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    Clash Royale Hog Theory 2; Fireball Priority

    Clash Royale Hog Theory 2; Fireball Priority

    Hog Theory 2; Fireball Priority

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    If you missed HT1, feel free to check it out on my profile. Basically, I'm doing a series of posts where I break down every single aspect of playing Classic 2.6 Hog Cycle.

    Today's installment of the series will be going over a 2.6 player's fireball priority. Obviously, every game is different. You will have to adjust how you use your fireball depending on your opponents playing style.

    The beauty of 2.6 is that you can use fireball offensively and defensively without punishment once the match hits 2x and 3x elixir. You can have another one in hand in 5-10 seconds if needed, depending on your hand and time of match.

    However, recklessly cycling fireballs all over the place is not a recipe for success. It's important to make the most out of your fireball, as I'm sure all of you know.

    For this list, I'll be operating under the idea that the Hog Cycle player is NOT within spell cycle range. Obviously, if you are within spell cycle range, fireball the tower + literally anything your opponent drops near the tower. This list will be a priority ranking of fireballs during a game that is still up for grabs, with both players relatively even on elixir. I also won't be including any "stupid" fireballs. You're obviously not going to fireball an ice spirit or a golem in the back. In addition, I won't list Elixir Pump, because you should fireball that 100% of the time.

    1. Flying Machine in the back, Zappies that are not split, Witch in the back on their weak side tower, Princess in the back, Magic Archer in the back.

    -All of these cards become somewhat tricky to deal with for 2.6 once they make it to the bridge and have something in front of them. Fireball is usually an even or positive trade, and also gives you 250 damage on the tower. Fireballing these support units also brings you closer to having your next Hog Rider in cycle, which you can use to pressure opposite lane whenever they drop their win condition.

    1. Tombstone. -Now, I know this is going to come as a shock to most of you. Fireballing a Tombstone is a -1 trade. But look at it this way. The only deck that consistently runs Tombstone is Lava Hound. If they Tombstone, then Lava, you cannot Hog to pressure without committing even more elixir to the offense. However, if you instantly remove the Tombstone from the field, when your opponent plays Lavahound, you can instantly pressure opposite lane and force out barbarians or some other 4-5 elixir card. This will prevent a massive Lavahound push from coming across the bridge.

    2. Balloon, Skeleton Dragons anywhere, Barbarians on your opponents side, Minion Horde on your side, Wizard anywhere.

    -These cards are all in Tier 3 of my priority list because they can easily be countered without the use of fireball. However, in certain situations, you will just have to fireball them. Which is totally fine.

    1. Hunter to push it away from Hog, Fisherman to push it out of grappling range.

    Both of these are good plays, but normally don't provide as much value as the previously listed items.

    1. EBarbs to move them so you get hog hits, mini Pekka for the same reason, Ewiz for the same reason, any building if your hog is down.

    While fireballing in these situations is sometimes necessary, I have it in tier 5 because it's usually only going to get you 1 hit. Yes, that's value. But not as valuable as the things previously listed.

    Obviously this won't cover every single card or scenario you will face. I didn't mention Furnace because the value of that fireball is entirely dependent on your opponents deck composition. I tend to fireball furnace + anything if given the chance, but in some matchups you will never fireball the furnace outside of spell cycle range. I wish I could give a 103 card list of what to fireball, but it's unfortunately not that simple. And this goes without saying, but any tier lists are entirely subjective. If you play 2.6 and have a different priority of fireballing things, don't change how you play. Do whatever you're comfortable with. See ya next time.

    submitted by /u/CriticalHogTheory
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    Is this show any good?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    I honestly thought I was going to lose this match so I pulled a last ditch effort.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Start ‘em young!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    This happened to me couple months ago and it still makes me smile

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Clash Royale tier list I ranked. What do you guys think about it

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    I Make Balance Changes for worst 3 Card

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:07 AM PDT


    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Goblin drill kinda broken…

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    I can’t be the only one who didn’t know this existed…

