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    Sunday, May 16, 2021

    Clash Royale Remember kids, always carry a spell!

    Clash Royale Remember kids, always carry a spell!

    Remember kids, always carry a spell!

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    How to activate King Tower with the Electro Wizard

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    Why You Keep Facing Overleveled cards

    Posted: 16 May 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    Why You Keep Facing Overleveled cards

    The most frequent non-replay post on this sub is a post regarding overleveled opponents. Here is my explanation why this is the case and so many players face these overleveled opponents. As we know there has been inflation on ladder since 2019, which is actually the root of the issue. When you win, you win, you will earn about +30 trophies (It varies depending on your opponents starting trophies, but converges to +30). However, when you lose, you will lose a certain percent based off your league.

    In theory, if you are "stuck" in a league, it is because you lose the same amount of trophies as you win. Since you don't lose the same amount per game, that means when you're stuck, you don't necessarily have a 50% winrate, its actually lower than that. For example, if you're at 5700 trophies, you lose 90% of what you would win. If you win 9 games, you would get a net of +270 trophies, but if you lose 10, you would get -270 trophies and be exactly where you started. You have the same trophy count as before, but 9/19 winrate or about 47.4%. Doing a bit of algebra, we can find that the winrate you need to stay in a certain league depends solely on the fraction of trophies that you lose when you lose a game. In January, SML posted an image of the percentage of trophies you win and lose. Using those numbers, I was able to generate this table. I left off anything below 4k and above 6k as you lose equal trophies to how many you win (+30/-30), which means that if you have a 50% win rate, you will end up exactly where you started.

    The higher percentage of trophies you lose, the more you have to win

    The trophies column is the minimum trophies to have this specific loss trophy percent. Loss trophies percent means the percentage of trophies relative to 30 that you lose. (Lose 40% of trophies means -12 trophies for a loss). Win % represents the percent that you have to win to stay in the league.

    How does this relate to going against opponents with higher cards? Say that you start a new account are at 4000 trophies. You will climb the more you play, until your winrate converges to a number around these in the table, which is how high you climb. If you only could climb to challenger 3, that means that you're winning 3 games for every 5 you lose to stay in challenger 3 (or else you would go up to master). What this means is that you're losing 5/8 games and the biggest cause of losses is overleveled cards. A healthy spot in a fair, elo based ladder (trophies are the elo rating) is where you win 50% and lose 50%. When you reach your peak, say challenger 3, and are winning 37.5% of the time, you are further than you should be. The #1 cause to losing a game of CR is card levels. When you are higher than you should be on the ladder, its because you've played a significant number of games and exceeded your "fair 50/50 place" on the ladder. This means you will go against stronger opponents, which almost always means higher level cards.

    I have said on many occasions that ladder will converge to 50%. For players with a PB under 6k who play a lot, this is not the case. For this example, I will assume a perfect +30/-30. To make up for this, when there are players who climb exceptionally fast, they will have a winrate that is above 50%. Once you reach 6k and a 50% winrate will keep you stable, a slightly higher winrate is what pushes you to higher leagues. For example, if you play 300 games of ladder above 6k and win 155 out of the 300. You should be at 6300 trophies, with a winrate of 51.7%. If you play 300 and win 170, you will be at 7200, with a 56.6% winrate. However, if you played a hypothetical 20000 games you would have to win 10020 of them to reach 7200, which is a winrate of 50.1%. Ladder over 6k pushes you to down to 50%, but will never push you below 50%. Top players have win percents of slightly over 50% and the overall average if exactly 50% if you factor in the players who are stuck below 6k.

    TL;DR You face overleveled cards when you play enough games to reach your true maximum for that point in the season, where you cannon exceed the required winrate to climb the league.

    submitted by /u/NovaLightCR
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    Got a legendary wild card.... thanks Supercell for the empty legendary chest��

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    [Strategy] Archetypes: Beatdown

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    What's up guys. HR here. Today we will be going over the Beatdown archetype. This archetype revolves around making a big push by making an investment in elixir with a tank in the back. I hope you guys enjoy.

    What cards are in beatdown decks that make it work?

