• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 2, 2019

    Clash Royale Took about a month of guess and check but I finished my chest in Desmos.

    Clash Royale Took about a month of guess and check but I finished my chest in Desmos.

    Took about a month of guess and check but I finished my chest in Desmos.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    What Happens when Elixir Golem+3M Goes Meta: (Meme Made by Me)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    Expectations vs Reality...

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    [Bug] So this was a fun game

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    What u been up too golem?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:48 PM PDT


    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    He predicted it 5 months ago (u/tristanxdd)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    Unannounced feature coming with Pass Royale season 4?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    Anime VS Netflix Adaptation.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    [Idea] Golemeteorite - A spell, building and barrel all in one.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    I call it SiXbow

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Took me a while

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:39 PM PDT

    Interesting outfit for those guys... Black Hair Archer ���� - Goblin Brawler's Hair����

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Look at the new pumpkin tower skin.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    Looking forward to season 4

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    Love this Elixir Golem animation. Big shout-out to Supercell's Designer/Animation team. Keep it up the good work guys ����

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    ??? Invincible king tower???

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    [Effort Post] Draft Mode Strategy Guide

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    I made a post yesterday about how happy I was to see draft become a gametype I could play anytime. There was a SURPRISING (and very hope inspiring) amount of positivity on the post. I feel like now more than ever, it's time to share some strategies on how you can make draft mode less random, and more fun since it's going to be played that much more.

    This is not designed to be the ultimate rule on how to play the game. I expect and encourage new strategies in the comments, feedback on the ones I include and good conversations around the mode. Some of this will seem obvious to many of you, but for the benefit of players of all skill ranges anything some basics have been included.

    MANY games are won in the drafting stage. While troop placement and gameplay will always rule, it's possible to secure your victory by making good decisions and synergies during the draft. This guide focuses on the draft phase and not placements, as it's what differentiates this game mode.

    For the purpose of this guide, card names divided by a slash (zap/fireball) will indicate that I am referring to that combination of cards being offered to the player.

    If you're a negative Nancy or Nick, you're going to get downvoted. I've seen too many people looking to make this same positive change on the community to believe your trolling will matter.

    If you enjoyed this let me know. I have long thought of making something similar for 2v2, as most players seem to approach it the same way as 1v1.

    General Comments on Draft Mode

    • Cards only appear once in the draft. That means if you are offered Zap and you take it, there is NO possibility for your opponent to have that card in their deck. This makes powerful combinations, as you might draft a Zap and an Inferno Tower, knowing your opponent has no Zap to reset the tower.

    • You have a full 30 seconds to make your card choices. There is no advantage to rushing through your choices and being the first to draft. Take the time to compare each draft choice with the cards you've already selected, and more importantly the cards you've already given to your opponent.

    • Your favorite cards don't matter. While you might think taking certain cards that you feel are powerful is a good draft choice (Eg. Drafting PEKKA if you're a PEKKA player), it is much more important to create a 4 card combination that synergizes together. You've already drafted a Golem? Ranged and air troops support this card much better than taking a hog rider or additional offensive cards. And honestly experiment, draft mode is the best way to learn how to play cards you don't have in your main deck. If all other factors are equal, then taking your comfort cards will have great results.

    • You must consider the cards you are giving to your opponent when drafting. However, you're not trying to avoid giving them good cards. You need to avoid providing your opponent with direct counters/strategies that work against your deck at all costs, no matter how uncomfortable it might make you. You'll have to make hard choices, but you absolutely cannot put yourself in a hole before the game starts.

    Eg. You have given the opponent an elixir pump. You have already drafted Minion Horde and Rascals. You are offered Rocket/Arrows . Yes you will need the rocket to kill the pump, but providing the opponent with Arrows will essentially render 10 elixir of cards in your deck useless on defense and almost guarantee a loss. In this situation you have to take Arrows, and hope the opponent gives you a heavy spell or Miner to counter the pump.

    • Yes sometimes you end up with a terrible deck and terrible matchup. This is not because draft mode is broken, this is a feature of the game mode. With proper drafting, you'll find that your draft matchups are often fairer than ladder matchups where it's possible to enter a no win situation simply because RNG matched you up against a hard counter opponent.

    Not so Obvious Draft Mode Strategies

    You don't have to always try and make a META deck with the cards offered. Draft gives you much more creative ways to win. Here are some random card stats that I will use to inform some other draft strategies. It might seem long winded, but it's very important to understand.

    There are 94 cards.

    There are 50 "Troop" cards. My definition of troop is any card that interacts/fights with other cards on the field until they are eliminated by another source. By this definition, I consider Ice Spirit/Fire spirits/Ice Golem as spells as they provide one time damage/effects.

    There are 12 "offensive" cards. These are cards who's primary purpose are to deal damage to towers/buildings and for the most part ignore troops attempting to take them down.

    There are 11 building cards. I consider goblin cage a troop, not a building.

    There are 21 spells. Spells provide powerful, but one time effects. I find many battles come down to poor use or bad spell timing, as it's the only card type where you can literally waste up to 6 elixir with no real value.

    • Draft mode attempts to give selections of each card type across the 16 choices. You will almost always see a handful of spells and offensive cards mixed into the choices, even though there are very few of them in the game compared to troop cards. This means that in every draft, there isn't really a ton of troop cards offered.

    IMPORTANT most players are conditioned to draft "balanced" decks, meaning a combination of offensive cards, troop cards and spells. This can be used to your advantage.