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    An CR iceberg inspired by u/slow__dancer iceberg (Go check that one out first)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Noooo dark prince! Go back go backkkk ��

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Rate my anti xbow deck

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    Closest game of my life

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    Which is the best choice? (Arena 13)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    Arena 14 is basically a softlock (rant)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    Arena 14 is full of overleled players (lvl 11-12 king towerd with lvl 12-13 cards) around the 4900-4950 range it is tedious, rage incuding and downright unfair im not at 4.9k but when i was it was the worst time ive had playing clash royale constantly going against nearly maxed out people. And the thing is. In 5k there are king tower 9-10 its way more fun.

    TL:DR 4.9k is the worst place to be at as a f2p player

    submitted by /u/haha_ur_mom_gay_haha
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    I love this deck but I feel since the meta is changing and with the new goblin drill it's lost its pazzas. Any suggestions on card replacement or similar decks???

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Is this good for someone in hog mountain?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Is this a good deal?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    Xbow theory PT:1/?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    So I got inspiration to make this from u/criticalhogtheory …shout out to you.

    I'm just going to be explaining in full how to use xbow and the few variations of the deck

    My variation is regular xbow but knight swapped with Valkyrie

    So for this post,I will be explaining how and when to use and not use xbow

    So…where do you use xbow? well at the bridge obviously but the micro placements can make or break the game,typically 1 tile down and to the side (wall) is a great placement but times do come for other placements.

    You may even need to do a middle bridge placement incase they have a magic archer,or lack ranged units,I will cover that in more depth when I get to WHEN to use xbow,but back to the placements,you don't just have to do a bridge xbow,even a placement in the middle of your side can do wonders if you're in a pinch…just don't use it to pull a hog,that's where your other cards come in handy.it's also good to note that if you do a middle bridge placement with your xbow,a hog that jumps over the river will temporarily become an air troop and your xbow will lock onto the opponents tower if they haven't placed anything else…guess why.

    Now onto WHEN to use xbow

    When to place your xbow has SO many factors that it's arguable that it's not even worth it to strategise,and in my experience that argument is fairly strong,you can place an xbow (supported) at the bridge and get a tower 30 seconds in (LITERALLY). Or you can place an xbow at the bridge and get 3 crowned within half that time,as I said there are so many factors that go into this.but let's say the game has just started and you have xbow in hand,what I like to do is play a troop in the back so I don't leak and I can see if my opponent will do Anything,if they do nothing,play safe and use a rocket on the tower (you should be able to get away with that) or personally I like to do a YOLO xbow at the bridge,but keep in mind if the opponent is leaking elixir they probably have maxed level cards and don't need to worry about that.

    Now let's talk about mid game play,if you realise you can't break through AT ALL,don't panic you should be able to defend,just use your cards as efficiently as possible and you should be able to get away with spell cycle. However,if you keep breaking through,honestly just keep going at it,what else can you both do,if you keep breaking through you will win slowly but surely,just don't get too cocky though…trust me.

    Lastly,late game play,late game play is similar to mid game play,just keep doing what works,if you're in the lead,keep defending,if you're losing,try your best to get away with spell cycle,anyway,I hope I covered everything for xbow,I'll add a few things to note though,these may seem obvious but I will point them out for the people who can focus on this sort of stuff

    Deploy time:3.5seconds Lifetime:30seconds Affected by rage:yes Affected by clone:no Affected by heal spirit:no

    Xbow may lock onto the tower if a card that has certain states is defending it,as an example,a goblin cage will distract the xbow until it pops,allowing a cheeky lock before the brawler can even spawn,same mechanic goes for battle ram,goblin giant,goblin drill,and you can imagine the other cards.

    Thank you for reading,I plan to update this series along with criticalhogtheory

    submitted by /u/Standard-Bread9047
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    the entirety of midladder personified in one player

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    Didn’t even get to spawn.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    How do I unlock this??

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:54 AM PDT

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