    There is always one card "type" which is in a beatdown deck that will always be very similar. Every beatdown deck has a slow, very high HP tank as their win condition. This is what allows the player to make an elixir investment where you can stack up units and get a big push going.

    Generally, many beatdown decks from here will look very different. This is because every beatdown tank has different attributes which allow them to better work with specific cards. Let's go over all the tanks and see what cards support them best:


    The Golem is a very high Hit point card which has okay DPS and takes a high 8 elixir to deploy. Because it has the highest HPPE and overall HP in the game, it works very well with rather weak cards that deal high DPS very quickly. The most common card that pairs with it is the Night Witch. She can die to log + fireball or lightning; however, her bats multiply quickly and if you have ever seen more than 3 bats attacking a card, you may know their DPS multiplies like crazy. As long as the Night Witch is alive, there is going to be some high DPS all over the place.

    He also pairs well with the LumberJack and the Skeleton Dragons, as the LumberJack is a High DPS card and the Skeleton Dragons are Medium DPS splashers. The Goblin Cage can also substitute for the LumberJack because it still costs four elixir and has a decent DPS.


    The Giant is a 5 elixir, somewhat beefy tank, though not quite as beefy as the Golem. However being 5 elixir, it's much easier to place more stable cards, such as Sparky or Prince behind. He pairs well with both of these two cards because of the fact that they can survive on the other side of the board for a bit longer in comparison to say, a night witch, but both are a little more elixir, so it's easier to sneak them behind a Giant rather than a Golem.

    The cards in this beatdown deck are sometimes more spell resistant than in Golem, but Your push may die easier to a a strong defense such as a PEKKA or an inferno, so be sure that you know how to properly get around their big tank busters.

    Electro Giant

    A sort of… strange "beatdown" win condition in my opinion. As opposed to banking your DPS on support troops behind him, this tank is pretty well at dealing high DPS to cards that targets it. That means if you can "control" the opponent's defense, you can effectively get a connection with just the electro Giant and deal enough DPS to take the tower off of that alone. Cards like Ice Wizard, Baby Dragon, and Tornado all accompany the electro Giant with the sole intent on having the E-Giant healthy and within the backpack's range of the tower

    With most of your troops being good on defense, you can hold on till double elixir before playing E-Giant. In the hands of a good player who knows their macro game plan they will be able to defend properly and stack a huge elixir advantage before playing the Electro Giant.

    Lava Hound

    This card is the highest HP areal card and has mostly flying based beatdown decks. She costs 7 elixir, and often will have 3-4 elixir troops behind her, with the exception of balloon, which she pairs well with due to the balloon having good enough health to tank for the lava pups that fall when she dies.

    She is IMO the only tank which you can play with no significant elixir advantage in single elixir due to her nature of her flying making the push less likely to be defended and making the investment worthwhile in the long run regardless of when you do it. This still means that you must be sure to make positive elixir trades and invest properly, just know that your push may have a minor advantage over other beatdown pushes in reaching the tower.

    Goblin Giant

    This card is known for his spear goblins on his back and his Medium speed, unlike his any of his counter parts with a slow speed. His medium speed makes him a little hard to make a "big" push with; however, it does allow him to be more lethal as a tank itself. He costs 6 elixir so you are able to sneak one 6 cost card and maybe a couple 3-4 cost cards behind and that's about it

    His fast speed and synergy with the low hit speed sparky actually makes many decks he's in one of the few with the solo 2 elixir rage spell. It gives him a high chance to quickly get on tower and gives the sparky a chance to let off a massive shot in the right scenarios.

    A couple examples of famous beatdown decks:

    Ignoring the screams and barfing of any X-bow player within an earth's radius, I'm gonna go out and say it anyways: this deck's skill requirement is entirely under-rated by many. 8 elixir is a heavy investment, especially since it's useless to you for a good 15 seconds while it slowly walks towards the tower.

    Most of the time, you will want to defend with this deck in single elixir time. Use your Lumberjack, nado, BBD, and Mega Minion to stop all the damage you possibly can before double elixir. During this single elixir "defense" time, try to get positive elixir trades. If you can get a big one for double, that's great. If you get a big one of 5+, most likely in Mid-ladder matchups, you can go Golem in the back middle to late single elixir. When double elixir hits, you can play a Golem more flexibly, and that's when your elixir counting and positive elixir trades finally pay off in a major push.