    • Keeping the above in mind, Troop cards are at a premium in draft mode. Look for opportunities to give your opponent several cards that don't fight back, while keeping troops to yourself. Giving the opponent a Royal Giant, Hog Rider and Ice Spirit might at first seem to be a good way to get cycled into oblivion. However, this also means that they only have a maximum of 5 troops in their hand. If they also drafted an offensive card and a spell, now they only have max 3 troops in their hand. If you kept all troops and continuously defend their offensive pushes, what cards will they use to defend against the counterpush? This is my most utilized strategy, and I win games constantly with no offensive cards drafted. In an equal situation (where I'm not giving an opponent a counter/synergy) I will almost always draft a troop card vs a spell or offensive card.

    • There are 11 flying cards. There are only 26 troops/buildings that target air (Including some flying cards like Mega Minion). Since you can't always build a balanced deck, this means both these card types are more valuable in this game mode as the opponent may not have a counter for flying cards. Look for opportunities to keep flying cards, while giving the opponent cards that only target ground. Conversely, keep track of what you have drafted and don't put yourself in a position where you have no/few air targeting cards.

    • Prioritize spells that can kill troops on their own as they provide the most immediate value. Log and arrows are IMO the best draft spells as they instantly shut down a plethora of cards, Princess, Dart Goblin, Rascals, Goblin Barrel etc. . You can even take advantage of this while drafting. Picked a Log first? Look to give your opponent cards that you can kill with it. Or, look to keep those cards, because you know 100% that the opponent doesn't have a log. Watching your opponent have to zap-snowball your Princess, keeping no spell for your next push is its own reward.

    While Zap/Snowball are great cards, they don't provide this same level of value in draft because they can't kill troops. They're also most powerful when being able to reset things like Inferno Tower, Sparky etc., and it's ultimately RNG if you'll be facing those cards. Earthquake/Freeze are highly situational as well, you may have no use for them. I personally prefer Poison over Fireball, as you can kill a full health glass cannon (EG. Musketeer, Wizard) with the poison, where fireball leaves it with a sliver of health and primed to have a giant dropped in front of it.

    • Look for opportunities to swamp your opponent with high elixir cost cards. Eg. You have already given them a Barb hut and Royale Giant, and are given the choice of Rocket/Zap. While you might want the rocket for the Hut, by taking zap they will have guaranteed 3 cards in their hand of 6+ elixir. Often players will also draft one high elixir card to make again a "balanced" deck. The result is hilarious, as you watch the opponent being unable to cycle any of the cards in their hand while you keep the pressure on. I once ended up with a 5.8 average cost deck, and couldn't help but laugh as I got steamrolled.

    Card Choice Considerations

    Everything I have said to this point will ultimately change in every draft game you play. It all comes down to what cards were offered in that game, no matter how high your Clash IQ might be going in. Here are some additional considerations related to some of the more popular cards offered:

    • Goblins, Princess, Dart Goblin, Rascals are VERY powerful cards. But you are taking an inherent risk that the opponent does not have a log or arrows. The game didn't screw you over by giving it to them, these are risk/reward cards in draft mode. Now conversely, if the opponent has no counter to these cards (or maybe you already drafted it) they provide tons of value.

    • Easily distracted cards like PEKKA, Mini PEKKA etc. might seem appealing because of their consistent place on ladder. But in 1v1, these are typically successful because you bring the tools necessary to keep them from wandering around like blundering morons. No zap? Enemy has skeletons/skarmy? You cannot draft a PEKKA. Few ranged/air cards? You won't be able to deal with buildings or ranged troops. Draft these cards sparingly, when you know there's something you need to counter.

    • Cards with "special" interactions are much more powerful in draft. Mega Knight can consistently shut down almost any push because of the slam. Sparky is incredible if the opponent has no electric cards to shut her down. Witch spawning skeletons is a nightmare if you can avoid giving the enemy splash damage cards. Mirror is surprisingly useful in draft. If the opponent has no counter period in their deck, imagine facing two slow roll Sparky's in a row?

    • Buildings are an interesting beast altogether. If you see one building in your draft choices, you can almost always assume the opponent will have a chance to select a building as well. This means that cards like Xbow/Mortar are surprisingly strong defensively, because they can whittle down the other players building, while offering a defensive structure.

    • Elixir pump is a situational pick. I love the pump, but you need a proper deck for it to work. The pump provides "burst" elixir, meaning more elixir per second once it's down for an initial investment. If you have a pump, but drafted bait with no heavy hitting cards to go with it, what's the point of the extra burst elixir? Try and pair this with Golem or other "big push beatdown" cards.

    • Pick the right spell for the job. Tornado depends on you having splash damage to maximize on grouping up the enemy push. Earthquake depends on them having buildings. Lightning is only valuable if they have glass cannons that you can instantly kill (IE. Don't give them a spam deck and keep lightning). Heal .. well heal.. heals stuff.

    Conversely, keep your deck in mind when picking which spell to give the opponent. Already drafted musketeer and a wizard? Don't give the enemy Lightning, you're compromising your defense. I already used the example of arrows and minions. Don't make it easy for them.

    I this is a good place to end for now. Can't wait to see and hear other ideas and feedback. What cards do you prioritize? If there's one thing having playing draft against people in my trophy range has now shown me, there's always room for improvement.

    submitted by /u/WallRustle
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    Finally got my all princess emote deck!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    2v2 matchmaking still broken... never connects for war or party mode.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    My RG shot a blank

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    For those wondering what “gives free gifts to clanmates” for pass royale means

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:48 AM PDT

    This guy keeps coming back, we've ban him to many times and ban two people we suspect were working with him.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:21 PM PDT

    Spooky time!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:37 AM PDT

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