm proud to have finally be crossed the 3 year mark this past week on the same day of my birthday! (didn't even know I gave myself a gift 3 years ago lol).

    It really feels like a good time to step in and give my honest opinion regarding the state of the game and other few things & recommendations I've had in mind for a very long time: Balances changes & offense vs defense state, Season Pass, Quality of Life improvements, Clan Wars & Clans state, etc.

    WARNING : I'll give a quick apology in advance as this post will be a long one. Sit tight, strap your belt & enjoy the ride. I really do believe it'll be worth your time. Please know that this game is by far the best game I've played, ever. These opinions & comments are in hopes Supercell sees this and hopefully learns from it.

    Retrospective helper: 6.7k pb, led 3 clans over the past 3 years (one of which I still lead and almost built from scratch – now sits at top10 Ladder & Wars Trophies Local/Canada). Also, a casual spender within the game (mainly season passes).

    First, I'll go quick on balance changes. As I don't think I'm the ideal candidate to talk about in-depth analysis regarding win rates and specific cards interactions. As much as I would like to cover them in full, I don't think I have a good enough IN-GAME skillset to solidify my opinions. Nevertheless, I'll go with a more general & personal approach.

    - Let's just say it was the worst meta I've seen in my CR "career". No, it wasn't the Freeze meta as it's a spell and felt like there was still a way to outplay your opponent based on timing/decision making. Witch didn't feel like that. *Curious to have your thoughts

    1.1 Buffing the regular witch + night witch as the same time: Not a great idea. How to kill a Fireball vs poison debate. I get that it was also related to spookiness. Still, no.

    a. Quickly on night witch: I don't think adding 4 vs 2 bats wasn't the way to go. Other than poison, I have a difficult time getting an equal or positive trade vs her. That last spawn is annoying as hell. Season 5 recent win rates have her ranging between 55% and 58% win rate (GC & CC). Imagine if Exe was less present… thoughts?

    b. Quickly on witch: RIP. Another rework/buff that goes straight to garbage after 1 month. What a waste of time and energy.

    1.2 Another Exe hidden buff? Why..? This one feels plain off. The original buff is the issue, not this one.

    1.3 Tornado is attached to this card and a spell shouldn't be use at a 40% use rate in GCs.

    1.4 Graveyardwill probably end up with the best win condition win rate % for season 5. Currently sits at 57%. Good luck getting through these GY decks.

    1.5 1.5All the other changes feel good. Great stuffs.

    Secondly, let's talk about the balance between the offense & defense within the game.

    2.1 We finally get to have NO DRAWS on ladder as well. By far the best feature introduced on ladder over the past year. Is offense now more prominent during overtime (reduce even more the towers hp) or is defense now more prominent during overtime (conserve hp lead over enemies' towers). Thoughts?

    2.2 I feel like the game has been in a "defensive" mindset for far too long. If it wasn't for the Egolem during the last meta, I feel like defense currently wins the head to head. Add the exe buff + tornado combo being used a lot . Valkyrie is still very powerful on defense, same thing for ewiz & baby dragon. Yet all of them fell kind of balanced (not exe). The introduction of defensive cards like goblin cage, fisherman, hunter, royal recruits, barb barrel vs offensive cards like magic archer, royal hogs, skelly barrel, goblin giant, ram rider : defense > offense, Thoughts?

    2.3 Wall breakers's overall buff & Egolem bring new offensive ways to the game. I feel like we need a lot more. The game is more exciting with cards like these.

    2.4 I generally don't think buildings and tornado add much value to the game.

    Thirdly, Buying Pass Royale and getting such a horrible meta like that is unacceptable.

    3.1 Ever heard of a "Satisfaction Warranty" when you buy a product? Couldn't even take a break for the game as I would've lost all trophy road rewards. Solution? Not sure but I do think the past meta needed a witch and Egolem emergency nerfs. I get the fact that they don't want to start doing that as soon as a card feels "op". Nevertheless, there is a difference between "op" and totally broken/wrapping the meta by themselves. (fisherman vs witch for example).

    3.2 As much as I wanted to hate Pass Royale when it was introduced since I felt it it didn't bring anything new to the game, best value in the game. Thx Supercell.

    3.3 I feel bad for those F2P players on the other hand. 2 updates back 2 back that they don't get much to lean on..

    Fourthly, the clans current state is extremely stale and very saddening. Other than seeing your clan members go up the ladder…not much is going on. Clan wars is by far the best feature in CR's history and it brings the clan members together! Unfortunately, it's way overdue for a revamp and based on Seth's interview with CWA during early season 4, we won't be getting one in December either. How is it possible to get close to NOTHING regarding Clan Wars in over 1 year and 11 months (if the next update after December is in March/April). **This is by far the most frustrating thing I've had to deal with since I started playing the game and it's totally unacceptable. I understand it might not be as "easy" as we think but to give this feature a new "life" and they don't want to rush an unfinished product. However, I've been extremely patient and now I'm done. So if there is any chance Supercell can see these recommendations before it's too late, I'll be happy, hopefully.