    Giant Double Prince is another great example of how a beatdown deck is structured and works. It's been around for a long time and similar to Golem, you first start by playing passive. For this deck, you can also use the Miner to try to chip away at the side that you want to kill but it's not mandatory. Otherwise defend with Dark Prince, Electro Wizard, and Mega Minion as necessary.

    In double elixir, play Giant in the back and play prince right behind, so that it gets slowed down by the Giant. Play Dark Prince and Electro Wizard. Spell away their defensive cards and when the Giant is about to die, play a Miner to give extra HP to the potentially low HP princes so that they can still connect to tower.

    Thanks for reading!


    submitted by /u/Huffelpuff__rainbow
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    PLEASE CHANGE Free Pass Tier 35 Reward

    Posted: 16 May 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    For two out of two seasons, the tier 35 reward of the Free Pass has been a COMMON Book of Cards. I'm not sure what Supercell had intended originally with this tier's reward, but by the looks of it, it's just a common rarity book constantly?

    I strongly feel as though this book should be rotated between different rarities every season. Not everyone cares to upgrade common cards, and quite a few that have all of the common cards maxed have almost no use for it (until a new card comes out). If it doesn't ever change, season after season we will just be immediately cashing this book for gems, and that's not very interesting or effective at compelling people to keep playing.

    Additionally, just completely neglecting the other rarities, and instead, having it only be the common rarity generally seems awkward and random. It doesn't really make sense to single it out and spam it to players consistently without giving any attention to the other three rarities in the game.

    A different rarity book every season, (or at least every few seasons) would be a much better system to have, and it certainly wouldn't be game-breaking. Please let me know your thoughts on this! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Erikjma
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    Doesn’t mean it’s a good deck

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    Why am I getting a notification badge?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Had both my towers down, 10 hp on my king tower, and well...

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:56 PM PDT

    It's still possible to get ties iGuess

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    The Hog Rider gave everything on the second hit

    Posted: 16 May 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    Giant Skeleton Re-Rework

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    Okay, sorry this is a bit late as the Giant Skeleton rework was a while ago, but here goes:

    Giant Skeleton was kind of ruined. It used to have the bomb as a major threat, that was its gimmick that separated it from other tanks. However, in response to the bomb being used as a very easy defensive maneuver, it was nerfed to double standard damage but half bomb damage. Now, instead of Giant Skeleton having its own strategy and gimmick, it is just another tank. However, I think I have a way to make it have its gimmick back, and not be viable defensively: reverse Spell damage. Let me explain.

    Spells were designed to get value off troops; the game punishes you with a bad elixir trade and low damage if you use spells to attack towers. However, the GS was made to do the opposite, being near useless against troops but severely punishing to let it get to your tower. What if we take the spell route and make the bomb do very high damage against crown towers, but low damage to troops? Just have the stats be: Damage- 200 or something, Crown Tower Damage- 1000 or something. This system of decreased damage is already coded and in the game, and this would make a good solution to the GS, making it bad against troops and deadly against crown towers. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Chicken_Squared
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    i tried to make x-bow cycle but then it derailed into this,can’t argue with the results though

    Posted: 16 May 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Matchup Guide: X-Bow vs Golem

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    Here's a short long explanation about how to beat golem with X-Bow 3.0.

    This matchup is extremely tricky because you need a good damage buffer after single or else you lose, because golem basically becomes a cycle deck in double- you can't break through unless they do something stupid.

    Single Elixir

    The first thing to do is to recognize that they have golem. A good thing to drill into your mind is to immediately xbow opposite lane when they night witch in the back (don't even think about it) because night witch is basically only played with golem. Even if it's egolem rage or mega knight graveyard, xbow opp lane in response to nw in the back is always a good move.

