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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Clash Royale A tornado misclick right? No, wait it’s just a 200IQ play.

    Clash Royale A tornado misclick right? No, wait it’s just a 200IQ play.

    A tornado misclick right? No, wait it’s just a 200IQ play.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:24 PM PST

    2 things...One, Who wants this Old Icon back? Two, who thinks the Ex. Should have an evil laugh when deployed?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:18 PM PST

    I think they forgot something

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Thanks Rush Wars!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    Top five photos taken before a disaster...

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:41 PM PST

    [EFFORT] Guide to EFFECTIVELY Using and Countering The Executioner

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:45 PM PST

    (NOTE- All interactions/stats this guide are assuming the game is being played at tournament standard, unless otherwise specified)

    You know it, I know it, everybody knows it, the new Executioner is a beast of a card. For 5 Elixir, you get a high damage, relatively tanky ranged splasher. In this guide, I will go over how to efficiently use the Executioner, and how to effectively counter the Executioner, Let's get into it!


    Arena Unlocked- Spooky Town

    Rarity- Epic

    Elixir Cost- 5

    Hit Speed- 2.5 seconds

    Move Speed- Medium

    Range- 4

    Targets air and ground units

    Damage- 259x2 for a total of 518

    Damage Per Second- 103x2 for a total of 206

    HP- 960

    (Side note, while the Executioner has a range of 4, the axe itself can reach 5 tiles)


    The Executioner's main strength is his incredible defensive prowess. Got a horde of Minions, Goblins, or Skeletons coming in? No problem. One throw of his axe, and they are done. Got a big Golem or Giant push coming in? Make sure you got a Tornado, and that Executioner will take all of it out. Notable interactions include one shotting the following troops; Skeletons, Bats, Minions, Goblins, Spear Goblins, Fire Spirits, Ice Spirit, Wall Breakers, Archers, Dart Goblin, Princess, Rascal Girls, Flying Machine, Magic Archer, Guards, Tombstone, and Zappies. If it's got 500 hitpoints or less, it'll get one shot by his axe. However, Barbarians are slightly tankier, as his axe leaves them with just a sliver of health. Inferno Dragon and Baby Dragon are also notable, as not even two axe throws will kill them. It is worth noting that if the Executioner is overleveled, the interaction will change and Barbarians will die in one axe throw and Inferno Dragon and Baby Dragon will go down in two axe throws. Other notable units that take two axe throws to kill are Wizard, Witch, Hunter, Musketeer, Night Witch, Electro Wizard, and Ice Wizard.

    Because his axe is thrown like a boomerang and the axe hits when it's returning to his hand, he is GODLY against troops that spawn more troops after death. The Bats from the Night Witch, the Skeletons from the Tombstone, the Lava Pups, and the Elixir Blobs don't even get to see the light of day, and the returning axe hit greatly wounds the Golemites and Elixir Golemites. Even if he is killed, if the axe was already in the air when he died, it will STILL return and deal its full damage to anything in it's way. It's insane how strong his axe is.

    When talking on swarms, you're going to want to place the Executioner directly in front of whatever swarm is coming your way. This is to prevent the axe from potentially missing the Spear Goblins from the Goblin Gang or some Minions, as the axe is thrown in a straight line and will miss if thrown at an irregular angle. HOWEVER, if your opponent sends in a Miner with the swarms, you're going to have to get a little bit crafty. This is where the Tornado, the Executioner's best synergy, is going to come in handy. If the Miner is placed on the right or left side of the tower, place your Executioner on the opposite side of the Miner and Tornado the swarms and the Miner together. You may have to wait till the swarms lock on, so you will have to take a bit of damage, but now you have a nice, healthy Executioner to counterattack with.

    As for those big Giant and Golem pushes, the same rules for positioning still apply. Keep your Executioner directly in front the tank, so you can hit all of the support troops behind the tank. If the Executioner is staggered even slightly, his axe shots will become harder to hit, even if you Tornado everything together. Even though the Executioner deals high damage and is efficient at taking down tanks, I would still plop down a Mega Minion or Valkyrie to keep the support units from killing your Executioner. He just shreds any tank, Lava Hound, Goblin Giant, Royal Giant, you name it.

    Ok, now they pushed hard and you have the opportunity to punish them. The Executioner is more of a defensive card then an offensive one, but he is still VERY threatening on offense. Remember, one axe throw deals around 500 damage, so it is not wise to let him lock on. If you're playing him, and want to maximize your chances of getting him on your tower, throw down your win condition or a fast unit in front of him. Your opponents focus will most likely be on the fast threat on their tower, and won't even notice the Executioner getting an axe throw on your tower. He's hard to get on the tower, but is SUPER satisfying when he does.