    5.1 Clan Wars is the only regular team based feature we have. 2v2 in Collections, War battles and everything Clan Wars related should only be done alongside a clan member. Let's bring people together.

    5.2 War Leagues: not much to say. Poor 3.1k clans getting recked by 25K+ clans. Adding leagues even if the wait time would be bad betting wars would still be better than nothing…

    5.3 Clan roles: it's time for new roles added to the game. This would allow the leader for to give player much more recognition within the game. As an example, there should be 1 "pro" role per clan, 2-3 "deck builders" per clan, 2-3 "veterans" per clan, 2-3 "generals"..you get the idea. These would be in addition to the current roles we have and each "special roles" would have unique features (more below). Also, can we have a role to differentiate an "old & loyal" elder vs a new elder?

    5.4 Decks recommendations: The "deck builder" should be able to recommend decks in the war tab feature (up to 3 for example). Sharing a war deck in the chat isn't good enough as you can lose it due to chat activity.

    5.5 The "pro" role would given by the clan leader based on 1v1 performance/how good he is in 1v1. (upon leader's discretion).

    5.6 Veterans: the guys that do it all for Clan Wars. What members should be looking up to war activity/performance wise.

    5.7 Generals: the guys that do it all for ladder. What members should be looking up to ladder wise.

    5.8 Can we see quicker the decks used by the clan members within the clan war results rather than going through the whole replay?

    5.9 New clan logos/images: can we get new ones from time to time?

    1. Clan badges: based on leagues & war performance/finishes based on the last War season.

    6.1 Clan descriptions: any way we can make these more fun and give players a better way of seeing how it performs?

    6.2 Clan mails: please allow leader to copy paste things…rules are rules and sometimes you need to mention them more than once a week let's say. The leader of the clan only should be allowed to have unlimited clan mails (no freeze time).

    Lastly, I feel like there are so many quality of life changes that could bring the game to the next level.

    7.1 Shop revamp: Other than maxed out players, does anyone use it? Please give us a way to play around our cards. It would not only help us adjust to the balance changes but also help us discover cards we usually don't use due to levels. How about a swap of 2 specific cards which share the same rarity each season for a small cost? 20K goal ---> my level 13 hog vs my level 9 bomb tower = level 13 bomb tower vs Level 9 hog. Choose wisely as you only have 1 swap available/season!

    7.2 Chests revamp: the game shouldn't have chests without lightning strikes. Supercell, it's time. This would no only help progression but also feel like quests are worth our time. 126 heal in a war chest feels horrible and it shouldn't be a thing.

    7.3 Emotes: please allow use to customize the emotes order (other than the selected 8)

    7.4 Season card skins: this should be a thing. Do a special challenge that includes a unique & exclusive card skin. You wouldn't be able to restart for free even with the Season Pass. Try hard alert 😊

    7.5 Local Rankings: please allow a way to see specific local rankings by adding region filters.

    7.6 Rewind during replays: please, this would be insane. I know the "technology isn't there" but please..lol

    I could go on and on…but I think it gives you guys a well rounded idea of where I stand right now.

    I really do believe that clanmates is what can bring this game to the next level (Clans). You just have to give them the ability to do so.

    Let's now hear what you guys have to say.

    Looking forward to what Supercell brings this December.

    Have a good one,

    Brisse – Boréal Mobile Gaming

    submitted by /u/Brissedenice
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    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST

    A perfectly timed barbarian barrel

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:14 PM PST

    Petition for Supercell to add a Clan Badge competition, for a custom/new badge since they don't do anything with the badges! This is just a concept, not a serious drawing. �� Personally i would love some more badges! ����

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Could we have a F for rush wars from u/chief pekka

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST

    No one: The cards when you win a game of solitaire:

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    Everyone remembers the original Fireball art, but does anyone remember the beta Arrows/Bomber art?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:12 AM PST

    And good game to you random citizen!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:43 PM PST

    The final collab who would win? Any rewuest or help you need let me know. Enjoy!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:17 PM PST

    About star level

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:23 PM PST

    Is there any video or images of every card according to their star level..want to know if it is worth the effort upgrading star level

    submitted by /u/pdhngl
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    Game breaking bug that needs to be fixed

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:40 PM PST

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