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    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Clash Royale Card Discussion: Fire Spirit and Furnace!

    Clash Royale Card Discussion: Fire Spirit and Furnace!

    Card Discussion: Fire Spirit and Furnace!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    The Strength and Viability of Furnace in the Current Meta

    "The Furnace spawns one Fire Spirit at a time. It also makes great brick-oven pancakes."


    Stats and History



    Cost Spawn Speed Lifetime Rarity
    4 7sec 49sec Rare

    Fire Spirits:

    Movement Speed Range Targets
    Very Fast (120) 2 Air & Ground

    Base Stats:

    Level Furnace Hitpoints Fire Spirit Hitpoints Fire Spirit Damage
    3 480 108 107
    9 844 190 188
    10 926 209 207
    11 1017 230 227
    12 1118 252 250
    13 1228 278 275



    • On 18/5/16, a Balance Update decreased the Furnace's elixir cost to 4 (from 5), its hitpoints by 14%, and its lifetime to 40 seconds (from 50 seconds).
    • On 21/6/16, a Balance Update increased the Furnace's lifetime to 50 sec (from 40 sec).
    • On 19/4/17, a Balance Update decreased the Furnace's hitpoints by 5%.
    • On 5/5/20, a Balance Update decreased the Furnace's hitpoints by 16%.
    • On 7/6/21, a Balance Update decreased the time between waves to 7 seconds (from 9 seconds), number of Fire Spirits spawned each wave to 1 (from 2), and decreased its lifetime to 49 seconds (from 50 seconds).

    Fire Spirit:

    • On 18/5/16, a Balance Update increased the Fire Spirits' area damage radius by 25%.
    • On 2/7/18, a Balance Update increased the Fire Spirits' area damage by 5%.
    • On 9/9/20, a Balance Update increased the Fire Spirits' area damage radius to 1.7 tiles (from 1.5 tiles).
    • On 6/7/21, a Balance Update rework for the card decreased its Elixir cost to 1 (from 2), its count to 1 (from 3), increased its hitpoints by 109%, its damage by 6%, its range to 2.5 tiles (from 2 tiles), and its area damage radius to 2.5 tiles (from 1.7 tiles).


    Discussion Questions:

    • What do you like/dislike about Fire Spirit/Furnace?
      • Do you think it makes a positive/negative contribution to the meta?
      • What qualities separate it from similar units in the game?
        • Card synergies? Playstyle?
      • Which cards work well with Fire Spirit/Furnace?
      • What Fire Spirit/Furnace decks have given you the most amount of success?
        • Off-Meta is encouraged!
    • Where would you rank it based on its strength and current viability in the meta?
      • From Worst to Best, label your rank as one of the following: F, D, C, B, A, S, SS
        • What is your reasoning behind this rank?
        • Do you think it would be an optimal course of action to buff/nerf this card? How would you change it?


    As well the questions above here's a poll assess the community's perspecive on Furnace and Fire Spirits, especially since the former has been a subject of controversy for a long time, and whether they are balanced or is in need of additional changes (ex: reduce Furnace's spawn rate from 7sec to 8sec, adjust lifetime to 49 to 45 so it spawns 1 less fire spirit, etc).

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R
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    Gotta love the silence

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    This game isn't always toxic ❤️

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    Bubble/ force field

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    Goblin Drill Nerf Incoming according to Rick & Max

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    Venture is diagnosed with cancer and he's been having a rough time with his treatment. We try our best to help even if we don't know him we still care about him. #VentureStrong

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    How to win 2v2 Everytime

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Least Toxic Clash Royale Player

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    There's no way...

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:26 AM PDT

    Another easy Golem defend

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    Caught in the act

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    Accidental King Activation With the Firecracker

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    Goblin drill is a good counter for hog rider. Close win at the end.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    When you give up, but your opponent decides the game must go on

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Baby Dragon

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    [IDEA] Restrict replay posts to weekends only, similar to Meme Monday

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    TLDR: Restrict replays to weekends to prevent the subreddit flooding up with them. Exceptions can be made for showing important glitches.

    A fairly recent post touched upon the existence of Meme Monday, and why allowing memes one day a week only is a useful and necessary compromise. Before its introduction, the subreddit was perpetually flooded with memes, drowning out the useful posts and making people flee en masse. Yet at the same time the mods wanted to cater to the people who enjoy memes, and those capable of making high quality ones. So the compromise was born, allowing memes one day a week only.

    Now, browsing this subreddit, 40% of the posts i see are replays. And i mean replays for pure entertainment value: "Unbelievable clutch win", "Best log of my career", not to mention the "i didn't know draws were possible" posts showing up multiple times a day. And while it can be satisfying to see a 20 elixir push obliterated by a well aimed rocket, scrolling past dozens of identical replays to find the actual useful threads gets very tedious.

    Why do i say 40%? Well, monday memes aside, the other main category of posts is deck ratings. Between them, "rate my deck" and "watch this replay" posts outnumber all other posts four to one. And while deck ratings can be just as tedious to scroll through, they at least provide a useful function to the original poster as well as occasionally to people who join the discussion. Replays, unlike ratings and much like memes, provide nothing beyond entertainment value.

    The exception to the rule would be replays highlighting glitches and other irregularities. Those should be exempt from the restriction. (One might make the same case for king tower activations and other creative plays. But i would argue that those will either be common enough to be widely known, or too rare/difficult to be reproduced reliably. Either way they make up less than 10% of replay posts and waiting a few days to post them won't kill anyone.)

    As replays are still very popular to post and watch, I'm proposing two dedicated days for them, rather than the one given to memes. And again, mods can have the leniency to accept bug videos, and other videos actually providing useful information, on other days as well. While saving us from scrolling through endless "clutch win!"s.

    submitted by /u/azyttvo
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    Petition to add this as a game mode, ignore the text (Go to comments for more details)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    This guys pretty cocky lmao (I'm not jkyl)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Goblin Drill moment

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Great opponent lol this was a first

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    So do we attack ships now?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    Top tier clan here, but a bit relaxed. We don't kick you for going on a week vacation or getting called into a 12 hour ship. We should probably be getting third place all month but in week one the two top clans starting attacking one another's ships around the 2nd or 3rd day. This allowed us to sneak into second pretty handily. Because it seems Unsunk ships earn points daily, definitely seems like you don't want ships sticking around. That said, they still pay less in face or medals or whatever we call them now. So… for top tiers has strategy changed, or do we still ignore the ships?

    submitted by /u/c2cali
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    Never lose hope when you’re using goblin/skeleton barrel clone ��

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    When they said the trofies/tower level didnt matter in party mode,i never though they said that this could happen,a level 13 pekka is not that easy to kill

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    They broke my Magic Archer

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Should I swap Princess for Archer?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:42 PM PDT

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