    The other thing is if they cycle ice wizard and goblin cage. After this, you know it's going to either be egiant, golem, or graveyard. Against all matchups it is a good idea to xbow opposite lane in response to a 4-elixir investment. What I like to do here is start cycling knight in the back instead of archers- most of the time, you're taught to cycle archers but this is an exception because knight in the back forces out a response and archers are very important for defense for all of egiant, golem, and graveyard. If this forces out a 4-elixir response, immediately xbow opposite. If they instead choose to barb barrel the knight or goblin cage it, I archers both in same lane which will also force out a response. As soon as a 4-elixir response is played in response to your attempts to bait out a 4-elixir response, xbow opposite lane.

    Or, if they cycle lumberjack and mega minion, you know that it's golem. The important thing is to try to bait out 4 elixir responses to allow you to xbow.

    One tricky thing to deal with is if they ebarbs the bridge in response to your xbow. Log skeletons ice spirit, with knight if needed, is typically enough to deal with the ebarbs. However, don't overspend, and if they barb barrel as well on your xbow after that your xbow is as good as dead. Don't overcommit to offensive xbows, if you play correctly you will get 2 tries in single for a solid lock. When you do lock, get damage but do not overspend. If they overspend, then you can let it go and play another xbow. Do not overspend in response to their overspend because you will get more damage with a fresh xbow rather than defending that xbow to the teeth.

    You're going to be looking for about a 600-800 damage lead at tournament standard or a 1000+ damage lead on ladder. Also remember spell cycle ranges for both standards- 488 at tournament standard, and 710 on ladder, means that the tower is within range of 2 fb 2 log cycle. If you're lucky enough to get the tower down that low at any point within the match, finish the defense of the current push and spell cycle. They will be forced to play awkward bridge spam that will eventually peter out, giving you space to cycle the needed fb logs on tower.

    One word that is worth mentioning is what to do in case they decide to golem in single. Don't xbow opposite lane, they will tower trade. Instead, pretesla and defend, and then xbow. This holds true in the case of a golem first play too (but if you get starting handed, you're kinda screwed). Defense is discussed in the section below.

    Double/Triple Elixir

    In double and triple, it is all about the defense. However, if they play a bad golem that allows you to xbow opposite (e.g. golem in the back or close to the princess tower), then xbow opposite lane (it's double, you can afford to do this now because you will be able to defend without tower trading).

    Golem Defense:

    Pretesla first 4 tiles from the river in response to golem in the back. Cycle archers in the back corner. In response to a night witch, it is an instant fireball log espirit to get rid of it. Some may ask, isn't that a -3 trade? It is, but without the night witch in the equation your knight, archers, and tesla will get so much more value without the bats and the night witch chipping away at their health. Odds are, you're going to hit at least the golem with the fb log espirit as well, and more than like you will hit a baby dragon, lumberjack, or goblin brawler, so you will be fine. You will be back to a second tesla and archers if they nado your archers or lightning your tesla, so you can play those as needed (however try to avoid that). The second set of archers I like to play more inside rather than the edge and the second tesla should pull golem closer to other lane. A lot of it is just intuition- after defending a couple dozen golem pushes, you'll get good at it, practice makes perfect.

    If they're smart and golem middle every time, then you will not be able to break through. Defend for the rest of the game and spell cycle as needed. Try to take as little damage as possible per push, maybe 200-300 damage at most, and cycle logs when you can get a spare moment.

    If you're really desperate and must get an xbow lock, xbow opposite lane far side and then log the golem to the side hopefully get a lock. It doesn't work often, but it's likely your last chance if you're down damage in double/triple.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk on how to beat golem with 3.0

    submitted by /u/Cognizar_The_Dragon
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    Wtf how was this possible ��

    Posted: 16 May 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    My sweetest victory yet

    Posted: 16 May 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    How is my deck?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    Card idea Larry

    Posted: 16 May 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    I think it would be really cool to have a meme card Larry it would be legendary it would look like a skeleton wearing a crown it would be a normal skeleton but the thing is it costs 0 elixir can't be cloned or use mirror on it and it's a single skeleton

    submitted by /u/Nolanthedolanducc
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    The matchmaking in this game is horrible

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    I'm a new king 10, just got it about a week ago. i have an average level of 8-10 on the cards i use, so i'm basically just king 9 card-level wise. however, i go against king 11s who have level 13 e-barbs and inferno dragon when i could go against king 10s like myself. i'm not sure if there's a reason for this other than to have more matchmaking options, if there is please tell me.

    submitted by /u/UnitOfMesurement
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    Is this a good deck that i should invest in?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    New Card Idea: Sprout Spirit

    Posted: 16 May 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    The Sprout Spirit is a card that changes based on the elixer you spend on it. It is a legendary card. That costs 1-10 elixir. each increase after 2 elixir is +36%.