    With all these strengths, how do you counter the Executioner? Let's go over spells first. For the most part, he is pretty spell resistant, the only spell being able to one shot him is Rocket. Lightning also can do this, but only if it is over leveled or or if the Executioner is underleveled. Lightning and Zap or Log will also do the trick, but this is not wise, as it will net you a -3 elixir trade. Same rules when countering spells still apply, always try and hit the tower or other units along with the Executioner. However, your opponent could be running other cards weak to Rocket, like Sparky or Elixir Collector, and may be just trying to bait out your Rocket. In that case, you may have to try some other options.

    While the Executioner obliterates swarms when he's the one defending, he can be countered by them rather easily. Don't play the swarms directly in front of him, that's asking for a negative trade. Rather, surround him. You will want to stagger the swarms slightly to one side or the other so that when he throws, only one unit in the swarm will be hit. This is slightly easier to do now that his splash radius has been reduced, but it can still be inconsistent at times. This will work with Skeletons, Bats, Minions, and Barbarians. When using Skeletons and Bats, be wary of Zap, and if you know they have it, try and bait it out.

    Due to his 4 tile range, units like Musketeer. Magic Archer, and Flying Machine will outrange him. However, I would recommend soaking up the damage with something like an Ice Golem because without it, the axe will wreck those units. Other sturdy units such as Knight, Valkyrie, and Prince are tanky enough to take him out as well. Valk's 360 degree attack is especially useful when you need to take on support troops at the same time

    Other notable miscellaneous methods of countering him include Baby Dragon, Giant Skeleton, PEKKA, Mega Knight, Bandit, and Fisherman. Baby Dragon is tanky enough to take him out on your side, but won't be left with much health to counterpush. Giant Skeleton doesn't do all that much damage, but will have a decent chunk of health left for counterpushing, even with a -1 elixir trade. While PEKKA and Mega Knight will result in a -2 elixir trade, they destroy him quick and easy, and you now have a near full health tank on the map that your opponent now has to deal with. Fisherman's hook can pull him away from your Giant or Golem, or just pull him so both towers can hit him and take him out. The Bandits dash will absorb the axe throw, and fully damage the Executioner and take him out with relative ease.

    I hope this guide helped, to both new Exe players and players struggling to counter him. If you have any criticisms please let me know.

    submitted by /u/rwbyfan433
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    That's unfortunate

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

    THIS is why I LOVE snowball!!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:45 PM PST

    I’ve discovered the true potential of the ram rider

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    An interesting title

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:34 AM PST

    Mole Miners-New Epic Card(Borrows Miner's Mechanic from CoC)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PST

    Goblins underpants :D

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:58 AM PST

    The irony

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:14 AM PST

    I’m finally learning to play against higher level opponents guys!:) It’s been a tough road but I’ve finally learned how to use this deck. Ironically I was complaining constantly not too long ago! I’m proud of myself

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:58 PM PST

    Please bring back the old King Emotes!!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    About the witch

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:44 PM PST

    What did you do to the witch I am a big noob how am I supposed to bully level 8's with my maxed witch if she sucks so bad. I literally cannot use her to beat a pekka i can only use my ebarbs and wizard with a rage to kill a pekka. Help me I don't think I can make it out of challenger 1 when the witch sucks so bad.


    submitted by /u/BlackDeath-God
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    My 2v2 partner and I were both using mirror rocket cycle, and independently launched a rocket on the same frame.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:31 AM PST


    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST

    I wish we had drills where we could practice specific skills.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:37 PM PST

    I don't know if this idea has been posted yet, but I hate how we can't practice tailor-made drills in e-sports in the same manner as in regular sports. It's like if a baseball batter could only practice hitting in an actual 9-inning game and never in a batting cage.

    Perhaps Easy Mode would include something like Hog Rider KT activation, and then Intermediate would be something like recognizing Goblin Barrel placement and successfully logging it out, or completely shutting down GB with just skeletons and Ice Spirit. I'm sure we could create a laundry list of things and individual players can pick the ones that they'd like to practice repetitively.

    Or it can even be a challenge type of thing where you get points depending on how efficiently you stop a push, for example.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/mitzbitz16
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    [Idea] Put new balance changes in a 1v1 party mode to test them out so they don't affect ladder/GC meta

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:10 PM PST

    This would essentially be a way to beta test balance changes with the wider clash community without the changes affecting ladder/GC meta.

    And it would be super fun to have a separate mode for that!

    submitted by /u/flippflopp
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    Special offers.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:53 AM PST

    2v2 is sad...

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:34 PM PST

    So what happened? Did your balls drop off? Why aren't people willing to play multiple rounds of 2v2 anymore? I loved when you could just go into 2v2 and play a few rounds with some random dude. What's with the one night stands? I mean, I get it of your 2v2 buddy sucks, or didn't play at all, but if you had a good match, why is it all of a sudden, wham bam thank you ma'am?

    Just me? Maybe I'm the one that sucks...

    If I've played with you and you thought I sucked, my bad. Maybe I was at work, maybe I had to poop, or maybe I was just off... again my bad.

    But seriously though... what happened?

    submitted by /u/Johnny-Cotton
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    Why is this image so blessed?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:42 PM PST

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