    1 elixir:

    if you spend 1 elixir it will act as a regular spirit troop, same health and range as an ice spirit. When it jumps it lands and plants an area of bramble bushes that slow and damage enemies over 3 seconds.

    Damage: 75x3

    Ground Only

    Slow: 35%

    Radius: 1.5.

    2-3 Elixir:

    If you spend 2 or 3 elixir the sprout spirit acts more like an archer, it shoots thorns from a distance . (3 elixir gives the spirit health and damage(+36%))

    Health: 275 (375 for 3 elixir)

    Damage: 75 (102 for 3 elixir)

    Range: 5

    Hit speed: 1.2 sec

    DPS: 62.5 (85 at 3 elixir)

    Air and Ground

    4-5 Elixir;

    If you spend 4 or 5 elixir the spirit acts more like Sprout from BS. It will lob an explosive seed that deals area damage,(5 elixir has buffed stats)

    Health: 510 (696 for 5 elixir)

    Damage: 139 (189 for 5 elixir)

    Range: 6


    Hit speed:1.2

    DPS: 115 (158 at 5 elixir)

    Air and Ground:

    6-7 Elixir:

    Spending 6 or 7 elixir gives you a melee tank that swings the log's second cousin.

    Health: 947 (1287 for 7 elixir)

    Range: Melee long

    Damage: 257 (350 at 7 elixir)

    Hit Speed: 1.2 Sec

    DPS: 214 (291 at 7)

    Movement Speed: Fast

    8-9 Elixir:

    This turns the once weak spirit into a tank with its eyes set on the target. It still carries the log, but swings it with gusto splashing a thin area of targets in front of it.

    Health: 1750 (2380 at 8 elixir)

    Damage: 476 (647 at8 elixir)

    Range: 3 tiles, 1.5 tile wide splash width

    Speed: Slow

    Attack Speed: 2.4 sec

    DPS: 198 (281 at 8)

    10 Elixir

    This beast only attacks buildings, it hits hard and slowly swings the log like a baseball bat when it dies its spirit gives one last hurrah (releases a 1 elixir group spirit.)

    Health: 3237

    Damage: 880

    Range: 3 tiles

    Splash: 3 tiles(arc)

    Attack Speed:3.6 sec

    DPS: 244

    Movement Speed: slow

    By double tapping on the card when in your deck you can lock the card at a specific cost. This can occur in and out of battle allowing you to change your Strategy accordingly.

    DISCLAIMER: This is based on an old concept of mine. I understand the numbers are crazy, they are just placeholders,the point of the card idea is mechanical not to be put in as it is with these stats. This is also very complex for a game like CR, its essentially 6 cards in one- balancing would be a nightmare. They could make it so it takes up more than one card slot in the deck. But having a card that increases based on the elixer cost would be a great addition, even if it's something as simple as a 10% increase per elixir spent.

    submitted by /u/barbeaux
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    PSA: Don't donate too many cards. That can be a serious problem.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    I just donate every card if I can, and now I'm at lvl12 king tower and half of the opponents I encounter on the ladder are lvl 13, meanwhile 80% of my cards are below level 10 and due to the fact that I don't "main" a deck, my card levels are evenly distributed (and frequently used cards are even at lower level because they are more likely to be donated) So now I just get obliterated by every opponent on the ladder because my cards are too underleveled. Only the ones I can have a match with is level 11 towers, but like half of them main a deck and their decks are almost maxed. Soooo, looks like my account is screwed :/ just take this as a lesson and don't donate too many cards I guess

    submitted by /u/TCreopargh
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    My biggest value rocket yet

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:55 AM PDT

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